One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 104: CH 104

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From the very beginning, he pursued and killed the Amazon female warrior and the thorn tree demon with high spirits. 

Now, he has been hunted down like a bereaved dog! 

There was even a shot in the calf. 

Less than an hour passed. 

Wang Yao and Yang Fei's faces are a bit complicated! 

They used to think that Jiang Fan is self-motivated. 

Even refused to rescue the Amazon female warrior and the thorn dryad. 

It must be massacred by Tang Hanpei. 

But did not expect. 

Mass killing is happening. 

But the object is reversed! 

The combat power displayed by the three thousand Great Desolate Army. 

It made the two feel a little incredible! 

Although reluctantly. 

But Wang Yao also had to admit it. 

Face these three thousand musketeers. 

Her own Amazon female warrior will not go anywhere better than Kaxiu. 

The only thing Amazon female warrior can beat Kaxiu is some female warriors are archers! 

Ability to strike remotely. 

Every Amazon female warrior shoots ten arrows. 

Must take a break to rest the arm. 

And the Arrow launch speed is completely incomparable to bullets. 

The musketeer, on the other hand, was able to fire continuously. 

Higher speed! 

The Black Hibiscus Flower Kaxiu Regiment Base is within easy reach. 

But it was impossible for Tang Hanpei to step in. 

He held his right calf. 

There is a trace of unwillingness in his eyes! 

It can be said to be a generation of heroes. 

Are you going to fall here today? 

Han Xin took a hundred soldiers with him. 

Tightly surrounded Tang Hanpei, not giving him any chance to escape. 

Chang Yuchun and Xu Tiande also rushed over with the Great Wilderness Army. 

Not far away. 

Yan and Guiguzi also rushed over. 

For Tang Hanpei. 

Yan must order. 

No surprises. 

The direct result is that Tang Hanpei. 

Tang Hanpei's eyes widened. 

Not reconciled to death! 

Chang Yuchun stepped forward. 

I found the supreme booster card from Tang Hanpei's arms. 

Carefully handed it to Yan. 

It's finally here! 

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. 

It also means. 

The mission was a success! 

Jiang Fan also showed a smile! 

"Jiang Fan.'' 

at this time. 

Jiang Fan received a private chat from Wang Yao. 

"What's up?'' 

Jiang Fan's tone was cold. 


Wang Yao hesitated for a while, but said, "Can you sell me this card?" 

"Of course.'' 

"The conditions are whatever you want.'' 

"As long as it's not too much.'' 

"I can buy it all!'' 

"I will also use this card.'' 

Jiang Fan rejected Wang Yao's proposal. 


Hang up the private chat. 

After being hung up. 

Wang Yao frowned slightly. 

Looking at Yang Fei, who was opposite, she shook her head. 

That's right. 

The two are in the same room. 

"Could it be...'' 

Yang Fei thought for a while and said. 

"This Jiang Fan is also a college student this year? Look at how young he is. 

"I didn't believe it at first, but...'' 

Wang Yao laughed at himself and said. 

"It seems really possible now.'' 

"I don't know which city is the genius? It's so scary." 

A look of shock flashed in Yang Fei's eyes, and she said. 

"I'm afraid your sister Wang is not his opponent either." 

Wang Yao smiled bitterly and said. 

"It's better than us planet masters who have been awakened for more than a year." 

"It must be some peerless genius!" 


"If only we didn't have those little tricks." 

A trace of regret flashed in Wang Yao's eyes. 

This trip to the card planet was a complete success! 

The Great Wilderness Army suffered few casualties. 

Only a few dozen people died! 

Except for that supreme booster card. 

On the battlefield. 

Cards on other hands. 

The Great Wilderness Army did not let go. 

At the prompt of Jiang Fan. 

Yan ordered all the cards to be collected. 

Of course. 

Some cards have been destroyed in battle. 

Only part of it is intact. 

With the army. 

through planetary passages. 

Back to Blue Star! 

And Jiang Fan. 

It also successfully got the supreme booster card. 

"Is this the supreme booster card?" 

Jiang Fan looked at the golden card in his hand and muttered to himself. 

Tenfold increase is the effect of this card. 

But it can't be used directly. 

Must be sealed! 


The spaceship drove back to Jiangcheng. 

Wang Yao and Yang Fei left directly. 

Jiang Fan and the three returned to the Planetary Association. 

Submit task results. 

Tall young men and lean men are excited. 

They thought they would be wiped out. 

But did not expect. 

At the last moment. 

Jiang Fan did it all by himself. 

With the power of a planet. 

To wipe out all the card users in Dongshang Acropolis. 

Including that mighty Tang Hanpei! 


Completed this mission! 

Come to the hall. 

No ordinary staff this time. 

But a middle-aged supervisor personally received. 

After knowing what Wang Yao and Yang Fei did. 

The middle-aged supervisor apologized repeatedly. 

And gave everyone one million federal dollars as an apology. 

Although Wang Yao is the main culprit. 

But this kind of thing, the Planetary Association naturally also has the responsibility of lax supervision. 

After the tall young man and the lean man left. 

Jiang Fan took out a large pile of cards found from hundreds of Kaxiu, and said. 

"Does your association buy these cards?" 

"Of course." 

The middle-aged supervisor smiled. 

A few staff members were called in immediately. 

Pick up on site. 

Soon, the result is out. 

Cards are mainly circulated as works of art. 

Prices vary. 

These thousands of cards are worth a total of... 

"One hundred and sixty million.'' 

The middle-aged executive smiled and said. 

"Is it traded in federal currency?" 

"Put it directly into my account." 

Jiang Fan said. 


He took out the Supreme Amplification Card and said. 

"You should be able to seal the card here, right?" 

Director Nian glanced at the supreme booster and said: "Of course, our association has a powerful planet master who can quickly help customers seal most of the items. 

"How much is the seal fee?'' 

Jiang Fan asked. 

"Haha, Mr. Jiang is joking. This time, because of our negligence, you have lost a lot of money. This time, the sealing fee will be waived. What do you think, Mr. Jiang?" 

The middle-aged supervisor had a big smile on his face. 

"Thank you very much then." 

Jiang Fan naturally would not refuse. 

"Please go to the lounge for a while, Mr. Jiang, it will be done soon.'' 

After Jiang Fan left. 

The middle-aged supervisor immediately dispatched someone. 

Send the Supreme Amplifier Card to a Level 5 Planet Lord. 


Looking at the direction where Jiang Fan was leaving, he muttered to himself. 

"This task is almost done by this person alone. For such a genius, it is estimated that this time the college entrance examination will definitely be famous!" 

Waiver of Jiang Fan's seal fee. 

Not just an apology. 

There's still a hint of attracting goodwill is in it! 

Twenty-eighth floor. 

A large room. 

The Supreme Amplifier Card was sent in. 

The owner of the room is a fat old man. 

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Appearance is a little more forced. 

But it is actually a fifth-level planet master! 

Want to seal an item. 

At least a fifth-level planet master can do it. 

''A card?" 

Seeing the golden booster card, the fat old man said with a relaxed expression. 

"The card is a good seal, and it will be completed soon." 

Immediately, pick up this golden card. 

After a while. 

A hint of surprise appeared. 

"It turned out to be, the booster card, I haven't seen it for a long time." 

The fat old man suddenly became interested. 

Pick up the booster card and check it carefully. 

"A ten times booster card? If this is put outside, I am afraid those old guys will also be moved.'' 

The fat old man muttered to himself. 

But just curious. 

He lived so long. 

Even through extreme booster cards are rare. 

The value is not very high. 

There are still more powerful augmentation items than this. 

Especially for the first-level planet master. 

A tenfold increase is the highest. 

The planet's environment and ecosystems. 

It can be easily destroyed! 

"This should be sent by someone who is preparing to take the college entrance examination this year, the old man will seal it for you first." 

The fat old man thought about it. 

Immediately move quickly and start sealing. 

In the lounge. 

Jiang Fan didn't wait long. 

The middle-aged supervisor personally sent it, 

The sealed supreme booster card! 

Jiang Fan took it. 

Go straight back to your own cabin in the relief area. 

Enter the awakening space. 

Put the sealed Supreme Amplifier Card and throw it in! 

The supreme booster card is on the blue star. 

Immediately play its amplification effect! 

Tenfold increase. 

The Vibranium deposit to the north of the Blue Star was instantly ten times larger! 

From the original ten tons. 

It has become a hundred tons now! 

"After a while in the college entrance examination, the Great Wilderness Army will be able to use alloy bullets without restrictions." 

Jiang Fan thought. 

The growth of Vibranium deposits is kept a secret. 

People on the Blue Star. 

Of course no one knows. 

The Great Desolate Army at this time. 

After a brief celebration. 

Post-war seminar is underway. 

Attending the meeting were, 

Yan, Guiguzi, Chang Yuchun, Xu Tiande, Han Xin and others. 

There are also generals and advisors such as Le Yi and Wang Meng who have not gotten the chance. 

"This battle has brought us a lot and found a lot of problems." 

As soon as Chang Yuchun came up, it was an old-fashioned beginning. 

"First, the Great Wilderness Army's rifle has a shorter range and a lower hit rate." 

Every time you shoot, you have to pull the bolt once. After shooting eight bullets, it is more troublesome to change the bullet. In a high-intensity battle, it is a waste of time! 

Everyone else nodded. 

This is the obvious stuff. 

Kaxiu of Card Planet. 

Since there is no long-range attack capability… 

So it is easily crushed by the Great Wilderness Army. 

But if you encounter an Amazon female warrior who uses all archers. 

Hard to say. 

Even if the Great Wilderness Army wins. 

There will be heavy casualties! 

"Two is...'' 

Chang Yuchun continued. 

"There is a lack of means to deal with the main characters of the opponent." 

Yan and Guiguzi both nodded. 

The final decision is Tang Hanpei. 

Or rely on a large number of troops to drain his energy card! 

"We need to develop a weapon specially designed to deal with powerful supernatural beings!'' 

Yan said. 

No one else objected. 

This is a more pressing matter. 

Tang Hanpei and the others are difficult to deal with. 

Not to mention 

In the future, you may encounter more powerful superhumans! 

"there's still one more." 

Han Xin made a sound at this moment, glanced at everyone, and added: "Simple rifles are too simple, and more weapons with richer layers are needed." 

"It's not just long distances.'' 

"If the enemy kills us, the weapon can be use by the enemy." 

Because of his great deeds in the battle. 

So, Han Xin's current status. 

In the Great Desolate Army, Zeng went straight up! 

It has surpassed Le Yi et al. 

"That's something to consider too.'' 

Yan nodded and said. 

"Everyone can speak freely and ask any questions." 

The seminar was very lively. 

After this meeting. 

The Great Wilderness Army has basically set its future direction. 

Align to the Age of Awakening! 

Mainly focus on research and development of military industry. 

At this time. 

Everyone realizes. 

Same as the Age of Kai. 

Once the normal expedition begins. 

So the battle for glory is not far away. 

Kai that time. 

But it took years to prepare. 


They also need to be well prepared in advance! 

To make this prep more fully! 

After some deliberation. 

Yan ordered. 

To many forces all over the Xia Kingdom, Conquest! 

The Great Wilderness Army rested for a month. 

In action again! 

This time. 

The whole army was dispatched. 

Chang Yuchun, Xu Tiande, Han Xin, and Le Yi are four generals! 

Each led 10,000 soldiers and horses! 

At the same time, 

Conquer the Quartet! 

Southwest Banana City! 

Inside the City Lord's Mansion. 

Zhuge Mingzheng and Xia De's other adviser, Fazhao, are standing on a high place, looking north! 

Southwest today. 

It's already completely Shad's territory. 

All resistance forces here have been suppressed by many forces. 

One of the best sharp firearms. 

And the identity of the emperor's uncle. 

Xia Defang has a great reputation. 

In addition, there are two great advisors, Zhuge Mingzheng and Fazhao. 

Finally, there is a candidate who may rule the world! 

"I don't know why, but I've been feeling a little uneasy recently." 

Fazhao said. 

Zhuge Mingzheng smiled slightly. 

"Mr. Zhuge, have you deduced the secrets recently?" 

Fazhao asked. 

"The secret cannot be leaked. Recently, seems to be blinded by something, and it is becoming more and more unpredictable." 

Zhuge Mingzheng said lightly. 

"Mr. Zhuge seems there is something in his words?" 

Fazhao looked at Zhuge Ming. 

Doubt flashed in his eyes! 

"Do your best, obey the destiny, that's all.'' 

Zhuge Mingzheng shook his head and sighed. 

Fazhao frowned slightly. 

What more do I want to say. 

There was the sound of rapid footsteps outside. 

Both Fazhao and Zhuge Mingzheng turned their heads to look. 

Only to find, the red-faced Guan Changyun walked over quickly. 

There was a hint of panic on his face. 

"Two gentlemen, something is bad." 

Before Guan Changyun approached, he opened his mouth and said. 

"What's the matter?" 

Fazhao asked. 

"Just received the news." 

Guan Changyun's face showed a trace of solemnity, and said. 

"At the border of the Xichuan Plain, an army of ten thousand people appeared, headed by the general of the Great Wilderness Army, Han Xin!" 

"The Great Wilderness Army? Han Xin?!" 

Zhuge Mingzheng and Fazhao were both slightly shocked! 

"What direction are they going in?" 

Fa Dirty asked. 

"It's not clear, but it seems to be coming towards us." 

Guan Changyun said. 

"You're not going to attack us, are you?" 

Fazhao showed a strange look on his face and said. 

"But they only have 10,000 troops!" 

Zhuge Mingzheng, who was beside him, pondered for a moment and said. 

"Anyway, call the lord back first, just in case!" 


Guan Changyun led the way. 

At the same time. 

Northwest, Jiangdong, Southeast and other places. 

All appeared in the form of the Great Wilderness Army. 

This makes the world that has been quiet for a long time once again shocked!

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