One piece: madman

Chapter 21: Crow’s eye

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"... Jihahahaha, you strike quite gently pale lady, unbefitting of someone who trained under Matthew…" said the half giant as he dodged a swift Saber cleave. 

"... Take it back you mongrel" responded back the soft voice of the sword wielding Angella, she was gripping onto 'morning' with both her hands this time, putting more strength behind the swings. 

They have been sparring a lot since she heard her sword's voice, 'morning' spoke to her about many things, mostly of how strong she is currently, so she wanted to test it out. 

The result however… 

"Jihahaha, you have got to try harder if you want to cut through me…" her strikes were dangerous yes, but nowhere near enough to pierce the tough muscles of the half giant, she couldn't  even force him to use his hybrid form. 

"bastard…" she grit her teeth, her rage was unhinged as she prepared for a shintô suru, this time William narrowed his eyes as he started spinning gracefully with both greatswords in hands. 

"... Sun dome! " 

"shintô suru!" 

They both yelled as they clashed once again, her Saber failed to break through the mighty defense of the brute. 

"Hah, hah, hah". 

"Jihahaha, you still have a long way before beating me brat, Jihahahaha" he mocked her for the hundredth time as the fight ended.

"they are at it again…" a young man sitting on a barrel of gunpowder muttered, his hands crossed across the chest leaving a tight hole for the shaft of bayonet to slip through, his right eye was closed, the other hid behind a black pirate eye-patch. There was something wrong with his appearance... a few droplets of crimson blood slipped through the eye patch staining his delicate face features. He was far away from the fight yet he could 'see' every detail, how their emotions transpired, how their eyes scanned each other like two hawks fishing for their prey and formulating plans for hunting. He saw everything, every speck of dust that littered around, each nook and cranny. 

Days have passed since they left the island of the frogs, and he kept his right eye open with the black fabric acting as a suppressor, the crow sigil inside it kept dancing wildly, refusing to be withheld. Staying this long without blinking caused his right eye's veins to further emulsify, blood and tears mixed together dying his right cheeks with a few red lines. 

'... Observation haki is a real mystery' he knew that this type had many 'colors' with each varying from one person to another, Rudger for example could see prophetic visions that describe accurate future events. His on the other hand could stop the flow of time, '... God knows what those guys could do with their advanced observation' he knew some could see into the future but he was sure that was not the end of it. 

The crow's eye spun ferociously behind the eye patch, Matthew was determined to bring out its full potential. He grabbed a pill that William brought him and shoved it down with some water. 

The pain was unbearable, his right eye hurt like hell on fire, with each second passing the veins burst with his blood running down and the injury attracting multiple infections and diseases, only for his inhuman regeneration and effective immune system to quickly negate the side effects. Such are the consequences of Matthew's method of training. 

{—--passive skills—--

Observation haki (B-rank /can be further upgraded) : the one of the three forms of haki, through channeling the world's energy through the eyes, the user can predict actions, see a few seconds into the future, feel emotions and intentions, and many other uses differentiating based on the user and the type of color he unlocks. 


-current range: 300 meters}

His training bore some fruits, the range increased by a lot from 50 to 300 meters, the informations his brain processes also got a lot more detailed than before, he can even see dirst and even dust particles .

 His haki suddenly picked up on his disciple coming down stairs into the basement where Matthew was, he could tell how tired she is, how her hands were faintly shivering from the intense spar, how her lips moved subtly and silently when communicating with her Saber.

"... Master" she called as she opened the door. A cold exhausted face entered Matthew's vision. 

" 'master forgive me, I lost the duel against the half giant once again'" Matthew suddenly spoke, seconds before his young student did… 

" Master forgive me, I lost the duel against the— huh?" her confused voice ringed a few bells in his ears, calming his overloaded mind. 

" what does the young Angella want, to come and interrupt her master's training…" 

" how did you–" 

" No, I can't see the future foolish girl, none can. I just read your lips before your vocal cords moved…" Matthew answered her unasked questions. 

"... I came to report the news of the duel, it seems that wasn't necessary" 

"... was it surprising that you lost, it's not the first time you fought William" 

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"... I apologize…" her pride was hurt

"... now leave me to my own, the sun is slowly getting engulfed in darkness, the moon will shine shortly after" 

"... Master, excuse me but you haven't slept since we left the island, you barely even touch your own food, and then there is the eye patch that leaks blood…" her tone was tense, conveying her inner concern and worry. The basement was dark, with a small window acting as a measly source of light, so she was only able to detect his upper half body, the usual classic white T-shirt with an eye patch that stood out beneath his features. 

" I didn't realize I was observed so minutely and closely by my own disciple" the man in question kept the same composed relaxed posture, although they both knew he was in great pain, blood spoke louder than words after all. 

"... Master, you don't even rest" 

" what rest is, but a weakness and a waste of time…" 

"... you often insist on me sleeping even if it's a mere 4 hours before resuming with swinging the blade…" she inquired. 

"... Twelve years old, that's how old you are Angella, don't act smart and go fetch me a bottle of whiskey, a strong one if you might" 

"... Understood, promise me you will eat your dinner" 

" I will, as for your last mission of the day, there is currently a monster lurking below the ship we ride on, a sea king perhaps. Show me your sword skills and hunt it…" his words surprised her, but she complied. Knowing that her master wasn't the type to spout futile words. 

And so Angella left, Matthew combed his hair to the back, it grew taller than expected the last few weeks, his super cells showed their powers spectacularly once again, 'shall we witness how well you will fare little Angella, my beloved eye will perceive the battle' 


" a sea king…" she had never seen one before, they were a bunch of carnivorous sea monsters that inhabit all the four blues, frequently encountered near the calm belt that surrounds the grand line. With that being said, finding one patrolling small islands and dwelling the narrow straits and channels of West blue is not an uncommon sight to behold. 

"Jihahaha, it's a small one, you want to give it a go? I will not interfere" william was by the side sipping on some alcohol while reading his dear book, he didn't seem to pay the situation any heeds. 

"... It's mine, my prey for the day" she brandished 'morning' and got into a stance. 

The beast had a massive brown skinned bull face, with large ears, horns and a protruding nose, its eyes gazed around the black jackson, it seemed like couriousness will be its downfall.

With a swift 'Denkyù', the young swordswoman appeared by the beast's side. Assuming a hanging stance midair, she cleaved sideways with her saber. 

*roar* The sea king sensing the hit on his stomach, brought its gigantic head downwards meaning to send the human drowning to the sea. The latter predicted the attack coming a mile away, she kicked off the beast's wounded stomach and with another 'Denkyù' she retreated back to the ship, displaying great agility and control over her nimble movements. 

"hoh, interesting, what will you do now that the beast knows of your speed advantage" William commented while positioning himself in the rear for a better view of the ongoing battle. Sea kings are alleged to be intelligent, using the same tactic won't yield superior results, he noted as the bull backed slightly before charging with its intimidating horns aiming for Angella who was standing on the vessel. 

"... Obey me, beast" a wave of Conqueror's haki was released from her body, the aura spread around until it hit the sea king, its eyes widened as the dreadful feeling washed over its massive body and triggered a few probes in its brain. 

*roar* it roared desperately in hopes of bending the chains that held it in its tracks, it fought this peculiar feeling of overwhelming fear, as if a prey was held by the neck in front of a scary predator, and this deceitful beast that restricted its giant body was the little human it had previously underestimated in their first clash. 

"Morning, do not fail me... Shintô suru" this time, the swordswoman held the saber's handle with both arms with the steel's end facing in front, a bluish arc was released. 

Her signature attack got a lot stronger than before, since she started hearing the 'voice'. *splash* sure enough the attack hit the scarred beast right in the face, piercing through the skull and hitting the brain. A fatal strike one would comment. 

*crash* the huge body fell in the sea causing huge waves to travel in the water, Angella eyed the corpse, soon after, her frail body also collapsed on the ship's floor from exhaustion, a prideful smile never left her face. 

" oh dear…" william entered the scene with a bottle in hand, book in the other. 'It looks like tonight is gonna be a long one' he leaned and gently examined the pale lady with an amused expression. 


"well done Angella" the basement was completely dark, all was black except for a red eye with a crow pupil shown in the middle. Matthew smiled, his right cold eye was glittering, the other… He finally let it loose.

A bloodied globe… dim and gruesome, picked up on everything that just happened on-board, such is the mysterious power of haki, and Matthew finally got a taste of it. An addicting sweet meal he had to say, despite the pain it came with…

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