One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Thief

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Chapter 21: Thief


-Nami POV:



"Ohoooo...! I knew that the Moustache pirates had a lot of money saved.... But I didn't think they could have so much!" I rubbed my hands in excitement at the beautiful view of the treasure chest full of gold and jewelry in front of me.

"I don't think they will get angry if I just take a bit of it... Hmm, maybe a 100% of it will be alright?"

This much gold and jewels should be around 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 Bellys right? Iyaaaah~ I got such a big loot this time! Definitely impressive for just a group of dumb pirates...

*Bam!!* A sudden impact sounded from behind me, leaving me a bit startled


"Hoh? So there was actually someone trying to steal our treasure after all? I thought I only imagined seeing someone entering our ship without anyone noticing...!" A big man with a mustache and an enormous saber hanging from his waist appeared at the entrance of the door and started talking to me with a wicked grin on his face.


"We have been actually a bit bored since the last time we raided a whole town, you know, so much time in the seas without tasting new women, or cutting down people, it was really hard you know~? But looking at you... I think you might be perfect to entertain the whole crew for a bit..." The man licked his lips and started approaching me slowly.


"Hehehehe, there's no need to shout young la-"


As the man was about to try and grab me, a sudden kick to his 'jewels' made him shut up and fall to the floor helplessly while grabbing his precious part with a painful expression.

After that, I started putting all the treasure inside a bag that I brought with me, and then I decided to leave the place before the rest of the man's crew returned from their trip to a bar in Loguetown.

"See you later!" I just waved my hand and left their treasure room with a small smile on my face.

So easy~

"Huh, Who are you?" 

Or that was until another man appeared right outside the door.

Of course, this was nothing to me, as I then proceeded to kick the man directly on his chest with a flying kick that made him fall down the stairs that were right behind him. Causing him to lose consciousness for a few seconds before I slid down by using the handrail of the stairs.

After that I finally jumped out of their ship, and patted the dust off my clothes with a satisfied expression on my face.

"Hyaa~ Such a productive day! With this I'm even more near reaching 100,000,000 Bellys!"

"What are you doing in front of my ship girl?! And what's with that enormous bag you're carrying?!"

An enormous man with an equally enormous mustache looked at me while carrying an axe on his waist. Behind him, a few dozens of men with mustaches on their faces as well accompanied him while carrying various barrels and wine bottles on their hands.

'Jack the Crimson Mustache... with a bounty of 7,000,000 Bellys, and the power to fight an entire crew of marine soldiers with the sheer power of his axe...'

Honestly, I should have been scared in this situation, however, seeing them all with those mustaches made me want to laugh so badly that I forgot all the shock I had just a few seconds ago after being surrounded by their whole crew.

I guess robbing pirates is never going to be easy, huh?

I ran towards the ones who seemed to be the weakest of the group and kicked one of them on their stomach, making him grunt in pain before his companion next to him tried to hit me with the bottle in his hand, which was dodged by me and ended up hitting his companion right on the head.


"Bitch, I'm gonna make you beg me for forgiveness once I catch you!!"

"How dare you do that to our brother Naeil!"


The whole crew started running towards me while screaming in rage after seeing what I did to their friend, something I predicted very easily, after all a lot of pirates are known to have a great brotherhood between everyone in the crew. Even thought most of them don't care in the slightest about human lives when raiding villages and towns without a care on the world.

I pushed away the guy next to me, that after hitting his friend with a bottle became dumbfounded, and made him hit all the guys that were dashing towards me while he tripped and fell to the ground.

"See ya~" I waved my hand and started running at full speed towards the direction where the marine headquarters were, after all I heard there was an incredibly strong bounty hunter that has already killed hundreds of pirates in just a few years and that he keeps offering them to the marines almost every day, Furthermore, there was also a marine called Smoker who was also known to be extremely strong as well, known for his ruthless and savage nature when capturing pirates in Loguetown and for having the incredible power of a devil fruit.

Both characters frequented the marine base usually, which could mean that as long as I arrived there, or at least as long as I got far away enough from these pirates I could get away with this treasure.

"Capture that girl!! She is taking our treasure away!!" One of the men I knocked down before in the ship shouted outraged after waking up, which also infuriated all the other pirates that heard him.

"Oops~!" I just shrugged and continued running at full speed.

"Come back here!!"

"Give that back!!"

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"I'm gonna rip you apart when I catch you!!"


Jack, that was watching the whole situation until now, finally decided to move and started running in my direction with an unbelievable speed.

How can a human as big as him run so fast?!

At this rate it couldn't be much time before he managed to catch me!



Breaking and crushing everything that stood on his path, Jack kept dashing towards me with an angered expression on his face, ready to crush me to death the moment he caught me.

I entered several alleys, turned in many corners, and even moved through the ceilings of the houses of the town, However, the marine base still seemed to be far away from where I was right now and Jack seemed to be currently just a few meters away from me.

"What to do...?! Think... think..."

I jumped down from the ceilings and started running through the streets of Loguetown in hope that any marine could be patrolling around here. However, unfortunately only normal people were walking through the streets right now.

At this rate someone innocent will be involved in this situation as well, I have to enter an alley right now!

However, right when I was about to enter an alley at the side of the city, I caught the glance of Jack about to run over a black haired boy with red colored eyes that seemed to be unaware of what was happening and just stood in the way of Jack accidentally.




However, unlike what I expected, the boy only fell on his back while Jack seemed to have tripped after crashing with the boy, causing both of them to end on the floor.

"What the heck...?"

I was surprised, but that didn't stop me from continue running away after seeing that the boy was alright even after being hit by Jack. At this rate he could catch up with me if I stopped running even for a second, so taking advantage of this situation was a must.

"Hehehe... It seems like I am getting away once again... And this time with 2,000,000 bellys!"

I just needed to persevere, and eventually I could free all the people in the village from Arlong's grasp...

Just wait a bit more, please... Everyone...!




Sid POV:


Fuuh~ Such a perfect actuation! How's that? Did you see my perfect mob act there?

The perfect side character that conveniently appears to delay the antagonist from catching the main character by stumbling against him. 

Of course, I couldn't allow myself to waste such an opportunity, which was why I threw myself to her rescue. Though that wasn't the only reason of course, as I have been changing sightly the events from the original story, I fear that maybe there might be a butterfly effect even for the small and unnoticeable changes I have brought to the story.

Be it saving Nael from that pirate years ago, saving Bell-mere and Kuina, or even being born... all of them might have created a butterfly effect that may cause Nami to be captured by pirates and killed.


... Maybe that's not how the butterfly effect works... But I don't want to take the risk.

And there's also the fact that I promised Bell-mere three years ago to keep Nami safe until she encountered Luffy and the others. So I wanted to avoid being berated by her for not protecting Nami from the pirates.

"Ugh... Filthy brat, how dare you stand in my way. I'm gonna crush you!!" Jack of the menstruation mustache or something like that, got up after crashing against me and got incredibly angry for losing Nami of sight. Ready to crush me to death by using his inhuman strength

Oh, there was also another reason!

Soon, my body started growing to the height of 1.85 meters, and my hair started changing to white color while also growing longer and wilder until it reached my neck. Scars and burns also started rapidly appearing on my face before being covered by a gas mask that covered all of my face except from one eye.

"You- you are Asura the bounty hunter?!"

I wanted to get his bounty!

"Tell me Mr. Pirate, Which way do you want to die, Decapitation? Or being stabbed in the heart like a warrior, I'll let you choose out of courtesy"


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