One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 7: All For One

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( Author: Big thanks to " Meliodas300 " from Scribblehub for his fantastic suggestion! I really liked the idea, especially since Brain is also an original character taken from the 'Overlord' series! )



After thinking for a while, Austin found an excellent name fitting the katana.


" Alright, I shall name it 'Cocyutus'! " Austin declared

" Thank you for your generosity, my lord! I will take care of it until my last breath!" Brain replied firmly while smiling slightly.


Austin nodded and started thinking - Now, since I have tried the creation part of Skill, I should try the Shadow dimension mentioned in the description! - Austin tried to activate the shadow dimension.


Soon the shadow under his feet started expanding until it covered an area of 10 meters around him.

" Hmm, interesting!" Austin smiled, looking at the shadow.

Austin could perceive that this shadow contains some kind of space or a dimension.

" Brain, try to get in!" Austin instructed Brain.

" Yes, my lord!" Brain replied obediently before he jumped into the shadow.

Brain completely disappeared into the shadow, but Austin could still feel his presence, albeit not from the room but from the shadow.

" This is really similar to a certain character's power I have watched on one of Manhwa back on earth!" Austin exclaimed." Ah! I really liked that manhwa. Sadly, it ended quickly!"


" Alright, let's return to the present now!" Austin kept inspecting the shadow to learn everything he could from this newly acquired power.


" Hmm, Alright, come out!" Austin ordered, and in response, Brain emerged from the shadow.

" How was it inside ?!" Austin asked

" Hmm, it was dark inside!" Brain responded

" Anything else you have noticed ?!" Austin inquired

" I have sensed that I can communicate with you mentally, my lord," Brain replied

" Huh?!" Austin was surprised " Really ?!"

" Indeed, my lord, I can also see your surrounding as well!" Brain replied

" Interesting!" Austin scratched his chin " Alright, let's test it! Get in the shadow again!"


After Brain jumped into the shadow again, Austin tried to communicate with him mentally, but it took him some time to succeed.

' Do you hear me, Brain ?!' Austin spoke

' Yes, my lord!' Brain replied mentally

' Waw! This is really fun!' Austin exclaimed.


Austin tried the shadow dimension many times afterward as Brain started coming out and in from his shadow.

Finally, when he was satisfied with the result, Austin ordered Brain to return back to his Shadow dimension and called the Skinny Vice Captain.


" OY! GET IN HERE, NOW!" Austin yelled loudly, calling the skinny man, and soon Austin heard someone running toward the room.

" Yes! Boss! " The skinny vice-captain said as soon as he entered the room.

The skinny man took a quick glance at the room and was surprised because he didn't find either Gally's Body or his head. He felt a shiver run through his spine, but he was smart enough this time and didn't ask an unnecessary question as he just swallowed his saliva hard and waited for the order of this freak!

" Gather everyone on the Ship's deck. I want to announce something important," Austin ordered

" Yes, Boss, right away," the skinny man replied and left quickly as if trying to get out of the room as far as he could.


It didn't take long before all 21 pirates, including the vice-captain, stood at the Ship's deck waiting for Austin's announcement.

Some of the pirates were in high spirits because rumors had spread that the monster who killed their captain was looking for new crew members, it was basically the vice-captain doing, and that's why they were excited waiting for the announcement.

While some were anxious about their future and what that demon wanted to do with them.

In general, everyone was anticipating what that freak was gonna say.

As soon as Austin arrived, the first thing he did was inspect the group and confirm that everyone was present before smiling mischievously - Now, let's start the training! - Austin activated his 'Predator mode' Skill, releasing a massive pressure & killing intent directed at the pirates, and began his slaughter of these scums of society.


The pirates were startled, not expecting this turn of events, especially the Vice-captain.

They were shocked and terrified but seeing the first two pirates already die, they ganged up on Austin, trying to defend themselves.
Even though they were only at Level 1, there were still dozens of them together, but unfortunately for them, Austin didn't underestimate them and fought seriously while using the different Skills he had just acquired, such as 'Wind Blade', 'Wind bullets', 'Soru', 'Shegan', 'Rankyaku', and 'Tekkai'. Every 3 to 4 pirates were killed by a different Skill!

The Last one to die was the skinny vice-captain. The poor man still had that look of disbelief in his eyes until his last breath!


Austin looked at the scattered corpses on the floor, counted them, and found that all 21 were there. He ordered Brain to come out of his shadow to test his Unique Skill more since he now got some new samples.

" There was no need for you to take action, my lord." Brain bowed and added, " You should have left me to take care of these weaklings myself, my lord."

" Huh?!" Austin was surprised by his remark.


Bro! Are you serious ?! I just got the 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ) unlocked, and you expect me to let you take care of them ?! Do you want to prohibit me from having fun with these new techniques or what ?! - Austin frowned - You clearly have no idea that every One Piece Fan will die to have a chance of using one of these techniques for just one time! And you want me to sacrifice that chance ?! Bah, you are clearly dreaming, Bro!


Of course, that is what Austin was thinking on his mind, but he has to maintain his dignity, which is why he replied otherwise.

" I wanted to experiment with some new skills I just got" Austin narrowed his eyes and added, " And you are only Level 2 now, so you are still weak!"

" I apologize for my weakness, my lord!" Brain replied while bowing his head.

" Nevermind, you will get stronger soon anyway!" Austin smiled and glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground.


Austin experimented and tried many things with his 'All For One' Skill to uncover more of its secrets, and he did manage to get further information.

Austin first discovered that it's impossible to give a Name or change the appearance of every being he created using the First part of the Skill, which is 'Creation'. As the only ones allowed to do so are those created using original bodies with bounties on their heads ( Like Gally ) or Navy officers with official Ranks. Otherwise, the being will remain with no gender or facial face, just like Brain before changing his appearance.

The second thing Austin discovered is that the created being will only have 50% of the original's Body's level and stats ( Gally level 4 --> Brain level 2 ), which means he can't create subordinates from individuals who are only at Lvl 1. So if he wanted to create other beings from the dead bodies of his enemies, he needs at least an individual LVL 2 to create a being LVL 1, or the Skill will not be successfully activated otherwise.


Austin finished experimenting with the first part of Skill and decided to try the second part of it, the Merging Part.

He ordered Brain to bring all the corpses close to him in an area of 10 meters maximum before activating his Unique Skill.

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" Merge! " Austin commanded, activating the 'Merging' Part of the 'All For One' Skill.

A moment later, a black shadow appeared under his feet and covered the 21 corpses of the dead pirates. These shadows stretched out and converged together until all the bodies of the pirates were completely engulfed inside the shadow and disappeared as if they were absorbed by the shadow.
The shadow kept wriggling around for over a minute, and finally, 2 human bodies appeared. One was the Body of Skinny vice-captain, and the second was a human being with no gender or facial expression, but unlike the case of Brain, this being is not alive but a dead body because Austin hasn't used a Crystal Soul in the process, but merged all the pirates' corpses creating a strong body LVL 10.


" Interesting!" Austin exclaimed after examining the result.


Austin discovered many things after this trial. The first thing is that merging 20 Pirates who were level 1 each gave him a Lvl 10 Body, which means the Body created has 50% of the total level of the corpses used in the process.

( Pirate Lvl 1 x 20 --> Lvl 20 in total ÷ 2 --> Body Lvl 10 )

As for why the corpse of the Skinny vice captain stayed without being merged with the finale Body, Well, it's actually quite simple because then they will be 21 Lvl in total, and half of that number is 10.5, and because there is no such thing as a being Lvl 10.5, the System decides to take out one of the bodies to balance the Operation, which was a random choice since all the pirates were LVL 1. So it's just the luck of Skinny's vice-captain to be the one chosen out.


Austin shook his head and stored the vice-captain's corpse in his Inventory to be used the next time in balancing the Operation if he ever got into the same situation again.


Austin inspected the new Body, which is Level 10, and decided to merge it with Brain to strengthen him.

" Brain, get ready. It's time to get stronger!" Austin instructed

" I'm ready, my lord!" Brain replied with a hint of excitement in his voice.

" Merge!" Austin smiled and commanded, activating his Skill again.

The same thing happened again as a black shadow appeared under Austin's feet, covering both Brain and the Level 10 body. The two shadows stretched out and combined together, and after waiting for a minute, the shadow finally disappeared, and Brain appeared alone again with no visible change in his appearance.


Austin used 'Detect' on him and got his current stats!

Name: Brain Unglaus
Race: Human
Level: 7
Strength: 75
Agility: 75
Stamina: 70
Charisma: 10


Austin was surprised because he expected him to have a higher level, so he checked the Database and found his answer.

The merging process can only add to the receiver ( Brain ) 50 % of the Level & stats of the giver ( the Body level 10 ).


Austin also discovered that there's a condition in terms of the gap in Level between the received and the giver, which is 20 Level max.

For example, a Level 30 Receiver can be merged with a giver whose level is up to LVL 50 or down to LVL 10, which means he can't be merged with someone lower than LVL 10 or higher than Level 50.


I see - Austin scratched his chain, thinking - But why his stats are high, his only at level 7, but his stats are already close to mine even though I'm over level 20.

After checking the Database, Austin discovered that the people in this world gain 10 Stats Points in all their stats except Charisma with each Level up they achieve. This information, however, made Austin alarmed and angry.


WTF?! Doesn't that mean that I'm gonna be weaker than others with the same levels as mine?! How is that fair ?!


Austin found out in the Database again that this was not an error in the System but a way of keeping the balance between him and the native people of this world since he was the only one with the System.

The System also reminded him that he could make up for the difference in Stats by gaining more Stats Points through hunting and defeating pirates with higher bounties or Navy officers with higher ranks.


Tsk, this is just another trick of the System or whoever created it to force me to clash endlessly with strong enemies if I don't want to be left in the dust - Austin sighed and glanced at Brain - I should Ask him if he feels any different after being merged with all those corpses.


" How do you feel?" Austin asked

" Hm?" Brain examined his body and answered, " Stronger!"

" Any other changes ?!" Austin questioned again, trying to get as much information as possible

" I felt like I received some new knowledge, memories, and abilities in my head, " Brain replied uncertainly.

" Huh?! Like what ?!" Austin got interested and was surprised because he knew that the Skill could give the Being created part of the originals bodies Skills.

" I feel like I can navigate and do some basic medical treatment" Brain scratched his head and added, " I can even do some basic and simple reparation for this Ship in case of damage!" Brain answered, still looking a little confused as if trying to adapt to the new knowledge he had just gained

" Hoh! That's Great! " Austin was overjoyed and amazed by this.


It seems that he did indeed get some knowledge, albeit simple and not profound, from the original bodies he is made of - Austin thought for a moment - Navigation, medical skills, and carpentry skill. Most likely, these pirates had some people with this knowledge among them, which is not surprising because they were pirate's crew after all, so they should have a navigator, a doctor, and a carpenter on the Ship.


Austin looked at 'All For One' Skill in his interface with shining eyes - I hit the Jackpot this time - Austin glanced at Brain.


" Since you know some basic navigation skills, you should know the way to Bronze Island, right?!" Austin asked Brain

" I guess I can !" Brain replied, still uncertain of this new knowledge he had just gained.

" Hmm, Alright! You should lead us toward Bronze Island," Austin ordered.

" Yes! my lord, " Brain answered while standing straight.

" Since we are only two, we will take my original Ship because it's much easier to travel with, " Austin added.


Austin took out his small Black Ship from the Inventory, jumped on it with Brain, and then stored the Ship he seized from the Crescent-moon Pirates in his Inventory for future use.


On the Ship's deck, Austin looked at Brain and smiled as he said

" That Skinny pirate before told me it would take us a day to get to Bronze Island," Austin paused, " So in this duration, you should take a rest in the second room and Try to adapt to the new knowledge."

" Thank You, my lord!" Brain said, bowing his head.

" But make sure we are on the right track! " Austin reminded him

" Rest assured, my lord, I will! " Brain said seriously

" Good, see you at dinner then. I'm gonna sleep a little bit" Austin nodded in approval and entered the first room to get some rest.



( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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