One Piece Gold List

Chapter 117: 117

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Chapter 117 Rebecca training direction, Shinigami

Greenbite, this is an isolated island far from the central town and north of Dresrosa.

Because of the special geographical relationship, few people have come here.

Therefore, even though Li Fan’s gym has been projected into the forest of Greenbit for several days, no one has found this new gym until now.

“How can there be a gym here?” Rebecca, who walked into the forest, frowned, “Wait, this gym, is it Li Fan’s gym?”

Rebecca swallowed nervously when thinking about the appearance of Li Fan Gymnasium she saw in the gold list.

She came here because she heard that Greenbit had special herbs, in order to pick herbs for the elderly in the village, she never expected that she would see Li Fan’s gym here.

Thinking of Li Fan’s power and the performance of his disciples Nami and Vivi, Rebecca was a little nervous, but she walked to the door of the gym and knocked on the door.

“Excuse me, is there anyone inside?”

A minute later, there was no sound from the gym.

This couldn’t help making Rebecca a little confused, and her hand on the door could not help but gently push forward.

“Huh? Didn’t lock the door?” Rebecca opened her eyes slightly, and after a little hesitation, she mustered up the courage to step into the door.

“Um, I’m here!”

While talking, Rebecca looked at the surrounding environment.

Soon, she was attracted by the disciple column by the wall.

“Nami’s brand, Vivi’s brand!”

“This is really Li Fan’s gym?!”

“Nico Robin also has a famous brand, so she really became a disciple of Li Fan.”

When Five Elders came to the gymnasium of the Drum Kingdom because of the use of the Conquest Card, Rebecca met Nico Robin and naturally knew her name.

“And Yamato? Is this the name of the disciple who shows only the corner of the brand name!”

“But, since this is Li Fan’s gym, what about Li Fan others?”

Rebecca muttered a word, stood in the center of the gym, and looked around nervously.

After confirming that this was really Li Fan’s gymnasium, Rebecca did not dare to move rashly.

After seeing Vivi, especially Nami’s performance, Rebecca naturally wanted to become Li Fan’s disciple just like everyone else.

Like Vivi and Nami, Rebecca also has a desire to achieve, and this desire cannot be done without power.

Therefore, Li Fan, who is able to bring great power to others, has naturally become Rebecca’s ideal teacher.

Now, Rebecca is worried that walking around the room at will may arouse Li Fan’s anger and make Li Fan hate her.

This is what Rebecca didn’t want to see anyway.

Rebecca closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming her faster heartbeat a bit.

“Calm down, Rebecca, be calm.”

“Since Li Fan’s gym is here, he will definitely come here.”

“Now maybe he is in other gymnasiums. As long as I come over and wait more every day, I will definitely be able to see him.”

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“You must become a student of Li Fan. Then, you will be able to fight against Doflamingo.”

“It’s just, how can I become Li Fan’s disciple.”

Rebecca muttered something and slowly opened her eyes.

“Huh?! Li Fan?!” Rebecca blinked, “Li Fan, really you!?”

Rebecca widened her eyes and looked at Li Fan in front of her, her eyes full of surprise.

Because of overwhelming surprise, Rebecca retreated two steps in a row, one of which was unstable, and her body was about to fall to the floor.

“Hello, madam.” Li Fan stretched out his hand and helped Rebecca up. “Welcome to my gym. Are you here to apprentice?”

“Apprentice? Yes, apprentice!” Rebecca nodded heavily, “Mr. Li Fan, please accept me as a disciple!”

With that said, Rebecca stood firmly and bowed deeply to Li Fan.

“Well, yes, from today, you will be my fifth official disciple.”

“Please don’t refuse, Teacher Li Fan, I can do anything for you, please wait, you accept me!” Rebecca raised her head and looked at Li Fan with scorching eyes.

“Yes, I agree.” Li Fan smiled, “Since you found the gym in the forest, even if it is my destined person, it is not impossible to accept you.”

Of course, the reason why Rebecca was accepted was because Li Fan knew her well.

Seeing Rebecca obviously stunned, Li Fan smiled and walked behind her.

“Well, in surprise, let’s get to know the seniors who know you first.” Li Fan patted his shoulder and pointed to Nami and others across from Rebecca.

“Nami, Vivi and Nico Robin, I think you know each other.”

“This is Yamato, and those two are Sadi chan and Nokiko.”

“From now on you guys get along well.”

As soon as Li Fan’s voice fell, Nami and others walked over and chatted around Rebecca.

Sadi chan: “I really envy you, Rebecca, I found Teacher Li Fan’s gym, obviously I am not an official disciple of Teacher Li Fan.”

Nico Robin: “Congratulations, Rebecca, it was so easy to get Li Fan’s recognition. It took me a lot of effort to get him to recognize me before.”

Vivi: “No matter what, congratulations, you will be our common sister from now on, hehe.”

Li Fan smiled and glanced at the girls who were talking happily, and stepped back, leaving room for them on the scene.

A few minutes later, Rebecca was led by Nami and others to Li Fan.

“Mr. Li Fan!” When she came to Li Fan, Rebecca’s mood that had been broadcasted because of the welcome of Nami and others became nervous again.

“Don’t be so nervous, Rebecca.” Li Fan put down the juice and handed the disciple’s name tag to Rebecca.

“Come on, after dripping your blood into the famous brand, you will be my official disciple.”

“At that time, I can guide you.”

Upon hearing this, Rebecca nodded, opened her mouth and bit her index finger, dripping a drop of bright red blood on the name tag.

Soon, Rebecca’s words appeared on the name tag.

Li Fan turned over the brand name, and the information belonging to Rebecca was printed in Li Fan’s eyes.

[Disciple’s name: Rebecca] [Age: 14 years old]
[Born: Dresrosa]

[Training direction: Shinigami]

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