One piece: madman

Chapter 16: Bearers of ill omen (1)

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"... Is that a marine ship?" a female voice reached the ears of the other two. 

"Jihahaha, that seems to be the case, although this one seems to have gone through some tough times" a rough manly tone responded to her question. 

Right now the three beasts were looking at a standard marine ship, the cruiser-like vessel that has three masts, two with two sails and one with a lateen sail. It has six cannons on each side of its hull and four larger cannons situated on the bow. A large circular structure is located in the middle of the ship, and the Marine symbol and name was painted on the sides, the front appears to be damaged from combat with another ship, a pirate one likely. 

Thick killing intent was emitted by William as he eyed the ship from afar, they stationed by the beach ready to drop the heavy anchor down, and the vessel was quite far from their location, albeit on the same beach. 

"...Jihahahaha, these are the rotten ones, not the usual marines you see." The yellow beast commented after glancing briefly, he took out his two great swords and began warming up for battle by doing push-ups and sit-ups with his blades serving as an extra weight. 

"... How would you know" Matthew and Angella had to wonder, the brute was not doubting his own assumption a bit which is an odd thing for the smart guy to do. 

"... These types of marine ships are alleged to serve as the backbone of the fleets stationed in the four seas and are frequently seen in groups. So for this damaged one to be sitting alone in a god knows where island is quite the rare sight, it also appears to be empty and abandoned by its crew. Hmm, the chances of them being pirates or underworld mafia families sailing on a stolen marine vessel are very high now that I think about it… " William said thoughtfully. 

"... Corrupt marines, pirates or underworld naval gangs. Let's flip the coin and fight out where it lands… " their leader commented as he got down the ship using 'crescent step'. 

" Master, there is a fire… " Angella blinked upwards using 'Denkyù' and scanned the island hills, her eyes picked up on the few gray and black lines ascending to the sky. 

" hmmm, Angella you go check that marine ship, me and William will explore the situation… " Matthew determined the best courses of actions and commanded his two underlings. 


"Jihahaha, it's high time I get some steam off" 

Matthew grasped steadily onto bayonet and started sprinting forwards, the three meter tall William was following right behind him while Angella walked alongside the beach setting gaze on the damaged vessel. 

"If they happen to be one of those hooligans, should we kill them?" the yellow beast asked, knowing full well the answer he will be given. 

"... The many-faced god would not welcome the few souls we might send him" 

"Jihahaha, it's funny how I knew you would say something along these lines, how predictable" 

"Are you disappointed by any chance… " 

" I cannot say I am not, leader" his voice was surprisingly serious at the moment. 

"... greed, lust, arrogance. They are swords without hilts, there's no safe way to grasp them. Once they get a hold of your emotions and actions, there would be no saving for you" 


"... If they seek an early death then so be it, I will gladly present them before god. But until then we tie them up and make them answer the truth" Matthew had few speculations, but it looked like the villagers were getting attacked by whoever rode that marine ship, a complete déjà vu for him. The situation was serious as the fire appeared even from this far.


"... Owl, please forgive us" 

"... We will pay you, so just leave us alone" 

A group of men wearing tidy black suits with the word mafia printed on their hand wrists surrounded the villagers, there were even some marines with cruel expressions on their faces who seemed to be working with the mafia members. 

"... We were promised the pay three months ago, what do you think will happen once you fail us?" a handsome stiff looking middle aged man muttered from the circle who appeared to be their leader, his wicked twisted smile spoke of his personality. He was also wearing a suitcase with a black stylish hat on top to back up his 'mafia boss' façade. 

"... You liar! You forced us to pay you for 'protection' when you knew we had nothing to offer" a young villager hurried to his defense, but something was amiss about the villagers, there were only males ranging from kids to old men, the woman were nowhere to be seen. 

"Huuuh you noisy bunch…" the hat wearer gestured to some of the marines, they walked forward with swords in their hands and *splash* stabbed in the young man.


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" big brother!!" 

The rest of the villagers watched in horror as one of them died in mere seconds after speaking. 

"... You… if you were planning on killing us  from the beginning then why keep us alive" a brave one from the bunch came forward. 

"that's a good point actually, hey men, reduce their numbers by half" the bossman's smile widened. At the moment he impersonated a demon in human skin, and the villagers shivered hearing his icy tone. 

" hahahahaha whoever kills the most gets a free drink from me…" 

" hahaha, I accept the challenge" 

" It's been a long time since I let my sword taste some blood, hehe…" 

Some of the criminals came forward, answering their leader's command with creepy smirks on their faces. They swung randomly with their weapons killing as many villagers as their hearts wanted… 

" ahhh, brother !"

" father!... "

Screams of despair, faces full of pain as their bodies fell dead… The rest of the villagers watched in horror as the circle they formed got smaller, fathers cried in grief at their sons butchered bodies, siblings clenched their mouths until blood was drawn at their sad fate. This was hell for them, a never-ending torturous night and they knew it wasn't gonna end anytime soon unless the boss guy was satisfied.

"... Great seer help us" some even went as far as laying down on their knees and praying to the great seer for aid. 

" Ahahaha, look at them pray for their misery. Men, you can stop now…" the leader finally signaled for them to stop with his right hand. 

" you demon…" an old man made his appearance between the villagers, his eyes were red and moist, and stopped before him 

" Well, if it isn't the old frog of the village, are you finally paying your fees? Hurry up, for I don't have all day to sit here…" the leader's expression turned even crueler than before. 

" you… Why are you doing this… We haven't done anything to you nor your underlings… " the old man sounded on the verge of breaking down, he looked traumatized from the massacre that just occurred, the same goes for the other villagers who lost their loved ones at the back. 

" Ahahaha, nothing personal old man, it's just the simple rule of the jungle, you refuse to pay us the fee, we will make sure your village doesn't live to see another day. That's also the reason why we abducted the women, if you were wondering hehe" the boss replied fanatically, he took out a cigar and held it with his teeth, and another underling lighted it up for him. 

" huuh, isn't life a wonderful thing old man… power, money, fame, they are everything we desire to have no matter what happens… we are humans after all, beings made of silky smooth flesh and a few strong bones are drilled to keep the meat all together… The thing that makes us truly feel alive in this world is by using the power we have, and by staying true to our deep feelings, we get the hidden pleasure that comes from committing these acts. The opinion of others doesn't really matter to us bunch, you see… We are humans, we kill, we rape, we slaughter, we abuse the weaklings… Did you ever wonder why the terms 'justice' and 'law' exist? It's for people like us… " the leader spread his arms fanatically, his expression was the perfect representation of the word 'creepy', tongue hung downwards, eyes rolled to the back, with a wide twisted smile to back everything up. 

" hehehe" the rest of the men giggled looking at their leader, birds of a feather do truthfully flock together. 

" you people…" the old man was trembling in fear, his mind imagining what these lunatics will do next.

The leader brandished his sword and aimed it at the old man wearing the same maniacal expression. 

"there was a time when I was as dead inside as you frogs, I sometimes questioned my own weaknesses… 'a brave heart is a cold steel-carved one' that's the sigil of the mafia house I joined… we are 'blasphemers' as you would say old man, I heard the legend of the great seer you guys worship so I infiltrated one of your temples and I destroyed the ugly toad sculptures… I once heard that the sea strikes those who dare to touch its treasures with ill-intent, so I drank its salty water, made my men piss and puke in the water of all four blues and I even killed some fishmen and tossed their scorched bodies to the sea… Yet I, Moriban the unholy, faced no retributions, no great seer came to turn my body into a frog's, no angry sea mermaids came to smite me with their fury… being brave, committing blasphemy and murder, is real and only the way we, humans, should live… " the leader kept spouting his ideas and beliefs in a dramatic manner. 

" Jihahaha, sounds interesting, my book would love to hear more of that… " suddenly a giant figure appeared in front of him and his subordinates. 

" huh?" he let out a squeal of surprise. 

*psh* "AHHHH" he screamed in pain as his body was flung backwards in great speed. It didn't take long for Moriban's body to hit a tree. 

"cough, cough" he spat blood as his vision got blurry from the impact of the fist. 

" So, who is next?" William turned to the other criminals, their minds still processing what just happened to their leader. 

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