One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 115: CH 115

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The next day, Jiang Fan woke up early automatically and he had a quick breakfast. Then he went downstairs to the gate of the community. There is a car waiting for him. Liu Yue's head stretched out from inside and said, "Jiang Fan, get in the car!'' 

"Mrs. Liu, you are…'' As Jiang Fan walked over, he was a little confused. 

"My family lives near here, so I just came here to take you on a ride." Teacher Liu Yue smiled slightly. 

Jiang Fan got into the car and didn't ask anything. Where can such a coincidence happen? It should be arranged by the school. This car is similar to the sedan of his previous life but more comfortable and safe. Especially, there is no strong smell and the speed is also very fast. Soon, he came to the parking lot of No. 7 Middle School. Jiang Fan bid farewell to Liu Yue. 


Passing through yesterday's passage with ease and once again stepping into the college entrance examination square. There are already many students nearby. 

The square is bustling. People are talking to each other. But if one looks carefully, compared to yesterday, it seems different. The exam today is a test of everyone's true level. There is no room for mistakes. The practical operation for everyone is also very high. 

Jiang Fan also found out that fewer people seem to come in than yesterday. Thinking about it, he also understands. After the first day of the exam is over, many students with poor grades lost their eligibility to go to college. For the exam the next day, naturally there is no need to participate. 

"Jiang Fan.'' Not far away, Fang Zhenting came over. 

"You came so early.'' Jiang Fan laughed. 

"Didn't you find that it's more comfortable in this college entrance examination square than outside?" Fang Zhenting said with a smile. 

"It is.'' Jiang Fan nodded slightly. 

"Jiang Fan, have you read the rankings on the first day?" Fang Zhenting took out a thick document. He also patted with his hand. The communicator cannot be brought in, so he can only bring thick paper materials. It shows the names and grades of the candidates and their respective rankings. 

''Gaokao Square will not be ranked." Fang Zhenting explained: "But the major institutions outside will list every candidate's rank as soon as possible. The one I took is the ranking of the most authoritative Tianjiao newspaper. However, Jiang Fan, you don't have to watch it. You're number one!" Fang Zhenting pointed to the top name. It's exactly Jiang Fan. 

"The first day is nothing." Jiang Fan could only say dryly. 

"yes." Fang Zhenting nodded in agreement and said, "My grades on the first day can only be considered average, ranking out of the 100,000 people in the province, I will work hard today and try to get a few more points in the actual combat assessment.'' 

Today's exam is just one subject and the total score is 400. It is the most important and most concerning actual combat assessment. Many people think that the first day of the exam is just a formality. To see how strong each person is, actual combat is the only standard. 

"Ok?" Fang Zhenting turned his head and looked in one direction: "Tang Qingqing and Bu Jingyue are here?" 

Jiang Fan also turned his head to look and discover Tang Qingqing and Bu Jingyue. They appeared in the square almost at the same time. There was a little commotion. The expressions of the two did not change. Still calm with a hint of pride. Only unlike yesterday when showing up, they all looked in the direction of Jiang Fan. There were also a lot of discussions about Jiang Fan. Jiang Fan was talking and laughing with Fang Zhenting. 

While waiting for the arrival of the exam time, the same as yesterday. Exam time today is also nine o'clock sharp. Soon, the reminder sounded in the college entrance examination square. "There are ten minutes before the start of the test, please prepare and go into the test room." Everyone took a deep breath. Their heart is more or less nervous. 

"Yesterday's exam, I was pulled too much." Tang Qingqing took a long breath of the fresh air in the college entrance examination square, and thought to herself: "Today's actual combat assessment, I must play well! For the champion, I will not think about it, but the top 500 in the province must be won! I can't live up to brother. He gave so many resources!" 

"On the first day, I only ranked in the 20s.'' Bu Jingyue, who was not far away, also thought: "I must work harder today if I don't make it into the top ten! I won't forgive myself!" A look of determination flashed in Bu Jingyue's eyes. 

"Come on, Fang Zhenting, when you were in a big competition, you were side by side with Bu Jingyue and Jiang Fan. They are both known as super-geniuses in Jiangcheng, but why is the gap so big now? Today's test does not seek to compare with these monsters. You must make good use of it! Enter the top 100,000! Let's go to the top 50,000!" Fang Zhenting also clenched his hands tightly, and his heart was very determined. 

It's not just Jiangcheng here. The entire Dongyang province. East Star City, Amber City, Purple Star City, Sky Crystal City. Students one by one, whether it is ordinary students or peerless geniuses. At this moment, their eyes are full of determination. 

"Come on, Shanzi, the champion is yours." Lei Kui smiled at Wang Shan. 

"You too, come on, see you in the top ten!" Wang Shan also smiled slightly. 

"Master, come on, strive for the top five.'' In the Tianjing City College Entrance Examination Square, the beautiful maid said with a smile. 

''It doesn't matter, the top five are no different from the top ten. Today, I want to see the other deeply hidden dark horses exposed.'' Bai Jiaoyang's face was full of relief. Immediately, a hint of regret was revealed, and he said: "It's a pity that the college entrance examination cannot leave early, otherwise you can see the actual combat situation of other Tianjiao!" 

"Today is really exciting!'' 

"Hmph, yesterday's limelight was all stolen by that guy named Jiang Fan. " 

In Purple Star City, the black-clothed boy Ye Han was hiding in the crowd. There is a glimmer of unwillingness in his eyes. Originally, his second subject score was 87 which is on the same level as those four recognized super monsters and ranked in the top five in the state. It can be said to be a blockbuster. Ten years of dormancy. Explosion at once. No name moves the world. All the limelight was all taken away by Jiang Fan, who scored full marks in both subjects. Few people noticed Ye Han. This made Ye Han feel very angry. 

"The perfect score for both subjects is only 200!" Ye Han thought to himself, and said, "Let's give this guy the limelight on the first day. Today, it's time for me, Ye Han, to truly become famous. Wang Weiwei, Maya, and those who used to look down on me. It's all worthless to me. What peerless genius, super genius. I will trample them one by one. This college entrance examination total number one is mine.'' 

"All candidates are ready, the transmission begins." After that ethereal voice, on the huge college entrance examination square. Hundreds of thousands of candidates. All of a sudden disappeared. 

Jiang Fan appeared in the exam room yesterday. In the layout of the exam room today, there is only one chair and table. There is also a clock in the front but nothing else. He can't tell the difference between east, west, north, and south. Jiang Fan tried it out but the connection between myself and Bluestar is still disconnected. 

Time goes by little by little. When nine o'clock is coming, that ethereal voice rang in the ears of every candidate very punctually. "The exam officially begins, today is the fourth and final exam of all exams. This subject will be a practical test for each candidate. Each candidate is asked to make appropriate preparations for their respective planets by the requirements mentioned below.'' 

At this time, Jiang Fan found out that his connection with Bluestar is reconnected. This is of course no surprise. For the practical examination, naturally, each planet master needs to operate on their planet! 

"Every candidate, please adjust their planetary time flow rate to the most appropriate multiple. The assessment will start on time ten minutes after this notification ends. In front of you, there will be a countdown. After the assessment begins, the adjustment of the time flow rate will not be allowed.'' The voice fell. 

In front of each candidate, there was a ten-minute countdown. Everyone is nervous to start with their respective planets and adjust the time flow rate. After awakened the planet for three months, the planet is not so fragile, so appropriate time acceleration is possible. Jiang Fan checked the situation of Blue Star and calculate the time. He didn't make any changes because it's not necessary. 

The other candidate's operation will be completed soon. Of course, some students don't usually take long and adjust impatiently. When many candidates are nervously waiting for the actual combat assessment. 

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Outside the examination room, the real-time live broadcast of the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination has begun. Of course, this is not public. There are only a few institutions such as each school, the City Lord's Mansion of each city, and the Planetary Association to be able to see the actual combat screen of the candidates. 

Compared to the first day, today's actual combat test attracted a lot more attention. Yesterday, many big people are concerned about the final result. And today, it doesn't matter. One by one is calling friends and friends to watch together. From actual combat, only then can we see the potential of the planet created by each candidate. 

For Tang Yushu and a group of college admissions teachers, naturally, there are places to watch live broadcasts. Only not in the Planetary Society today but rather in the City Lord's Mansion in Jiangcheng. 

Inside the large hall of the City Lord's Mansion, this grand hall is more than ten meters high and can accommodate thousands of people. Now, Hundreds of people are gathered and each one is extraordinary. Admissions teachers at various universities, leaders of all forces, and all-powerful planet masters got the invitation of the city lord of Jiangcheng to gather together. 

The most important event of the year is the Jiangcheng Big Competition. It is nothing to the city lord of Jiangcheng. But high school is different. The annual college entrance examination results are a very important assessment indicator for them. 

"There are a lot more people coming this year than in previous years." The middle-aged Director of the Planetary Association glanced at the crowd around him. 

"Yeah, in previous years, we were not qualified to come in with such identities." Another supervisor next to him echoed. 

"Who made Jiangcheng come out with three top geniuses on the Tianjiao list this year?" The president of the Jiangcheng Branch of the Planetary Association smiled and said, "Especially the first day of the exam. Tang Qingqing, Bu Jingyue, and Jiang Fan all played well, and they all ranked in the top 5,000. Especially Jiang Fan and Bu Jingyue, the total score of the two is in the top 30. This is an unprecedented event in the history of Jiangcheng. It's no wonder that the city lord of Jiangcheng is so happy!" 

Both directors nodded. For the lord of every city, appearance is very important. In a small town like Jiangcheng, all of a sudden there are two top 30. One record-breaking streak and a temporary number one. Along the way, the name of the small city of Jiangcheng became popular. Looking at the smile on the face of the city lord of Jiangcheng from time to time. Everyone knows that the old guy didn't say anything but in his heart, he must be happy. 

"It's nine o'clock, it's time to start.'' A powerful planet master glanced at the time and said. Immediately, the hall fell silent. Everyone sits down and turns their head to look at the huge projection in front of the hall. Everyone knows that away from the real combat test. There are about ten minutes left. The first ten minutes are for every student to prepare. 

"These preparations in front are very important." Sitting next to the city lord of Jiangcheng, a fifth-level veteran planet master said: "There are many details, if you don't do it well, you may lose one or two points, or three or four points later!" 

Everyone else nodded. The people here all took the high school entrance examination. So nothing is clearer than them about the practical examination. The assessment is the strength of the extraordinary races created by their respective planets. But at different times, the status of each superhuman will be different. Especially in the early stage of the superhuman. 

To adjust the time is to let the extraordinary race have the best mental outlook and state to go to battle. This is something every candidate should consider. Also, there are various details to pay attention to. Otherwise, because of the neglect of details, you will lose one or two points less. The ranking is very likely to drop thousands or even tens of thousands. The Super top universities will miss you. In previous years, many such a situation appear. 

"I'm coming." In the conference room of No. 7 Middle School, the school leaders and teachers did not stand up, but their expression is much more nervous than yesterday. This last exam is worth 400 points. The final score and ranking will be directly determined in the next few hours. 

"I don't know what method will be used for this year's actual combat assessment?'' A young teacher asked. 

''There are only a few types of actual combat examinations.'' Shao Yunfei replied: "It is estimated that there will be no surprises this year!" 

"Either one, it's essentially the same." Tong Zhensheng opened his mouth and said, "It's all about assessing the true strength of each candidate's planet!" 

''In this aspect, Bu Jingyue should have a relatively large advantage.'' A teacher guessed. 

"Bu Jingyue has now considered an extraordinary species with two and a half." Shao Yunfei said helplessly: "There are not so many other geniuses who are super civilized. Her fighting power is strong. The actual combat assessment is for Bu Jingyue is very good. I hope Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing can relax their minds, and fully show their strengths. As long as their grades aren't too bad today, getting into a good university shouldn't be a problem.'' 

Having said that, the teacher can't be optimistic. They all know that if Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing went to a first-class university, there is definitely no problem. But if they want to go to a top-notch university, then they gotta squeeze into the top 500 in the province first. There are hundreds of millions of candidates and tens of thousands of geniuses. It is easier said than done. Even after the exam was over yesterday, many powerful planet masters also think that in today's actual combat test, Jiang Fan's grades will be average. 

"Okay, don't discuss it, let's wait for the actual combat assessment to begin." Tong Zhensheng said something and silence the voices of the discussions one by one. Everyone held their breath and set their sights on the projection. There is also a countdown timer similar to that in the examination room. 

Finally, ten minutes after the countdown, the ethereal voice sounded. "The actual combat test has officially started. This year's test will be conducted in the form of an extraordinary invasion. Please prepare yourself!" 

"Transcendent Invasion?'' 

"This year, they are actually using Transcendent Invasion?" 

"This is the most difficult of the several practical tests." 

After knowing the examination method, many people were shocked. 

''It should be it's also because there are too many talents this year." 

In the Seventh meeting room, Shao Yunfei guessed: "You can only use this kind of assessment method that tests candidates the most!" 

"Transcendent Invasion." A flash of memory flashed in Teacher Liu Yue's eyes, and said, "If I remember correctly, the last time they used this method was in the first three years of my college entrance examination year. Generally speaking, this kind of assessment method will not be used!" 

The other teachers also nodded. Extraordinary Invasion! Everyone knows what it means. The level of testing for each candidate is very large. More than just the planetary power but also their own decision-making power, willpower, judgment, etc. It may lead to dozens of points lost. 

"This year is really going to be bloody!" Dong Zhensheng also smiled with emotion. He lived this life as the principal for decades. But he has only seen the assessment method of "Extraordinary Invasion" a few times. 

"One minute later, the first wave of extraordinary species will pass through each candidate's planetary passage and invade their respective planets!" In the examination room, the ethereal voice continued to sound: "Every candidate, please prepare. If candidates want to withdraw from the assessment, they can withdraw at any time, and there is a button in the middle of the front of each candidate's desk. Press this button to exit the examination room directly. Please note that if you press the exit button, then you will be directly sent out of the examination room, which is equivalent to giving up the next assessment. Your grades will also be fixed, and there will be no chance to go in again. The ethereal voice had a hint of warmth, and said, "Because this time, the assessment method of extraordinary invasion is adopted, please pay attention to the situation of the civilized races that you have created, don't blindly insist, and don't give up in advance. Good luck to all students!" 

"This prompt sound is suddenly humanized." This is Jiang Fan's first reaction when he heard these words. He looked ahead and in the middle of the table, there is one button. Jiang Fan reaches out but didn't touch it. If this is pressed, then he will be sent out directly. It's like saying that this practical test is 0 points. No chance to come back again. Not just the college entrance examination. His whole life is the same. The high school entrance examination of this world is the water point of everyone's life. It is one step to heaven or hell. 

At the same time, all over the province. One by one in the examination room, all the candidates are sitting up straight. Some people even sweat profusely. Especially after knowing that the assessment method is "Extraordinary Invasion". 

And Jiang Fan is above the observation of the blue star. The Royal Mausoleum Mountains are not far from the capital of the Xia Kingdom. The transcendent invasion thing. Jiang Fan naturally informed them in advance. Yan and the others also get ready early. 

Time passed by every second. When the countdown reaches zero, the ethereal reminder sounds. "The first wave of extraordinary invasion begins!" It warns each of the candidates. At this time, they all probed into their planet. On the outside, Live streaming from one place to another, also shows the actual combat assessment of each candidate on the projection. 

Outside the Royal Tombs Mountains, the Planet Pass opens slowly. A large group of breaths belonging to the extraordinary rush out. 

"It's coming!" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. 

The actual combat test has really begun!

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