Ordinary I and Extraordinary Them

Chapter 188: CH 187

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The day of the student body president election.

Around 450 students and dozens of teachers are gathered in the gymnasium.

The building was dimly lit, but the dazzling spotlight shone on the stage, where the speeches were to be made.

That is the stage for the two presidential candidates.

Koizumi and Shiraishi were seated on two seats prepared for them behind the stage.

Neither nervousness nor anxiety was expressed on their faces from what I sensed from the distant view of the two whom I could see since the curtain had already been lowered before their battle started.

After thanking the principal of our school, the facilitator proceeded as planned.

First, Koizumi’s supporting speaker, a male student, took the stage to talk about how he was the best choice for student body president.

It was a very orthodox speech, nothing unexpected.

The next speaker was a female student who was Shiraishi’s speaker.

I have read through her speech, though only briefly.

I have a rough recollection of the content, but most of it is the same.

However, in places, I reduced the excessive praises and said her to be modest but certainly worthy of a recommendation.

So far, it’s going well. 

Most of the students were listening to the speech in a rather casual way since the show had not started yet.

The next time the facilitator called Koizumi’s name, the atmosphere in the room changed.

He stood in front of the microphone with everyone’s eyes focused on him.

Both of them looked brave, dignified, and confident.

The two students were the majestic figures of the students as they spoke eloquently, regardless of the hundreds of stares from the other students.

Sitting on the floor of the gymnasium, one level below the stage, I watched from them from a distance as the lights were focused on those two in a darkened room.

Neither Koizumi’s usual feeble appearance nor Shiraishi’s calculated smile was visible.

There was Koizumi, trying his best to squeeze and conjure words in order to convey his thoughts to the students as they were.

The boy declared that he would continue on his efforts to create a comfortable environment for the students.

Revitalizing events and expanding the community to connect not only with the school but also with the surrounding region.

In a small rural town, community relations are also a significant issue.

Most of the students in the school could easily imagine Koizumi putting his energy into these activities.

That is exactly what he has done.

That is how much he has put in over these years.

The students know that he followed in the footsteps of his seniors, who excelled in overwhelming talent, popularity, and personality, and continued to support them by her side.

The pressure and expectations of being in charge of the next generation, and his willingness to meet them head on, touched the hearts of the students.

And then he delivered his final closing words.

“I want to be the kind of student body president that …the younger students look up to.”

I want to be the student that the next generation of students think of as such, just as I was thinking.

It sounded to me like the words from a second-year student named Koizumi transitioned to those of a third-year student named Hiiragi.

Leave the rest to me, as if he is what he spoke behind those words.

The other girl said something different to the students than I expected.

We want individuality, charm that others don’t have.

For a moment, I remembered the day of the summer vacation when I first met this girl.

I remembered her willingness to pretend to be someone else, for the sake of her ideals.

However, after a few seconds, I knew otherwise.

A change of heart or growth maybe…?

However, it can still be considered good for this election.

She has no accumulated experience or accomplishments, and her superficially pretty words won’t resonate with the students.

If that is the case, it might be better for her to put her true feelings into words as they are.

Shiraishi’s vision for the student council and the school is to develop individuality correctly.

In this school, where many students are blessed with individual talent, for better or worse, there are many students who are not able to display their individuality fully and abilities due to their strong brilliance.

She wants to make the school a place where such students can shine properly.

In addition, she would like to create a student council that is more advanced than the previous ones, where students with outstanding abilities work together and are involved in the management.

She has not given up her original idea of an ideal student council, but her mind has changed to the idea of discovering hidden talents instead of just sticking to the ideal.

And finally, she added this.

“I won’t say that I will definitely make this school better …I’ll probably make mistakes. Still, because I’m a first-year student, I can take failure as an experience and grow as a person.”

“Please cast your votes …for that possibility,” the girl concluded, bowing down her head and stepping down from the stage.

The lights went out, and gradually the entire gymnasium was lit up.

The entire gymnasium was filled with applause for their speeches and efforts so far.

As soon as I think about the fact that I am going to be in a situation similar to this one, I feel sick and a sense of uneasiness fills my brain, I shook my head to ward it off.

“…Good job.”

I was not sure if I could just say it like that, I muttered to myself as I clapped in the midst of the students with such thoughts in my mind.

The third year students at the end of the line returned to their classrooms in order, and after this, the students moved on to voting by their grades.

After making sure that all the students had left, the two candidates, the teachers, and the student council members stayed behind to clean up.

However, there are only a few things to clean, and the six of us, the two who have been briefed by the faculty about the announcement of the winners, President, me, Miura, and Hino-kun, gathered without being called out…

“Well, both of you, first of all, thank you for all your hard work on the campaign, it was brilliant, including your last speech.”

President expressed her appreciation for their hard work, and Miura and Hino-kun nodded in agreement.

“I was so nervous…”

“Yes, I was too…”

The two relaxed their shoulders when they heard those words.

They let out a deep breath, looked at each other, and smiled.

Miura and Hino-kun called out to Koizumi, and I called out to Shiraishi.

“I was surprised, …but I expected something like a school reform type of thing to be mixed in.”

“I was thinking that too …at least until last Friday.”

Shiraishi let out a sigh differently and stared at me with half-open eyes.

…Oh, is it my fault?

Come to think of it, I was the one who assured her that pretty words wouldn’t do.

I thought she would change the content for the better, just as a reference, but it seems to have made a good impression on her.

However, all that was left for the participants to do was to wait for the results.

With a somewhat relieved expression on her face, Shiraishi said.

“So, how was my speech, senpai?”

“…That’s a lot of eloquence coming from a guy who hides her personality.”

“Thank you very much for your honest feedback.”

The way she smiled and said back nonchalantly showed that the conversation up to this point had been calculated.

I turned away from her with a wry smile on my face.

The teachers also left the gymnasium one after another after the cleanup was finished and headed for the exit.

Shiraishi then started to follow in their footsteps. I quickly threw a few words at her.

“…By the way, there’s a frog near your feet.”


…What’s with that way of shouting?

I gave her a sneer as if to tease her for still being slow to respond to sudden situations, and then left the gymnasium.

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There was someone shouting angrily behind me, but it was probably just my imagination.

After each grade finished voting, normal classes were held afterwards.

However, the restless atmosphere among the students continued throughout the school.

Truly, it is a strange thing about human beings that they seem to spend their time leisurely when they aren’t involved.

They say that people’s misfortune tastes like honey, and that’s exactly what it is.

One side rejoices, the other laments.

While praising and consoling them, they are secretly enjoying the situation, and that is what makes it so bad.

At least, I hope that the situation will be less of a problem when the results come out this time, and the day gets over.

It is past three O’clock in the afternoon.

If it is as usual, it is almost time for the results to be announced over the announcement system.

I sat in my seat in the classroom and waited, observing the classroom.

Kirasaka was reading a book as usual, while Shizuku looked somewhat uncomfortable and looked at me several times.

Yuuto is in his place, engaged in conversation with his classmates.

As all the students were waiting for the moment when the results are announced when the sound of an announcement echoes throughout the school.

[We have the results of the student body president election, please wait a moment longer as it is taking a while for the votes to be counted.]

“Did …they make a miscalculation?”

“Alternatively, they are recounting the votes again because the difference is not that big”

Kirasaka replied to my mutterings.

Indeed, the possibility cannot be ruled out.

The only thing is, waiting in the classroom for this situation is a bit stifling.

Grabbing my luggage I moved to a less popular area where I could hear the school’s announcements easily.

Yes, it’s the rooftop.

Here I am, on the rooftop.

As I thought, not a single person was there. I wonder if the students don’t have the idea of using the rooftop in this school.

I went into the shade of the building and sat down.

It was a little hot and humid, but it was better than being in the classroom.

After spending some time alone for a while, the sound of the door opening reached my ears.

I was surprised to see Shiraishi on the rooftop.


Shiraishi, who explained what I had in mind, sat next to me.

I don’t know what her true intentions were, whether she was uncomfortable in class or wanted to hear the results in a quiet place, but I’m sure she had something on her mind.

There was no conversation, and the rooftop was filled with nothing but the sound of the wind, the buzzing of insects, and the noise from campus.

Every second seemed longer because I’m honestly curious about the outcome.

Then the sound of another announcement came over the speakers.

This should be the last one, the results.

[Thank you for your patience, we are now announcing the results of the presidential election…]

Over the speakers, I hear the sound of rustling and tally sheets being picked up.

The casual sound and the momentary pause in the announcement made me anxious and frustrated.

However, it was also interrupted by the sensation of something tugging my shirt.

When I turned my eyes, I saw Shiraishi slightly gripping my uniform with her right hand, and her eyes were tightly closed.

She looked as if she was praying to God, and I realized that the irritation I was feeling was trivial compared to her.

[The next student body president is Koizumi Shoichi, a second-year student.]

The announcement repeated.

The cheers of the students who were cheering for Koizumi echoed to the rooftop.

The result was declared.

However, I could not look at Shiraishi sitting next to me, nor could I say anything to her.


She herself was also downcast and silent.

But, it only took a few moments for her face to rise, and it was laced with a wry smile.

“I see, …so I’ve lost.”


“I did my best though.”

I can’t tell Shiraishi, whose voice was gradually getting quieter and quieter, that she did her best and it was fine.

I don’t know how hard she has worked.

I know what she has done on the surface, but I don’t know how hard she has worked behind the scenes.

If I offer words of encouragement without being able to empathize with her, it will only make her feel uncomfortable.

So I told her in my own words.

“Whether there is a difference of one vote or ten votes, the result is the same, and not all of your hard work will be rewarded.”


“But, …I think you should get it off your mind … it was honestly cool how you looked when you spoke up on the stage.”

It was really cool.

Although being a first-year student, the sight of her speaking without hesitation and full of confidence must surely be burned into the minds of the students.

No one would make fun of her.

So, Shiraishi should just stand tall.

That’s what I wanted to tell her, but words and conversation are difficult.

“…Senpai speaks so glibly where it doesn’t matter, …but you’re so clumsy when it comes to this kind of thing.”

“Shut up…”

Shiraishi says teasingly, with a single tear gradually falling from her eyes.

As if a dam that she had been suppressing had burst, she shuddered, stifling her voice without wiping away the tears that were falling one after the other.

When I shifted my gaze to the side to check on her and I caught a glimpse of long black hair and a paperback book at the entrance to the rooftop, which was far away.

These girls must have come to the rooftop, too.

However, they were careful not to show themselves until Shiraishi had stopped crying.

After a while, Shiraishi stood up with red eyes and a clear expression on her face.

“Now it’s senpai’s turn, don’t lose, okay?”

“Well, …I’ll try my best.”

After exchanging few words back to Shiraishi, she nodded and turned back.

Then she bowed to the two girls at the entrance to the rooftop and left.

I am sure she will go back to class and pretend to be the usual smiling Momiji Shiraishi, and then all alone and cry again.

That is how strongly she felt about the student council.

However, even if she is not the president, she still has to support Koizumi this time as vice president.

She must not end up in tears.

When I see both Shizuku and Kirasaka walking up to me, I stand up, stretch out, and breathe.

“I’m a senpai after all. …Shall we do our best?”

As if telling myself, I declared it in a voice that no one could hear and then stepped towards the two of them.

I raised my hand and greeted them both before heading home.

And thus, the election for the Student Council President of Sakuranaoka Academy came to an end.

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