One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 88: Chapter 87: The World is in shock!

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Chapter 87: The World is in shock!


"What's this?" 

Chopper, who was sitting next to a giant bird on an island in the middle of nowhere, noticed a news coo standing in front of him holding a piece of newspaper on its beak.

"Newspaper?" Curiously, Chopper tried grabbing the newspaper on the bird's beak, but the latter rapidly dodged and gestured him to give him money.

As he gave the news coo a few bellys, this one left the newspaper on Chopper's hands and left immediately without even sparing a glance at him, leaving Chopper a bit startled.

Suddenly, as Chopper opened the newspaper, his eyes went wide open while his jaws fell to the floor due to the impression.






In another part of the sea...

Usopp was eating several fruits and varied foods all around a thick forest while being followed behind by a man with an appearance of a beetle. His body, which used to be skinny before, was now covered in fat and seemed to have grown a bit too much. He, who was too busy eating to notice anything, finally saw after a few minutes a News coo standing in front of him with an impatient look on its eyes.

"Ah, when did this guy arrive?"

"He landed in front of you a few minutes ago Usopp'n" Said the man with a beetle appearance.

Taking the last coins he had in his pocket, Usopp paid for the newspaper and opened it right away, setting aside all the fruits and strange foods he had on his arms right then.

However, as he continued reading the newspaper's contents, soon his eyes bulged out enormously as he couldn't help but let out a shocked shout that startled the man that was following him.






In the middle of a very ominous-looking castle...

Zoro, who was covered in bandages all over his body was standing in front of Dracule Mihawk with a serious expression on his face. It wasn't like any of them were on bad terms with the other or that any of them were being hostile... The reason behind Zoro's serious expression was the slight injuries that Mihawk had on his body.

He hadn't even made him the slightest cut back then when they fought against each other... Yet there was someone that had actually managed to injure him to such a high degree?

"Who did this to you?" Asked Zoro, not being able to suppress his curiosity anymore.

"It was a blue-haired woman. No need to think much about it, there seem to be really strong people out there that even I didn't know about... Maybe there may be higher goals than me, Roronoa Zoro..."

"You... lost?" Asked Zoro with shock evident on his face.

"In a way, yes. I let go of my sword first, so I lost... However... that day I met someone even more dangerous than the woman that defeated me. He had a swordsmanship worthy of being called the best in the world... That is the one you should pursue from now on..."

Zoro gulped in nervousness, the same guy who he had barely survived to a few months ago, was now praising another person like a god... and now he had to fight against the other person that was even stronger than the guy he couldn't harm right now? Future surely looked bleak.

Moreover... Blue-haired woman? Zoro's eyes narrowed as he recalled a certain face from his past, but soon shook his head and sighed deeply.

"And who is that new best swordsman in the world?"

"He is-..."

As Mihawk was about to tell him, suddenly the newspaper landed on the window of the castle. Mihawk picked it up rapidly before reading it with a curious gaze.

"Talking about the devil... Here he is..."

"What?" Zoro exclaimed in surprise and walked towards Mihawk to see the newspaper.

Soon, however, his eyes were filled with shock.

"That guy!"




On another island in the middle of the calm belt...

Luffy was currently fighting in a coliseum surrounded by hundreds of women cheering for his loss. At the top of the arena, one of the most beautiful women on the planet gazed down at his actions with obvious arrogance and disdain. This was none other than the famous snake-empress, Boa Hancock.

Two enormous snake-like women were in front of Luffy, holding weapons and looking ready to fight at any time against him. These were the two sisters of Boa Hancock, Boa MarieGold, and Boa Sandersonia. However, Luffy wasn't paying attention to them, and was instead, bewildered by the fact that he had been put into some kind of coliseum without even noticing.

This obviously angered the two sisters, who readied themselves to pounce at him and show their unbelievable strength.

At that moment, however, a small newspaper fell from the sky and fell in front of them, startling everyone around.

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Soon, however, more and more newspapers started falling, all on top of the audience and spectators of this battle.

Luffy rapidly picked the newspaper without caring about the fact that he was about to fight, and started reading it out of curiosity.

"Ah, it's the raven-guy! He did- WHAAAAAAAAT?!!!"




On top of the clouds...

Nami could be seen walking across a beautiful field covered in green grass surrounded by enormous clouds above her. She was on a sky island, most specifically, on the sky island Weatheria.

She had not gotten any contact with the world down there for a week or so, and she was starting to get worried sick. After all, she and all the other Straw-hats had been separated to who knows where.

She was lucky that she got to a relatively safe place where she could even learn more about the science of the weather, but what about the others? Just thinking about it worried her sick... But with nothing more to do during this time, she decided to learn whatever she could while also finding a way to get back.

That was when she noticed a small point in the sky flying towards her.

She obviously smiled in glee at recognizing what that point was... It was a news coo! She could finally know what had happened to the others, or at least know what was happening in the world below.

She took a few of the dozen coins from her pocket and gave it to the news coo in a hurried manner. After getting the newspaper and bidding farewell to the bird, she rapidly opened the newspaper and started to read everything in it.

However, soon her expression turned from anxiousness to extreme shock.

"That guy did... What?!"




Below the sea surface...

A black and imposing submarine was moving swiftly through the water, not stopping even when giant sea kings passed next to it, the people inside seemingly not caring in the slightest.

Yasu, who was sitting on the sofa with a drunk expression, gulped down a great amount of alcohol before sighing in satisfaction. Soon, he turned to look at his fellow companions and asked with a curious voice. "Hey, when is the boss coming back? We already dealt with every cultist hiding that we know until now... I'm itching for doing something new..."

Kuina, who was reading a book while standing in a rare position, turned to look at him and answered in a serious expression. "He is probably busy doing important things, we just need to wait until he finishes his business"

Kuent, who heard Kuina, smiled in pride and yelled with great conviction in his voice. "Indeed, our boss must be doing very important things! There's no way he could be doing stupid things to pass time like you Yasu!"

Suddenly, from a tube next to them, a newspaper fell rapidly through it and landed in front of Tom and Kayn, who were doing something else without minding the conversation of the others.

Hiriluk, who heard all the noise from his laboratory, opened the door and approached the group with a curious expression. "What happened?"

"The newspaper has arrived" Tom answered before he then proceeded to show it to the others.

When they finished reading everything, the expressions of everyone changed a lot.


Astonishing! The end of the Admirals and the birth of the most infamous pirate of this year!!

During the last week, our investigation teams had been collecting information about the most recent event that has made the world tremble in shock!

Last week in Sabaody Archipelago, a ferocious and terrifying confrontation between the Straw-hat crew and Admiral Borsalino happened during the afternoon. However, during the mid-fight between these two, the pirate that has been making the entire world gasp in shock these past months joined the fight and fought all alone the Admiral while the Straw-hats, whose whereabouts are now unknown, escaped safely.

Shadow Raven or Thanatos as the Fleet Admiral has specified was his name, made a public execution of three Tenryuubitos that were visiting Sabaody Archipelago that day, and declared war on the world government on the process. 

During the fight against Admiral Borsalino, Thanatos was later ambushed by Admiral Sakazuki who joined forces together with Admiral Borsalino, and entered into an epic battle that made the entire Sabaody Archipelago tremble in recoil to the powers of these three!

Much to the shock of the world, Thanatos defeated the two admirals, and even took away their powerful Devil Fruits!!

How he did it is still a mystery that we couldn't discover. But this event obviously caused the Marine to raise their arms in alert at the threat that Thanatos represents now.

Has the Marine gotten too weak? Or is it that Thanatos is simply too powerful?

Who will be the next Admirals? Will they really be able to fight against such a powerful opponent?

Continue buying our newspaper to know!!

"Oooooooh!!! As expected from the boss, he is weakening our enemy so that it doesn't intervene in our next operations!!!" Kuent struck his palm with a fist and started laughing joyously.

Kayn just nodded with an appreciative expression before he then turned to do whatever he was doing before without minding the group anymore.

Tom, on the other hand, just laughed loudly as he then grabbed the newspaper with more strength. "That's exactly doing it with a DON! Tahahaha!!" 

Hiriluk just nodded with a smile on his face and added. "With a boss like this, it isn't hard at all to make our name known"

While everyone enjoyed their boss' recent actions, there was one person grabbing her temples with an exasperated expression on her face.

'Important things... what the hell was I saying...? It's Sid who we are talking about here... -*Sigh...*-'


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