Operation Cinders: Noah Code – V

Chapter 1: Act-1 Chapter-1 Queen’s Verdict, God’s Chosen.

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"Morning admiral, it's a promising day to serve the empire." A calm computerized male voice spoke in front of you. You quickly gasped for air as your existence came to be, and sentience was bestowed once more upon your still mind and soul.

You looked around yourself to discover that you were on the bridge of some massive warship in space. Stars blinked beyond the glass walls at the end of the room, officers in black walked about, while you remained seated on a throne in front of multiple consoles and monitors. "It appears that the admiral is in distress, medical units, please report to the command bridge at once." Said the voice once again. The officers surrounding you immediately turned to face your direction, you tried to compose yourself as you gasped for air and gripped your throat with your right hand while your left held one of the armrests of your seat, shaking furiously as its hold became ever tighter.

"Please be at ease admiral, medical teams will be here shortly to administer painkillers and various drugs to treat your condition, your heart rate is rising to critical levels." The voice continued, almost as if concerned.

You turned to face one of the monitors in front of you, a faceless visor greets you coldly, and a body of an adult male revealed itself to you, in a pure black attire of metal, cloth, fabric, rubber, and various other crafted jewelry. No skin was shown, not even a glance of it, you were covered head to toe in such attire, fully protected from head to toe. This body was yours, you were sure of it. However, the very layers that covered such a vessel for your soul were not yours, not that you remembered it to be. "We're here! what's the situation?" A female medic came out from a blast door behind you, along with other medics of her caliber, and status. They quickly rushed toward your position, strange futuristic devices, drones, and the like are what accompanied them. A medic leaned to your side and started to carefully examine you while the rest began preparing their devices, and tools.

"A seizure? no, heart attack? possibly... we need a scanner over here! check his vitals!" The medic said you struggled to keep yourself alive as your condition slowly eased little by little. "On it!" Another medic said as he approached you with the mentioned scanner that looked more like a metal detector with a screen on one side. The second medic began waving the device up and down across your whole body, apparently very confident in what he was doing, unlike the many officers on duty.

"Heart rate slowly decreasing, Arc, please scan the admiral for internal defects." The second medic requested, and the voice that was now known as Arc did as it, or as he was requested.

"No visible internal defects detected in the admiral. Confirmed vitals in proper functions, conditions are within normal parameters." Arc responded, the medic nodded, and before he could say anything else, Arc interrupted. "Incoming transmission from imperial high command, second admiral Noel Armada is on hold, due to lack of authority by third admiral Noah Armada, the transmission will be automatically accepted due to and by imperial law."

Just as you were about to process that information, a holographic screen appeared right in front of you. A white-skinned man in his twenties, with violet eyes as well as golden hair, and wore an attire identical to yours, his expression was cold and unreadable until a second later when the connection went stable.

"W-What!? what is the meaning of this!? is my brother dying right before my eyes? Arc! what is happening to my brother!?" The man on the screen who could only be identified as Noel Armada went pale in a matter of seconds. "Unconfirmed second admiral..." Arc responded.  "Third admiral Noah Armada appears to be suffering extreme stress-related issues within his body, we have not confirmed the cause of such problems, however, we are undergoing medical procedures as we speak. Medics are doing all they can to nurse the third admiral back to health." Arc explained. "Bullshit!" Noel retorted. "My brother never had internal defects since birth! it must have been a planned assassination! I want the traitors seized this instant!" Noel demanded. You calmed down as Noel, your brother in this odd and unknown universe, began a heated discussion against the super-artificial intelligence known as Arc.

You took in deep breaths, in and out you inhaled and exhaled slowly and carefully. An alert caught your attention, from beyond the fleet where the warship you were currently in patiently waited about, an enemy fleet composed of what appeared to be light cruisers and medium frigates blinked a few thousand miles away from your fleet.

Alarms blared in an instant, and the consoles and monitors in front of you split as a table arose from below and formed a layout of the area or space that surrounded your fleet and the enemies.

Medics were quick to administer painkillers into your body with injections, meanwhile, officers aboard the bridge ran to their posts and shouted commands and warnings to each other. "Val Asian thirty-first fleet spotted in Hellsing nine, point Apollo seven positive thirteen! they're thirteen levels above us, sir! what are your orders?" An officer declared. You quickly gather your thoughts, you've played enough strategy games to know what this meant. If you're lucky enough to be given this chance to roleplay, might as well play the part, even if lives did matter here. Noel watched attentively and patiently as you rested your back on the throne of the bridge, officers of multiple ranks began staring right at you while they awaited their orders. If this was a test to see if you were worthy of this power and status, now was the chance to prove it. Now more than ever, or never at all. Despite not remembering the last time you had any fatal accidents that led to death, ignorance was your blessing.

"All hands, give me a complete report of our fleet's capacity and purpose, I want a brief explanation on each ship type and class, as well as information on the enemy fleet's numbers... make it so." Your commands were heeded as officers scrambled to fulfill your orders, one officer approached you and bowed before quickly giving you a report on her findings, confidently as she did so. "Greetings admiral. The twelfth fleet is composed of twenty grand class frigates armed with radiant dual heavy cannons for frontline combat, two specter class cruisers armed with vector missile launchers for ranged combat support, eight virtue class battleships armed with supreme dual ultra-heavy cannons also for frontline combat as well as for backline support, four desecrator class destroyers armed with multipurpose omega tractor railguns for all-purpose meaning, and finally one alpha class carrier, with fifty striker drones, seventy sentinel fighters, and thirty pioneer drop ships, armed with multipurpose siege triad turrets and vector missile launchers for support and command purposes."

You nodded at the officer's report, not wanting to delay any further, you looked to the second officer who was already ready and waiting for his turn. "Hail. Greetings admiral." The officer began. "The Val Asian thirty-first fleet is located at point Apollo seven positive thirteen, we are currently located in Apollo forty negative one, their fleet is composed of twenty-eight stargazer class cruisers armed with terror dual cannons, as well as sixteen sky breaker class frigates armed with hellfire heavy cannons... the thirty-first fleet is commanded by eighth admiral Dragan Volualt of the Val Asian navy, he is known also as the might of the holy queen. Queen Palmer Sigfried Aros the third of the holy royal Sigfried Aros lineage, baseless as it is.

"Be wary brother..." Noel added. "Dragan is not one for failure such as you, and with the state that you are now, I'm afraid that you will fall faster than you can recover. Be that as it may, I will arrive shortly with my fleet, hold out for now, and we will take him by surprise with a pincer attack. The old man won't know what him. Noel out..." And with that, the transmission ended in an instant, with a press of a single button.

You weighed your chances against this old man, and seeing that his fleet was already considered quite hostile, you must've been sent directly in the middle of a war, or perhaps near the end of it. It was funny how the layout of the map in front of you looked like a chessboard, although a bit more three-dimensional than the standard and ideal real-time strategy games of the postmodern era.

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"Take us to Apollo five positive eleven, order the specter class cruisers to harass the enemy fleet from afar, make sure to lure them into our position, and then fall back once they get within range of the virtue class battleships and grand class frigates. Have them form a defensive line, with the virtue class battleships at the front and the grand class frigates at the back, have all fighter craft deployed and ready, and get the desecrator class destroyers ready to use the surrounding asteroids as portable rams... where we lack in numbers we outmatch them in diversity and variety. Make it happen."

While medics continued to check your status through continued scans and checks, officers began sending messages and orders to ships that surrounded your capital ship. "All ships move into position! we're engaging the enemy fleet, with attention to all battleships and frigates. Form a defensive line in front of the carrier before the enemy arrives, destroyers have those asteroids in place and await further instructions, all fighters deploy at once." A superior officer commanded from his post.

You could visibly see the fleet rise and reform right in front of you, like constellations aligning before your very eyes, a spectacle to behold indeed, extended by the vast scenery of space and the stars of the greater galaxy, in an infinitely wider universe.

"Incoming transmission from the Val Asian thirty-first fleet..." Arc announced. "Sir! specter class cruisers have begun harassing the enemy fleet, they are closing in on our location, and all ships are in position..." An officer proclaimed. "What are your orders, sir?" You patiently waited for the enemy fleet to enter the firing range of your battleships and frigates before answering the officer. "Fire at will." You commanded.

Lights flashed as gunfire lit the darkness of space, ten stargazer class cruisers were among the first to suffer the fate of such firepower, three sky breaker frigates were heavily damaged while the rest received minimal damages. It was then they returned fire with their own, unluckily for them, and luckily for you, your ships had shields and theirs didn't, or perhaps you didn't see them yet since they were relatively far away.

They were about a dozen miles away, if not more, flickering as they returned fire from a great distance, it didn't sound or feel like in the movies, nor was it as flashy either. You could feel the vessel's hull taking the hits, and you could definitely see the action right in front of you, but couldn't hear a damn thing apart from the officers on the bridge of your ship. Specifically, the lone alpha class carrier which served as the central command of your fleet.

"Admiral, reporting ten more incoming vessels from the rear in Apollo twelve negative one. They appear to be coalition serpent class destroyers armed with redeemer dual cannons... their purpose remains unknown." An officer hastily reported from his post.

"Acknowledged." You replied while staring at the cold battlefield of space. "Take us to Apollo twenty-five positive ten, remain in formation, and have the specter class cruisers support our flanks. Get the desecrator class destroyers ready to ram their capital ship on my order... we'll deal with them quickly before we deal with the coalition." You ordered, but just as your fleet was about to get into position at point twenty-five, the remaining Val Asian ships began retreating. "The Val Asian thirty-first fleet is fleeing, should we give chase sir?" An officer reported as soon as the Val Asian thirty-first fleet began changing its course away from the sector where your twelfth fleet remained and waiting.

"No, have all ships concentrate on the coalition fleet, get me all open information on who's commanding them, then we destroy them... remain in formation and proceed with the same tactics as last time, we can take them all down, now that we have the advantage."

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