One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 153: CH 153

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When the translucent barrier disappears, the Great Wilderness Army saw the other's party's extraordinary race, It's a flaming ferocious creature. 

"Flame beast." Jiang Fan recognized it. Su Jicheng sent him a lot of information about other talented freshmen, it also includes the extraordinary species created by the others. It is a kind of alien beast called "Flame Beast", almost its whole body was on fire. It is tall and big and looks terrifying. 

"It's an alien beast!" The scholars of the Great Wilderness Army immediately judged it. After the previous battle, within the Great Wilderness Army, there is a division that classified extraordinary species. 

"How does a fire-breathing beast compare to a flame giant?" Xu Tiande asked. 

"Its body shape is much worse, and the flame on its body should not be more powerful than the fire of the flame giant." A scholar replied. 

Xu Tiande nodded slightly and Immediately ordered: "Directly cover with full firepower, quickly solve this first battle, don't let the brothers of other legions look down on us." 

Between the five divisions of the Great Wilderness Army, there is a lot of competition. Especially when the head coach position is vacant. The Flame Giant during the glorious battle, except for the Sky-Splitting Cannon, there is no effective way to kill, but now, that's not a threat. 

During these years, Xia Guo is not just a big bang in the electric age, weapon upgrades are also huge. A variety of special weapons for the extraordinary are born. Crazy Bear's transformation of Iron Meteorite and Vibranium alloy, the improvements in molecular structure has taken a qualitative leap. It allows the power of alloy bullets to go to the next level. 

And after the Crazy Bear, from another research group, an even scarier bullet has been developed. It can pierce through all Tanks made of Star Vibranium alloy. This kind of bullet is currently famous in the Great Wilderness Army and it is called an Armor-piercing alloy bullet. 

Jiang Fan also paid attention, Its structure is similar to the armor-piercing projectile of his previous life, but the material is different. The armor-piercing projectiles in his previous life mainly use steel alloy, depleted uranium alloy, etc. It relies on projectile strength, weight, and speed to penetrate armor. At two kilometers, it can penetrate thick armor with a thickness of more than 700 mm. 

And the materials used by the Great Wilderness Army are a new version of the Star alloy, the power is even more terrifying. While the Great Wilderness Army observed these flaming beasts, on the opposite side, Lie Wudi is also observing the Great Wilderness Army. 

"There are a lot of them, but it seems that each of them is similar to ordinary people, and the weapons in their hands are the unique weapons of these people." He saw that the biggest threat from the Great Wilderness Army is the dark weapons in hand! 

"Long-range output? It shouldn't be very good in melee combat, just rush over quickly and you can break it." Lie Wudi immediately thought of a way to deal with it, he order the flame beast to charge at full speed. There are more than 6,000 flame beasts in this group, when it rushes up, the earth is shaking. 

"Cannon cover, machine guns, don't let them get within 500 meters!" Xu Tiande ordered immediately. 

Boom Boom Boom 

Thirty cannons are fired. These cannons are much stronger than the previous ones in the college entrance examination. It directly hit the flame beasts that rushed over. The flame beast rushed to the front, dozens were killed and injured on the spot. 

Lie Wudi frowned slightly, but he also knew that facing the long-range attack, a few casualties at the beginning were inevitable. Only, the main force of the Great Wilderness Army is not the cannon, It is a series of machine guns on the position. This is the newest type of four-barrel machine gun, it has had hundreds of improvements over the years. 

Finally, this terrifying killer was born. It can fire four bullets at the same time, and the key is, that these four bullets are all alloy armor-piercing bullets. Hundreds of four-barrel machine guns cover all the positions in various locations and at every angle. 

These 100 quadruple-machine guns were fired at the same time, because of the size of the playing field, these speed guns cover almost the entire area. When you see that the caliber of the machine gun is relatively small, Lie Wudi and the flame beast don't care. 

However, they found something was wrong. Dense alloy armor-piercing projectiles are fired and they passed through the body of the flame beast. It pierces the thick fur and directly penetrated the huge body of the flame beast. And it's not just one, one hundred quadruple-machine guns were fired at the same time, at this moment, there are 400 alloy armor-piercing bullets. The flame beast couldn't dodge at all, most of the bullets directly hit the huge flame beast. 

In addition to the destructive power of armor-piercing, the alloy bullet itself inherits the original energy absorption function. The flame on the surface of the flame beast is also decreasing little by little. The dozen or so flame beasts rushing to the front, there are bullet holes all over the body. If not for physical toughness, It will be dead on the spot. But with so many armor-piercing attacks, after a while, it fell. 

The firing of the four-barrel machine guns continues. The flame beast rushed over at high speed, so it can't stop at all and it followed the same fate. It was shot into a hornet's nest by the dense armor-piercing bullets. Even just a single armor-piercing alloy bullet, these flame beasts are not doing well either. Not to mention among them is a tall flame beast rushing in front that got hit by dozens of bullets. Not even a scream, it just fell. 

Boom Boom Boom 

On the entire arena, It was full of the bombardment of cannon shells and the screams of flame beasts one after another like a weird symphony. People who listen to it get numb. More than 6,000 tall flame beasts rushed over, but only less than three minutes, hundreds of them fell. Not even within a kilometer of the Great Wilderness Army's position could be approached. 

On-site and in the spectator room, there was silence. They thought it was Mars hitting the Earth, the collision between geniuses has become a one-sided situation. Even Lie Wudi in the war room was stunned. He didn't even realize the heat in the seat. 

The flame beasts that he had worked so hard to cultivate fell down nearly by 1,000? If he were in high school, he might hold on for a while longer. It's just an irrelevant challenge, no need to pay more. 

"I surrender." Lie Wudi took a deep breath and chose to surrender. Immediately he stood up and looked in Jiang Fan's direction, he clenched his fists and said, "Jiang Fan, right? I remember you!" 

Three minutes and seven seconds is when Lie invincible admits defeat. The first battle of this challenge is over. To everyone's surprise, this battle between Jiang Fan and Lie Wudi, they thought to be very fierce before the game, but in the end, It's almost like a child in a kindergarten fighting an adult. The fierce flame beast was being pressed to the ground and died very tragically. 

"Mr. Su, what kind of race did this Jiang Fan create to make such a terrifying weapon?!" A teacher asked. 

"It is said to be a race called, the Musketeers." Su Jicheng replied. 

"The Musketeer?" Many teachers were slightly taken aback by this race, no one has heard of it. 

"This kind of musketeer can naturally awaken a musket. The levels of muskets are ordinary, elite, king, etc. What you just saw should be the king musket." Su Jicheng naturally knew more about Jiang Fan and introduce it to the public at this time. These have also been recognized by many planet masters. Everyone agrees with the brand-new extraordinary civilization and the corresponding level division of the Musketeer. 

"And what about the larger-caliber musket?" A teacher asked curiously. 

"It's not called a musket, it's called a cannon, and only a few musketeers can wake up." Su Jicheng explained. 

"Very powerful musketeer civilization." Another teacher sighed with emotion and immediately asked: "I don't know this student Jiang Fan, how many kilometers is the diameter of the planet? It shouldn't be too small." 

The others also turned their heads to look. For a first-class planet, everyone is still used to using the diameter of the planet to determine talent. Jiang Fan's musketeer is so powerful, It can't be an ordinary 500 kilometers. 

"Well...'' Su Jicheng said with some uncertainty: "It should be more than 500 kilometers.'' Su Jicheng couldn't help thinking of the scene of inquiring about the staff of the examination college at that time, the other party said that it is not allowed to disclose the private information of candidates. 

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At that time, Su Jicheng didn't think too much, he also thought that the responsibilities of the examination college in Dongyang Province were in place. And Jiang Fan's performance in the college entrance examination, Su Jicheng also paid attention. But compared to that time, even the thirty flame giants felt troublesome. The strength of the Great Wilderness Army is now stronger and not just a little bit. 

"It shouldn't be possible." Su Jicheng didn't delve into it unless Jiang Fan's planetary diameter exceeds that incomprehensible limit! 

Within the site, Lie Wudi walked out of the battle room with a bad look on his face. Originally, he thought about stepping on Jiang Fan, the provincial champion, to gain some fame, but did not expect that in the end, the person who was trampled became himself. In the first game, he was eliminated directly. 

"Lie Wudi, let's switch.'' A skinny boy sneered. 

Lie Wudi glanced at him and snorted coldly, "You can do it." 

"Then you take care of me.'' The thin boy smiled lightly and immediately walk towards the No. 20 arena where Jiang Fan is. It attracted everyone's attention once again because this skinny guy is also a genius with a planet diameter of more than 500 kilometers. He is called Ye Quan and he created a very rare extraordinary race, the Shadow clan. 

"Why did this guy go up? Didn't you see that even Lie Wudi lost so badly?" 

"You don't understand, the Shadow Clan restrained Jiang Fan's race. The firepower of Jiang Fan's race is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible." 

"Look at it, you'll find out later.'' 

Many people are discussing it, but the teachers were not very surprised. They saw at a glance the strength of the Musketeers, but they also saw the weakness of the musketeer at a glance. Strong weapons, but its own strength is mediocre. It seems to be no different from ordinary people. 

"This one is a little dangerous.'' Said a teacher. 

And on the Blue Star, Xu Tiande's 1st division has handed over to the 2nd division led by Le Yi. 

"Three minutes and seven seconds?" Le Yi read the end time of the first game in his mouth, and there was a gleam in his eyes. 

"This second game, we try to solve it within three minutes.'' Le Yi said coldly to the two lieutenants below. 

"Yes." The two lieutenants are also eager to try, they have to prove it. Although they are in second place, the Second division was no worse than the First division. 

The planetary channel is opened again, and Le Yi led the 10,000 Great Wilderness Army into the arena. This time, it is also on flat ground. After the translucent barrier disappears, the game officially begins. 

"Ok?" Le Yi and the team of scholars were surprised to find out. On the opposite side, there are not many people, about three thousand, but it's all shrouded in shadow. They can't see the race's body shape and face, it is very blurry. 

"A brand new extraordinary species!" Le Yi immediately raised his vigilance. 

The next moment, this group of shadow people rushed over extremely fast. Such speed is the fastest of all the extraordinary species that the Great Wilderness Army has ever seen. 

''Full force!'' Le Yi didn't care too much and immediately ordered. The four-barrel machine guns poured out bullets frantically again, but when these bullets are about to hit the opposing shadow race, the other party suddenly disappear. The venue is empty, not to mention the three thousand shadow clan, there is not even a shadow. 

"Not good!'' Le Yi was shocked. He subconsciously turned his head to look, only to see that behind a Great Wilderness Army soldier, a blurry figure appeared. Each of these shadow clans held sharp daggers in its hands and they hit the necks of the Great Wilderness Army soldiers. 

In the battle room, seeing this scene, Ye Quan's mouth curled up into a sneer. This is the innate ability of the Shadow Clan, it is able to jump behind the enemy for a sneak attack, a natural assassin. If not known in advance, It is easy to be attacked successfully. 

And he saw it too, every warrior of the Great Wilderness Army is very weak, just like ordinary people. Once approached, It's a dead end. The hearts of other supporters of Jiang Fan at the scene were also raised, but only Jiang Fan himself was not so worried. Because all this time, the top officials of the Great Wilderness Army are considering the issue of the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army being approached. The alloy suit research team led by Han Xin himself has invested a lot of resources. The Great Wilderness Army soldiers on the field, all of them are wearing alloy suits, especially weak spots like the neck and eyes, they are also on guard. 

When the daggers are in the hands of the shadow clan, after cutting the necks of the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army, they are surprised to find that it is totally useless, as the alloy battle suit could not be cut off. 

This is also a weakness of the Shadow Clan, insufficient frontal attack capability. There is no perfect race in this world. The Shadow clan are fast and agile, and there's the terrifying talent of backstabbing. 

After the sneak attack was unsuccessful, the Great Wilderness Army has already reacted and held the submachine gun in their hand, they shoots frantically. Now the common soldier equipment of the Great Wilderness Army has also been changed. The original rifle was replaced by a submachine gun, 

A flurry of bullets passed by these brittle assassins and all were shot down one by one. No need for armor-piercing alloy bullets, just regular bullets will suffice. 

On the battlefield, the gunshots sounded again. Three thousand shadow clans, in less than a minute, hundreds are gone. The rest are not fools and get away. 

"Damn it!" In the battle room, Ye Quan slammed the table hard, immediately, he can only choose to admit defeat. But because he smashed the table, he is a few seconds slower, and dozens more Shadow Clan were killed. 

Because the ability of the Shadow Race restrains the Great Wilderness Army, he was thinking of making a surprise attack on Jiang Fan. But he didn't expect that when stealing a chicken, he loses rice. Nearly a third of the shadow clan has been lost. 

"Two minutes and fifty-two seconds!" The lieutenant next to Le Yi read out the number softly. 

After defeating the Shadow clan, Jiang Fan won another game and became the fastest freshman to win two games in a row. 

Within the site, both students and teachers, for the first time, focused on Jiang Fan. In the next game, there is no suspense. In the third game, a very confident freshman wants to come up and challenge the firepower of the Great Wilderness Army. As the result, it ended faster. 

In the fourth game, other arenas have competitions and there are 900 freshmen participating in the competition, In addition, the weakness of the Great Wilderness Army is very obvious, there is no shortage of confident geniuses who want to take advantage of these weaknesses. 

Another person came up to challenge, but the loss is also very bad. This one lasted more than three minutes, It made Han Zhanhu, who led the team, not very good-looking. 

In the fifth game, the last and most important one, few people want Jiang Fan to advance first. After some discussion, a freshman who created an underground race come up. He wants to raid underground to break the Great Wilderness Army. Only, this time, he lost even worse. The Great Wilderness Army has used a terrifying weapon again!

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