One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 182: CH 182

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While the commandos landed on the second land, the giant beasts on the land did not notice it. Most of their attention now is captivated by the battle between Giant three-headed snakes and Atomic dinosaurs. After the giant three-headed snake killed several atomic dinosaurs in a row, it was found out. 

Atomic dinosaurs are lazy, but not stupid. The intention of the giant three-headed snake was immediately clear, they have always been alone, but now the grouping has started. They come together and fight the giant three-headed snake together. 

The giant three-headed snake has nothing to do for a while. When it is alone, no atomic dinosaur is a match for it. But with so many atomic dinosaurs united, It also cannot whistle hard. The two sides began to confront each other, and the other monsters around are delighted. 

Watching secretly from the side, and looking forward to the two parties in their heart, it is best to fight to the death. But the giant three-headed snake is very cunning, It took this opportunity to hunt for the offspring of giant gorillas again. Among the descendants of the giant gorilla back then, now there are two more inherited genes. One was directly killed by a giant three-headed snake, and the other end is running away in a panic. 

The giant three-headed snake is chasing frantically from behind, It is acutely aware that this race has great potential. If it grows up, it will be a huge threat to it, so this threat must be nipped in the cradle in advance. 

There was a loud noise in the jungle, It was as if some beast was escaping quickly. The commando who just entered the jungle was shocked, and then they immediately became vigilant. They stared straight ahead, and that is when they saw a scene that they will never forget. An oversized orangutan over four meters tall rushed out of the jungle, and escape to the coast quickly. Although on the way through the commando, it didn't stop at all. The crowd was stunned. 

"Report, report, find anomalies, find anomalies." Taking a deep breath, the commando captain immediately reported the incident to Su Dingfang on the battleship. "We spotted an oversized beast, what looks like a gorilla, running towards the coast, please be prepared." 

Su Dingfang frowned slightly when he received the news. A scholar next to him slapped his thigh sharply and said, "As expected, as I guessed, there is a growth environment for giant creatures on this land." 

Soon, the people on the battleship saw a giant orangutan that is much larger than the average gorilla flew out of the jungle. It ran away anxiously. After running to the beach, it stopped to take a breath. 

"This gorilla is injured?" Said a sharp-eyed scholar. 

Everyone looks and found out that there are so many wounds on this gorilla. The burly arm seems to be bitten by something. Blood dripping, and fall softly. Other places are full of scars, and a bruised look. 

"This gigantic gorilla was hunted down by some other animal, right?" A scholar speculated. 

Everyone else is stunned. What kind of creature dares to hunt down such a big gorilla? In this land, there are more powerful beasts? 

"The commandos come back right away." Su Dingfang made a decisive decision and gave a direct order. 

The injured giant gorilla made him feel very uneasy. If on land, there are more powerful beasts, then the commandos are in danger. The commando did not dare to be careless and return. 

On the beach, the injured orangutan looked curiously at the battleship and the people on the battleship not far away. It touched its head, and there was a hint of doubt in its eyes. These are... what? Never seen it. 

"General, what about this injured super orangutan?" A scholar asked. 

"Observe first, don't act rashly." Su Dingfang said cautiously. 

The commandos are also back. Although they dashed not too deep, it is not without gain. Some plant samples were collected from this land, and there are also some animal skins. Especially this injured gorilla. Some of the blood left by passing was also collected. 

The academic team got to work immediately. After some analysis, a scholar reported: "In a preliminary analysis, this should be a gorilla, but I don't know why it grows so big?" 

Because of such an accident, the people on the battleship did not move on. Rather, be prepared to take a look. Especially to figure out the reason this oversized orangutan has it on hand. 

On the beach, the injured super orangutan found a rock and sat down against it. It is breathing heavily, and the sky gradually darkened. What puzzled the gigantic orangutan was why didn't the giant three-headed snake behind it catch up? It doesn't care that much either, let's get through the night first. The super orangutan gradually fell asleep. 

But the people on the battleship couldn't sleep, there have been people watching this super orangutan. 

Wait until the next morning, the sky is not bright, a scholar woke Su Dingfang and said, "General, that super orangutan passed out. It looks like he was seriously injured and bleeding a lot/" 

Su Dingfang rushed over immediately. 

On the Beachside, there is already a team of scholars. Under the protection of soldiers, they carefully approach the oversized orangutan leaning on the rock. At this time, the super orangutan had passed out. 

"General, if we don't take action, this super orangutan probably won't survive." A scholar's report. 

"Will this super orangutan wake up?" Su Dingfang asked. 

"This..." Several scholars glanced at each other, shook their heads, and said, "It's hard to say, the physique of such a big gorilla is estimated to be beyond ordinary knowledge, and it may wake up halfway." 

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"That would be too dangerous." Su Dingfang said solemnly, "I can't risk the lives of you and the soldiers." 

After pondering for a while, Su Dingfang said again: "Let's do this, inject anesthesia into this super orangutan, anesthetize it, and then start treatment." 

This is a relatively safe way. The team of scholars and the warriors acted immediately, and anesthetize the injured giant gorilla first. Since they don't know what amount of anesthesia to use, to ensure safety, they up a lot. Wait until the super orangutan is completely unconscious, a group of scholars and soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. They started the treatment. 


On the battleship, there is a team of doctors. Because of the unexplored land, there are also many veterinarians. What the battleship people don't know is that what they are doing was seen by six cold eyes in the depths of the jungle in the distance. The giant three-headed snake is hiding its huge body in a tall giant tree, quietly watching what's going on on the beach! 

Before, the reason why it didn't continue to hunt down this super orangutan, the main reason was the discovery of the commandos and thirty warships on the sea. It was surprising and a little nervous at the same time. These upright walking creatures, although very small, it is not the same as other creatures. 

The giant three-headed snake is very similar to Su Dingfang, it has an extremely cautious temperament. When an accident occurs, it will choose the safest way to deal with it. Therefore, the giant three-headed snake resisted the urge in its heart. There is no choice but to continue chasing and killing the super orangutan, instead its hides, and watches in the dark. It wants to wait until it understands the situation before starting to act again. 

After everyone rescued the injured super orangutan, a scholar could not help but ask: "What are we going to do with this gorilla?" 

leave it alone? Unlikely. Locked in a cage? It doesn't seem right. 

"Remove tissue samples from it first, conduct research, and then look at the rest." Su Dingfang also frowned slightly. 

I feel that things are not going well. after all, this is not an extraordinary species. A team of scholars has studied it, there is no extraordinary energy in this super gorilla. Originally, Su Dingfang also planned to send a helicopter, and survey the land from the air, but after seeing this super orangutan, the plan was immediately suspended. In the next few days, the super orangutan's injuries are recovering rapidly, which surprised the observing scholars. They did not leave the beach. 

Because beware of such uninvited guests as humans, the giant three-headed snake didn't have much time for the rest of the land. It made the second land silent for a while, after waiting for several days, the giant three-headed snake became impatient. Its gloomy eyes rolled. It thought of a way. It lured a huge violent bear to come and attack this gigantic orangutan. 

When seeing the bear emerge from the woods, everyone in the battleship was shocked again. This tyrant is much bigger than a giant orangutan, it is over six meters tall. After a roar, it rushed towards the super orangutan, and the two fought fiercely together. 

The oversized orangutan despite its inferior size, inherited the genes of giant gorillas, so it is very powerful. There are back and forth fights with violent bears. It is Indistinguishable. Everyone in the fleet widened their eyes, they didn't dare to blink to watch this rare scene. 

At last, both the grizzly bear and the oversized orangutan were scarred. The bear ran right away, and the giant orangutan continued to stay on the beach, and It also glanced at the fleet. 

The team of doctors approached cautiously, another treatment was given to the gigantic orangutan. The super orangutan didn't move and left it alone. The fleet members let out a long sigh of relief. There is also a doubt in their mind, Is this super orangutan intelligent? The exploration on the side of the First Fleet is not going well. 

And on the third land side, the development momentum of various animals and plants is very fierce. The lively and lovely Electric Mouse is unable to resist the instinct of the creature when spring comes. It found a local indigenous female bamboo rat and brought it home. Shortly after, a litter of offspring was born. There are five small Electric Mouse that has inherited the Electric Mouse gene. 

There is enough food, and the rate at which it reproduces is amazing. In less than a few years, litter after litter of offspring appeared one after another. More and more small Electric Mouse with yellow hair all over the body is born. 

In the bamboo forest, by the stream. On the grass, among the trees, you can see these active yellow figures everywhere. The Electric Mouse family quickly took shape, and become a local tyrant. The fish and shrimp in the river suffered disaster, other creatures, for example, snakes, frogs, grasshoppers, caterpillars, etc. have all become the prey and teasing objects of the small Electric Mouse. 

A small Electric Mouse with the tail of the glyph B, electric light was released. A nearly two-meter-long cobra's whole body was charred to black and dying. After several generations of development, the electricity released by the Electric Mouse is already getting higher. This little Electric Mouse is only a few months old. 

A group of animals living around the Electric Mouse is unbearably miserable. Every day on the way, it was electrified. Electric Mouse life is also longer than a normal mouse, so it can live a long time. On the Electric Mouse side, other creatures are jumped by the Electric Mouse. 

Far away on the other side, the Space Kangaroos are also growing rapidly. The land itself has kangaroos, that's why the system determines that the Space Kangaroos are suitable for growing here. The two are not genetically isolated, so they chose to start a family. The Kangaroo's reproductive ability is not weak. For several years, It was passed down from generation to generation, and many offspring inherit genes. 

This is of course because the current Blue Star is an eternal talent. No surprise to Jiang Fan, these descendants also have a space, and the size of the space is even more outstanding. The growth rate is even higher than that of Electric Mouse. The main reason is of course the Space Kangaroos are raising their young. Infants and young children are placed in the parenting space, so it is very safe. This parenting space is in addition to the Space Kangaroos, no other life can get in. Even microorganisms such as bacteria are powerless. This also ensures smooth growth. 

The only thing that is different from the Electric Mouse is, on the territory of the Space Kangaroo, a natural enemy began to appear, a kind of animal with very sharp claws. It is not physically large, but fast. And it has a strong flying ability. Especially the pair of claws, it is not just sharp, there was also a silver gleam on the surface. 

Jiang Fan simply named this animal Yinhua. Yinhua is a very ambitious creature, it has no interest in the ordinary rabbits in the grass. A pair of sharp eyes gaze at Space Kangaroos all day just to find a chance. Yinhua will not miss it and jump down immediately. 

As the Space Kangaroo is the offspring of a strange creature, its physique is much stronger than that of ordinary kangaroos. A jump is several meters high. Especially two fists, If it gets a punch, the Yinhua can't stand it either. Both sides guarded against each other. 

Yinhua was catching rabbits to satisfy its hunger while thinking about the Space Kangaroo. The descendants of the Space Kangaroo are even more powerful. Progress from generation to generation makes Jiang Fan very happy. 

"At this rate, it is estimated that it will not be long before the Space kangaroo's parenting space can grow to one cubic meter." Jiang Fan thought to himself. 

It's useless now, but wait until it reaches a certain height, and It will have great strategic value. The Space Kangaroo and Electric Mouses populations are growing. Jiang Fan turned his attention to the prince cat who lives not far from the sea. However, what surprised Jiang Fan was that the breeding of quantum cats has embarked on a different path!

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