Only a Friendship Apart

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – A worrisome student

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"Hello?..." says the person on the other side.

 Fengs knows this voice. After all, it's a voice he won't forget so fast because it's the warm and welcoming voice of his mother. 

"Hi, mama."

"How's school, my little pie?" 

"It's okay. Until now, it's not much different from my old school. I'm getting along with my classmates well."

"And how is it to live in the dorms?" 

"Chun, my roommate, is really nice as well. But it's a bit weird to not have you, papa, and Xian around!" Feng lets a small smile escape. After calling his mother, he feels a lot better. 

"Aww, that's nice to hear. We all miss you, you know?" All of a sudden, he can hear his sister shout in the background. "Oh, it's already this late? I have to hurry or Xian will be coming too late for school! Love you my little pie!"

"Love you too. Bye, mama."

Brimming with new-found energy, Feng gets ready for school. Right before he has to head off, he knocks on Ming's door. 

A loud "Coming!" can be heard from behind the door. Then the door flings open. When Feng catches sight of his friend, he tilts a bow. Some loose and some wild red hair strands are standing off from Ming's hair. The warm morning sun is making his hair look even more fuzzy. Together with his pink tint, he looks like a small, wild squirrel. To sum up, Ming has terrible bedhead. 

Trying hard not to laugh at Ming, Feng grimaces. 

"What? What's wrong?" 

"You look funny. Haha!" 

After a moment of silence (that is only disturbed by Feng's laughter), Ming realizes what Feng talked about. Suddenly he smirks. Trepidation fills Feng and he tries to run away, but Ming catches him quickly. With rough movements, Ming messes up Feng's hair until he looks even worse than him. 

"You're so mean!" Feng whines.

Afterwards, they head off to school. While walking, Feng is desperate to fix his hair but fails miserably.

First they have math, then economics, and next is English. They have a lot to do and everyone in their class is still pretty excited about the club event tomorrow! So when both of them finally finish classes, they're pretty exhausted. A small yawn comes from Feng as he packs everything back into his schoolbag. 

Worried about the homework that has to be done, Feng decides to go back without Ming. Ming himself goes and plays football with his classmates. It is supposed to be the epic match between class 10a and 10c! Plodding home, Feng cheers for his class in his heart. 'May they win!' 

In his unattentiveness, he bumps into someone for the second time this school year. 

This time, it wasn't his fault though. Startled, he falls down.


"Ah, sorry!" The student replies as he hurries away. But he looks familiar and then it hits Feng like lightning! It is the boy who was fighting yesterday and he looks agitated again!

"Hey!" Feng shouts without thinking. 

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In instant, the other one turns around. "Huh?"

Feng's mind races. And his fist is slightly trembling as he straightens up. What should he say? He doesn't even know why he stopped him. "Is everything okay? You look upset…" 

"Ah, yes... I am fine." He sighs soundly, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. 

"Uh..You're not going to fight again, are you?"

"Oh, you were there last time? Haa.. I'm not, don't worry. But who even are you?" 

A bit embarrassed, Feng scratches his cheek. "Umm, my name is Feng. I'm from class 10a. And you?" 

"I'm Pei, class 10c."

"Good match then." 

"Mhm, see you around." 

Feng feels intense relief when Pei departs. The student seems to be much calmer now. But what was this wound on his hand? He can't help but look back at Pei. Maybe he already fought earlier with the delinquents. 

Back at the dorms, he asks Chun about this ominous student. Sometimes Feng wonders if Chun ever leaves the dorm because he's always the first to be back in his room, chilling on the bed and playing games. Another mystery to solve. 

"Pei from class 10c?" Chun asks.

"Oh, I remember now. I think he's the younger brother of a student that used to go to this school. I heard that his older brother got bullied; that's why he changed schools." 

"Oh really?" Fengs calls out in surprise.

"That's what everyone says at least. I'm the king of gossip, nothing escapes my ears." Chun explains before he falls into devastation because he died in his game while he was distracted. 

'How do you even manage to do that when you're in the dorms all day?' Feng mumbles to himself jokingly. It's not a good thing to meddle in another person's problems, Feng knows that, but he still is really curious about Pei's story. 

After that, Feng doesn't get much time to think about it anymore. He has homework to do and allay Ming. The football match ended in a tie. Both teams decided on a truce for now, so that they have some time to train. (They use football matches to settle their fights, plus they have a heated rivalry.) 

Even on the next day, he is really busy. Some of their seniors request a bit of help to build the booths and other things. Feng and Ming gladly accept. If they can dodge their endless history lesson, there's nothing to lose. In the afternoon, all of the stands have to be ready and some have just begun setting up their booths, so it is a big mess. Every club is pretty eager to get new members and Feng feels like he is preparing for a big festival. In a school with 2000 students, it is to be expected that there are a lot of clubs and it's a giant fight over members. (Yes, 2000. There are not a lot of schools in this area, so they have classes with a normal level instead of a higher one as well. ;3 )

Time flies, and after some rest, the club festival showcase begins. 

Just what could happen in this crowd of students, mixed with loud bustling music?


Hii, here's Sakura again! Yes, we're gonna have some beef....  I'm going to get the frying pan, who brings the barbecue sauce? ;P

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