Online Games: Level 1 I Ended the Gods

Chapter 625: 625:

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The two demon gods turned their gazes to the bewildered Shadow Demon, with a pleasant appearance.

If he guessed right, the Shadow Demon Lord will scare the hunting angels, and he should have unknown restraint power on his body.

This is also the reason why the Hunting Angel spends a lot of money to kill the Shadow Demon King.

"We need more Shadow Demon Kings!".

Chapter 407 Gods are all good people! Fox girl?

It is an indisputable fact that the Shadow Demon frightens the Hunter Angel.

If the Shadow Demon really has the power to restrain the hunting angel, after the research is clear, it may be possible to use this to destroy the hunting angel.

Even if it can't be done, placing a shadow demon in each demon temple can effectively prevent the hunting angel from destroying it.

The news quickly reached the ears of the demon gods and gods.

Although the Shadow Demon King is a sub-god, he is not very much valued by the strong of the gods.

Now it's different. A **** personally descended on the territory of the Shadow Demon God and carefully examined the unusualness of the Shadow Demon Lord.

The result was nothing.

The shadow demon kings saw a large number of gods and demons coming, and they were all so frightened that they did not dare to say a word.

"Is this a conspiracy of Hunting Tianhe?"

"This guy has always been sinister and cunning!"

Many gods have been pitted by hunting angels, and they are very vigilant about this.

Who knows if the news that the demons got was sent by the hunting angel deliberately?

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with trying."

"The Shadow Demon Lord will die if he dies."

"If the Shadow Demon Lord has a way to frighten the Hunting Angel so that he does not dare to commit the crime, the Demon Gods will not have to maintain the state of being in Demon Presence all the time."

During this time, the demons were very tired.

Originally the master of the Demon Temple, now he has become the ‘servant’ of the Guardian Demon Temple...

In addition, after a long period of consumption, the number of containers in the Demon Temple is also rapidly decreasing. If it continues, the Demon Gods can't hold on.

There are rare ways to alleviate the pressure on them, and of course many demon gods must stand up and support them.

"We can't be too scared to act because we are afraid of the conspiracy of the hunting angels!"

"Hunting angels are not gods! We are gods!"

"When did the gods and demons become so cautious?"

Still thinking about restraining hunting angels?

People who don't know think that hunting angels are gods, and he is mortal.

Many gods feel that as a magnificent god, they have to look forward and backward, and they simply don't live like gods.

"Okay! Send more Shadow Demon Kings into the mortal world~~!"

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"Just being able to scare away the hunting angels is extremely important. If there are more shadow demon kings, we can also take the opportunity to restore...the temple and the demon temple!"

This sentence moved the hearts of many gods and demons. Since the collapse of the temple, many gods have lost many followers.

Without the temples and **** statues as the transfer station of the power of faith, the power of faith provided by the scattered believers is transmitted to the hands of the gods, and the loss rate is extremely high. The gods are extremely eager to restore the temple.

Right now, it seems that a turning point has really taken place.

Even knowing that this is a conspiracy of hunting angels, he will try.

For a while, the eyes of the gods and the demon gods looking at the shadow demon became hot, and they robbed the shadow demon of the place where they belonged.

The Shadow Demon King was divided up very quickly. There were seven Shadow Demon Kings in total, four of which were sent to the light realm, and three were sent to the dark realm, which was exactly five to five points.

Even the Shadow Demon God was ‘oppressed’ by many gods, and started to ‘make demons’ again.

Zhou Zhuo didn't wait long before he saw three Shadow Demon Kings once again descended in the Demon Temple.

There are currently four Shadow Demon Kings. After killing them, there are only five Shadow Demon King's core cores in his hand, which is one short of his target of six.

Once I act now and start to stun the snake, what should the gods do if they don’t continue to send the Shadow Demon King to "descend the earth"?

Keep waiting!

Once the gods discover that the Shadow Demon Lord can ‘control’ themselves and keep the Demon Temple, they don’t need to be maintained by the gods and demon gods who do not need to descend or come, and think that the Shadow Demon Lord can maintain the temple and the demon temple to continue to exist...

When there are no gods, it is when the temple and the magic temple are completely erased from the world.

Zhou Zhuo was not in a hurry, and took time to play a good show with Demon Temple.

He came to a demon temple under construction, ready to destroy it.

Seeing the appearance of the Shadow Demon, he quickly slipped away.

This news came to the ears of the gods and demon gods again, and his demand for the Shadow Demon King became even stronger.

So that the Shadow Demon King always has gods and demon gods staring at him, forcing him to be a seeding machine with no emotions...

Seeing this, Zhou Zhuo was not in a hurry to harvest.

Came to the Guangming Region, smiling at the ruins of the ruined Guangming Region being rebuilt, Zhou Zhuo smiled coldly, glanced at the Shadow Demon God in the distance, deliberately said bad luck, turned his head and left.

The plan is perfect, the gods are all good people!

Knowing that I needed the Shadow Demon, I dropped eight of them in one breath.

Let you wave for a few days first, and I will reap soon.

Zhou Zhuo returned to Binhai City and wandered around.

It won't take long for him to go to the temple and the demon temple to cut a wave of leeks, and he needs a good sickle, bah, he needs a pet to pick up equipment.

It takes a lot of time to pick up equipment and gold coins.

Especially during the time when a large number of temple envoys were killed, picking up equipment and gold coins was soft.

Now, it takes ten seconds to fight monsters, pick up equipment for a few minutes, or even longer, which is simply outrageous.

It can be predicted that this situation cannot be resolved and will intensify in the future.

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