One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 28: Experimenting on Eldoraggo

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At Eldoraggo golden Ship, Austin arrived with Sebas just in time before Zero and Brain started fighting. He examined the scattered bodies around on the ground and smiled.

" Good work, the two of you!" Austin said, prompting both Zero and Brain to nod happily in response.

" Now, Bring me that Devil fruit user! " Austin ordered, to which Zero hurriedly dragged the still-unconscious Eldoraggo over.

He looked at Eldoraggo and smiled as he took out a basket filled with multiple fresh fruits like bananas, apples, etc.

Austin wants to verify if what he saw in the anime, precisely in the 'Pank Hazard' Arc, is true or not. So he intends to kill Eldoraggo and see whether his Devil fruit will get transformed into the basket of fruits beside him or not. Because according to the anime, when the user dies, the Devil fruits will transfer to nearby fruit to continue its reincarnation cycle.


But before he started his experiment, Austin decided to check if everything was perfect, so he tasked his subordinates first to do some things that would ensure the experiment succeeded.

" Sebas, I want you to search and make sure that there are no other fruits left on our Ship except for these ones on the basket," Austin instructed Sebas first while pointing at the fruit basket he took out from his Inventory.

" Zero, I want you to do the same and search this golden Ship for any other fruits left!" Austin glanced at Zero and added.

" As for you, Brain. Make sure there is no island close to our current location before I start what I'm gonna do next!" Austin said seriously, looking at Brain.

Brain, Zero, and Sebas nodded in response before they left for their assigned tasks.


Looking at his departing subordinates, Austin smiled for a moment before shifting his attention to his interface. - I should take this time to see what I got from the raid - Austin then opened his interface to check the notifications he had received before.


Your Subordinate Zero ( LVL 23 ) has defeated '' Eldoraggo '' ( LVL 11 ).

" Eldoraggo " Bounty is 10 000 000 Berry.

Congratulation on your Sixth defeat for a pirate with a Bounty between 1 - 10 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 50 Stats Points & 5 Skills Points & 10 Shopping Points.


Your Subordinate Brain Unglaus ( LVL 25 ) has defeated " Golass " ( LVL 8).

" Golass " Bounty is 8 000 000 Berry.

Congratulation on your Seventh defeat for a pirate with a Bounty between 1 - 10 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 40 Stats Points & 4 Skills Points & 8 Shopping Points.


Your Subordinate Brain Unglaus ( LVL 25 ) has defeated a pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 12.


You have received 18,000 EXP.


Well, even though I didn't get a lot in terms of leveling up, I still earned 90 Stats Points & 9 Skills Points, and 18 Shopping Points in total.- Austin rubbed his hands together in excitement, thinking - That's without counting the tons of gold I will be getting from this Ship.

Now, counting these 90 Stats Points and the 30 Stats Points left from before, I will have 120 Stats Points in total. - Austin thought for a moment before deciding how to allocate his accumulated Points. - I will add 100 Stats Points in Strength. As for the remaining 20 Stats Points, I will use them the next time.

As for the 9 Stats Skills, I will add 4 Skills Points to each of 'Tekkai' & 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick ), and I will leave the remaining Point for next time as well.- After finishing allocating his Points, Austin opened his Character's menu. - Now, let's see what the result looks like.


Character :


Host Information :
Name: Ray D Austin
Race: Human
Level: 61
Experience: 22 000/61 000


Stats : 
Strength: 700
Agility: 500
Stamina: 500
Charisma: 200

Available Stats Points: 20 


Skills : 
Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )
Knowledge Sharing: LVL 1 ( 100%)
Melee Combat : LVL 2 ( 100%)
Sword Art : LVL 2 ( 100% )


Devils Fruits :

➤ Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 60%) 

  • Wind Style, Strenght
  • Wind Style, Speed
  • Wind Blade
  • Wind Bullets
  • Wind Tornado


Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shove ) : Lvl 1 ( 50% )
  • Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 50%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 50% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) : Lvl 1 ( 50% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 50% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).


Haki :

➤ Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) : 

  • Level 1: Hardening ( 100%) 
  • Level 2: Imbuement ( 100%)

➤ Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : 

  • Level 1: Presence sensing ( 100%)
  • Level 2: Strength sensing ( 100%) 
  • Level 3: Intent sensing ( 0%)

➤ Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :
Predator Mode: LVL 2 ( 0%)
All For One : LVL 2 ( 100%)

Available Skills Points: 1


Traits : 
Controle Emotion ( Passive )


After Austin finished everything, he closed his interface and found that his subordinates had already completed their tasks and were waiting for him.

" So, have you finished everything?!" Austin questioned his subordinates.

" Yes, my lord." Sebas pointed at the fruit basket Austin took out from his Inventory before and added, " I have put every fruit I found on 'Black Star' in this basket, my lord!"

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Austin nodded in response after noticing that the basket had, indeed, some additional fruits on it.

" I discovered a lot of fruits on this Ship, my lord, " Zero said before pointing at the sack on his feet, adding, " I have stored everything I found here!"

" Good work!" Austin smiled and stored the sack in his Inventory.

" I have checked the map, and I'm sure there are no islands nearby, my lord!" Brain interjected.

" Alright! Good work, everyone!" Austin smiled in satisfaction before glancing at the fruit basket on the ground.


Now, I made sure everything was prepared. - Austin grinned evilly, looking at the unconscious Eldoraggo. - There are no fruits nearby except this basket, and we are far from any islands. So, Let's see where you can run to!

Austin smirked - Let the fun begin! - Austin used his 'Wind bullets' and pierced Eldoraggo's head, killing him on the spot.

It didn't take long before one of the apples on the basket started vibrating as it transformed into a white one with multiple symbols and lines on it.

Austin was overjoyed by this fabulous spectacle as he now discovered new possibilities to play with in the future.

So the best way to do this is, first, to be in the middle of nowhere, on the sea, far from any island or forest. And then, prepare a basket full of fresh fruits before lastly killing the user.- Austin scratched his chin, thinking. - When the Devil fruit is trapped with nowhere or any other alternative option left after the user dies, it will be transferred to one of the fruits on the basket.


Brain and the others were surprised by this magical transformation, as Sebas asked.

" My lord, is this the so-called Devil fruits ?!"

" Yes," Austin nodded before taking the Devil fruit from the basket and using 'Detect' to inspect it.


Goe Goe no Mi ( Shouting-Shouting Fruit ) :

  • Category: Paramecia-type Devil Fruit 
  • Description: This fruit's main strength is that it allows the user to create powerful beams of concentrated sound energy that can destroy anything in its path. The strength of these beams can be controlled as the user emits a yellow aura before firing any of them. The aura's intensity changes depending on the power of the blast.


After reading the Devil fruit's description, Austin stored the fruit in his Inventory.

He then looked at Eldoraggo's Ship, which was full of golden plates, and couldn't help but feel envy. So, he ordered his subordinates to take all the gold on this Ship and bring it back to him.

" Take off everything valuable on this Ship, including those golden plates" Austin glanced at Eldoraggo's body and added, " Strip him from all the gold on him as well."

His subordinates quickly went to do their tasks. Brain began searching the Ship for everything valuable. At the same time, Zero started taking down the golden plates from the Ship while Sebas proceeded to stripe Eldoraggo's corpse of all the gold the latter was wearing.



1 hour later, everyone gathered on Eldoraggo's ship deck, bringing everything they found with them.

Brain discovered 20 Million Berry cash in Eldoraggo's Ship treasury and 10 Million Berry worth of other treasures.

Zero brought back all the golden plates he had taken down from the Ship, which were worth more than 50 Million Berry.

Sebas also presented Austin with all the gold he found on Eldoraggo's corpse, from his armor to the other different accessories. In total, Sebas found what's worth more than 30 Million Berry on Eldoraggo's body.

To sum things up, Austin got a huge fortune from this raid, 20 Million Berry cash, more than 80 Million Berry worth of gold, and more than 10 Million Berry worth of other treasures.


Austin nodded in satisfaction at his harvest and stored everything on his Inventory. He then glanced at the corpses scattered on the ground and said.

" Now it's time for you all to get stronger again."

Brain and the rest were always excited at the idea of getting stronger as they happily stepped forward.


Austin started with Brain ( Lvl 25 ) first and used his Skill 'All For One' to merge him with Golass's corpse ( Lvl 8 ) because the latter was a swordsman as well, which would benefit Brain more if he is merged with him.

A moment later, a black shadow appeared under his feet and covered both Brain and Golass's bodies. These two shadows stretched out and converged together until they were completely engulfed inside. And after a minute of waiting, Brain reappeared alone.

Austin used 'Detect' on Brain and got his current stats!

Name: Brain Unglaus
Race: Human
Level: 29
Strength: 310
Agility: 310
Stamina: 290
Charisma: 30


Austin then started the same operation again with Zero ( Lvl 23 ) as he merged the latter with Eldoraggo's corpse ( Lvl 11).

After the end of the merging process, Austin used 'Detect' on Zero as well and got his current stats!

Name: Zero
Race: Human
Level: 28
Strength: 310
Agility: 280
Stamina: 290
Charisma: 30


As for the rest of the other 12 pirates' corpses, Austin first merged them together, creating a body Level 6, before merging that body Level 6 again with Sebas ( Lvl 21 ) afterward.

After the merging operations ended, Austin used 'Detect' on Sebas and got his current stats!

Name: Sebas
Race: Human
Level: 24
Strength: 250
Agility: 260
Stamina: 250
Charisma: 30


Austin smiled wildly, obviously delighted with the new stats of his subordinates.

He then took a last look at Eldoraggo's Ship, which was now devoided of any golden objects, and stored it in his Inventory afterward.


" Alright, it's time we continue with our journey!" Austin stated before returning back to 'Black Star' with the rest of his subordinates.

The group then resumed their journey, heading toward Baratie restaurant!



( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

I want to inform you that I'm gonna stop publishing any new chapters for at least a month. 

There are some important exams I have to pass, so I'm taking this Month off to study and prepare properly. 

Wish me luck, my friends, because surely I will need a lot of it! )

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