One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 187: CH 187

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Where the competition is held, it is located in one of the best venues at Yaoguang University. Unlike Beidou University, there is an enhanced version of the star space here. People can not help but secretly smack their tongues. 

"The Sixth Academy of Starlight deserves to be the Sixth Academy of Starlight, it is profound." Lin Youhe sighed with emotion. 

When the Beidou University representative team arrived, teams from other schools came almost at the same time. There are a total of thirty-six super-first-class universities, so there are thirty-six teams. Each one is dozens of people, so it adds up to thousands of people. It made it very lively inside and outside the venue. 

Especially many leaders and teachers know each other more or less. When they saw it, they wanted to greet each other. And the players below, many are old acquaintances. The atmosphere seemed more cheerful. 

Lin Youhe, Wan Yunsheng, and the others were all in the ranks of other schools. Seeing old friends, they went up to say hello. As for Jiang Fan, no way. Dongyang Province was originally a small place, so not many people get into the top universities. To be selected for the team, there is only Jiang Fan. 

Of course, not just babble, part of the purpose is to probe the intelligence of other schools. Before the exchange game, each family refers to the inside information strictly and does not leak easily. Chilled for a while, they came back. 

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Jiang Fan asked with a smile. 

"No." Lin Youhe shook his head and said, "Although this one has had a good relationship in the past, the tone is very tight, and I can't find out anything? Huh?" 

At this time, the room suddenly fell silent. People seem to feel something, they turned to look over. Jiang Fan also looked. A team of neatly dressed white uniforms walked in. Walking in the middle are five young men and women with good temperaments. Especially a boy and a girl in the middle. 

"It's the team of Yaoguang University, the organizer of this exchange competition." 

"In this year's Sixth Academy of Starlight, I heard that Yaoguang University is the most powerful?" 

"You don't need to hear it, it's the most powerful. This year, Yaoguang University has seen three Great Myth level monsters, and there are many Small Myth level monsters, which are the only ones in the Sixth Starlight Academy." 

"Three great mythical grades? It seems that the champion of this year's exchange competition has a high probability of falling into the hands of Yaoguang University?" 

"That's not necessarily the case. For the champion, they to ask Xinghe Academy first if they agree." 

A series of discussions sounded. 

Wait until the Yaoguang University team comes in, Lin Youhe also sighed: "This year's Yaoguang University is really strong, if we are unlucky, we will probably fail in the first round." 

"Our luck shouldn't be so bad." Xiang Zhifei laughed. 

"Let's see, who will go up in the draw? Which one of you is lucky?" Jiang Fan asked. 

The four look at each other. You look at me, I look at you. They all shook their heads. Even if you are lucky, they don't dare to go up at this time. If you draw a powerful opponent like Yaoguang University, it is estimated that when you go back, you will be sprayed to death. 

Jiang Fan shrugged helplessly, you still have to go up yourself. 

The exchange competition naturally also has an opening ceremony but is very short. Everyone does not engage in too much formalism. After the opening ceremony, It's the draw. According to the rules of the exchange competition, no group stage. Thirty-six super-first-class universities are based on the results of the previous session. The top 30 are listed first, and the final six will have a play-in match. The other two places to enter the top 32 will be decided. 

This play-in did it as early as yesterday. Today is the race, and the thirty-two schools that entered the knockout round will be divided into upper and lower groups for a lottery. The previous group was the top sixteen schools in the previous session, and the next group is the post-16 schools. 

Start with the next group, and let the representatives of the next group of schools come up. The draw is the opponent in the upper group. This is also to prevent powerful teams from meeting prematurely because no one thinks they are lucky. 

Without any choice, Jiang Fan can only play in person to draw the lots. The representatives of the sixteen schools in the next group drew their opponents one by one, soon it was Jiang Fan's turn. Jiang Fan drew a small ball from a box. It says 13. 

"University No. 13?" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. 

And everyone from Beidou University who saw this number, It's all a little relief. The higher the number, the higher the ranking of the previous exchange competition. Thirteen is a pretty good result. 

"Number 13? It's Behemoth Academy." Su Jicheng, who had done his homework, was the first to react. 

"Behemoth Academy?" Everyone could not help but look to a team on the other side of the stadium. 

"The students in the Behemoth Academy create alien civilizations." Su Jicheng explained to everyone: "This year's Behemoth Academy has one Great Myth grade and two Small Myth grades. There are also several legendary grades. It's a relatively weak opponent in the previous group, but it's still a lot stronger than us." 

Xiang Zhifei smiled bitterly. 

"Come on, we still have a chance." Lin Youhe gasped. 

Su Jicheng and other members of the coaching staff have no time to chat, they immediately took out the communicator, and find out the information about the members of the Behemoth Academy team members stored inside. Thirty-six super-first-class universities, information for each school, the coaching staff has prepared a copy in advance in case of emergencies. 

Jiang Fan walked back. He and Lin Youhe and the others waited quietly. After the draw ceremony, the game will start soon. A total of 16 round-of-32 knockout matches will start simultaneously. 

"You are the captain of the Beidou University team?" Jiang Fan was squinting when a rough voice suddenly sounded in his ears. 

Jiang Fan turned his head to look. He was a very tall boy about over two meters tall, and his body is also very burly. 

"I am, what's the matter?" Jiang Fan asked. 

"Why didn't Prince Qing come? And what about that Li Zihao?" A middle-aged girl next to her asked. 

This girl's figure is also quite sturdy, Jiang Fan couldn't help but think of it. Like an Amazon female warrior. 

"It's not convenient for them to come here." Jiang Fan said lightly. 

"It's such a pity, I have studied you, your name is Jiang Fan, right? The musketeers you built are very powerful, and Prince Qing's Golden Behemoth is very strong in melee combat. If Prince Qing is there, you can cooperate. Then it is estimated there may be a little chance." The tall, burly boy grinned. 

"This boy is this year's Great Myth freshman of the Behemoth Academy." After the tall and burly boy left, Lin Youhe introduced: "Don't be fooled by his appearance, this man is also the tactical maker of the Behemoth Academy." 

"Right." Jiang Fan nodded slightly. 

The coaching staff of Su Jicheng studied the characteristics of the team members of the Behemoth Academy, and immediately explained it temporarily. It is a race against time. 

Time passed slowly, and ten minutes later, the thirty-two knockout rounds are about to begin. Jiang Fan led the four into the special set-up battle room. This time the battle room was different from before, It's a five-person room, so it is much wider. As captain, Jiang Fan was seated in the middle. The conductor during the competition was also Jiang Fan. 

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"The game will officially start in five minutes, please prepare everyone." A voice sounded in the battle room. 

Although the exchange competition is not open to the public, the 36 super-first-class universities participating in the competition were able to watch the live broadcast. 

At Beidou University, today is a rare day off for everyone, so they came to watch the game. All students and teachers are friends, so they come together, and watch out for this school honor battle. 

In a luxurious mansion, Ao Xiong also greeted everyone to take a look at the performance of the Beidou University team. 

"Behemoth Academy?" Seeing the opponent Jiang Fan had drawn, one of the teachers raised his brows slightly and said, "This draw is not bad, Behemoth Academy is the weaker one in the previous group." 

"That said, but the Behemoth Academy also has three Myth levels." Li Zihao smiled slightly and said, "If Prince Qing was still there, he would probably be able to fight a dozen times, but now, it's going to be difficult." 

The others laughed too. Among Thirty-two teams, no one is weak. At least there is a Great Myth grade and a Small Myth grade. Except for Beidou University, only Jiang Fan is a Myth, and there is only one legendary, It's so pathetic! 

And in the void of the school, more than a dozen people from the elder's group also gathered together again. On the projection, It was the picture of the school team members in the battle room. When the game start, It will go to the game screen. 

"This opponent is an ideal one." The old man in gray said. 

"There are three Myth grades and two legendary grades, which is still a bit difficult." The other old man frowned. 

And in the battle room, except for Jiang Fan, as time draws near, Lin Youhe and the other four became a little nervous. After all, in terms of strength, they are likely to be eliminated in the first round. 

When the countdown reaches zero, the game has officially started. The planetary channel on each student planet is slowly opening. Above the blue star, outside the Royal Tombs Mountains, the 100,000 Great Wilderness Army has already stood up. They are well prepared. 

The leaders are Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang, who are quite young. It was because they were both cabinet members, just in case, everyone recommends that one lead the team. But neither Xue Rengui nor Su Dingfang was willing to give up, in the end, the two of them came together. 

Now the Great Wilderness Army has expanded to 200,000 people, and 200,000 in reserve. Behind the Great Wilderness Army, they are followed by rows of large equipment and tanks. This is not the Tank of the Yan era, the latest type of Tank combines damage and defense. It's also quite fast, so it is a great off-roader. 

Of course, the tactics of the Great Wilderness Army are much richer and more advanced than the Yan era, with Tank just in case. The real main output is otherwise. 

Although every year they participate in an alien expedition, this is the first glorious battle, so the mood of the crowd was still a little nervous and excited. 

"Set off." Xue Rengui snorted loudly and the 100,000 Great Desolate Army go into the planet passage. 

On the other side, there is nothing special, It is a vast wasteland. All around is bare, and there are no figures. This vast wasteland is the playing field for this team competition. Following the team rules, the channel of each player planet is not opened in the same place, there will be some distance. So after arriving at the playing field, the first thing is not to fight. Instead, join teams from other planets first! 

"According to the original plan." Xue Rengui shouted. 

Actually without his order, as soon as the Great Wilderness Army entered the wasteland, it had already begun its action. 

"It's the first time cooperating with other extraordinary teams, so I'm a little nervous." Su Dingfang said with a smile. 

"All teams, converge towards me." In the battle room, Jiang Fan issued an order. 

According to the original plan, after everyone's team entered the channel, don't act. See who has the most favorable terrain, and who to meet again. If there is no good terrain, then meet Jiang Fan's Musketeer. 

"Have you seen the plane above your team? Just follow it." Jiang Fan continued. 

"Jiang Fan, what is this?" Lin Youhe and others saw the drones on top of their respective races and were very surprised. 

"My musketeer's latest awakening weapon, call it a plane." Jiang Fan made up a random one. 

UAV is naturally the latest product developed by Xia Guo, combat is still a bit difficult, but it's a good hand to detect the ground situation. Under the guidance of the drone, Wan Yunsheng, Lin Youhe, Xiang Zhifei and Jian Ziqiang soon came to the musketeer's side. 

"Ahem, these are our teammates this time?" Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang both looked curiously. 

"Each team, do a good job of defense, and wait for the monster academy to come and attack." Jiang Fan continues to be wise. 

This is also a pre-booking strategy, either Jiang Fan's musketeer or Xiang Zhifei's demonized man is remote outputs, but the defense is weak. Mobility operations are naturally to be avoided. The main tactic this time is positional warfare. The water cannon turtle created by Wan Yunsheng can be used as a means of defense. But the real main defense is Jian Ziqiang's maze puppet. This maze puppet is a clay golem, but unlike other clay puppets when the number reaches a certain level, they can cooperate to form a maze and make it difficult for enemies who get in to pour out. This is also the main reason why Jiang Fan chose Jian Ziqiang. 

At this time, not far away, the wind whistling of a giant beast suddenly came. Immediately after, a tremor came from the ground. Soon, a dark figure appeared in front of them. It is a tall Magic Ape. 

"Super civilized race, Magic Ape, this is a race created by the Great Myth grade of the Behemoth Academy." The information he saw flashed through Jiang Fan's mind. 

These Magic Apes are not just huge, the number has reached 10,000. This is also after the planet has been upgraded to the second level, so there is a clear improvement. Besides the Magic Ape, there are other extraordinary species in greater numbers. There are all kinds of monsters. After seeing Jiang Fan's position, the Magic Ape team stopped. 

In another battle room, the tall and burly boy observed the formation here. Especially after the maze was made up of maze puppets, he smiled lightly: "That Jiang Fan's musketeer is nothing, this maze is interesting, who of you are going to fight." 

"Come on, I've created a new race after level two to fight this kind of clay puppet." The sturdy girl next to him who looked like an Amazon female warrior said. 

"The opposite side should attack directly, right?" Jiang Fan is waiting for the opponent to attack. 

After a while, they couldn't wait. The next moment, a scout on the Great Wilderness Army's side changed slightly, and immediately reported: "Report, the enemy may have attacked from the ground." 

"Underground!?" Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang frowned slightly/ 

"Let your team pay attention, the opponent may attack from the ground." Jiang Fan also immediately communicated this information. 

"What? They have underground races!?" The expressions of the four changed. 

And when they saw the ground in front of the labyrinth puppet position, a slight wriggling begins. Su Jicheng and others who were watching the battle outside also became solemn. This is something that has never been collected before. 

"A brand new race created after the other side's secondary planet?" Everyone immediately guessed their hearts. 

"Don't panic, you guys have a good look, how miserable these underground races are waiting to die." Jiang Fan smiled slightly. 

This is thanks to another secret weapon arranged in advance by the Great Wilderness Army, it is specially designed to deal with these races that can travel underground.

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