One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 106: CH 106

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After the Great Wilderness Army defeated Cao Meng and Li Tang. 

The first thing to do is occupy cities around the world. 

Take away all the scholars gathered by Cao Meng and Li Tang! 

These few years. 

With all kinds of new inventions appear. 

All forces are paying more and more attention to scholars! 

The reason why Xia De is considered to be the most likely candidate to last unify the Xia Kingdom. 

Mainly because, 

The southwest is among the five main forces. 

One of the most scholars. 

Cao Meng and Li Tang also gathered a lot. 

Hundreds of scholars was accepted by the Great Wilderness Army. 

Like it or not. 

Bring it all back. 

Yan selects herself. 

Some were sent to Kewu College. 

Part of it stayed at the Technological Institute! 

Scholars on this side of the Royal Tombs Mountains now. 

Mainly in two places. 

Most are in technical colleges. 

And a few are in the Transcendent Research Institute! 

Today's Beijing area. 

There are four colleges, 

Kewu College, Tiangong College, College of Medicine, and the newly established College of Science and Technology. 

The identity of Kewu Academy is a bit embarrassing. 

Research with Tiangong Institute and Institute of Science and Technology 

There are some conflicts. 

The Institute of Science and Technology is the "born son" of the Great Wilderness Army. 

Natural treatment is best. 

A large number of elite scholars are staying here. 

Shortly after the birth of the steam engine. 

Some people began to imagine using it to replace the horse. 

Come and power the carriage! 

When Yan is twenty-three years old. 

The first steam car came out. 

But not practical enough. 

After satisfying everyone's curiosity was abandoned! 

Twenty-four years. 

The first steam train comes out! 

Compared to the previous steam car. 

Trains are much more practical. 

Use coal or firewood as fuel. 

You can run for a long time! 

After watching the test run of the steam train. 

Yan ordered it herself. 

A research team for steam trains was set up. 

And sent people near the Wangling Mountains. 

Start laying the track. 

Under the research of a large number of scholars day and night. 

Soon the steam train was further improved. 

It has become a practical means of transportation! 

The first run of the train. 

Hosted by Yan herself. 

Attracted a lot of people to watch! 

"The creatures like horses should be eliminated from history with a high probability." 

I saw the steam train blowing smoke and moving slowly. 

Su Qin sighed. 

At this time. 

The cavalry had almost disappeared. 

The horse's only big role is the carriage. 

But the steam train came out. 

It doesn't work that much anymore. 

And for Yan. 

The steam train. 

What brings her is an inspiration that hasn't appeared in a long time! 

She has a strong sense of curiosity. 

Last time. 

Still at the age of eleven. 

Curious about the forces between all things. 

This time. 

In exchange for energy! 

Yan was keenly aware. 

Between all things. 

Energy seems to be interchangeable! 

Dropped most of the work at hand. 

Yan plunged into the extremely important and endless realm of energy. 

At the same time. 

Xia De accepted the court's will. 

Become a disease-free and powerless king of the southwest. 

Besides Zhang Feiqiao, Guan Yunchang, and a few guards. 

There is no one left. 

The other armies were disbanded one by one. 

If you want to join the Great Wilderness Army or disarm and return to the field, you can. 

The bandits refused the court's wooing and went missing. 

Zhuge Ming asked to meet with Guiguzi, the world's first wise man. 

Guiguzi agreed to this request. 

After a brief meeting. 

Zhuge Ming also became a counselor of the Great Wilderness Army. 

He has only one request, and that is, 

Join the real Great Wilderness Army! 

With the wisdom of Zhuge Ming. 

I have long realized that the Great Wilderness Army is wrong. 

He didn't look like he betrayed Shard. 

The fact that the planet went on an expedition and the expedition against alien races was too attractive. 

The whole world. 

Only Jiangdong and Southeast are left! 

Yet rein. 

''My lord, drop it." 

A counselor advised. 

Since that Schade after the court accepted the champion. 

Not fighting a war. 

There is also a great wealth. 

Who does not heart ah. 

The key is… 

He could not hit Oare Jun ah. 

Originally momentum is excellent. 


Low-key rich. 

Totally unexpected. 

The army only a few days time began to hit the next city. 

Around the most important secret, counselors Liu also committed suicide! 

Zong never let see a glimmer of hope! 

"No, but I Zhuchong Chuan son of destiny, how could surrender" w? " 

He clenched fist. 

A desperate fight! 

At night, he and the eight soldiers personally led the remaining thirty thousand troops. 

To attack the army barracks. 


The Wilderness army was well prepared. 

There are some people who are ready to surrender. 

Such a big action maintained naturally can not hide the truth! 

Night attack not only did not succeed. 

Instead, the army entered the trap set up by the Wilderness. 

Gunfire everywhere. 

The Wilderness army from all rush over. 

Completely collapse! 

He suffered a crushing defeat. 

By the time dawn. 

The thousand troops are either dead or injured. 

Seeing things are impossible. 

Directly on the spot to commit suicide! 

So far. 

Southeast is no longer the power of resistance. 

The whole territory surrendered! 

Only the Sun Koto full! 

''My lord, surrender.'' 

''My lord, surrender!'' 

"My lord seeking to surrender. 

Sun Quan's house. 

Man fell to his knees in one place! 

Even the usually most trusted land is kneeling in the first row! 

To persuade him to surrender! 

This is not just the Wilderness is unstoppable. 

But also because, 

This is a world trend! 

The Wilderness is significantly more advanced on behalf of the party! 

A century of domination in the country. 

He publicly declared. 

And the Wilderness army did not want to fight. 

But a few days. 

Sun on the whole head. 

I have grown gray hair! 

"Haier But my courtiers, actually advised me to surrender?" 

Full Sun glaring of these counselors generals. 

Whole body trembling slightly. 

Nobody words. 

Everyone kneeling down. 

Express themselves with silence! 

"It is enough.'' 


Sun full waved and said. 

"You go, let me think it over." 

They make way. 

After awhile. 

I was wrong. 

Lu Tropical person comes into the room. 

Full Sun had fallen to the ground. 

Besides a glass of empty wine glasses! 

Koto never let people over the overall situation. 

Again no one thought of resistance. 

The Wildernessarmy crossing easily and took over this area! 

For Yan is. 

Now is to stabilize the country, to the development. 

So try to appease the main! 

Go slowly changing with time. 

Of course. 

The first thing to do is take away all scholars! 

The Koto surrender so smoothly. 

Naturally, this is because there are a few black tokens inherent in there. 

Lu is one of them! 

Determined to become a land of scholars. 

He accepted the conditions of the Wild Army. 

But he does not intend to betray Sun full. 

Then, He took the crowd to prepare to persuade. 

But did not expect. 

Sun Quan committed suicide. 


At this point. 

The entire Xia Kingdom is basically back to complete. 

Only a few isolated areas remain. 

There are also some small forces struggling. 

It doesn't matter anymore. 

The work was carried out quickly. 

First of all 

The official selection and formation of the Great Wilderness Army! 

You are reading story One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning at

Because Jiang Fan gave Yan instructions again. 

Same as the Age of Kai. 

Take an alien trial. 

Once every three months. 

After seeing this instruction. 

Yan is absolutely sure, 

A new glory expedition is about to begin! 

This time it must be more important and difficult than the Kai era! 

To this end. 

Yan temporarily put aside her research on energy. 

Personally participated in the formation of the Great Wilderness Army! 

Seeing Yan urgency. 

The wise Guiguzi, Zhuge Ming, Zhang Liang, and others all guessed what was going on! 

Actively cooperate. 

This time the Great Wilderness Army. 

The initial planned number is 50,000. 

Soldiers are not many and not too few. 

It is applies to any age! 

The original Great Wilderness Army plus the surrendered army. 

The hundreds of thousands of people. 

Only choose 50,000 top performers. 

Divide into five thousand troops. 

The selection of generals has also begun. 

Not surprisingly. 

Chang Yuchun, the oldest qualified, temporarily served as the main general. 

And the generals of the five legions, 

It is difficult to choose. 

Xu Tiande, Han Xin, Le Yi, Zhao Zilong plus Han Chuhu, Zhang Liao, Lu, Li Wenzhong, and others who had just surrendered. 

It can be said to be a collection of stars! 

As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature and no second in martial arts! 

These generals. 

No one obeys anyone! 

For these five places. 

Fighting for blood. 

A new round of bullying has begun! 

This time because there are too many people. 

Yan couldn't make a decision for a while. 

I can only let Guiguzi and others figure it out. 

And the choice of the counselors. 

Nor is it simpler than the general. 

Those who surrendered included Guo Jia, Zhuge Ming, Deng Yu, Gao Song, and so on. 

Very difficult to decide! 

After a few days of infighting. 

Finally, the number is still out. 

Five generals, but ten candidates. 

According to Yan's plan. 

Every three months. 

They led one of the regiments. 

Wait until all battles are over. 

Then the final five places will be selected from the record. 


No one said anything. 

Take the position by your ability! 

The Extraordinary Research Institute has expanded again! 

Yan pulls in some of the firearms research team as well. 

To now. 

A scholar owned by the entire Great Wilderness Army has reached tens of thousands of people. 

Exceeds the number from Kai Era. 

Under the collective efforts of so many people. 

Improvements to the rifle. 

Coming soon. 

The first semi-automatic rifle was born in a research room! 

Ordinary rifle need a shot, and pull the bolt! 

The semi-automatic rifles. 

It is without the bolt. 

Just pull the trigger directly. 

Every time the trigger is pulled, a bullet is fired! 

Some scholars have also found the inadequacies of semi-automatic rifles. 

It can be improved even better! 

Another research group is the use of gunpowder. 

Got an idea. 

I think it is possible to make a more convenient, small-yield gunpowder pack. 

The prototype of the grenade was born. 

There is also a research group. 

Specialize in researching the ultimate move against powerful superhumans! 

But for a while. 

Nothing came of it. 

Soon a month later. 

It's time for the trial mission. 

The planetary channel opened again. 

This time leading the team is Xu Tiande. 

His qualifications are only less than Chang Yuchun. 

The difficulty of the task. 

Jiang Fan went from easy to difficult. 

Slowly let the Great Wilderness Army adapt! 

Time goes by quickly. 

In a blink of an eye. 

Three years have past. 

The Great Wilderness Army has performed twelve planetary expedition missions. 

Each general will lead the team once. 

These three years. 

Whether it is the Great Wilderness Institute of Science and Technology or the Transcendent Research Institute. 

The results came out like a fountain. 

All kinds of novel inventions are springing up like mushrooms which keep popping up. 

Most are military. 

Bringing the Great Wilderness Army stronger combat power. 

When facing the superhuman. 

From the beginning of caution, nervousness, and anxiety, the Great Wilderness Army has gradually turned into anticipation and dazzling eyes! 

Seeing the extraordinary. 

As if looking at prey. 

The most immediate gain is. 

The Great Wilderness Army has completed four missions of five-star difficulty! 

Plus the mission of the previous card planet. 

Jiang Fan has completed three five-star missions. 


Eligible for Elite Star Hunter assessment. 

Jiang Fan came directly to the Planetary Association. 

The previous middle-aged supervisor received Jiang Fan personally. 

At this time. 

The middle-aged supervisor has naturally investigated Jiang Fan's identity. 

''Mr. Jiang wants to apply for Elite Star Hunter?'' 

Hear Jiang Fan's request. 

A strange look appeared on the middle-aged supervisor's face. 

Elite star hunter? 

The entire Jiangcheng Planet Association. 

Not many. 

Over 80% success rate. 

There are also mission difficulty requirements. 

It is difficult for many star hunters to do it. 

And Jiang Fan. 

It has only just awakened the planet for less than three months! 

"That's right." 

Jiang Fan handed over his membership card. 

The middle-aged supervisor took over. 

Take a look. 

He was stunned. 

After looking carefully for a while, he took a deep breath. 

He raised his head again, looked at Jiang Fan, and said. 

"Complete five five-star tasks in a row, and meet the selection criteria for elite star hunters!" 

The middle-aged supervisor still had a hint of wonder in his eyes. 

There are two criteria for the evaluation of elite star hunters. 

One is to Perform at least 100 missions with an 80% success rate. 

The second is to Perform five missions on 5-star difficulty and a 100% success rate! 

The vast majority of elite star hunters. 

All depend on the first condition to evaluate the success. 

The second condition is really hard! 

Of course. 

This is a Tier 1 Elite Star Hunter. 

"What a monster.'' 

The middle-aged supervisor muttered in his heart. 


Personally appraised Jiang Fan as an elite star hunter. 

For Jiang Fan. 

Elite star hunters have many benefits. 

Not just a rise in fame. 

There are also various benefits. 

For example, 

There will be an 80% discount on tolls! 

Able to accept some tasks with higher thresholds and so on. 

After Jiang Fan leaves. 

A staff member came in from outside. 

Glancing at Jiang Fan's back. 

Inexplicably, he asked. 

"Director, are you so optimistic about him?" 

Look at the expression of the middle-aged supervisor just now. 

That smile is so full of charm! 

"Make a good relationship." 

The middle-aged supervisor smiled slightly. 

The truth was not revealed. 

Even the identity of Jiang Fan's elite star hunter was kept secret. 

Of course. 

This is also Jiang Fan's request. 

Before the college entrance examination. 

He didn't intend to make everyone known. 

"But I heard...'' 

The staff member said. 

"This year's top student in the college entrance examination is a certainty that it will be the first step in the first middle school!" 


The middle-aged supervisor's mouth curled into a smile. 

If it was an hour ago. 

He also had the same idea. 

But now. 

This is an elite star hunter who has just awakened to the planet for less than three months! 

What is that concept? 

You can rank among the youngest elite star hunters in history! 

Peerless monster! 

"Director, don't you believe it?" 

The staff member clicked on his communicator and cast a page projection. 

"This is the Tianjiao ranking that has just been released, look at the ranking of Bu Jingyue!" 

The middle-aged supervisor looked up. 

After seeing Bu Jingyue's ranking. 

Can not help but be slightly surprised! 

After seeing Jiang Fan's ranking again. 

Even more astonished! 

And Jiang Fan returned home. 

Suddenly received a call from Tong Zhensheng. 

"Headmaster, what's the matter?" 

Jiang Fan has always been so direct. 

"Jiang Fan, have you paid attention to the Tianjiao list just released?" 

Tong Zhensheng did not joke like the previous few times but asked directly. 


Jiang Fan didn't bother to care about these things. 

"If you have time, you can take a look." 

Tong Zhensheng's tone is quite dignified!

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