Only a Friendship Apart

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – A new school

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The soft breeze of the wind rustles through the light green leaves and the blue sky shines in a brilliant blue. It is a wonderful and sunny spring day.

Feng arrives at his new school. After many months of studying hard for the exams and exerting his strength, he finally made it to one of the top schools in Meiyang. 

Filled with pure joy over his achievement, he looks up at the prosperous school building in front of him. Distracted from the things happening around him, he bumps into someone by accident and drops his phone. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't pay attention!"

"Don't worry, nothing happened," says the older student with a gentle smile on his face and picks up Feng's phone. "I hope your phone is fine."

Feeling bashful, Feng nods and says, "Thank you."

"Then have a nice day," exclaims the senior as he walks away.

All of a sudden, Feng feels a strong pull downward, caused by his friend jumping on him from behind. "Woahh!! Wasn't that a senior and the student representative at that? I saw him in the media."

"Hey Ming, don't jump on me like that! You scared me there for a moment!" 

"Aww don't be so uptight! It's just me! You know how hard I tried to get my marks up so that I could go to this school with you?" Ming squeezes Feng a bit, his voice jokingly angry. Struggling to get out of Ming's grip, Feng answers, "I know. You stayed up with me until late at night so that we could learn together, even though you hate studying."

"That's right! Aren't I the best? So let’s go take a look at our dorms! I hope the rooms will be spacious and luxurious!" 

So they head off to the dorms. Ming is looking like a pioneer exploring new land and Feng is giggling beside him at his silly jokes.  

When they arrive at the dorms, which lie west of the main school buildings, Ming is extremely excited as he turns the key around to his room. Feng, who will be staying in the room next to Ming, does the same as he turns towards Ming. They lock their gazes as they count down.





The room is bright, with sunlight shining through a big window and a glass door that leads to a tiny balcony. On the left and on the right side of the room stands a bed, with each of the beds having a desk and a shelf standing right next to them. Feng's roommate already arrived. A small young boy with light pink hair and big green eyes that is around his age. Obviously an elf just like him—his roommate's fragile stature gives it away. Startled at Feng's sudden arrival, the pink-haired boy stands up to greet him. To Feng's surprise, his roommate appears to be a slight bit taller than him. 

"Hello. Seems like we will be sharing a room from now on. I'm Chun."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Feng."

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Chun gives him an understanding nod and starts minding his own business again. Though he seems to be rather reserved, Feng is glad to have a seemingly nice roommate, so he goes and checks on his friend next door. Ming is lying on the floor, his soul leaving his body. As he catches sight of Feng, he starts whining.

"Isn't this school rich or something? Why is this room so small? Is there even enough space in this room to fit all my school books AND sports equipment? At least it's very clean in here, so it's fine to lie on the ground..."

In contrast to his hobby of making lots of silly jokes, when it gets down to business, Ming is always the most earnest and serious one. He actually cares a lot about tidiness and is perceptive, with a great sense of justice.

"You know, you're just like the typical, supportive friend of a novel character."

"Ehh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Who knows", Feng replies as he giggles and pokes his friend's pouting face. 

Next they could hear steps approaching and all of a sudden someone appears in their line of sight. The student first looks at a note, then at Feng and Ming. 

"Am I in the wrong room again?" he asks. His voice shaking slightly.

"I'm just this guy's friend. I'm staying in the room next door. Don't mind me." 

A loud sigh of relief escapes the boy's lips while he puts the heavy bags on the floor next to the door. Finally being able to relax after running around for so long and constantly getting lost, he makes his way through to the other side of the room, settling down on the soft bed.

And not too soon after, the new school year would start. At the opening ceremony, the students get introduced to the new representatives, and the principal gives a speech and announces some news. For example, the building of a bigger sports hall and a volleyball court, as well as some major events. It was an overall very uninteresting and formal thing. Quietly, a week passes and slowly everyone adjusts to the new environment. 

It's Tuesday and lunch break for Feng and the other classes. The moment Feng takes a bite of the sandwich he's holding, Ming slaps him on the back, making him choke. 

Coughing, Feng snaps at Ming. "W-Whats wrong?"

"Say, we made it all the way here just to find this friend of yours, so how do you plan on finding him? I didn’t go through all that for nothing." 

"He's not just a friend… He's my dear childhood friend." Feng's mood visibly drops in an instant. He doesn't know why his friend left without a word and distanced himself from him a year ago. Without any warning, he was gone from one day to another to visit a famous school in the city. Feng never stopped blaming himself for probably having done something wrong and hurting his friend. 

Ming can feel his anger boiling up at the sight of Feng getting more and more depressed.

"I swear, I will talk some sense into your friend the second I see him. Friends don't just ghost each other for no reason." 

All Feng can bring himself to do is show a wry smile, but he decides to cheer up. 'Luan must have had a good reason; otherwise, he wouldn't have done this' Feng thought to himself.


Thx for reading! I hope you had fun! If you find any loopholes make sure to tell me! (Notice: I didn't give them last names because I was too lazy) See you next Monday! With a bit luck maybe earlier! :3

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