One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 131: CH 131

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"The last hurdle!" Jiang Fan's eyes are showing a hint of light. For the college entrance exam, it is absolutely impossible to give up. 

Since the better, the performance and the higher the ranking, the priority to be able to apply to the super-class universities will be better. Not to mention the province's overall champion, it is every genius's dream. Especially this year is recognized as history's most horrible term. 

Finally, as a bit of time goes by, the ethereal reminder sounded. ''The seventh round is the final round of the actual assessment will officially begin in five minutes, please be prepared. The last round is Endless Mode with a score of 100!" 

"Endless Mode?" Hearing the word, all the candidates were shocked. 

"Endless mode, every ten minutes, invasive species extraordinary strength will increase one level, and constantly continue. Score assessment method: get through every ten minutes, then add one point, if less than ten minutes is zero. I wish all the candidates to be able to obtain the desired result.'' 

"It's coming, it really is endless mode!" 

"Haha, endless terror coming! It really did not let me down ah!" 

"The most terrible, and most desperate mode appeared, this year topic is really hard to the extreme.'' 

"Endless Mode? Even if you are strong, in this mode, it will give birth to despair." 

"In particular, the four super-geniuses, the challenge is not high, but the final round, it is worth seeing, and the trump cards must all come out!" 

"Such a high degree of difficulty in the final round this year, there are only 1,500 people left, so many people the final round is very lively! It might also give birth to some black horses." 

"Come on, endless mode!" 

In the conference room of No. 7 Middle School, the leaders and teachers also took deep breaths. Their heart is a little nervous, as this mode is the most difficult. Including Qiu Yunfei, Liu Yue and Tong Zhensheng account. They are nervously waiting for the last round to begin. 

After five minutes, the ethereal reminder sounded again. "Extraordinary invasion began the final round, this round of endless mode, please note that candidates!'' The reminder once again emphasized. 

All the candidates on their planet are doing their final preparations. The Great Wilderness Army as well, because of the endless mode. Yan will be the one to give the instructions. Above the city wall, Yan has already done the deployment. 

"This round, we will be faced with endless enemies.'' Yan looked at the crowd, face unprecedented dignified. 

"Endless enemies?" Hearing the word, the other's face has a slight change! 

''All we have to do is to live as long as possible. The defense of the invasion of the enemy, try to drag for a long time." Yan continued and said to the general, Xu Tiande, Yue, Han Qinhu, Lu and Han Xin. "Each corps is divided into five brigades, each with a brigade defense on the wall. Alternate every half an hour, any questions?" 

"No problem!" The five people loudly replied. 

"Chang Yuchun, you are the commander in chief.'' Yan looked at Chang Yuchun, and said: "In addition, prepare a two support team, if there is danger, it is ready to support" 

"Yes!" Chang Yuchun also solemnly replied. He also knew that this round will be an unprecedented challenge facing the army. In the previous six, although a little difficult, there is no casualties. And this final round, Chang Yuchun can imagine, if you want to stay as long as possible, they are bound to pay the price. 

''Logistics keep up with all the weapons." Yan shouted loudly: "Everything we are prepared over the past few years, has to move out. This one is our real moment of glory.'' After the voice fell, the soldiers quickly got busy. 

At the Planet channel entrance, as the countdown ends, a shadow began to appear. A rapid and intense piercing sound came. Everyone saw that from the channel entrance, a large dense mass of insects appear. There are all kinds of insects some like cockroaches, some like a praying mantis, and some like fleas, ants, caterpillars, etc. But the size is much larger than an ordinary insect, it is nearly a meter long. 

"Zerg! It turned out to be the Zerg!?" 

"Crazy! This year's Endless mode actually used to assess the Zerg?" 

"The topic is really bloody." 

"This is the first one, the elimination is estimated to be more than we expected earlier.'' 

Seeing these dense giant bugs appear, one could not help but shudder. Everyone is aware of the Zerg. In the countless super civilization, it is ranked among the most powerful. The most terrible thing is their unparalleled ability to reproduce. Just give it enough time, that will be an endless sea of ​​Zerg. In history, on various planets in the Lord's battle, other civilizations have tasted the bitterness that is the Zerg army. 

"it turned out to be Zerg?" Tang Yushu face changed and sigh: "It is difficult to estimate." 

Above the city wall, looking at the giant insects, everyone's face slightly changed. This amount is too much. This round is pouring out a stream of giant insects, there is absolutely no end in sight. This is also another meaning for the Endless mode, not just the endless round, the number of races invasion is non-stop. 

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And this time, Jiang Fan told the characteristics of the Zerg to Yan. Yan also looks for a change. She took a deep breath, and look at the crowd: "These are the Zerg, but among the thousands of extraordinary races, it can be called the most terrible one.'' Yan continued: "Change the alloy bullet into the ordinary bullets." 

Despite so many years of preparation, the alloy bullets in a warehouse piled up a mountain. But in the face of this endless mode, if they run out of alloy bullets, they can only regret it. 

At the same time, facing the Zerg army, the army also began to fight back. Although the artillery units are capable of long-range shooting, this small number of artillery lacks some lethality, but dealing with the Zerg is still useful. It can be said that all able to use guns are taken out. 


Cannon shells flew out and fell on the insect army with explosions constantly ringing. 


The soldiers holding rifles are firing crazily while bullets flew in the air straight into the insect giants far away. 

With such firepower, the Zerg armies are stopped at five hundred meters away, not an inch forward. No one relaxed, because these Zergs are endless. The number of dead is followed by another one and constantly rushes forward, so the firepower can not stop. 

"Although these Zerg are big, there is nothing special about them." After the scholar observed, soon they come to such a conclusion. In this round, the use of the scholars is not big. Just rely on the military firepower to see how long they can last. 

And Jiang Fan is also in a sitting position, intently watching this battle. In the face of the firepower of the army, the insect is nothing. Jiang Fan just saw that the planet channel has changed slightly. There are more tall figures with a body length of about five meters and are also faster. As the reminder said, every ten minutes, the Zerg invasion becomes stronger. 

Above the city wall, the five generals each with two thousand teams. They are responsible for the defense. 


The battlefield is full of the sound of artillery bombardment. On the ground, the corpse of a Zerg is leaking out dark green liquid everywhere. 

After half an hour passed, the Army on the wall began rotation. Although only a short period has passed, a soldier's hands were almost broken, because they constantly pull the trigger. 

Inside the examination room, the real-time ranking of the top scores is constantly updated. As long as the candidates make it through each additional ten minutes. Scores will be automatically added. At this time near the planet channel, the fourth round of insects came. This time, they are stronger. 

''I am still weak. I rely on the card given by my uncle just to make it through, which gave enough support." Looking at his own army being overwhelmed by the Zerg army, he can only choose to give up, but there are no regrets. After all, he did his best. In endless mode, there is no time for you to relax, you must be tough. 

The Xiu Ling clan, created by Bu JIngyue, is relatively relaxed because the five spirit trees that she nurtured stood at the forefront. Although there are a lot of Zerg, in the face of the spirit tree with amazing defense, it is almost like scratching. There is no harm at all. 

Just like Bu Jingyue, the other candidate are not fools either, they have long deployed in a defensive position in a valley-like place. The length, width, and height of the Great Wilderness Army's city walls were also built after careful calculation. After an hour has passed, the offensive of the Zerg army gradually passed. 

Jiang Fan glanced at the leaderboard, over a hundred people have been eliminated. Over at the channel, there is a more powerful pressure. A larger Zerg appeared, unlike before, these Zerg are even bigger, but not too much. Instead, looking much thinner and leaner. 

"Zerg Soldiers!" 

"The Zerg soldiers are here!" 

"Sure enough, the Zerg soldiers came out, it is estimated that more candidates will be eliminated next!'' 

The existence of the bottom of the rank in the Zerg is equivalent to an unorganized ordinary people among human beings. This new Zerg is a Zerg soldier which is equivalent to soldiers among humans. The combat power is not comparable to the Zerg just now. Everyone in the Great Wilderness Army also saw it. These new Zerg are not rushing in anymore, they went into a queue, then charge. The speed ​​and agility are one level higher than the insect in the last round. 


The artillery shells of the Great Wilderness Army kept falling and these Zerg soldiers were blown away. But everyone finds out that these Zerg soldiers will move to dodge. They observe the direction the shells are coming from and choose a more favorable path forward. But under the firepower of the Great Wilderness Army, no Zerg soldier can dash past the 400 meters. 

"Ah, no." A candidate was not able to stop the army of Zerg soldiers, the extraordinary race he created is almost destroyed, so he can only opt-out. The Zerg strength enhancement makes many candidates gradually unable to resist, and constantly reluctantly choose to quit. 

In this second hour, nearly 300 people were eliminated directly. All of them are geniuses in the top 5,000 on the Tianjiao list. They are the most famous genius in each city. 

"Let's see if Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing can survive this second hour!" In the No. 7 conference room, the school leaders and teachers are unbelievably nervous. If you can't make it through, it is basically announced that they have withdrawn from the competition for the places in the super-first-class universities. 

To everyone's surprise, in the first thirty minutes of the second hour, nearly 300 people were eliminated. But after thirty minutes, less than fifty people were eliminated. 

Time flies fast, the third hour is coming and a more powerful Zerg has appeared!

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