Online Chat Group

Chapter 6: Upgrading

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Though he wanted to train more but then he decided against it after all it would take few weeks or months for him to add an attribute on his own and he can get an attribute for checking in weekly anyways. 

So, why bother,  maybe by that time system will release some task in a few days giving him rewards on completing them,  by then it wouldn't matter anyway and although he could train and increase his attributes quickly following White Room's regime but then if he's going to do the same thing he's done there then what is the point of his transmigration . He is now free from that place so he's gonna do whatever he want and enjoy his life to the fullest .

So, the very next morning he decided to assign the attribute points.

He thought of assigning all the points to his mental power as he could still improve other attributes on his own but system refused him telling him he can only assign five points to his mental power and over that his soul wouldn't be able to bear the strain. 


Hearing his surprised tone system answered him that this Mental power attribute also referred to Soul power as Soul power consists of Mind, Desire or Will and Spirit

 Mind or intellect is part of the soul that is open or accessible to us  so his Mental Power also includes his soul power.

"That wasn't what I was asking"

He face palmed off course he knew that he didn't ask it to explain to him what he already knows what he wanted to ask is that how did his soul got injured?


Shouldn't it be opposite after all his soul merged with the original owner that's why he got his memories??

Shouldn't it be like in novels where Mc's soul merges with the original owner of the body and his soul power increases and becomes much higher than a normal person giving him advantage over others leading to him being accepted as a disciple by some powerful person as he read in a certain novel. Why is it opposite to him?

But the system answered him that his soul was injured due to "Divine Punishment" from the Heavenly Dao and if the system didn't preserve his soul and transmigrated him into this world then his soul would have been annihilated vanishing away completely.

"Oh" Hearing System's explanation he let out a sigh.

It seemed like he had completely figured out his transmigration and how his system seems like a second rate program with unfinished functions , it looks like the system got injured in the process of saving him leading to this defect. At the same time it also explained his somewhat childish behavior sometimes as how can someone who has spent ten years of his life at that place act so childish sometimes.

System: Nah, host your behaviour has nothing to do with it



He wasn't in the mood to rebuke the system now.

Everything seems to make sense now..

Nothing Fuc*****  makes a fuc** sense !!!

So, this system basically telling him that the lightening which suddenly strike at him when he was falling from the cliff and was in the air and was trying to escape from that place obliterating him completely was

The Divine Punishment of the Heavens!!

Was Heaven that vexed that it was casually hitting people with Divine Punishments or was it playing counting out with him??.

 Coz he didn't seem to have done anything bad in his life or maybe he had but that was to survive and it wasn't bad enough to incur the wrath of heaven. 

After all he had read many novels and he knew that even some cruel Cultivators and  heavenly demons that kills millions of people don't get Divine Punishment.

Or maybe it was because he has some terrifyingly OP physique which only one person can have since the ancient times which makes heavens jealous of him 

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Or maybe he is some sort of reincarnation of some powerhouse which went against the heavens so it took the opportunity to get rid of him before he reawakens. 

After all Whenever he looked at his otherworldly handsome face in the mirror he always thought he looked like an exalted Immortal which didn't belong in a Mortal World as this world didn't deserve him but he never knew he was so important that even heaven will be so jealous of him that it had to act personally to remove his threat when he was still weak.

(I did  say before that he was a narcissist but who wouldn't be when you're just that good)

[Host, the system reveres your terrifying imagination but sorry to burst your bubble but it fell on you due to a mistake as it was supposed to fall somewhere else and this system was given to you as a compensation for that mistake]

Hah!! So, it seems like his system being defected has nothing to do with Divine Punishment.

[Then add 5 points to MP, 4 points to Strength, 4 to Vitality and Remaining points to Dexterity]

He didn't add any points to his appearance as it was already too high as he said earlier but if he increased it more than who knows what would happen and he doesn't want to break more hearts than he already had 

though the actual reason was that his System outright refused telling him that he can't attribute points to his Appearance as it was already a limit of the Appearance of a Mortal.

[Assigning Attribute Points according to the Host's wishes]

[Updating status]

Hearing this voice he felt a relaxing and powerful sensation across his body but he didn't have time to relax as as pain assaulted his mind and soul this excruciating pain he didn't felt even in his previous life as he was used to pain but that was the case only for his body but this pain he was currently feeling was on his soul as he held his head with his hands clenching his teeth not letting out any sound that would scare Sylvie who was sleeping next to him.

A few moments later the pain stopped and he let out a sigh. It was so sudden he was enjoying the pleasant sensation across his body and pain assaulted his head.

It seems that was what his system said earlier about strain on his soul .

As he looked at his status which was updated by the system.

[Host:    Kageyama Yuichi (15)]

         Charm/ Appearance    : 97

         [Strength:                   15]

          [Vitality:                     14 ]

         [Intelligence:              21 ]

          [Dexterity:                  13]

          [Mental Power:          18]

[Unassigned Attribute Points : 0  ]

"Hah" He let out of breath

He used to think that he was powerful but hearing system's explanation earlier he got a new realization.

So, it seems like he's that fragile that someone can obliterate him completely by mistake.

Though it is the same case for everyone living in this world

 But , 

He didn't like this feeling !! 

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