One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 195: CH 195

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It was exactly as Jiang Fan thought, in the scene where the demonized man was slaughtered by the forest troll, the generals of the Great Wilderness Army are quite annoyed. 

"Still a step behind." Su Dingfang punched hard and said while feeling very annoyed. 

"There's no way to do this. The other party must have the means to discover our location and make arrangements in advance. What can we do about it?" Xue Rengui comforted me and said, 

"Just pay attention next time, Although they are extraordinary creatures, they are also our teammates. Watching like this, I..." Su Dingfang clenched his fists and said, "It's really... Damn it!" 

"Rest assured." Xue Rengui also jumped his eyes and said, "They were attacked by the other party, but our Great Wilderness Army is still there. The other side has to pay for this sneak attack." 

Both are angry. Dare to attack their comrades under their noses? Then wait for the wrath of the Great Wilderness Army. At this time, the battle of the four directions, It's getting hot. Although the forest troll melee combat is very powerful, the demonized people, goblin chiefs, water cannon turtles, and maze puppets aren't pigs either. Under their counterattack, the Forest trolls have also suffered casualties. 

"Crush hit me hard, what are you afraid of, show your courage." Lin Youhe still did not give up and is still commanding loudly. Both eyes turned red. The goblin chieftain on the field has just begun to be raided by forest trolls. But gradually they completely disregarded it. Some directly hugged the forest troll and ran into it, and several surrounded a troll, and attack at any cost. Let yourself be hacked by another forest troll, a life-for-life play. The same goes for the Demonized people, the Water Cannon Turtle, and the Maze Puppets, they fight desperately with forest trolls. They can also pull a forest troll and die together. 

"Come here, these guys... crazy." The young man in white shouted. If it goes on like this, even if his forest trolls can deal with these extraordinary races, there won't be much left in the end. 

Waiting for the remainder of the young man in white, the other Galaxy University team members saw this situation, and immediately let the extraordinary race below speed up. And sent the griffin back to quickly transport a powerful supernatural reinforcement over here. 

Boom-! The tremors of the ground grew louder and louder, and the huge reinforcements behind are gradually approaching. It is also divided into four directions to support the forest trolls in four directions. The battle between the four races and the forest trolls is a complete slaughter. The scene was horrific. 

The demonized man created by Wan Yunsheng has also been hot-blooded. Seeing a forest troll, It doesn't matter if it will hurt your partner or not. Great damage to forest trolls, but the demonized body is the most vulnerable, so their falling down is also the fastest. In just a few minutes, three thousand demonized people have been smashed to the ground by the axes of the forest troll. 

The battle of the goblin chiefs was the most tragic. A tall goblin chief hammer with a mace hit with the shoulder while fighting with forest trolls. An intense fight started. The cost is also extremely heavy, nearly two thousand fell. 

In comparison, Water cannon turtles and Maze Puppets with stronger defenses are better, but it is a one-sided beating. Especially the maze puppet, there is no offense, so it is no threat to forest trolls either. 

"Exit, you all exit immediately, this is the captain's order!" Seeing Lin Youhe and others, he still refused to give up. 

Jiang Fan ordered in a deep voice. 

"Damn it." Lin Youhe slammed his fist on the table angrily, and a trace of helplessness and remorse flashed in his eyes. If only his race could be stronger, not as it is now, they won't be so helpless. Instead, it became the opponent's breakthrough point. The other three were in similar moods. 

"Give up the fight, quit the game." At last, Lin Youhe and the four still reluctantly gave orders to the extraordinary race below. The four races raised their hands one after another, It means surrender. 

Seeing this, on the side of Galaxy Unversity, also made the forest troll give up the attack. This is also an unwritten rule of team competition. Once the opponent gives up resistance, the other side will not continue to attack. But it also means the four extraordinary races have completely withdrawn from the stage of this final. 

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the four extraordinary species gather the remaining teams and walk back to their respective planetary passages. They officially left this arena. On the side of Beidou University, at this time, only the Great Wilderness Army was left. 

"It's so tragic." A team member of Galaxy University couldn't help but let out a sigh. "Almost four thousand of my forest trolls gone." 

The young man in white also shook his head and said, "I didn't expect the opposite side to be so desperate." 

"It's ok." The captain, the tall young man, comforted: "In the next game, your forest trolls don't have to participate. When the game is over, I will apply to the school for the fountain of life." 

"The fountain of life?" The eyes of the young man in white suddenly lit up. This is good stuff. A product from the High Elves, it can breed extraordinary species faster. With the fountain of life, the forest troll he lost will soon make up for it. 

The captain, the tall young man, glanced at the others and said, "It's the last step of the plan, the musketeers and pilots of Jiang Fan's siege. We'll take care of the musketeers on the ground, Mo Yao, come and deal with the pilots in the sky. Remember, we have to take it to step by step, you have seen the situation just now, and the other party will never admit defeat easily. It is very likely to be a battle of trapped beasts, don't let the opponent counterattack and cause too much loss." 

Under the unified command of the tall young man, an army of extraordinary races on the ground starts gathering. And from all directions approach the Great Desolate Army step by step. Quantitatively, the extraordinary race of Galaxy Unversity is also close to 100,000, which is similar to the Great Wilderness Army. 

The Great Wilderness Army did not dare to be careless, because there is a remote output on the opposite side, therefore, the Rainstorm fighters did not dispatch easily. Just shrink the line of defense, while waiting for the siege of the opponent. 

In the battle room, Lin Youhe and the other who had withdrawn from the game sat on the chairs with remorse and unwillingness. They can only watch Jiang Fan continue to play the game alone. Five people facing one, the Great Wilderness Army has to deal with at least five Great Myth talent race teams on the opposite side. 

Seeing this scene, Su Jicheng and others outside were silent. They want Jiang Fan to admit defeat, but after seeing the demonized man, and the goblin chief's desperate struggle, they stopped the thought. It's just a game though, but sometimes it's not just competition! 

"You can admit defeat." A teacher from another school next to him shook his head and said, "It's pointless, and ten minutes have passed. You have persisted for so long and killed so many forest trolls. I'm proud enough." 

"Yeah, what else can you do if you keep going?" Another teacher also agreed: "There is no point in paying more casualties. In a normal fight, there may still be a slight chance, but I didn't expect that..." A teacher said: "The Galaxy Unversity went all out and did not give Beidou University a little chance. When it came up, it took advantage of its advantages and raided Beidou University." 

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, the Galaxy Unversity is not careless at all." Another teacher smiled and said: "This is also their third consecutive championship. Few schools in the history of the three-peat can achieve this. They can't be too careful. Look at it, it is estimated that Jiang Fan will not resist for long and will admit defeat." 

Many people are talking about it, and there is no regret. After all, the strength of Beidou University is still far from that of Galaxy Unversity, being able to get to this point, has exceeded everyone's expectations. It's very, very good. 

"Hahaha!" And in Ao Xiong's villa, everyone laughed happily. They saw that the Beidou University team eliminated formidable opponents one by one, and continue to reach the quarterfinals, quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals, the face of a person here is incredibly ugly. 

This is also human nature. Don't say they hate each other, even if not, who would like to see a neighbor's child do better than you, and earn more than yourself? Especially, the married daughter-in-law is prettier than yourself? 

Originally, people were very distressed. The atmosphere in the villa was extremely stiff, but when they saw that the race created by Lin Youhe and Wan Yunsheng was raided, and finally had to quit the game, the atmosphere was alive again. 

"This should be the most disparate final in history. It's only been ten minutes, and the suspense is gone." A teacher smiled. 

"Definitely." Li Zihao replied: "There was no suspense before the game, but no one would have thought that Jiang Fan and the others fell so fast." 

"The Galaxy Unversity hasn't put much effort into it, just relying on the forest troll race, the four can't bear it anymore. There's no way, the talents of the two sides are too different, and the four can't compare to the other side's Great Myth level." Wang Teng smiled lightly. 

"Correct." Li Zihao suddenly thought of something, looked at Prince Qing, and said, "If we hadn't withdrawn from this competition and replaced Jian Ziqiang and Lin Youhe, would we be able to beat Galaxy Unversity?" 

"Yuoguang University estimates that it is possible." Prince Qing thought for a moment and said, "But Galaxy Unversity will have no chance. The opponent's five Great Myth ranks are too solid, and their strength is at least one rank higher than other teams." 

"Look." Wang Teng pointed at the picture in the projection and said, "This Jiang Fan's pilot is too frightened to move." 

"Hehe, I don't know why he is still insisting on it?" Li Zihao smiled lightly and said, 

"Don't concede defeat quickly, does he still think he can't beat five?" In the void of Beidou University, the elders were also somewhat silent. 

"Is there any chance?" An old man asked. 

"It's impossible." The gray-robed old man shook his head and said, "They haven't prepared enough. I didn't expect that the Xinghe Academy would have a surprise attack." 

"Even if this trick is prevented, there is still a huge gap in strength, at most, it will take a little more time." Another old man said. 

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"Pity..." The old man in black sighed with emotion: "If our school's lineup can be stronger, such as one more Great Myth class, it is estimated there may be some opportunities. With Jiang Fan here this year, I am afraid it is the closest to the championship." 

Everyone was silent. Beidou University is still not attractive, even a champion is difficult to recruit. Prince Qing is such a gifted genius, he was also recruited through various relationships. Exchange Championship, everyone here thinks so much. 

"Looking to make it to the finals, seems to be very close to that trophy, but there is no hope. It is enough to go beyond this step, if we continue to work hard in the next session, there will still be opportunities in the future." The oldest elder comforted. 

Having said that, everyone understands. A monstrous freshman like Jiang Fan, It is almost impossible to recruit behind Beidou University. Everyone watched the game projection silently, and cherish the last few minutes left. 

Inside the screen, the extraordinary race team from Galaxy Unversity has been scattered into several teams, and the Great Wilderness Army has been besieged in the middle from all directions. 

"The musketeer built by Jiang Fan is also very powerful, with a very long-range, more than four kilometers." The captain, the tall young man, said: "If we don't cross this limit, there will be no danger. And the firepower of the pilot is stronger, and there are mainly two output methods. One is a large projectile and the other is a small projectile. Large projectiles are more powerful, but less threatening. On the contrary, it is the kind of small projectile that can penetrate the body of extraordinary races, including the previous Flying Magic Ape and Wolf. Our extraordinary species should be unstoppable." 

A brand new race from Jiang Fan, the Galaxy Unversity attaches great importance to it. Combine the characteristics of the Musketeer and the Airplane, and research is almost done. 

"But the pilot's output is erratic." The tall young man continued: "They can't target specific units, they rely on covering strikes. You have seen it just now. If the enemy and we are in a melee, the plane will be powerless and can only watch. But it's pointless to say that. If we can get past the line and get close to the Musketeers, then we'll win. Next, go all out, try not to cause too much loss, and force Jiang Fan to admit defeat." 

And on the side of the Great Wilderness Army. Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang quickly made various arrangements. The outing of four Transcendent Race teammates was also somewhat unexpected. But the Great Wilderness Army has always had a fine tradition, that is to prepare for the worst in everything. Several plans have already been drawn up, no more maze puppets, but the Great Wilderness Army also has Tank placed around in a circle. Added 3,000 more machine guns and densely arranged on the outermost side. 

Although the team from Galaxy University is four kilometers away, even machine guns can't reach, the Great Wilderness Army is not just a weapon like a machine gun, there are also a lot of tanks and artillery. 

"Attack as much as you like, and put a little pressure on the opponent." Su Dingfang said coldly. 

Boom Boom Boom-! Cannon Shells are pouring out, and aim at the Siren clan with weak defenses on the opposite side. The Siren is a giant creature with a figure that is more than five meters tall. There are four hands on the left and right. Although they usually live in the sea, they can also move on land. Sliding on the ground like the tail of the snake. 

"Jump off, bury your head in the sand, and the desert trolls defend themselves." The tall young man immediately commanded. 

The team here is not just forest trolls, there are even desert trolls. This troll's melee ability is stronger than a forest troll. It also has the innate ability to turn the surrounding soil and rocks into sand. 

Seeing a cannon shell flying over, a group of desert trolls immediately activated this ability. Melted piles of sand, and let the siren behind them stick their body in the sand. 

Boom Boom Boom-! After the cannon shell fall, and explodes continuously. After the smoke, except for a small number of sirens were injured, not even a single serious injury. 

"The school seems to have found the weakness of the musketeer." A teacher watching the battle said: "As long as you keep your body as close to the ground as possible, the power of these projectiles will be dispersed a lot." 

Lin Youhe, Su Jicheng, and the others frowned. They can feel it, the Galaxy Unversity has made careful arrangements for Jiang Fan in advance. Just got rid of the race the four of them created, their main purpose is to let Jiang Fan's musketeers have no help. Although the four races are not at the top, it still protects and buffers the musketeer. Not like now, the Musketeers must face the opponent's attack. 

"The lethality of the artillery is weaker." Seeing this scene, Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang were not in a hurry at all. 

This was what they expected. The firing of artillery is just a distraction, the real killer move is not on the ground. 

"Rainstorm Fighter, go to test." Xue Rengui ordered. 

"Receive." Above the sky, a rainstorm fighter jet glides out towards the frontal team of sirens and desert trolls. 

"Coming." The tall young man's pupils shrank slightly. 

Others have also raised their focus. For Galaxy Unversity, on Jiang Fan's side, the only thing that threatens them is these twenty planes in the sky. 

"Mo Yao, get your Siren ready to shoot down this plane for me!" The tall young man ordered. 

"No problem." The pretty girl smiled softly, and immediately order the Siren race you created. 

"Jiang Fan, make your pilots careful, the siren on the opposite side has long-range output capability." Lin Youhe opened his mouth to remind. 

"Rest assured." Jiang Fan didn't say anything. 

A rainstorm fighter jet galloped fast, and rapid descent from a high altitude! Come to a low place, and start the cannon. Countless armor-piercing bullets poured out like torrential rain heading toward the desert trolls and sirens below. 

A tall and burly desert troll stood in front of the siren, hundreds of armor-piercing bullets hit it in an instant, but there is no suspense. Even if the physique of the desert troll is very strong, it can't stop the penetration of armor-piercing bullets. There are bullet holes all over his body like a hornet's nest. The huge body also fell hard. 

"No surprise." Seeing this scene, the five members of Galaxy Unversity were not surprised. They had expected it long ago, Desert trolls are also unable to stop the terror of pilots. 

At the same time, there was a smile on the corners of the five players' mouths. This is the result they want. Attract aircraft to low altitudes then the Siren can find an opportunity to output. Among the thousands of Siren, there are ten massive one, which is very eye-catching. These ten are the leaders of the Siren clan. In their hands, they are holding a huge longbow. These longbows are over three meters long. The Great Wilderness Army and others also saw these ten longbows. 

"Sure enough, the Siren Clan created by Galaxy Unversity has this thing." Lin Youhe and the others were both alarmed and a little helpless. They saw ten sea monsters taking out a handful of huge arrows. On the longbow, these arrows are not the same as normal arrows. There are lines on it. 

An arrow soared into the sky and take the Rainstorm fighter jets flying above. It is incredibly fast, and surprisingly with increasing distance, not only did the speed not slow down, but it got faster and faster. However, it is still not as fast as a fighter jet. 

The pilot of the fighter jet immediately turned to raise. He wants to avoid this arrow, but what is even more shocking is that this arrow seems to be able to track, and follow closely. 

"Be careful, this is an enchanted arrow." Lin Youhe immediately shouted. 

"Enchanted Arrow?" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. He has also heard of this, it engraved a magic circle on the arrow, making the arrow have incredible effect and power. That's what makes this arrow able to chase fighter jets in the sky. 

Boom-! The fighter jet was caught up and hit by an enchanted arrow, there was a dull sound. The people at Galaxy Unversity wanted to cheer but soon found out that the fighter jets didn't do anything. It's just that the exterior of the fuselage has turned black. 

The rainstorm fighter is naturally made of the alloy of Iron Meteorite, Vibranium, and Tearstone. This new alloy name has now been changed, It's called Star Tear Alloy. It inherits all effects of Vibranium, and also improved it. More than just solid, It can also absorb the kinetic energy and of the opposition attack. This time the fighter is fine, but the energy-absorbing effect of the alloy was exhausted. 

"Fighter, return." Xue Rengui did not dare to be careless and immediately ordered. The fighter jet raised its altitude and flew back. Got hit by an enchanted arrow, It was also done on purpose by the fighter jets. The purpose is to test the power of the enchanted arrow. 

"As expected, the opponent should be the most powerful arrow of this kind." Su Dingfang nodded. 

And after seeing the fighter jet flee, the five people from Galaxy Unversity showed a smile. 

"You don't need to shoot down these fighters, just make them flee." The tall young man said: "Mo Yao, your Siren is responsible for these twenty planes, other races..." The tall young man glanced at everyone and said, "Prepare to besiege with all your strength. Break through these musketeer positions on the ground." 

"No problem." The young men in white responded loudly. 

The next moment, the extraordinary groups surrounded by the Great Wilderness Army began to move, and get ready to attack. 

"The decision is made, and the offensive will be directly destroyed by the opponent." Xue Rengui also ordered at the same time, after witnessing four teammates being eliminated, Xue Rengui endure a burst of anger in his heart. He wants to use the most powerful weapon of the Great Wilderness Army to take down these aggressive opponents.

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