One Wild Night

Chapter 31: The CEO's Personal Assistant

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"Someone older?" Tom repeated as he listened to her. What did she mean by someone older? Was she that uncomfortable around him? Without wasting more time, he quickly picked up his office phone and dialed Harry's office line.

Harry glanced at his office phone when it started ringing, and he didn't need anyone to tell him it was Tom calling, "Give me a moment, it's the CEO," he explained before picking up the phone.

"Hello sir!"

"Hand her the phone, I want to speak with her," Tom said without wasting any time.

"Miss Perry says she doesn't need the driver assigned to her," Harry explained for Lucy's benefit, since it would seem weird that he was just handing her the phone to speak with the CEO concerning an issue he was supposedly not aware of.

"Just hand her the phone," Tom instructed.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Harry asked, making Lucy wonder what they were discussing. Perhaps the CEO was considering her request?

"The CEO wants to speak with you," Harry said as he extended the phone to her.

"Me?" She asked perpelexed, as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Is there someone else in here with us?" Harry asked with a slightly raised brow, and lowered his gaze to the phone he was still holding out to her, indirectly telling her she was leaving his hand hanging.

She had heard rumors that the CEO wasn't the type to be seen or even talk to anyone, so why did he want to speak with her? Perhaps she had crossed a line by making such a request? Lucy wondered as she took the phone from him, "No sir. Sorry sir,"

Tom picked up his handkerchief and placed it over the mouthpiece of the phone, "Miss Perry?"

"Y..yes sir. Go...od good morning sir!" She stuttered, standing up quickly from her seat, while Harry tried not to let his amusement show on his face.

"I hear you do not want your driver. What problem do you have with the driver I chose for you?" Tom asked in his formal intimidating tone.

Hearing how cold he sounded, Lucy concluded that he was angry, and the last thing Lucy wanted was to tell her boss that she didn't want her driver, and then have him fire her. She knew her plan could easily backfire, and then she would only have herself to blame. So now she had to think carefully before giving him an answer.

"Are you there?" Tom asked when she didn't say anything after sometime.

"Yes sir," she quickly answered, trying hard not to stutter.

"So? Your driver, why do you want to fire him?" Tom asked again..

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"No sir! I'm not asking to have the driver fired. I'm just..."

"If you say you don't need someone, what does it mean?" Tom asked, cutting her off before she could explain herself, "Or better put, if I say I no longer need your services, what do I mean?" Tom asked, making beads of sweat coat her forehead now.

"I... Sir... I..." Lucy stuttered, and turned to Harry who was looking at her with a laid back expression.

"Go on. I'm listening," Tom urged her on. She seemed like a 'boss pleaser', and maybe he could use that to his own advantage.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to question your choice of a driver for me. The driver is okay. I will work with him," Lucy pleaded anxiously. She really loved her job, and didn't want to lose it simply because of one night of madness. She made a mental note to remain a good girl, and never to do crazy stuff ever again,

"And why do you keep referring to him as 'the driver' instead of 'my driver'?" Tom asked curiously.

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen ever again. I'm sorry I complained about him. I will keep working with him," Lucy promised.

"Hand the phone to him," Tom said dismissively, and Lucy quickly did as she was told, since talking with the boss made her feel very nervous.

"What should I do sir?" Harry asked immediately he took the phone from her.

"Tell her if the driver goes, she goes too, so she needs to be extra careful and make sure he doesn't leave. And if she decides to keep the driver, inform her she is going to be working as my personal assistant henceforth..."

"What?" Harry half yelled, before he could stop himself, startling Lucy who looked at him anxiously, as she waited to know her fate.

"Don't worry, just trust me and do as I say," Tom said before hanging up.

Harry glanced at Lucy who was looking at him with a worried frown, and he could literally see the question in her eyes. He wished he had an idea as to what Tom was up to. Tom had never had a personal assistant since the first lady who had occupied that position had tried to seduce him, and when she failed she had accused him of harassing her and had almost succeeded in creating a scandal for him and the company. After that incident, Harry had been acting as his personal assistant even though he was known as the vice chairman of the company. So why Tom was suddenly asking Lucy to be his personal assistant when he was busy trying to keep his identity from her, was a mystery to him.

Harry cleared his throat, "If your driver leaves, you leave too. Regardless of the reason. So you have to be kind to him," Harry announced making Lucy's eyes widen in dismay.

This didn't make any sense! Why would a director like herself be fired because of a mere driver? Lucy asked herself in disbelief. She swallowed, and then nodded her head, "Okay sir."

"He also wants you to become his personal assistant..."

"What?" Lucy asked, shooting out of her seat without thinking.

"You are going to resume as the CEO's personal assistant," Harry repeated.

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