One Piece: Gacha System

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Another Technique?

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It was 5 in the morning, and Luke had woken up from his slumber. He doesn't have a good rest because last night, he was sleeping on the chair instead of in the bed with Ann and his children. It's not because he doesn't want to, but his hands always seek something to grope while sleeping in the bed.


"Morning, Ann." Luke carefully kissed her on the cheek, not wanting to wake her up. "Morning, kids." He also did the same thing as he did to Ann to them. "Your dad is going to get some exercise with your great-grandpa." He said the last bit while ruffling their head gently.


[Wow...such a good father. I'm so proud of you, Host.]


'When did you become my mom?'


[Since today.]


He ignores the [System] and heads down to the first floor, only to see Makino sitting on the sofa in her underwear. She is looking at the window, probably thinking about something. Luke takes advantage of it and wraps his arms around her from behind.


"Eh!? Luke!?" Makino was quite surprised by the sudden action but calmed down once she saw it was Luke. "What are you doing at this kind of hour? It's too early, and I didn't even cook the breakfast yet."


"I'm just going to get some warm-up and then meet Garp in the forest." He then moves Makino's face to kiss her on the lips. "No need to worry about breakfast. I will cook something along the way." He breaks the kiss.


"Cook something? Oh, Luke, just wait for a bit, okay? I will cook breakfast for you." Makino removed Luke's arms that had been wrapping around her body and walked to the kitchen with Luke following her from behind.


"You don't really need to do something like that."


"But I want to, and I don't take 'No' for an answer." Makino casually replies to Luke while tying the apron's string on her back. The latter just chuckled at her.


"Hah, didn't know that you can be such a pain in the ass."


"What can I say? I have a nice ass."


"Welp, can't deny that."


(A few hours later - Mountain side)


"This is not the right one," Luke muttered.


Right after eating the breakfast made by his beloved Makino, Luke moves out to the mountain and is currently trying to figure out how to catch Garp off guard in a spar with his [Chaser Wolf] and [Piercing Bullets] combination technique. He needs something else to support the variety of the two methods.


[I'm pretty sure you can catch Garp off guard with the usual combination...]


'Negative, sure I can catch Garp off with the usual skill, but that is only when he wasn't serious. If he becomes slightly serious when fighting me, the [Chaser Wolf] and [Piercing Bullets] won't do anything to him.'


[So, wanna use the training room?]


'No, because in the training room, the enemy is more to quantity than quality, while Garp is a one-man army worth millions of soldiers.' He did come up with [Chaser Wolf] and [Piercing Bullets] in the [Training Room], but both of those skills, despite being good in one on one battles, are still way better off against multiple enemies.


[How about using the Black Plate? Despite it being a 3-star, the damage of that weapon is pretty high]


'The claymore? Hmmmmm, I never thought of using that before because it's too big and definitely will ruin my attack pattern.' The [Black Plate] is a greatsword that was used by Sword art Online main protagonist, Kirito, in Fairy Dance Arc. It doesn't look like a great or powerful weapon. Instead, it seems kind of bland and heavy.


'Not just ruining my attack pattern, but it will also put me on a disadvantage against the like of Garp'


[You are right about that but did you forget that you can use it differently?]




[I mean, you don't need to follow the skill of the former user of that weapon. You can come up with your own fighting technique; take Chaser Wolf, for example]


'But for [Chaser Wolf], I still used the former user's skill and only increased it with my [Devil Fruit] power.'


[The only kunai technique required for the Chaser Wolf is splitting into three, right? But what if you can make the Chaser Wolf bigger and stronger without splitting it into three?]


'Wait, you mean-'


[Yes, I mean use the Chaser Wolf technique on the Black Plate, I know that it will drain your stamina and power faster than using the Kunai, but it is still worth it. While Chaser Wolf with a Kunai can be compared to a small bullet that pierces into the enemy's heart, Chaser Wolf with Black Plate can be compared to the bomb that destroys the enemy itself]


'Oi oi, I don't want to kill Garp, you know.'


[Seriously? Although the Chaser Wolf with Black Plate did increase your power by four times doesn't mean the current you can kill Garp with it. After all, he is still one hundred times stronger than you]


'I see, so our gap is that big...Darn, it! Okay, let's go with your plan, but what should we call this new technique?'




'How about [Super Mega Explosive Chaser Wolf Version 2]?'


[What with that name and why version 2? Where is version 1?]

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'It sounds cooler with Version 2 in its name.'


[Lame......Then how about we call it...]


(Fifteen Hours Later - Mountain side)


"Come on, is that all you got?" Garp mockingly said at Luke, who was tired from the one-sided beating he received from that old man. Luke could barely stand on his foot, and his whole body was sweaty. Unlike yesterday's fight, Luke had requested that Garp should be more serious against him for him to grow.


"Not yet..." Garp grinned; It would disappoint him if Luke decided to give up because he is a kind of genius in Garp's eyes. People had heard of unlocking Haki by just fighting, but it's pretty rare in general, and those who achieve it in a battle are usually in life-or-death situations. "I'm not done yet!" But in Luke's case, that boy manages to unlock and learn how to use his Haki properly without any guidance.


"Hunt him down! [Fenrir]!"


"That is the spirit, Brat!"


(Three Days Later - Village Harbour)


It had been three days since Luke began his sparing and training session with Garp. He was a bit disappointed because his current strength didn't even manage to make Garp go full power on him. But hey, at least due to the sparing with Garp literary thrice a day, his Level had increased from [Level 17] > [Level 45]. Pretty a considerable boost, but it's Garp. What do you expect?


"Grandpa, do you have to go?" It's a pretty rare sight for him to see Lucy be so down and gloomy instead of being her cheerful self. It seemed like she wanted to spend more time with her grandfather, the only blood relative she knew about and who had always been away from her. Poor girl... "Can't you just stay with us?"


"Sadly, I can't." Garp patted his grandaughter's head. As much as he wanted to spend more time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He still has a responsibility as a Marine. Tears began to flow down from Lucy's eyes. "Luke, take care of Ann for me, okay?"


"Are you an idiot?" That statement made Garp's eyes twitch. Luke crossed his arm over his chest and stated, "Of course, I will take care of her; It's my responsibility, for fuck sake? Didn't we already have this kind of conversation before?"


"I just want to make sure."


"I know old man, thanks for worrying. Too bad that she can't be here."


"By the way, Makino." The old Marine calls upon the green hair beauty. "Say hi to Woop Slap and Dadan for me." Makino smiled and nodded her head. Woop Slap sadly couldn't make it to the village harbor due to a high fever, while Dadan was considered a criminal by the general public.


"This is a goodbye, Luke."


"Yeah, it is." Garp raised his fist and pointed it at Luke. With a grin...


"Promise me that you are going to become a strong pirate."


"Are you really doing that right now?" Luke chuckled as he raised his fist to bump it with Garp's. "Having a Vice Admiral, especially the Hero of Marine, is saying that stuff...Aren't you afraid of getting fired?"


"Like they can even fire me; the World Government don't have enough balls to do that."


"True." Losing Garp is one of the worst things that could happen to the WG; he was the inspiration of the younger generation and was one of the strongest Marine soldiers. So, in other words, firing Garp is like shooting themself in the foot.


"Take care of yourself, Old man."


"Bye, Grandpa!!" Lucy recovered from her sadness rather quickly than Luke expected. She kept jumping while waving her hands at Garp, who replied with his own waving and a huge grin.


(On the Marine Ship)


"Hey Nugget, Did you see Vice Admiral's Granddaughter?" Chicken pervertedly whispered to the blushing Nugget, who nodded in response. "Damn, I wish I could grab those damn bouncy titties!"


"I want to plant my face between those breasts."


"She is so cute~."


"Why do we have to leave this island? I want to spend more time looking at her~."


"Look, you can see her nipples through her clothes."


"Wait, you kidding, right? Wow, she totally didn't wear a bra."


It was not surprising that most of the soldiers on the ship had fallen in love with Lucy's look and body, not just because she was cute as hell, but because she also had a pair of gigantic boobs that could sway any decent man in the universe. The only people that can beat her in terms of breast size are the Giant, One of the Four Emperors: Big Mom, and the Mermaid Princess: Shirahoshi.


"Hmmm, what are you guys staring at?"


"Oh, we are staring at her tits."


"What do you think about them?" Chicken widened his eyes and froze up as soon as he saw the person asking that question.


"They are absolutely gorgeous; I want to suck on them."


"N-Nugget, behind you!" Chicken pointed at the person who was standing exactly behind Nugget.




"Tell me again, what do you think about my granddaughter's tits?" Garp cracked his fingers and stared down at the poor man, Nugget. He won't let any single human being lust over his granddaughter, and he totally won't forgive them if they do so.

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