One Piece: The Template

Chapter 4: Start of training

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' What's up'- Thoughts

"What's up"- Speech

*What's up*- Sounds


Pride had no intention of wasting much time once he had finished his breakfast.

"Grandpa, I'm going to go and get the fruit and vegetables so we can start training right away!"

"All right, remember to pick up my favorite beans."

After a few minutes of discussing the exact fruit and vegetables that Pride should collect, he left the house.

He and his grandfather Rey lived in a small two-story hut. It was made mainly of wood.

'Centaurea. There was not much known about the island from the anime. It was only mentioned once then, nothing more. However, from what I remember, it's supposed to look quite beautiful. Of course, this was before the Revolutionary Army fought a war here and a lot of things were destroyed.

Staying in the East Blue instead of the South Blue would have been better. After all, the East Blue is known to be the weakest of the four seas. Besides, I can't judge the strength of the current common pirates. I can only say that those at the top are extremely powerful.'

The island that he remembers was of a relatively ordinary shape and size. There was nothing special about it. The island was mostly surrounded by woods. There was a small town there, where the few remaining inhabitants lived. Centaurea itself does not have too many residents.



The town was bustling with people setting up stalls to sell their fruit and vegetables and other goods. Amongst other things, there was a shop selling homemade weapons, as well as all sorts of daily necessities.

Mostly civilians were seen. Occasionally there were marines on the island for some inexplicable reason. There is no Marine base on the island as it is relatively small.

Pirates were almost nonexistent. Mostly due to their lack of reputation. Especially as this is the Year 1470 and the pirates of today have very different reasons for sailing. Also, most of the pirates who sailed to Centaurea, intending to plunder it, ended up getting killed instead. Pride managed to find out that his grandfather Rey had taken care of most of the pirates.

This increasingly supports Pride's assumption. Of course, there is no indication that his grandfather ever sailed to the Grandline as a pirate or anything like that. However, the fact that he was able to send off the visiting pirates, even if they were only from the South Blue, gives the impression that he had seen more of the world.

Now you may ask, why a pirate? Maybe he was a former marine?

Judging by what he remembers of his grandfather, he does not appear to have the demeanor of a Marine, though he may well be mistaken. But that is irrelevant. He is strong. Perhaps too strong for the Blues.

►A few hours later◄

As soon as Pride's shopping was over, he was on his way home. He was eager to start training. He wanted to build up his strength.


"Grandfather, I've returned. Can we start training right away?" Pride said as he put the groceries in the kitchen.

"Go put on your training clothes and go to the backyard. I'll be right there."

Before long, Pride was all dressed up. He was waiting for his grandfather in the back garden of their home.

They had to walk a considerable distance to reach the town, as their house was quite close to the forest.

But his grandfather had chosen the surroundings. He wanted to live in peace and quiet, away from the crowds.

"Well, come over here, Pride."


"Listen carefully and do not interrupt me. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Grandpa."

"We will begin with the strengthening of your body. Before you start training with weapons, you must first gain physical strength. Tell me, what kind of weapon do you prefer to use?"

"I want to train in swordsmanship, Grandpa."

Rey simply grinned. "Well, I mainly use the sword. It's convenient that you want to learn it too, considering that my knowledge of other weapons might not be sufficient."

After receiving further instructions from his grandfather, he was told to run until he couldn't run any further. For the development of his endurance.

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On the first day, he couldn't run very far. It was probably because of his childish body.

After just two kilometers, Pride fell to the ground, drenched in sweat, and had to be carried back home by his grandfather.

On a daily basis, the process continued. He would fall down and be carried home, except that he would manage to move a little bit more each time before he couldn't keep up. So another two weeks went by for him. Pride's physical condition had improved a great deal and he was now able to run four kilometers without having to be carried home by his grandfather.

"Pride, at this point you can run further distances. You have definitely made some improvements. In addition to your running, we will add some more physical training.

- run: 4km

- handwalk 30 Meters

- 100 Push-ups

- 10 fingertip Push-ups

- 100 Sit-ups

- double Lateral Hops - 15 on Each Side

- 100 punches to striking Post

- 100 kicks to striking Post

I want you to do the following exercises, which I have listed for you, in a whole day's time. However, you don't have to do them one after the other, but I want you to do them every day!"

"Got it, grandpa!"

"First we will do this until you can do the listed exercises thoroughly and effortlessly. Then we will continue with the sword training."

►3 months later◄

Three months passed by. With his grandfather's help, Pride trained rigorously.

With little difficulty, he managed to complete the run.

However, he had difficulty with the other exercises at first. At first, these sessions took up two-quarters of the day. He was unable to successfully complete these exercises with his underdeveloped body.

His body ached every day. This made it harder for him to do the exercises the next day. This went on until the change took place where he found it relatively easy to complete the tasks in less and less time.

At the end of these three months, he was finally able to carry out the above-mentioned exercises in less than five hours.

In the beginning, however, his training took up a great deal of his time and prevented him from practicing in his Devil Fruit. It was only later, when his training was easier, that he devoted part of his time to train in his devil fruit usage.

He also received Shanks's input on his introductory training. However, most of it was about swordsmanship, and the physical exercises were pretty much identical to the ones Pride went through.

"Get a good night's sleep. We'll start swordsmanship training tomorrow."

"Got it, Grandpa. Goodnight."

A few moments later, Pride was lying in his bed, resting. However, there was one thing on his mind before bedtime.



[Name: Pride]

[Age: 10 years old]

[The template "Shanks" extraction 1%]


[Devil Fruit: Zushi Zushi no Mi, progress 1%]

'Progress is progress, after all.'

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