One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 16: A Deal with Nami

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After Brain left to do his task of gathering all the corpses of dead pirates at one of the empty houses, Nami came quickly towards Austin, looking like a little girl who wanted to get her share of the candy.

"Boss! You are so strong. You took care of a pirate with a bounty of 15 million Berries on his head easily" Nami noticed the map on the ground and exclaimed, "Is that the map of the Grand Line?! can I see it?" Nami asked.

" Why? Are you a navigator?" Austin asked, faking ignorance.

" Yes! and not your average navigator either. " Nami replied, looking confident and proud of her navigation skills.

" Ho? Alright! Let's make a deal. I will not give you this map, but I will allow you to make a copy of it if you teach my friend more about navigation," Austin proposed, throwing the bait.

"Hmm, But I want half of the treasures you got from Buggy." Nami thought for a moment before answering, trying to get as much as possible.

"I have already given you a chance to get a copy of the map, so what do you want more? "Austin frowned and asked.

" But I'm an excellent navigator, so if you want me to teach your friend everything I know, you need to pay me more than just a copy of that map," Nami negotiated with Austin.

"Hmm," Austin narrowed his eyes before saying, " 10 million Berries and a copy of the Grand Line map!"

" Come on, boss! Make it 20 million, and everyone will be happy," Nami said while approaching Austin, showing off her breasts in an attempt to seduce him.


Tsk, I have already given you a great price just because I know you need the money for your village - Austin sighed in his mind - But I have to say she is indeed a great navigator, at least according to the anime.


"I refuse! 10 million Berries and a copy of the Grand Line map! That's my last price, if you don't want to, then forget about the deal! " Austin narrowed his eyes and stated firmly.

" Alright, I accept," Nami pouted when she noticed that seduction was not working on him, but she felt happy again when she got the map she was looking for.

Austin smiled at Nami's attempt to seduce him but rejoiced in his mind, especially since he had succeeded in getting her to teach Brain some of her navigation skills. Austin knows of her talent in this field which is why he proposed that deal in the first place.

"Old man! They have already gone, so stop hiding" Austin looked around and said.


Suddenly a person appeared from behind one of the houses, an elderly, bespectacled man with curling gray hair distinctly bunched atop his head and down both sides of his neck, wearing a clumsy set of brown leather armor. The old man was Boodle, the mayor of this town.

"So you have noticed me! " Boodle exclaimed before bowing his head and adding, "Thank you for your help. This town is in your debt!"

"Don't think much of it, but you can repay us by hosting us for the night," Austin smiled.

"Of course! It will be my pleasure to do so," Boodle happily replied before leading the group toward his house so they could rest for the night.


An hour later, at Boodle's house, Nami was looking through the Grand Line map, doing some calculations, while Austin was lying on the bed in another room checking the notifications on his interface.


You have defeated a pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 3.


You have defeated " Buggy The Clown " ( LVL 13 ).

" Buggy The Clown " Bounty is 15 000 000 Berry.  

Congratulation on your First defeat for a pirate with a Bounty between 10 - 50 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 15 Shopping Points.


You have defeated a pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 43.


You have defeated " Cabaji " ( LVL 5 ).

You have defeated " Mohji " ( LVL 4 ).

You have defeated " Richie " ( LVL 4 ).


You have received 54,000 EXP.


Congratulations! You have reached Level 43!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 44!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 45!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 50!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 51!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 52!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 53!


"Not bad, 11 levels in one go." Austin exclaimed before noticing something strange " Huh? Those three that Brain defeated were also shown as they were defeated by me ?!"

" I wonder why?!" Austin thought for a moment, " Well, I guess it's probably because Brain was created by my Unique Skill, which is why he is considered a part of me from the System's perspective."


Austin calculated his gain afterward and found that he got, between the rewards and the leveling up, 155 Stats Points ( 100 + 5x11 ), 21 Skills Points ( 10 + 1x11 ), and 15 Shopping Points.

" I think I will add 25 Stats Points in both Agility & Stamina and 105 Stats Points in strength." Austin thought for a moment, " As for the Skills Points, I think I will maximize the 'Haki' skill with 5 Skills Points while adding 8 Skills Points in each of the Skills 'Melee combat Art' and 'Sword Art' to maximize them as well."


After Austin finished allocating his available points, he nodded in satisfaction " Now let's see the result!" 


Character :

Host Information :
Name: Ray D Austin
Race: Human
Level: 53
Experience: 5200/5300

Stats : 
Strength: 390
Agility: 300
Stamina: 300
Charisma: 200

Available Stats Points : 0 


Skills : 
Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )
Knowledge Sharing: LVL 1 ( 100%)
Melee Combat: LVL 2 ( 100%)
Sword Art : LVL 2 ( 100% )

Devils Fruits :
Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 40%) 

  • Wind Style, Strenght
  • Wind Style, Speed
  • Wind Blade
  • Wind Bullets

Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shave ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 10%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).

Haki :

* Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) : 

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  • Level 1: Hardening ( 100%)
  • Level 2: Imbuement ( 100%)

* Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 60 ).
* Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :
Predator Mode: LVL 2 ( 0%)
All For One : LVL 2 ( 100%)

Available Skills Points : 0

Traits : 
Controle Emotion ( Passive )


Austin closed his interface and couldn't help but be amazed by this sensation he felt every time he finished allocating his points. He could feel his strength getting stronger, which made him more than happy.

Austin came out of his room and discovered that Nami had already finished her calculations and commenced duplicating the Grand Line map. He nodded in approval and left the house to tour the town.


Meanwhile, Boodle ( The mayor ) has gone to the mountain where the townspeople were camping after they fled from the town because of Buggy's actions. He was going there to deliver the good news to the townspeople and persuade them to return to their houses.


Back in the town, Austin, who was taking a stroll in the town, couldn't help but sigh at the town state. The town was barren, with many abandoned and damaged houses around.

" Tsk, Buggy has really gone so far here!" Austin shook his head and sighed.

Soon Austin noticed Brain coming towards him, which made him smile and nod at him in understanding before following him toward a nearby house, where Brain opened the door and stepped aside to let Austin get in first.


Austin entered the house and was greeted by the sight of dozens of corpses piled up on top of each other.

" I have gathered everyone you killed here, my lord, 28 bodies in total!" Brain took the initiative and said, clearly, he was excited by what was coming next.

" Good, let's start then " Austin examined the bodies and commanded, " Merge!"

A black shadow appeared under his feet and covered the 28 bodies of the dead pirates. These shadows stretched out and converged together until all the pirates' corpses were completely engulfed inside the Shadow and vanished.

The Shadow kept wriggling around for over a minute, and finally, a human body appeared with no gender or facial expression afterward. This being was not alive but a dead body because Austin hadn't used a Crystal Soul in the process but merged all pirates' corpses together, creating a strong body LVL 14.

Austin examined the result and nodded in satisfaction.

" Get ready." He turned to Brain and said to which the latter nodded, smiling happily

Austin then activated the Merging part of the Skill 'All For One' again as he commanded, " Merge!"

The same thing happened again. The Shadow emerged under his feet, covering both Brain and the body Lvl 14, and after a minute, Brain reappeared alone!


Austin used 'Detect' on him to see his new Stats and Level.


Name: Brain Unglaus
Race: Human
Level: 22
Strength: 240
Agility: 240
Stamina: 220
Charisma: 30

Austin was overjoyed by the sight of his loyal subordinate getting stronger and by the fact that his personal stats finally surpassed Brain's stats by a significant margin.


Austin noticed that during the operation, the System informed him of deducing 10 Points from his accumulated Shopping Points, which were used to upgrade Brain Crystal Soul from Grade 2 to Grade 3.

( Crystal Soul Grade 2 costs 20 Shopping Points while Grade 3 costs 30 Shopping Points, so to upgrade a Crystal Soul, Austin needs to pay the difference between their prices which is, in this case, 10 Shopping Points! )


Hmm, since Brain Now is Level 22, he became qualified to receive the Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) tree of skills - Austin thought - so I should share those skills with him.

"It's time to share with you some new Skills!" Austin smiled and said, much to Brain's happiness, who came forward quickly and kneeled in front of Austin.

Austin nodded, put his hand on Brain's head, and used ' Knowledge Sharing ' on him. He shared with him the 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ), which consists of 'Soru' ( Shave ), 'Geppo' ( Moon Walk ), 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick ), 'Shigan' ( Finger Pistole ), 'Tekkai' ( Iron Body ), and 'Kami-e' ( Paper Art ).


Brain received all the information and Skills and felt dizzy for a moment as a side effect of the whole process, as it took him a while to sort out everything in his mind.

" Thank you, My lord. " Brain said, lowering his head while kneeling, clearly excited and happy by the new bost in his power.

" Try to get used to the new Skills by practicing them often!" Austin stated.

" Yes, my lord!" Brain answered seriously.

" Good. Now, let's return back," Austins said and was about to get out when he remembered something. He turned to look at Brain and added.

" By the way, I have made a deal with that girl. She is a good navigator, and she will teach you as much as she can till tomorrow" Austin paused and said seriously, " so try to learn as much as possible from her before we depart tomorrow!"


Even though Brain's pride didn't allow him to learn from a little girl, but still his lord's orders were absolute, which is why he swallowed his discomfort and decided to suck out as much information as he could from that girl so that he could be more helpful to his creator in the future.


" Rest assured, my lord, I will definitely do my best and learn everything I can before we leave this island." Brain kneeled and replied in a strong voice.

" I know you will " Austin smiled and added, " Now, let's enjoy our time here!"



( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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