One Wild Night

Chapter 25: Bad Boy

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Contrary to popular opinion, Tom didn't become the CEO of such a powerful first-class multinational company like I-Global by chance nor by luck. Several times he had read articles where people tried to guess his business secrets and strategies and he smiled each time they failed.

All his life he had been guided by four basic character traits. He liked to believe his success was a product of all four in equal percents. Twenty-five percent impatience, twenty-five percent decisiveness, twenty-five percent planning, and twenty-five percent had to do with his appearance.

These were the secrets to his success. He didn't believe in wasting time thinking about things when he should be working hard at it to get it done and over with, so his impatience always spurred him to look for every possible ways to get things done quickly.

Right from when he was a kid, he had always been known as someone who always knew what he wanted. Once he saw what he wanted, he threw everything he had into getting it, unless he didn't really want it.

Once he saw what he wanted, he never pursued it without thinking it through. He always spent his time making plans and writing out every possible way he could achieve his goals. And finally because he was good looking he always found his way around. Everyone loved a good looking person of course.

Lying down on the recliner in his new apartment, Tom tapped a pen on his forehead as he tried to come up with ways to get Lucy. He was very certain she expected him to make his first move on her tonight, but he wasn't going to do that. He needed to come up with a good plan on how to get under her skin without her even knowing it. He wanted her to feel so relaxed around him that she would let her guard down without knowing what was happening.

She was a virgin so there was no need trying to seduce her... Not that he wouldn't do that later though, but right now he wanted to become a close friend and confidant first... But he didn't intend to remain in the friend zone for too long either.

He sat up and picked up his phone, this was one of those times he needed his sister's wit, so he dialed Jade's number. A moment later he heard his sister's voice, "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure twice within twenty-four hours?" She asked checking the time on her wristwatch. He had called quite late the previous evening but it was kind of early now.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing." Tom lied.

"Although that is awfully sweet of you, but I'm very sure that isn't the reason you called." She said in amusement.

"Why would you..."

"Really, Tom? Go on, I'm listening." She said cutting him off as she stood up from her desk and rubbed her eyes.

Tom sighed wearily. He couldn't help feeling embarrassed that she had seen through him as usual, "Fine. There is this girl..."

"A girl?" Jade asked with a giggle since that was the last thing she had expected him to talk about. Tom was all about his business and money, and though he had had different girlfriends over the years, but she doubted he had ever given them much thought.

"Why is it funny?" Tom asked in confusion.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Just go on. I'm sure she must be very interesting if you're thinking about her." Jade said thoughtfully.

"Well, she works for me..."

"When did you start mixing business with pleasure?" She interrupted again.

"I suppose there is always a first time. Now can you listen without cutting me off?" He pleaded.

"Sure. Sorry. I think I'm still in lawyer mode." She apologized with a giggle

"I really like her and I want her, but she is so damn stubborn and self-sufficient. How do I get her?" Tom asked curiously.

"She knows who you are and doesn't want you?" Jade asked in disbelief.

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"No she doesn't but..."

"Sorry to cut you off bro, but if I'm going to be of any help to you, then you have to give me details. How did you meet her? Why do you want her? What is she like?" Jade asked as she picked up a jotter and a pen. Call it habit, but she liked organizing her thoughts.

"I met her the club..." Tom started.

"...So that is it." He finished.

"Holy shit! You mean you actually bought the apartment she is living in just because you wanted to be her next door neighbor?" She asked incredulously.

"Well, let's just see it as a real estate investment. I could always sell the house if things don't go as planned, right?" He asked logically, and Jade had to admit there was sense in what he said.

"But then the money you paid to the occupants of the house..."

"We both know it's nothing to me. Let's just think of it as the price I'm paying to pursue what I want." Tom said making her sigh.

"So is it that you love her?"

"I honestly don't know what I feel for her yet. I don't know her well enough to be in love with her, but what I do know is that I'm interested in her and I want her."

"Wow!" Jade exclaimedd with a giggle as she tried to process everything Tom had just told her.

"So what do you think?" Tom asked curiously.

"Well, from all you've said, she is a good girl... And good girls like bad boys, even though they won't easily admit that. So maybe instead of taking the gentleman approach which I'm sure she must be used to already, you should be more fun. Be the bad boy next door." Jade suggested.

"A bad boy?" Tom asked out loud as he thought about it. A bad boy would probably have fucked her silly that night, but he had acted the gentleman... Perhaps that was why ladies kept trying to use him? Because he seemed too kind and gentlemanly?

"Yes. You should probably ask Byran for tips. I'm sure he is the baddest boy in the whole of the country." Jade said with a giggle, and then remembered she was yet to give him a call. She made a mental note to do that immediately she was done with the phone call.

"Maybe I will do that. Now back to you, how was your day and how is the case going?" He asked, sounding concerned now.

"I'm holding up. Things are becoming pretty intense and my only witness has gone into hiding." She said with a sigh.

"The case is that bad?"

"Really bad. But if I'm able to do this, I think I will quit from this firm and start my own." She confided.

"Just let me know if you need anything. You know you can always count on me." He said, and she smiled.

"Sure. I need to get back to work now. Love you." With that she hung up and sighed.. It seemed like both her brothers were getting all the romance and she was just here working like a maniac, Jade thought to herself.

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