One piece: madman

Chapter 11: The real murderer

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A murderer, a crafty politician, a charismatic pirate hungry for all the power and pleasures this world has to offer. That's what every black pirate will say once you ask him about Rudger, they feared him, his wrath, his psychopathic actions. 

The five unfortunate souls didn't want to be a part of the crew, they were threatened long ago by the insane captain, '... Obey me, or drown to death' he offered them, and they knew better than to decline the deal, for he never seemed to be the type to spout unnecessary words. 

Rudger had visions… Of a giant sea king, bigger than all others… possessing secret ancient powers, writhing tentacles and a sharp shark-like jaw… he once dreamed of a throne, one so luxurious only he could sit on it. He wanted every being to bow to his 'holy' figure and kiss his feet, he wanted pirates and even the marines to fear his eldritch powers, he seeked a end to this weird irritating balance, he wished to witness a great destructive apocalypse befall the absolute authority of this world 'the world government'. He wanted to see a war… a war where the blood of the innocent will be shed in the name of the sea… 

He seldom sailed in his infamous ship, 'the black jackson' he named it, wanting to ignite despair in the hearts of his enemies. He loathed the previous pirate King, for he thought he was no real pirate, 'kid wet behind the ears' he often called Gol D Roger and nothing excited him more than the thought of finding the one piece, the finest treasure the world has to offer. 

'A magnificent treasure for a fitting sea emperor… '

In the last few weeks, his ambitions reached new heights, especially after recruiting the cruel William, a bloodthirsty barbarian that deserved to be his right hand, and now he sails around, enslaving villagers and planning to build the biggest army the world has yet to see, he traveled around absorbing the 'human ressources', mostly the talented workforce of West blue, he wanted shipbuilders to build his fearsome fleet, 'the black pirates'... He wanted skilled blacksmiths to make weapons for his army of soldiers… he wanted tailors and armorers to design  exceptional armors and the ship equipment… 

And now he has a nickname, 'the biter', one that he hated as it was given to him by the hateful marines, he has a bounty of thirty million berries, too low for someone of his mightiness. Therefore, he fancied a change to his reputation, from 'the biter' to one of the sea emperors. 

"... What happened?" sitting in his wooden throne, his cold fierce eyes spoke of his great wrath. 

"... Forgive me captain, the cruel has yet to return." the three lackies were present before him, kneeling and trembling, hoping not to catch their leader's angry gaze. 

"All of this trouble for a little girl, the world awaits its king and the sea thirsts for blood… Yet here I am, stuck in a predicament…" his voice got louder by the second, making the hearts of his subordinates flutter in nervousness. 

"Yesterday, I dreamt of a man without any love for the sea, holding a majestic spear that swung and swayed with the wind, on his shoulder perched an injury that didn't fester with the time, light brown mat of delicate hair made his appearance even shinier and more imposing, he kept his eyes hidden… The eyes of a treacherous killer… A killer who bowed to an uncanny being… " Rudger spoke mysteriously, as he closed his eyes, he recalled the ominous vision that made the great him shiver in fright, never had he been this petrified before… 

" From the red line to the mystical calm belt, when men see my flag and black banner, they pray… I kill them all, I set their souls on fire and I offer their blood to the sea as a tribute…" 

"This great enemy knows no fear… no respect for the sea… no love for the world… And the girl we search for, appears to be nearby…" 

After saying his part of the speech, he slowly descended from his throne, his pirate like appearance truly matched the presence he emitted, reaching out he took out a gray dagger from underneath his belt, the word 'king scepter' were carved on it form sea gems, he waved with his armed hand to the side of the three men, their voices were shaking in great fear waiting for the 'great verdict'. 

*splash* three heads flew in the air as blood splattered all around the rusty village house. 

"... you are a blind one, unaware of the tentacles that shall grasp you… The black silky strings that shall make you dance in my palm…" totally indifferent to the filth staining his clothes, his eyes glowed with a weird reddish glimmer…

{Name: Rudger blackbull

Race: human

Str: 25

Agi: 20

End: 30

Wis: 20.4

Luck: 5

Current state: angry, excited, thirst for blood… 


Observation haki (A-rank): one of the three forms of haki, this one is particular has the unique features of sensing intent, seeing through the future, feeling emotions from all beigns. This type of world energy also grants the user a sixth sense that can be transmitted through the eyes… 

/Effect: - the user will see weird visions in his dreams daily, these visions will predict certain events in the future. 

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-the user is able to predict the opponent's attack (basic mastery)} 


'... I don't know what to make of this situation' Angella thought to herself, walking alone in one of the roads leading to the village chieftain's house, her expression never changed from its usual coldness. She assumed that's where Rudger should be. 

'... The houses, they are closed to the outside' most villagers kept their door shut, afraid of the tyrant Rudger and his rule, they only answer when spoken to by one of his underlings.

"... The young whore has came by herself, what a pleasant surprise" Rudger appeared from the distance. The same reddish mad glint present in his pair of pupils, the one she saw when he set foot on this island. 

"... Rudger, you are still as oppressive as ever, my master once said ' every villain thinks of himself as a great man'. Do you believe yourself to be one…" 

" Hahahaha, no, I'm no villain, but a king, a ruler who shall one time take over the sea" 

'... Pft, a ruler, aren't kings supposed to be enchanting to the mind' Angella was amused, the man before her definitely didn't resemble a real king, a pirate perhaps, but no king… 

"...!" Rudger gulped in shock, an intimidating aura descended upon him, the pressure drove his limbs, from hands to legs, to tremble in fright. 

"... What… What is this…" the man was in denial, he didn't expect someone to make him kneel just from their mere presence alone. 

"... That's all you amount to, an ambitious pirate, crowded in fake illusions and delusions, you are no king, the sea won't yield to you… " she took out her new sword that she got from one of the underlings, she walked forwards, her form was persistent and tenacious, it exuded confidence and pride. 

"... This is what a real king should be like, a figure to be respected by the people, not a filthy scavenger…" she took her iron sword, its deadly sharpness could be felt from far away. 

"... You murdered villagers, you enslaved families and children for your fake cause, you forced everyone to work for you…" the same blue aura flowed through her blade, 'shintô suru' took its form on her blade, she wanted to kill Rudger, she wanted him to experience the same pain and suffering he made people go through. 

" No!..." only now did Rudger realize what situation he was in, perhaps the unloved man he saw in his many dreams was this little frail girl in disguise, he raised his fancily decorated dagger, his 'king scepter', as he performed his last desperate effort planning to strike her weak point… 

"I am the lord of the sea! , the kraken bows to me! , the world loves me! , it wants me as its king!..." Rudger has finally gone senile, he refused to see his end in this remote accursed village, with nothing under his name accomplished. 

"... You will die a lonely death, your wild aspirations will never be realized, the world will soon forget your name, Rudger the biter, killed by the hands of a little 'whore', the sea will despise you, for your blood in not clean of arrogance. 

"... Such a death is truly fit for a beggar" she swung her curved Saber in a straight angle, the yellow attack was released as it cut through air, slowly reaching Rudger…

" NO! my goals… My dreams… Everything I worked for…" his observation haki allowed him to see the attack coming at in slow motion, and he knew that his end was near 'I can't die here! I have to survive!' 

*splash* Rudger's head was severed from his neck, it flew in the air, spinning and letting blood loose in the surroundings, before coming down and stopping before Angella's feet.

"... Master Matthew, you were right… I am a murderer… A murderer who doesn't know regret…" the gorgeous pale girl was now completely bathed in red…

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