One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 189: CH 189

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In the battle room, looking at the army of Magic Apes, and the huge figures that rose one after another, Lin Youhe and the others' faces changed drastically. Because of the team on their side, whether it's Jiang Fan musketeer or someone else's super race, there are obvious weaknesses. There is no way, the other party is two Myth levels, and three legendary levels. The talent gap is too obvious, especially in close combat. 

The strongest is the goblin chief bred by Lin Youhe, but it is not the opponent of the opposite giant. Not to mention something stronger than Golden Behemoth. Once you let the other side get close, the consequence will be unimaginable. 

"The demonized man divided a part to guard against the Flying Magic Ape, the water cannon turtle cooperated on the side, and the goblin chief retreated to protect the demonized man and the musketeer." Jiang Fan quickly ordered. 

Although the Great Wilderness Army now has air defense weapons, Jiang Fan wouldn't be careless either. A careful deployment has to be made. 

"The opponent's Flying Magic Apes is thirty, and the number of them is counted as they die." Lin Youhe said fiercely. 

Quickly let the goblin chief retreat in front of the demon and the musketeer, and prepare to use your life to stop the approach of these flying Apes. 

"Flying Magic Ape, not only can fly, it can be said to be a comprehensive upgrade of the Magic Ape." In the battle room, Su Jicheng and others also looked very solemn. "Once it falls into the positions, it's almost a one-sided slaughter." 

Everyone could see each other's intentions. The direction in which the Flying Magic Ape is flying is behind the high platform of demonized men and musketeers. 

"A total of 30 Flying Magic Apes, flying at low altitudes, very fast, but not too fast." Su Dingfang observed it, and then ordered: "Use anti-aircraft guns." 

When the voice fell, behind the Great Wilderness Army, on an all-terrain off-road vehicle, a cannon shot out. These small caliber guns are the main weapon used by the Great Wilderness Army to deal with low-altitude flying targets, Anti-aircraft guns. Such a thing as an anti-aircraft gun has been invented as early as the research era, but the anti-aircraft guns at that time and the anti-aircraft guns now are completely two concepts! 

Decades ago, to deal with extraordinary creatures that can fly in the air, they especially developed this anti-air artillery. But then the anti-aircraft guns are no different from other guns. It's all manually aimed and fired, so the accuracy is very low. In the endless mode of the college entrance examination, when dealing with the army of flying insects, Anti-aircraft guns did not have a chance to play. 

But now the anti-aircraft guns are first scanned by radar, and then through the complex calculation of the computer, it will determine the location and trajectory of the target, and automatically fire, and the accuracy is high. At low altitudes, the role of anti-aircraft guns cannot be replaced. Another important thing is the cost of anti-aircraft guns is not high. 

When the Great Wilderness Army revealed a series of anti-aircraft guns, especially anti-aircraft guns with radar, Lin Youhe and the others were slightly taken aback. 

"What is this?" Lin Youhe asked very curiously. 

In previous training, Jiang Fan never showed this thing. It looks like a big iron pot, but the color is white. 

"Radar can detect the enemy in the air." Jiang Fan explained briefly. 

Radar is an electronic device that uses electromagnetic waves to detect targets. By emitting electromagnetic waves to irradiate the target and receiving its echoes, objects in this direction reflect the encountered electromagnetic waves. The radar antenna receives and reflects this wave and sends it to the receiving device for processing. Thereby extract some information about the object: distance from the target object to the radar, rate of change of distance or radial velocity, bearing, altitude, etc. 

Lin Youhe and the four blinked, they can't understand the musketeer created by Jiang Fan more and more. Strange weapons are growing. 

"What's the use of that? Jane asked weakly. 

"It has no output in itself." Jiang Fan explained: "But it can be combined with other weapons to strike the enemy with precision. Well, pay attention!" 

On the field, thirty Flying Magic Apes have already reached an altitude of several hundred meters. The Great Wilderness Army also separated a part of the machine guns, and aim at these Flying Apes. But the air target is difficult to hit. 

The water cannon turtles cultivated by Wan Yunsheng have also begun to exert their strength. A thousand water cannon turtles that have been accumulating for a long time fired water cannons at the same time straight to the Flying Magic Ape in the air. 

But these Flying Apes are also very smart when they saw the water cannon rushing up, it raised its height, and rushes to more than a thousand meters in the sky. The water cannon can hit that high, but the speed and power are greatly weakened. It is easily escaped by the Flying Magic Ape. 

Next up, the thirty Flying Apes from the sky above fly down straight to the demonized men and musketeers, relying on the natural blessing of falling, the Flying Magic Ape is getting faster and faster, and with its wings, It can also change position in the air to dodge the bombardment of the water cannon. 

The eight-barrel machine guns were still firing, but it is very hard to hit. Even if there is an occasional armor-piercing round or two hitting these Flying Apes, it is enough to inflict fatal damage. 

Boom Boom Boom-! At this time, the anti-aircraft gun fired one after another. 

This is not the operation of the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army after the anti-aircraft gun is calculated and analyzed, it attacks by itself. 

They saw only one cannonball at an astonishing speed and pounced toward the Flying Magic Ape. These Flying Magic Apes subconsciously want to escape, but they cannot escape. Relying on radar and computer calculations, these cannonballs have judged the position of the Flying Magic Ape in advance! 

Boom-! A Flying Magic Ape was directly hit by a cannonball. 

The cannonballs now have also been upgraded for dozens of generations. Every past year, the Gunpowder Lab will always upgrade the gunpowder at least once to make more powerful gunpowder. It is much stronger than in Yan's Era. 

After a loud bang, the Flying Magic Ape hit by the cannonball fell straight from the sky. The Cannonballs are far more lethal than armor-piercing projectiles, the problem is that the accuracy is too low, and no armor-piercing ability. But if it's a head-on hit, then it's terrifying. 

The Flying Ape that was hit did not die, but it was seriously injured and it was unable to fly in the air and fall from the sky. 

Boom-! It landed heavily in front of the Great Wilderness Army's position. 

"Focus fire output." Jiang Fan ordered immediately. 

Take advantage of your weakness to kill you. The physique of the Flying Demon Ape is stronger than that of the ordinary Magic Ape, even now seriously injured, if given some time, it will gradually recover. 

Boom Boom Boom-! Xiang Zhifei quickly sent thousands of demonized people to frantically attack this seriously injured Flying Magic Ape. 

No matter how powerful this Flying Magic Ape is, by the output of thousands of demonized people, it is like a fly being beaten hundreds of times at the same time. What a miserable death. 

After a while, on the ground, only a puddle of meat remains. Looking at the remaining twenty-nine Flying Apes in the sky, their scalps are numb. Just hear a bang, another dozen artillery shells attacked, and the hit rate is quite high. This time a total of eight Flying Apes were hit. 

The original combat imaginary enemy of the anti-aircraft gun is a fighter jet, and the probability of hitting a fighter is high. Although the Flying Magic Ape is very fast, how can it compare to a fighter jet? 

These eight Flying Magic Apes are not much better. After falling hard, thousands of demonized people are already waiting in the eye. Soon, there are more than eight pools of meat mud on the ground. This completely frightened the remaining twenty Flying Magic Apes in the sky. It don't dare to keep going down, instead, flew away from the position of the Great Wilderness Army. 

Seeing this scene, Su Jicheng and others in the viewing room, and the members of the Behemoth Academy in the battle room, are all dumbfounded. They were thinking that the Flying Magic Ape paid the price of several serious injuries and even death to descend into the positions of the demonized people and the Great Wilderness Army. So that the army of Magic Apes and giant beasts on the ground can quickly break through to defeat them. 

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However, no one would have thought that the horrible picture at the end that did happen, but the not musketeers and demonized people, but rather the Flying Ape. That death is so miserable, that even a complete corpse was not able to stay. 

"All the giant beast armies, rush forward with all their strength, and the Flying Magic Ape will find an opportunity to break into the opponent's position." The tall and burly boy took a deep breath and ordered. The game has just started, so he doesn't want to give up. 

There was a deafening tremor on the ground, as tens of thousands of giant beasts headed by the Magic Ape ran towards the maze puppet frantically with a desperate look. 

"The other side launched a general attack." Lin Youhe's face sank. 

"Do your best to "defend" and keep them 300 meters away." Jiang Fan shouted. 

After a while of effort, the labyrinth of the labyrinth puppet has been built. The goblin chief also returned to the labyrinth as he held a giant mace in his hand. It gets ready to stay here. 

Wan Yunsheng's water cannon turtle didn't have the most power but know that this is the decisive moment. Let thousands of water cannon turtles directly exert force. The water cannons fired wildly at the army of giant beasts that rushed forward. Not to mention the Demonized people and the Musketeers, It is the main output of the Beidou University team. 

Boom Boom Boom-! Inside the arena, cannonballs, armor-piercing rounds, and rounds of bombardment covered and landed in the army of giant beasts. 

All kinds of explosions come and go. The foremost beast kept falling but then continued to rush up frantically. All extraordinary species know that's how melee combat is, it is Impossible to go unscathed. As long as you pay a certain amount of casualties, you can get close to the remote front, and then win. 

Eight hundred meters. 

Seven hundred meters. 

Six hundred meters. 

Five hundred meters. 

After paying a huge price, the giant beast army has finally advanced to the distance of 400 meters. 

Looking at the army of giant beasts that are getting closer. Lin Youhe almost ordered the goblin chief to throw the big mace in his hand like a spear. The last four hundred meters, It's just a line of death. Because the casualties of the giant beast army are too heavy, In addition, the Great Wilderness Army transferred 300 machine guns to cooperate with more than 10,000 demonized people for more output at the same time. The corpses of the giant beast army are scattered everywhere. 

"Rush over, rush over." The sturdy girl screamed in a hurry. 

"We conceded." The tall and burly boy next to him raised his hand. 

"Team leader." The sturdy girl clenched her hands tightly and said, "Just a little bit, just a little bit, we'll be able to rush past them, their melee combat is simply the reason for us to slaughter pigs." 

"It's useless." The tall and burly boy shook his head. 

He is very clear. Don't see that it's only less than 400 meters, but to pass the 400 meters, he doesn't know what a huge price to pay. They might not able to pass. 

"Jiang Fan, I underestimate you." The tall and burly boy stood up and looked in the direction of the battle room where Jiang Fan was. 

He could see the situation of the battle just now. Originally, the Flying Magic Ape was the trump card, but because Jiang Fan's side is too powerful, in order not to pay too much, the tall and burly boys let the Flying Devil Ape fight in advance. But he didn't expect that It was defeated by Jiang Fan's anti-aircraft gun. 

"The Behemoth Academy team conceded defeat, and the Beidou University team won this game." The referee's voice sounded both in the battle room and in the spectator room!! 

"Yeah." Lin Youhe, Wan Yunsheng, and the others all shouted happily. 

Jump straight from your seat, and hug tightly together. This victory was not easy to come by. Before the game, few people were optimistic about them. 

"Win, win." Su Jicheng and the school leaders in the viewing room were also very excited. 

When they saw the Flying Magic Ape, their heart was cold. It feels like the tide has gone, but no one thought that the Flying Magic Ape was scared away. 

"It's not easy to win." Inside the void of Beidou University, the elders also let out a long sigh of relief. 

Relying on this shabby lineup of Beidou University to be able to defeat the behemoth academy, Everyone's goals have been fully achieved. 

"Top Sixteen, here we come." Lin Youhe laughed out loud. 

After hugging everyone, they were very excited. Even Jian Ziqiang, who has always been quiet, also showed a smile. Outside, It was another time to celebrate with Su Jicheng and others. 

"Good boy." A school leader said with a smile: "You guys did a great job, defeating the Behemoth Academy, which is beyond everyone's expectations. While waiting for the next round, just relax and play, don't work too hard." 

At this time, everyone was very happy, because reaching the top sixteen is a success. Especially the current lineup that lacks two main players, Prince Qing and Li Zihao. It is better than the average score of Beidou University in the past. In most previous exchanges, Beidou University was eliminated in the first round. 

"Step by step." Jiang Fan said calmly. 

The goal is only the top sixteen? That is impossible. 

Shortly after the match between Beidou University and Behemoth Academy, competitions from other schools also ended. The result was no surprise, except for Beidou University, which was a surprise. The schools in the top group all won the final victory, and there will be no draw for the round of 16. Follow the previous draw for the matchup. 

Su Jicheng and others after a simple celebration start researching the next opponent and formulating tactics in a hurry. The opponent of Beidou University is Sea King Academy. A super-first-class institution specialized in creating extraordinary species of water systems. When everyone realizes that they are hitting this opponent, their face was a little weird. 

"This... how to fight?" Lin Youhe blinked and asked in a dazed way. 

"Not good." Wan Yunsheng said solemnly: "The Sea King Academy is ranked eighth, with three Myth grades and two legendary grades. What's more, under the water, the race we created, apart from my water cannon turtle doesn't seem to be able to deal with the other side, even with Jiang Fan's musketeers." 

When Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang heard Jiang Fan's prompt, there was a smile on the corner of their mouth. Rather than aerial creatures, they prefer to deal with underwater ones.

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