One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 26: Austin’s pirate crew

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After announcing the Name of their new Ship, Austin looked up at his Pirate mark, which was already printed in the sails and flapping high in the flags above the masts.


The flag was black like any other pirate flag, but instead of the regular skull symbol with two bones behind it, there were two swords behind the skull forming an X shape and two claps of thunder forming a plus shape ( + ) behind the skull. ( The same emblem as the story cover ).

As for why Austin chose this mark, well, it's because of the Name he had selected for his pirate crew.


Finally, I'm gonna start my conquest with my 'Black Star' Ship. - Austin roared in his mind - This world shall know from now on, the Name of Black Storm Pirates!


Austin glanced at his excited subordinates and declared in a profound voice.

" As you can see, this is Black Star, Our new ship that will help us conquer the Grand Line" Austin paused for a moment and smiled, saying," I also take this chance to announce the official start of The Black Storm Pirates!"

" The Black Storm Pirates, huh? " Zero repeated the Name in a daze.

" You don't like the Name?" Austin asked.

" No, on the opposite, my lord. I find it befitting!" Zero replied quickly. 

" Indeed, I can clearly visualize that where ever we go, they will always be storms behind. So I find the Name quite accurate, my lord!" Brain added with a wide grin on his face.


Austin was amused and satisfied by his subordinates' reaction to the crew name.

" By the way, what do you think about our new home? Not bad, right ?" Austin smiled, asking.

" This is a masterpiece, my lord! I bet even the Navy in the East blue doesn't have such a ship! " Brain replied and raised his head high, obviously proud of their new Ship.

" Indeed, it's a great Ship befitting our glorious lord!" Sebas smiled, adding.

" Yeah, but there's still bigger Ships out there on the sea. Especially, The Navy who have battleships class ships that are even huge than ours," Austin clarified.


Even though Austin was very proud of his new Ship, he knew it was not the largest Ship. The battleships of the Navy are easily double the size of 'Black Star', and they can easily accommodate even 1000 soldiers on board.

But what makes his Ship ( Black Star ) superior to the other battleships are the many unique features the Ship has, such as the three systems and the sea stone materials, etc.

So if not for all those special qualities, the Ship would not be worth 750 million Berry ( 750 Shopping Points) according to the System, but instead, it will be like any other standard large Ship, barely worth 200 million to 250 million Berry max.

" Now, Sebas! You will sail and take 'Black Star' to the island vicinity. And tomorrow morning, bring it to this same place" Austin paused as he explained further, " I want to give the people here the impression that we came first, and you followed us later with our main ship!"

" Yes, My lord," Sebas responded thoughtfully.

As for how Sebas could sail and move this big Ship alone, it's actually relatively easy, all thanks to the control system, which will allow Sebas to easily control and steer the Ship from the central room.


" Tomorrow, we will leave this island. So until then, let's return to the motel and have some rest," Austin stated, looking at Zero and Brain.

But before returning to the motel, Austin went first to the south slope and stored his Small Black Ship on whom they had sailed all this time. Instead of selling the Small Black Ship, Austin decided to keep it as a souvenir of his first steps into this world.




The next day, in the morning, while Austin, Brain, and Zero were at the village restaurant, eating their breakfast, Kaya suddenly entered the restaurant looking for them.

" Ah! Here you are. I was looking for you!" Kaya said, smiling.

" Hi there, miss Kaya. How are you today? " Austin asked with a beautiful smile, embarrassing Kaya, who clearly felt more comfortable toward their group today than yesterday, which is understandable.

Austin noticed this change and couldn't help but sigh, remembering what had occurred yesterday.


Yesterday, after Austin's group took care of the Black Cats pirates and returned from the north slope afterward. They were welcomed by Kaya, Usopp, and the rest, who welcomed Austin's group and thanked them repeatedly, albeit Austin noticed some fear and anxiety in them. Apparently, Kaya and Usopp were thankful but also scared of Austin's group's display of power and brutality, so they treated them warmly and cautiously at the same time.


Back in the present, Kaya appeared much calmer and more cheerful today than yesterday, which made Austin smile at this positive transformation.

" You look much stronger and healthier today, miss Kaya," Austin remarked, making the poor Kaya blush in response.

" Yeah, My sickness this past year was caused by the mental dismay of losing my parents, and Usopp-san cheered me up too, so I can't stay coddled forever!" Kaya replied, smiling.

" You have done so much for me and this village." Kaya paused for a moment and added, " So I have prepared a present for you to thank you for everything you have done so far!" 

" And I guess you won't accept our refusal, huh ?!" Austin asked, smiling. 

" That will make me very sad because I want to repay your kindness, even if it is just a little. So please accept it." Kaya responded seriously.

'' Hmm, I guess I will just accept your present then!" Austin responded. 


" I have prepared some money and supplies to help you in your upcoming journey and ..." While Kaya was explaining her gifts, she got interrupted by the freaking out Usopp, who stormed into the restaurant, followed by the anxious Merry behind (Kaya's second butler ).

" Pirates! ...Pirates!...Run, it's really Pirates! " Usopp yelled, panicking.

" What's happening?" Kaya asked while looking at Merry, clearly knowing there was no use in asking the panicking Usopp.

" There's a huge black ship on the north slope, and they seem to be pirates from their flags. We are in danger! The Ship is a battleship which is more devastating than normal ships " Merry looked at Austin's group with pleading eyes and added, " Please, lend us your help again."

" It's time to leave, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA,'' Austin replied casually before laughing, much to Kaya's surprise and confusion.

Austin didn't want to explain things here, so he just left the place, heading towards the north slope, and soon everyone followed him behind.


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10 minutes later, at the north slope, when Kaya arrived, she couldn't believe what she saw, a huge Black Ship that looked strong, beautiful, and scary at the same time.

Simply put, a masterpiece, a great ship that makes your heart tremble from fear if you are an enemy and from excitement if you are an ally.


Shortly after everyone arrived, Sebas appeared on the Ship's deck and jumped afterward to the ground, landing in front of the group.

" I'm sorry for the delay, my lord." Sebas bowed his head toward Austin and said.

" It's okay, you are on time," Austin smiled before looking at Kaya, adding, " Miss Kaya, it appears it's time for us to take our leave!"

Kaya was still shocked by the Ship's sight, but she snapped back from her daze at Austin's words before smiling bitterly and nodding her head in response. 

" Since you are leaving this fast, allow me to give you the presents I have prepared now! " Kaya said before turning to Merry, who was standing beside her, instructing the latter to bring back the money and the supplies rapidly with the help of the other mansion servants.
Austin agreed to wait a little longer since an hour would not make any significant difference in his journey, especially if he could gain something in return.


While waiting for the servants to bring back all the supplies, Austin decided to introduce the newcomer to Kaya's group.

"By the way, this is Sebas, a member of my family!" Austin said, pointing at Sebas.

" I'm Kaya! Nice to meet you, Mr. Sebas " Kaya was the first to introduce herself back to Sebas, followed by Usopp and Merry.

" I'm Sebas. Pleased to meet you, everyone!" Sebas replied elegantly while bowing his head slightly to Kaya's group, who were amazed by this old man's etiquette, especially Merry, who could see the image of the perfect butler he had always dreamed of on Sebas.


Suddenly Austin remembered something and glanced at Usopp while smiling, which surprised the latter.

" I can see that you have made up your mind !" Austin said vaguely to Usopp, which puzzled the latter first before it occurred to him what Austin was talking about.

" I haven't told anyone yet. So It's hard to believe that you have already guessed it." Usopp looked shocked for a moment before sighing as he replied.

" The people's eyes don't lie " Austin smiled while cursing in his mind - Bro, I can't see shit! It's just that I know you will leave this island after this incident, so instead, I want you to stay until Luffy arrives before you do so - Brain smiled as if he understood something, which left Kaya even more confused.

" Would you accept a piece of advice for me ?!" Austin said, looking straight into Usopp's eyes, to which the latter gulped and nodded, indicating for him to continue. 

" The sea is full of adventure but also full of dangers, especially if you are alone. So my advice to you is to wait on this island a little longer until the fated group arrives and sails with them later on, " Austin said.

Usopp seemed in deep thought as It took him a while to react, asking. 

" How would I know that they are the ones? "

" HAHAHAHAHA, I'm not a fortune teller." Austin laughed before answering casually, " But just follow your heart!"

Well, I did delay Luffy's journey by liberating Zoro before, and Nami has probably left Orange town after Buggy's incident as well, which will definitely delay Luffy's journey even further on the East Blue! - Austin smiled, thinking - I could tell Usopp that the supposed 'Group' would be coming looking for a ship, but that would only make things suspicious instead.

Being too specific sometimes has the opposite effect, so it's better to let things remain vague. - Austin sighed in his mind - I have already given Usopp enough clues anyway, so I'm sure if he got to meet Luffy, those two idiots would definitely like and get along with each other easily.


After the servants finished getting all the supplies on 'Black Star', Kaya then came before Austin's group, with Merry following behind, holding a bag that seemed to be filled with money.

" Sir Austin, Mr. Brain, Mr. Zero, and Mr. Sebas. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for this village, " Kaya then bowed her head while saying.

" I know this is not a lot, but I hope this money can help you a little in your upcoming travels," Kaya added and gestured to Merry, who handed the bag of money to Austin.

" It's been nice being here. We will visit here again if fate allows it, miss Kaya." Austin smiled and added, " But before then, take care, everyone!"

Austin then jumped onto his Ship, followed by Brain, Zero, and lastly, Sebas, who nodded his head to Kaya's group one last time before following behind the rest to the Ship.

Austin then used his Wind power to speed up 'Black Star', leaving the island behind.


Later, on the island's beach, Kaya stood beside Merry and Usopp, looking at the Ship fading away on the horizon.

" Sir Austin is very mysterious, especially his eyes. I felt like he could see through me with those black eyes." Kaya smiled bitterly and said.

" Yeah, I was shocked when he told me to wait and not leave immediately," Usopp nodded his head in understanding.

" I'm sure he will be someone great and famous in the future," Merry stopped as he added uncertainly, " But it's just hard to believe that he is a pirate!"

Kaya and Usopp nodded in agreement, clearly puzzled by the same thing.


Back on 'Black Star', Austin had just finished looking through Kaya's gifts and found that the girl had given them a lot of supplies which were worth at least 5 million Berries.

In addition to the supplies, she also gave them 20 million Berry cash, which surprised Austin because he clearly remembered what Kaya had told him. - Tsk, not much, she said. That's rich people for you - Austin shook his head before storing the money on his Inventory while leaving the supplies for Sebas to manage since the latter is gonna be the Ship's cook from now on.

" Where are we heading next, my lord ?" Brain asked.

" Towards Baratie restaurant!" Austin smiled and added, " I want to try the food of a certain person!"


( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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