Online Games: Level 1 I Ended the Gods

Chapter 517: 517:

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Zhou Zhuo shook the pass condensed from the illusion, shook it, and passed the'Instrument' smoothly.

It's pretty good and didn't cause trouble.

Unfortunately, the illusion is only effective for living entities and cannot deceive surveillance.

Looking at the monitor in the distance, Zhou Zhuo strode forward and quickly disappeared.

All the way to the basement level.

The entire building belongs to the Celestial Temple, but the core of the Celestial Temple Guild is on the basement floor.

This is also the area where I was once imprisoned.

Through the camouflage appearance, the journey was unimpeded and encountered no trouble.

"Old shrimp, why did you come back so soon?"

"Didn't the above send you to the Shadow Guild?"

Sent to the Shadow Guild?

This guy has been transferred out?

Zhou Zhuo's impression of the changed guy stayed in the past, and he didn't know this information.

Shadow Guild?

There is no impression at all.

"¨ 〃 Ding, you get a memory disguise when you encounter related inquiries."

The next moment, an unfamiliar memory poured in, which happened to be related to it.

Zhou Zhuo didn't know that the Shadow Guild was normal, and there was no such guild in his previous life.

In the recent period of time, the hunting angel madly targeted the Temple of Heaven, making several shots in succession, inflicting heavy losses on the guild.

If the signboard of the Temple of Heaven does not sound, it will cause trouble.

They have never been hanged on a tree. Seeing this situation, they decisively chose to establish a new guild, and some of the core members of the Temple of Heaven moved out.

In order to prevent the guild insider from divulging this information, there are not many insiders, only members of the confidant members of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven know about it.

Shadow Guild?

No wonder the Tianshen Temple is so low-key recently, this is a civet cat for the prince.

Using the empty shell of the Temple of Heaven to attract his attention, he secretly found the Shadow Guild of the Temple.

The talents recruited in the future will also move to the Shadow Guild, and even separate from this base, so as to be truly unaware of it.

If Zhou Zhuo hadn't come to the Temple of Heaven specially, the guy who changed was still a member of the Shadow Guild, I am afraid that he would really be fooled by the Temple of Heaven.

"The Shadow Guild has just started, and it lacks everything. I hope to draw a group of talents from the headquarters."

"I'm here to request support this time!"

"Shut your mouth tightly, don't let the spies in the guild know, if it gets into the ears of the hunting angel, it will be troublesome."

Zhou Zhuo talked for a while and passed the test smoothly.

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Wandering around all the way, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar area, not long after, he saw the area where he was imprisoned.

Not long after, I came to a small house less than 20 square meters. The walls of the house are made of special alloys, which are very strong and have excellent sound insulation.

When the door is closed, everything will be plunged into darkness, and loneliness and coldness will strike together.

It was this ghost place where Zhou Zhuo stayed for a year.

Without freedom, it is like a prisoner of light.

"This is the area specially prepared for the hunting angel in the Tianshen Temple. As long as we can catch the hunting angel, this is the place to imprison him."

At this moment, a cold female voice came from before and after.

Zhou Zhuo didn't reply, his eyes were cold. .

Chapter 338 Identity Revealed! Break a blood path! (3/5 Seek the whole technique)

Zhou Zhuo heard the voice of the talking woman, purple rose.

The manager of the Tianzi area, the sister of Pan Long, the master of the Tianshen Temple.

When Zhou Zhuo turned his head, his eyes had returned to normal.

Turning his head to look at Purple Rose, Zhou Zhuo laughed.

"Unfortunately, we still don't know where the hunting angel is. Is it useful to make this cage?"

"The hunting angel hides too deeply."

Purple Rose laughed.

"The hunting angel hides well, and has also arranged a means to confuse the heavenly temple."

"Perhaps the previous internal investigation has attracted his attention, a means deliberately used to attract our attention."

"However, this goal is indeed doubtful."

Already have a suspicious target?

Zhou Zhuo's heart suddenly burst, and a bad premonition faintly arises.

"Hunting angels have always been cunning and like to make mistakes. Could it be the trap he left behind?"

He didn't ask questions directly, just because she was afraid of alerting her and causing trouble.

Purple Rose did not expect that the confidant in front of her was disguised by others, and she couldn't even think of the ability of people to change in the real world.

There was no need to hide this matter. I confirmed that there were no snoops around and said it openly.

"The target we suspect is a man named Zhou Zhuo!"

Zhou Zhuo?

Hearing his name, my heart burst.

When he contacted Yang Hua, he still let the heavenly temple pay attention, which aroused the suspicion of the heavenly temple.

Although the finishing touches have been made, the Temple of Heaven still bites up like crazy.

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