One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 118: CH 118

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Within the province, on the college entrance examination square, the eliminated candidates, who push the button, got transferred here. It isn't the same as in the previous years. First, this year, the number of people who got out is astonishing, as can be seen from the number of candidates in the square. 

"Why? Why is it so difficult?" 

"I'm going crazy, this first level is too difficult." 

"I can at least pass the second level in the usual simulation, but now I can't even pass the first level?!" 

"It's over, there is no hope." 

"Fortunately, many people have been eliminated, and they are not so lonely." 

"I… how did I get eliminated in the first level? The teacher who gave the question is evil." In a corner of the square, Xiang Junhao clenched his fists tightly with a gloomy face. As one of the three geniuses, Xiang Junhao is also famous. He has high expectations from many. However, he couldn't resist the attack of the zombies in the first wave and has been eliminated. 

"Tang Qingqing! Jiang Fan!'' Especially after seeing that Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing were not present in the square, Xiang Junhao's face twisted a little. Before Tang Qingqing and Jiang Fan's rise, Xiang Junhao is the most dazzling one. Even after awakening the planet later, Xiang Junhao also considers himself extraordinary. He is also a genius who awakens the planet that is comparable to Tang Qingqing. 

He thinks that the ordinary people's civilization created by Jiang Fan has no potential at all. Even if he won the championship of the Jiangcheng competition, so what? He breathed a sigh of relief and get ready for college to squeeze Jiang Fan down hard. However, no one could have imagined that he not only failed to suppress Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing but he was also eliminated and lost the opportunity to go to college per federal regulations. If you want to go to college, you must pass at least one level of the practical examination. If not, no matter how good your first three exams are, it is useless. 

"Unfortunately, Xiang Junhao is too impatient and wants to express himself too much." In the No. 7 conference room, they saw that Xiang Junhao was eliminated. The leaders and teachers shook their heads and sighed. Xiang Junhao is the third seed among them, so naturally, many people are paying attention to him. But no one could have imagined that Xiang Junhao fell. 

"He was trying to prove himself.'' Shao Yunfei said. The teachers are very experienced, so they naturally see that to be continuously surpassed by Tang Qingqing and Jiang Fan, he will have mental imbalance for sure. "With Xiang Junhao's strength, as long as he is not so impatient and fights slowly, sooner or later, the weakness of the zombie group will be discovered, and it is impossible to fall in this first level." 

Another teacher also sighed: "But it's useless to say anything, there is no chance to do it again!" 

After talking briefly about Xiang Junhao, everyone also turned their attention to other people. Due to this exam question and its unprecedented difficulty, many such geniuses like Xiang Junhao carelessly lost at the first level. For the vast majority of geniuses, especially the arrogant ones who are on the list, the first level is just a little trickier. 

Over time, it was also quickly discovered the weaknesses of these zombies. Their brain is the weakness and they are afraid of fire. The Great Wilderness Army dragged back the fallen one after another. Anatomical studies are ongoing. A scholar observed and reported: "Except for the head, other parts have a strong defense against bullets, but it is not invincible. If the attack power exceeds a certain limit, then they will fall directly. And the most terrifying thing about these monsters is not their defense, but...'' The scholar paused for a moment and said solemnly: "Their terrifying infectious ability. If you are bitten by them, you will turn into this monster.'' 

Why does he know this? It is because before, Chang Yuchun sent someone to capture the remaining dozens of zombies alive and bring them back to the extraordinary research Institute. As a result, the soldiers didn't pay attention and were bitten by a zombie. After a while, he becomes a zombie. Fortunately, the Great Wilderness Army responded in a timely manner and immediately control these zombies. After doing some research, they found this terrifying ability. 

"So, you can make a preliminary conclusion that these monsters may have been ordinary people, but for some unknown reason, it may be some kind of supernatural power, and they have become such monsters.'' The scholar said. The other scholars listened carefully and nodded slightly. 

"This is the type of extraordinary species we've never encountered before." Yan came to the research room to watch the anatomy in person and then said: "So everyone should pay more attention.'' This is also the strategy of the Army. In every battle on an alien planet, the most important thing is to study these extraordinary species and figure out their secrets. 

And in the same moment, on the square. The ethereal voice sounded. '' The second wave of the extraordinary invasion is about to begin, please candidates get ready!" The Countdown begins in ten seconds, it was not until it reach zero that the planet channel is on again. A trace of a strange atmosphere came. 

Above the tall wall, the Army is naturally ready. This time, it is not Xu Tiande's and the first corps, but they are replaced by the Second Army led by Yue. Chang Yu is still commander in chief, but this time the command is held by Yue. The Second Crop soldiers are not afraid, instead, they are gearing up with a look of excitement and anticipation. For the Great Wilderness Army, it is not just about glory. If you won, there are huge rewards. With a slight fluctuation, the Channel opens. From inside the portal, a creature came out and its body is wrapped in dark armor. 

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. After looking carefully, he discovered that these invaders rode a creature that looks much like a horse. But on a closer look, it's not a horse. It is bigger than the average horse and it is dark from head to toe. People look and shudder. 

The knight on horseback, its whole body was also dark. As if enveloped in a huge black gown underneath. But on a closer look, there is no black robe. These knights are shrouded under a blanket of darkness. Their head is very strange, there is a small and extremely brisk fire much like the legendary, Nether Fire. 

"What is this?" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. At first, he didn't recognize them. Not just Jiang Fan, many teachers, and even the planet master did not recognize them. Of course, the more powerful big shot does. 

"Death Knights? This is in the second level? Interesting, if you put it in previous years, it would be in the third level. However, these things appear in the second level this year. This is incomparable to the first level. I'm afraid that if some of the geniuses don't pay attention, they might lose here." 

In Santo Hall, the powerful planet is in the main discussion. All of them look with a trace of a smile. What they want to see the most is a major showdown between the geniuses. 

"Death Knight?" In the Seventh meeting room, Tong Zhensheng, seeing these creatures wrapped in a blanket of darkness, said. 

"These extraordinary creatures are called Death Knight?" Liu Yue next to him, could not help but ask: "It looks very strong, it should be a mid-race civilization?" 

"Yes, it is a mid-level civilized race." Zhen sound nodded and said: "And there is a mid-level civilization extremely powerful. In terms of strength, the Death Knight is not the top of the intermediate civilization." 

Qiu Yunfei answered, "But the characteristics of the Death Knight are very tricky, if you are familiar with it, it is not so difficult to deal with. But in the college entrance examination when you don't have so much time to get to know it well if you have an accident, you will roll over directly. It's much more terrifying than the zombies in the first level in my opinion.'' Qiu Yunfei paused, smiled, and said, "I'm afraid many seeded players will be eliminated in this stage!" 

"It's really difficult.'' Liu Yue's face was also solemn, and she said, "If it were in previous years, this would have to be the third level!" 

"Good guy.'' Jiang Fan sighed lightly and looked at these knights with black bodies but he still didn't intervene. He will only do it as a last resort. Not to mention, he doesn't seem to be of any use. 

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In front of the channel, these eerie black knights formed a black mass. But they are not a horde of zombies that act on instinct when they saw the Army behind the tall city walls, they did not attack rashly. Instead, they temporarily stopped in place and gather into formation. 

Seeing this scene, Chang Yuchun frowned slightly. Those invaders seem more powerful but Chang Yuchun didn't take it to heart either. However, this kind of organization and discipline made Chang Yuchun afraid. 

"Attention, half will shoot at the knights, and the other half will shoot the creatures under the knights.'' Le Yi waved his hand and commanded loudly. This is a surefire strategy. Before you know what kind of creature the other party is, you should try out an all-around attack on these knights. 

Where are the weaknesses? Either the knight above or the creature below that looks like a horse. Under one round of attack and you can know. And this time after a quick look, the first report of the Research Group is also out. 

"These extraordinary creatures look like they died for a long time. They are similar to the zombies we encountered in the previous expedition to the alien planet. Let's call them Death Knight and Undead Horses first!" A scholar said: ''These undead knights have weapons in their hands. It is a long sword, and its power is not weak!" 

Chang Yuchun and the others all looked at them and found out that on the right hand of these dark, spooky knights, they are equipped with a pitch-black long sword. That sharpness can be seen from the reflections from afar. "Pay attention and don't be careless!" Le Yi also said loudly. 

The Death Knight on the opposite side, after gathering more than a thousand people, finally started moving. It's not fast but it walks neatly towards the city wall. Surprisingly, in the process of traveling, it's not just that these knights are silent, even the horses below don't make any noise. It is not like the zombie group in the first level before that shouted and swarmed over. On the contrary, they are extremely silent, there was only the slight sound of the horse on the ground. 

After looking at the scene for a while, the Great Wilderness Army did not care or despise it because of this strangeness, but instead, it improves concentration. Each person with a rifle aimed at the Death Knights and wait until these knights come within range. 

Le Yi immediately ordered: "Fire!'' Immediately after, gunshots were heard and thousands of bullets dense as rain flew toward the Death Knights. However, a weird scene happened, after so many bullets hit the Death Knights and the undead horses, no sound was made. It all disappeared under that black fog. 

Let Chang Yuchun and other generals were shocked. "Don't stop, keep attacking!'' Le Yi shouted immediately. No matter how strange it is, just keep shooting. The people of the extraordinary research team observe carefully and their brains are running at full speed to find the weakness of these Death Knights. 

"Look!" A young scholar shouted and it immediately attracted everyone's attention. "Look at the heads of these Death Knights, there is a cluster of blue and white flames there!" People look over but the human eye cannot see it, so they pick up the binoculars. They found out that inside the head of the Death Knights, there is indeed a little flame which is blue-white color. "After being hit by the bullet just now," The young scholar continued: "These flames are shaking slightly and seem to be slowly getting weaker. That is to say,..." 

Another scholar looked up and said: "The bullet attack is still effective for them, and it can consume their life force!" 

"It should be, these flames can be regarded as the protective shield of these undead knights!" An old scholar said: "Once the flame disappears, it means that the protective cover is broken, and then our bullets should be able to cause direct damage to them!" 

"I see!" Hearing this, Chang Yuchun breathed a sigh of relief and Le Yi even ordered: "Attack with all your strength, the scouts carefully observe the status of the knights on the opposite side, and once the flame on the head of any knight weakens, focus on attacking that knight!" This is also a very useful tactic of the Great Wilderness Army, fight against the weakest opponent first to minimize the opposing forces as much as possible. 

Soldiers are shooting more frantically with guns and the bullets are all over the sky. The scout who is responsible for observing the situation on the battlefield, with a telescope, glanced at the Death Knights in front of him for the ones that are the most vulnerable. Finally, the scout saw the blue-white flame in the head of a Death Knights was gradually extinguished. 

"In the middle, set fire!" Shouted the scout. The other Great Wilderness Army soldiers have a tacit understanding, so hundreds of muzzles at once aim at the Death Knights in the middle. 

After the shooting, they saw that the Death Knights' flame is about to disappear, and another undead knight suddenly appear. A light flashed in his head and the flames that are about to go out in the head of the Death Knights have increased again. However, the flames in the head of the Death Knights in the back were reduced by half. As a result, the Death Knights in front are okay. 

"This…." Scholars, Chang Yuchun, and others saw it with their own eyes. For a while, they were somewhat dumbfounded. 

"Can their flames be borrowed from each other?" A scholar couldn't help asking. 

"It's supposed to be a transfer.'' An old scholar's face became solemn and said, "Other Death Knights can lend their flames to their companions!" 

"In this way, as long as the number of undead knights is sufficient, then, wouldn't it be impossible to kill them.'' A scholar was somewhat surprised. 

Chang Yuchun and other generals, their brows are raised again. After all, most of the bullets can only hit the Death Knights in front so the Death Knights behind were unscathed. They can easily transfer their own flame to the Death Knights in the front row. In a way, the Death Knights in the front row are completely immortal. 

The Great Wilderness Army is shooting frantically. But the result is the same when the fire in the head of the Death Knights in the front row is about to disappear, the Death Knights behind will make up for it. So the bullet rain attack is completely useless. Everyone watching this frowned slightly, while at the same time, thousands of Death Knights are still advancing and approaching the huge wall step by step. 

"You can't let these guys come within 400 meters!" A hint of coldness flashed in Chang Yuchun's eyes. He turned to look at Yan who was watching the battle behind him. Yan knew what Chang Yuchun wanted to do and then nodded. Chang Yuchun shook his right hand slightly and shouted loudly, "Use the artillery!" 


Immediately on the city ​​wall, around the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army, the cover that covers one of the artillery pieces was lifted off and the device is revealed. This is one of the big killers of the Great Wilderness Army. Chang Yuchun and others felt that it is time to use the artillery. And on the planet of other candidates, they all discovered the ability of these strange creatures. 

After a series of loud noises, Tang Qingqing frowned at the scene in front of her. The magician under her attacked but it didn't work on the Death Knights. She is different from the Great Wilderness Army. Tang Qingqing did not have a tall city wall here but she is also smart. 

With a valley front, she took advantage of natural barriers to better resist the attacks of various extraordinary races. The first level with zombies is easy, the Magic Legion threw a pile of fireballs, and most of the zombie was burned. This time the Death Knights weren't burnt and there wasn't any damage at all. 

"All use the big fireball technique!" Tang Qingqing ordered. She's going to use the powerful super fireball spell on these Death Knights and turn them to ashes. But the result surprised everyone!

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