One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 156: CH 156

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For the Behemoth, there are also grades, and It is mainly judged by the color of the hair of this giant beast. The most common is the ordinary Behemoth, which has normal hair. The more powerful is the silver Behemoth, the hair covering the surface is white and silver. And the golden hair is The King of Behemoth. 

Golden Behemoth, even the Yongyang Dynasty that has such a long history, not many people made it. Among the princes and princesses of this generation, there is only Prince Qing alone hat created the Golden Behemoth. Therefore, he is considered to be the most favorable contender for the succession of the throne. 

This race has both offensive and defensive! With its amazing fighting power, long before, It has the title of "Invincible Land Battle". 

In the eyes of many mentors and powerful planet masters, the diameter of Prince Qing's planet is just an appearance. What matters is this golden Behemoth race he made. It not only has combat power, but its potential is also endless. It is no weaker than other races. 

''How are these Behemoths compared to the Flame Giants!?" Han Xin asked. 

"Its body seems to be more burly and more fierce, but there is no fire on the surface like the Flame Giant.'' A scholar replied. 

Han Xin nodded slightly. Immediately, he had a preliminary understanding in his heart. The strength of these Golden Behemoths, in general, should be inferior to the flame giant, but it's more in quantity. 

At that time, there were only thirty Flame Giants in the college entrance examination, and on the opposite side, there are as many as five thousand Golden Behemoths. It is also because of this terrifying number, that everyone is so optimistic about Prince Qing. If it is only one or two thousand, it can only be lined up with Lin Youhe and Xiang Zhifei. For every planet master, this extraordinary race created is not only of a high level, there are also more in number. 

"Three hundred more machine guns." Han Xin glanced at the tall and fierce Golden Behemoth, and order directly without hesitation. 

Aren't you a lot? Then I will add more. Of the original 100 machine guns, plus the current 300 more, there are four hundred in total. It covers the entire position densely. At this point, the machine guns don't need to be turned, just shoot straight ahead. 

"Get ready for other weapons!" Han Xin said again! 

The killer of the Great Wilderness Army, of course, there are more than just four hundred machine guns. The Sky Splitting Cannon is too large, so it is difficult to transport into the playing field. But there are other weapons developed by various research groups over the years. 

On the opposite position, Five thousand Golden Behemoth though looks fierce like an ancient beast, its wisdom is not low at all. It didn't rush up in a mess, rather, it start queuing. 


Immediately, It rushes forward. 

"So fast!" Han Xin's pupils shrank slightly. The Golden Behemoth is much stronger than the normal Behemoth, whether it's speed or power and so on, it surpasses them. It crosses over a distance of more than three meters in one step. 


The ground was shaking like a heavy truck, it slammed into the position of the Great Wilderness Army. 

Four hundred machine guns were fired at the same time. For a moment, about 1,600 armor-piercing bullets are shooting out a second. It is densely packed and covers the entire field. 

Most bullets fell on the top ten Golden Behemoth, it pierces the skin and into the gigantic body, but it didn't break through to the flesh and bones. In just five seconds, these ten Golden Behemoth bodies are full of bullet holes. Each of them was hit by at least dozens of armor-piercing bullets. 

The Golden Beamon's physique at this time is fully displayed. So many bullets, it still hasn't slowed them down by a single point. On the contrary, their face is even more fierce, and continue to rush forward frantically. 

"The Golden Behemoth vitality is extremely powerful, you can seriously injure them, but it is difficult to kill them completely." Seeing this scene, Jiang Fan thought of what Su Jicheng said. 

But it's just the end of the line, after running a few steps, it still can't stand the attack of armor-piercing bullets. Their huge body swayed. It was almost pierced through, but it didn't fall. It is supported by the companions behind it. They support these ten seriously injured golden Beamon and continue to move forward. 

"Ok?" Han Xin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. They are using the top ten Golden Behemoth as shields, almost all the armor-piercing bullets hit these ten Golden Behemoth. Relying on the thick body and powerful physique of the Golden Behemoth is completely impenetrable. More bullets, but nothing works. Although the machine gun continued to pour frantically, there is no way around these Golden Behemoths. 

Seeing this, many people who support Prince Qing are relieved. Their worries are superfluous. Although Jiang Fan's musketeer firepower is terrible, Prince Qing's Golden Behemoth is indeed superior. Especially the trick of using ten weaker Golden Behemoth as shields. But only the Golden Behemoth has this effect, for the other extraordinary races, there is no such terrible physique. 

In the venue, seeing that the bullets of the machine gun were blocked, the Great Wilderness Army did not panic. 

''Fire the Large Armor-Piercing and Big Cannon!" Han Xin ordered directly. The two rows of artillery at the back are already ready. Large Armor-Piercing bullet, as the name suggests, It is an upgraded version of ordinary armor-piercing bullets. It is three times the size, and the power is more than ten times bigger. It's not fired from a gun, instead, by a special long, large-caliber heavy rifle. 

This heavy rifle is the largest rifle in the Great Wilderness Army. The weight and size are like a small gun. Most notably is the front of this heavy rifle, its two-meter long barrel. When accelerated by this barrel, the speed of the Large Armor-Piercing projectile is astonishing, as it is over four kilometers per second. 

Of course, this is because there are two metals, Iron Meteorite, and Vibranium. To be able to make such a heavy rifle is impossible in the previous lives. Such astonishing speed. what it brings is several times the power. Since ordinary armor-piercing bullets can't penetrate the body of large Armor-Piercing, then get the large armor-piercing bullets. 

There are thirty heavy rifles in total, and these 30 rifles were all brought by Han Xin! The purpose is to deal with the ferocious and terrifying beast-like the Golden Behemoth. Because they have to drag the Golden Behemoth in front as a shield, thousands of Golden Behemoths slowed down. This is a great opportunity for heavy rifle shooters. With such a long barrel, not even the large armor-piercing projectile that was fired made a sound, it is almost silent. Thirty large armor-piercing rounds from the barrel shot like lightning. The naked eye can't see it at all. Through the air, in an instant, it hit a Golden Behemoth. 

Dozens of small sounds, as the large armor-piercing projectile went into the body of the Golden Behemoth. There is no hindrance at all, as it is a direct penetration. It keeps going forward and hit the body of the second Golden Behemoth behind. It passes through again, just a little slower, all the remaining power fell on the third Golden Behemoth. It even broke to a depth of about twenty centimeters. 

And at the same time, the cannon shell of the big cannon also flew over. Such a big cannon there is no technical content. It is mainly to fire large-yield shells. Its accuracy and precision are average. This shell has an equivalent weight of nearly half a ton. It is specially prepared for the powerful and slow extraordinary race. 

Using in today's playing field, it is the best fit. Five thousand Golden Behemoth that is densely packed and it covers almost the entire field. There is no need to aim, just shoot. 


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The first cannon shell falls, and it blows up the four surrounding Golden Behemoth directly. Immediately after, the second one, the third one, cannon shells keep falling. It completely blasted the first row of Golden Behemoth into the sky. A Golden Behemoth was hit in the center by a shell, its whole body is torn apart. It is almost split in half. 

"Continue." Seeing the cannon shells' effect is amazing, Han Xin shouted again. He could see it too. These races are more powerful than the monstrous Flame Giants. The Great Wilderness Army has a way to defeat it slowly. 

The Golden Behemoth its individual strength is not as good as the Flame Giant in the college entrance examination. But the Great Wilderness Army is better than the time of the college entrance examination. 

The four hundred machine guns are still firing at high speed. The Golden Behemoth that was used as a shield in front was blown up by a cannon shell. The lethality of the machine guns is back. The Golden Behemoth in the back row was hit in an instant. 

Thirty heavy rifles, there is no need to aim. It just shoots directly at the Golden Behemoth group. 

At this time, the Golden Behemoth was less than 1,500 meters away from the Great Wilderness Army's position. Counting on their incredible speed, It won't take long to get over there. But the distance of 1,500 meters, can't be overstepped any longer. 

Big Cannon, Heavy Rifle, and Four-Barrel machine gun, these three killer weapons beat the Golden Behemoth back. 

Although with the Golden Behemoth physique, it will not die on the spot. But the seriously injured Behemoths, there is no fighting power. 


At this time, a roar sounded. Everyone sees that behind the thousands of Golden Behemoths, the planetary channel is open and three Behemoths jumped out. These three Behemoths are bigger than the Golden Behemoth. It is over fifteen meters tall, and the hair covering its whole body is not golden, but purple. On the body surface, there is a layer of purple crystals. 

"Amethyst Behemoth?!" Seeing these three different Behemoths, Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, as he also recognized them. In the Behemoth family, they are the most powerful and noble existence. From ancient times to the present, there are not many planet masters that cultivated them. Even Prince Qing, only three of them were bred. Compared to the Golden Behemoth, the Amethyst Beamon's strength is too powerful. 

Jiang Fan guessed, If it weren't for Golden Behemoth being beaten, and losing ground, I am afraid that Prince Qing will not reveal this trump card. 

"A new Behemoth has come again?" Han Xin took a few glances at the three enormous Amethyst Behemoths. Raising his eyebrows slightly, he asked calmly, "These three are supposed to be stronger than the Flame Giants!?" 

"Should be stronger." A scholar next to him nodded and said: "The greatest ability of the Flame Giant is the fire on the surface, and the most powerful thing about these Amethyst Behemoth is the purple crystals covered on its surface!" 

"Ten heavy rifles are divided to deal with these three Amethyst Behemoth." Han Xin ordered: "The others continue to fight those Golden Behemoths!" 

In people's eyes, these three new Amethyst Behemoths are amazingly fast. It is much faster than Golden Behemoth. It rushed over quickly. 

Da Da Da 

The large armor-piercing bullet hit the three Amethyst Behemoth, but It was blocked by the Amethyst. Everyone found out that these amethysts are consumables, after resisting a large armor-piercing bullet, It just gets darker. 

"It seems that when these amethysts disappear, the Amethyst Behemoth physique is stronger than the Golden Behemoth, but it will not be able to stop armor-piercing bullets." A scholar analyzed it! 

The three amethyst Beamon realized that something was wrong, so they learn to be smart. It immediately grabbed the three seriously injured Golden Behemoth next to it as a shield. 

"General, do you want to use the small-splitting cannon?" Asked a lieutenant. 

Small-Splitting Cannon is a miniature version of the original Sky-Splitting Cannon. As the original Sky-Splitting Cannon took up too much space, It is also too bulky and immobile. The research groups have improved again and again until a small version of the Sky-Splitting Cannon has been invented. It is much smaller in size, and it can be pulled by a car. But its power is not much weaker, it is even more powerful. This is also due to the great progress of science and technology in the kingdom over the years. 

"Small-Splitting Cannon?" Hearing this question, Han Xin flashed a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said: "These Amethyst Behemoth, we don't need to use the Small-Splitting Cannon." 

The manufacture of the Small-Splitting Cannon is used to deal with powerful extraordinary individuals. The Amethyst Behemoth is good but in the eyes of Han Xin, It's not worthy of entertaining with the Small-Splitting Cannon. 

"Don't worry about those Golden Behemoth, the machine guns are divided in half, the heavy rifles and large cannons are all transferred, and they are aimed at these three Amethyst Behemoth." Han Xin shouted. 

After just a few rounds of bombing and firing, of the five thousand Golden Behemoths, hundreds of them have fallen. Even the Golden Behemoth also has fear, especially in this one-sided situation. They are fierce, but not even a single hair of the enemy could be touched. Such a huge loss, fear naturally arose in their heart, so They can't help but step back. 

The 200 units of the Great Wilderness Army are still firing these Golden Behemoths. Regular cannon firepower is even then enough. The other heavy weapons are all aimed at the Amethyst Behemoth that rushed up. 

The three seriously injured Golden Behemoth that was used as a shield was beaten like a rotten melon. Bullets and cannon shells went through them and slammed into these three Amethyst Behemoths intensively. The Amethyst its body surface, under this terrifying firepower, gets darker. 


A soft sound. The Amethyst Behemoth in the middle was pierced by a large armor-piercing bullet, but not fully penetrated. The Amethyst behemoth physique is still stronger than gold Beamon! 

Puff Puff 

This is followed by more large armor-piercing rounds as well as regular armor-piercing rounds. There are too many, it can't stop it at all. The three Amethyst Behemoths are not fools. When it sees itself hurt, it no longer dares to rush forward. It throws down the Golden Behemoth in its hand, twisted its body, and runs back. 

When seeing this scene, Jiang Fan knows that this game is over. And the people watching the battle outside were dumbfounded.

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