One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 120: CH 120

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On the college entrance examination square, the candidates who quit were a lot. Although not as much as the first round, it is still a lot. Just in Jiangcheng, there are more than 100,000 people who got eliminated in this level. Even Ma Songtao and Wang Teng who are among the top five outstanding students in their respective schools couldn't get past this either. They fell at the feet of the Death Knight. Not just Wang Teng from Blue Moon City, there are many others who got out. 

In the Seventh meeting room, "This year is really a sea of ​​blood, so many people have been eliminated in the first two rounds, and there are still so many geniuses!" A teacher is sighing! 

"Yeah, the first two rounds were just warming up." Another teacher agreed. 

"This should be the most difficult actual combat test in history, right?" A teacher asked. 

"There should be no doubt, anyway, after watching it for decades, this one is the most difficult!" An old teacher nodded. 

"Even Xiang Junhao and Ma Songtao were eliminated from the top ten of our school, and there are probably not many others left." A leader looked at the projection. 

There are real-time scores of candidates in the seven high schools, but because there are a lot of students in Seventh Middle School, they didn't pay any attention to them. They only focus on the most promising ones. And in the first two rounds, everyone thinks that with the strength of Tang Qingqing and Jiang Fan, they should pass with no problems. Instead, pay more attention to other students. 

"Almost the whole army was wiped out.'' While projecting, Teacher Liu Yue shook his head and said, "Our school ranks in the top 30, and there are only three left after this round." Hearing this, the other teachers and leaders looked helpless. This is the tragedy of elementary school, most of the students are of poor quality. And this year's topic is particularly difficult. Even in the previous years, the No. 7 high school candidates were able to pass the third level at most. But unlike previous years, this year, everyone's expressions were not so depressing, after all, there are still three students and two are very promising to go a long way. 


"Look at the ranking list." Xing Zhensheng ordered and Liu Yue immediately cast the projection on the leaderboard. 

At the same time, in the college entrance examination square, in front of each candidate's position, there is a huge leaderboard with all the test takers in the province. From top to bottom, the grades and rankings of all candidates are displayed. 

In 1st place, The results shown are 1 hour 02 minutes 10 seconds. This includes the first and second levels which are added together for the clearance time. The less time, the higher the ranking. 

Second place is 1 hour 05 minutes 13 seconds. 

3rd place is 1 hour 06 minutes 39 seconds. 

In the top ten rankings, all are within 1 hour and 10 minutes. The competition is fierce. And the top one hundred, all are within 1 hour and 30 minutes. Seeing this ranking, Teacher Liu Yue said with a smile: "This year is really different, everyone has fought hard, and the first two rounds have been so fierce!" 

"This year is not only the one with the most talents, but also the highest difficulty in history." Shao Yunfei nodded and said, "According to this trend, the further you go, the more difficult it will be. Naturally, the geniuses have also seen it, so, they have to fight more to widen the gap ahead. Who dares to stay at the bottom, if you encounter a more difficult level later, who can guarantee that you can control the clearance time?" 

"Look at Bu Jingyue.'' Liu Yue flipped the projection and it immediately show the results of Bu Jingyue. Of course, there are only achievements and rankings on the leaderboard. There are no names of individual candidates, the specific information needs to be sorted out by outsiders. 

For the people of Seven High School, Bu Jingyue has always been the object of attention. When the leaderboard comes out, they just know which one is Bu Jingyue. 

*1 hour 52 minutes 45 seconds, ranking 250." 

Liu Yue read out Tang Qingqing's ranking. 

"2 hours 01 minutes 08 seconds, ranking 560.'' 

"Tang Qingqing's grades are good." Qiu Yunfei nodded and said, "Bu Jingyue doesn't seem to have used the third race created with the heart of the stars, right?" 

"It's not, it should be reserved for the next level.'' Liu Yue said. 

"It's not that urgent. It's enough to be in the top three hundred in the first two rounds." Qiu Yunfei also understood Bu Jingyue's approach, and immediately said, "By the way, what about Jiang Fan's? Why isn't it on the leaderboard?" 

"There." Teacher Liu Yue's face was a little weird, she pulled out the projection, pointed to a ranking above, and said, "This is Jiang Fan's result!" 

Seeing the results and rankings, a teacher is a little bit startled. "This kid doing here? How is he so behind?" Shao Yunfei not help but say a sentence. 

In the examination room where Jiang Fan is, he also found his rankings. ''9881th" Jiang Fan moves away slightly. This ranking is quite low but for the aim of the overall champion, it is doesn't matter. According to the assessment of the scoring, the total score of 400 points, as long as the candidates passed the first two-level, they can get 100 points. 

Star City is located in the East "Tianjiao News" segment editing room. 

''The Tianjiao list ranking now who would dare question? Who would dare to question?" A ranking editor looked at Jiang Fan and said loudly: "Even if your first day out of the whole three subjects, broke two records, so what?" 

"The third round of assessment is beginning, candidates prepare for the third round of the upcoming extraordinary invasion after seconds!" The ethereal sounded and let all candidates know. Some candidates are very nervous, so they continue to suck in deep air. The first two rounds are so difficult, so this third round, by convention the previous entrance of view, will be on another level. 

"It's coming. The third round has come, as this year is more difficult, do not know how many Tianjiao will fall? In accordance with the point of view before, the second round of the difficulty of the Death Knight is worthy of the third round in the previous years, so it is difficult to estimate the third round is the same as the fourth round last year!" In the Santo hall, one bigwig said. 


"This year, the topic and the teacher does not know which one? It is simply a great horror, not only increases the difficulty, the species that they fight are strong.'' Tang Yushu said and he smile. Tang Qingqing pass the first two rounds and went in the top six hundred, so his mood is quite happy. 

"It is estimated that the third round species are powerful." A teacher said. 


"It's coming." Everyone looked in an instant. 

You are reading story One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning at

In the Royal Tombs Mountains, the planet entrance is surging out strong fluctuations than in the previous two rounds. It is more intense. There are many soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army, on the faraway city wall, that can feel it. The faces of the generals such as Chang Yuchun, all change. 

With a flash of light at the channel exit, a gigantic figure appeared. After the figure is through the passage, everyone can see clearly. It has a very large head, its whole body is black and gray, with a thick fish tail dragging under it. The monsters are enormous in size, it is more than three meters which gives a more shocking feeling than the zombies and Death Knights before. Although they are extraordinary species, their shape is normal. But these monsters with big fish tails are very big. Not just big, its body looks very thick. 

"Murloc?" Jiang Fan thought of a famous extraordinary species. If Jiang Fan can recognize it, other students are no exceptions. Everyone was surprised that in this third level, a common species appeared? No more making things difficult for you? 

Only after careful observation that people found out that these murlocs are not the same as the usual murlocs. And many teachers and planet masters watching the battle recognized it in an instant. This third-round species is not special. 

"Murloc? Tide family, this is the third round?" 

"Pharaoh, take a good look, the murlocs are also divided into several types, what are these murlocs?" 

"Let me see, Fu*k! No way, this is an advanced civilized race!" 

In the City Lord's Mansion Hall, after seeing the appearance of these fat-headed murlocs, the discussion of planet masters has reached an unprecedented level. The big guys have a better understanding of the common and extraordinary species of the murlocs. Naturally, there are many species of murlocs. The more common ones are Swamp Murloc, Deep Sea Murloc, Desert Murloc, Rainforest Murloc, Lake Murloc, and more. This is a powerful group and almost all are intermediate civilizations upwards. Many candidates bred this extraordinary species. 

And these regular murlocs and the murlocs coming out of the passage, their pattern doesn't quite match. The one that crawled out of the channel is significantly bigger. The most conspicuous is the fish head. 

"Among all the murlocs, there is one of the most powerful and the only advanced civilization." Tang Yushu looked at the projection and said with a smile, "It's the golden murloc for the third level. Look at the middle of their heads, there's a little golden tint!" 

Others saw it too, in the heads of these huge murlocs and above the two fish eyes, in the middle of the forehead, it does have a not-so-obvious golden touch. 

"There is actually a golden murloc in this round?" Sitting next to the city lord of Jiangcheng, an old man said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Now these candidates will have a good time. Golden murloc, that's a very terrifying species in the advanced civilization. In the previous years, when the golden murlocs came out, it is at least in the fourth round, or even the fifth round, haha, it came out in the third round this year, and this question maker is more ruthless than us old guys. This round is definitely going to be bloody, and I am afraid that a lot of people on the Tianjiao list will be eliminated!" 

The strong people next to him have a smile on their faces and a hint of anticipation. They are looking forward to many candidates that will be under the suppression of the golden murlocs. 

"Golden murlocs? Not just these big guys, the students also have many knowledgeable geniuses, so they recognized this behemoth. Immediately, their face is ugly. Some people even wanted to swear on the spot. 

"Interesting, this round.'' Even Qiu Yunfei, who has always been relatively calm, said with a smile: "The golden murlocs belong to the real Tide Clan, and have inherited the terrifying innate abilities of the Tide Clan. It is estimated that many candidates will not be able to cope with this round!" 

With the opening of the channel, more and more murlocs poured in. Those huge body-made people watching shuddered. After these big-headed murlocs came in, they just stare at the Great Wilderness Army. Instead, it stopped in place and it seems to be preparing for a large army gathering. 

"Look." A scholar quickly said: "Have you noticed that when these big-headed fish monsters move, they use their fish tails to slide, but their fish tails are not long enough, and their sliding speed is not fast!" Others have discovered this too. 

"First name these monsters as big-headed murlocs, it seems that they are not low in intelligence.'' Said an old scholar. 

The research team is also quite experienced in observing extraordinary species, so their first reaction from the incoming channel is to roughly judge the wisdom of the opponent. These big-headed fish monsters are clearly organized and disciplined, so it must be a powerful civilized race. 

"It's really slow." Chang Yuchun also saw it. These big murlocs slide their tails across the ground to go forward and look like a giant maggot. Their speed is really slow, it is even slower than the average person running. Generals such as Chang Yuchun and Le Yi looked at each other. They all saw the suspicious look in each other's eyes, such a slow rate, no matter how big your body is, It's just a living target. 

In the extraordinary species, the Great Wilderness Army is not afraid of the strong at all. The most terrifying thing is the high speed and agility. It was a nightmare for the Great Wilderness Army because bullets and artillery fire are hard to hit. 

"Continue to observe.'' Chang Yuchun can only order. 


"These murlocs have a touch of gold on their foreheads." A scholar was quick to observe this which caught the attention of others. 

"It does have golden yellow, but have you found it? It seems that the golden area in the middle of each murloc's forehead is different!" Said one observant scholar. 

"There are really some small differences, could it be…'' A scholar paused and guessed: "These golden colors represent their status? Talent? Or strength?" 

"It should be strength." An old scholar said: "Look at the speed of their crawling, the larger the golden area, the faster the speed!'' A scholar is discussing. Soon, they have observed the characteristics of these big-headed murlocs. Only what makes people suspicious is that these big-headed murlocs after passing through the passage, they line up in a team. There is no other movement. 

Even Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. This is the third round, so the difficulty is higher than in the second round. "It's impossible for these big head fish to have this ability." Jiang Fan thought to himself. And the next moment, Jiang Fan heard it. There was a faint sound coming from the other side of the passage and it was getting clearer. Even the people on the tall city walls heard it. 

"What? Attention! Beware! Raise your attention!" Chang Yuchun and other generals immediately gave orders. They have raised their vigilance and look towards the entrance of the planet passage. 


A loud bang is very much like the sound sent by the giant waves and the next moment, everyone sees it. Behind a group of big-headed murlocs, there was a wave nearly three meters high and quickly poured out from the passage. This huge wave instantly drowned the hundreds of big-headed murlocs in front of it. 

After a while, the entire flat ground outside the city walls is mostly submerged. It doesn't stop there, it continues to flow towards the city wall. Chang Yuchun and the others were all shocked because the next moment a more terrifying scene happened. Hundreds of big-headed murlocs floated on the water. In the water, it's the home of these big-headed murlocs. 

The generals and scholars who watched were horrified. They know that the Great Wilderness Army is not afraid of the strong but they are afraid of the fast-moving one. And the most important thing is that the other party is in the water. It is well known that once bullets or artillery fire is in water, it power will be greatly reduced! 

"This difficulty of this level is the talent of these big-headed murlocs?" Jiang Fan had a guess in his heart. 

At the same time on other candidates' planets, the same scene played out which stunned most students. Some candidates immediately crashed because the race they created is very afraid of water. In the water, how to deal with these big-headed murlocs?!

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