Ordinary I and Extraordinary Them

Chapter 199: CH 198

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Friday, the last day for campaigning, both sides were done without any changes and we were just waiting for the day of the election.

Yuuto set up bases at different times of the day in the courtyard, the elevator entrance, and at the school gate, and delivered his speech to a large number of students.

I, on the other hand, only made speeches at lunchtime in front of the first-year building, and after school I went around the clubs along with of Shizuku, Koizumi, and Miura.

After all, students who belong to club activities are not unaffected by the caste system on campus, but I had the strong impression that many of the girls were not members of any factions, so the conversation went surprisingly well.

It was a very unremarkable and inefficient method, but it was worthwhile to visit all of these activities by myself.

I was able to greet all of the athletic groups in all of their activities, and as far as the humanities were concerned, I greeted as many of them as I could.

Unlike the athletic clubs, the greatest characteristic of those people is their strong individuality.

Rather than working in groups, they tend to prefer to do things individually.

That is why they could be a key figure if we could convince the majority, but on the other hand, once they get a bad impression, they are completely out.

In the first place, students who don’t have much interest in elections, when faced with choices, will choose at random based on their impressions and the reaction of the crowd.

Anyway, by showing up at almost all the activities at our school in this way, I was able to increase my vote count, though gradually.

However, my concern is the fact that the student named Ogiwara Yuuto is very popular among female students.

No matter how many speeches I make or how sincere I am, there is a high possibility that I will be blocked by this single exceptional barrier.

Even if I stand upside down, I have no chance of winning in that regard, so I have no choice but to give up here.

On Saturday and Sunday, I, along with Kaede, Shizuku, and Kirasaka at my home confirmed the content of the speeches for voting day, and on Sunday, I also invited Hino-kun to my home to confirm the content of Kirasaka’s original manuscript.

…I asked Kaede to do some shopping during that time as part of my countermeasure against Hino-kun.

Hino-kun, who was nervous when he entered, was completely depressed when he found out that Kaede wasn’t there.

However, it certainly was a fruitful weekend.

I’ve done everything possible to address the issue, and I’ve thought of a few words to say to the students before voting begins.

I took out the phone in my pocket and checked the number of views on the video posting site.

There it was indeed showing over 400 views, which was close to the entire school.

This would not be a problem for me to assume that everyone had seen me at least once.

Then came the election day.

“…Is it okay for me to vote too?”

I asked the Shizuku as we were going over the details of the election in the final confirmation before the morning HR session began.

It is written that the right to vote in the election is for first-year, second-year and faculty members, but do the candidates also have the right to vote?

Kirasaka was the one who answered the question.

“I’ve heard that the candidates are supposed to vote for themselves as well, to make sure that the number of people is officially counted.”


Where did she get this information from?

I don’t see any mention of this election in the paper that contained the details of this election…

Well, I won’t bother to ask her about the rules of our school, because she would nod her head if she had them completely in her head.

Still, it is somewhat shameful if you are allowed to vote for yourself.

After placing the sheet of paper appropriately on the desk, I turn my gaze out the window.

The students I can see from there are more lively than usual, and I am sure I am not mistaken.

What do I and Yuuto look like to the eyes of the students?

A reckless challenger, an unshakable winner …something like this, I wonder.

Well, whether I cry or laugh, today’s result will decide everything.

To be honest, there is nothing I can do.

This situation brings me a sense of relief, but Shizuku seemed to be different.

She looks fidgety and restless, looking around the class and thinking about something.

“…What’s up?”

“No, I was just thinking that …I should go talk to everyone one more time.”

“A bad move might make a bad impression. …Even Yuuto didn’t do anything, did he?”

She turns her gaze to the seat where Yuuto is sitting.

Yuuto, sitting surrounded by students as usual, does not seem to do anything.

He is probably thinking similarly.

After she returned her gaze, Kirasaka, who was standing next to me, said the same thing.

“Yes, …sometimes it is important to be patient.”

“Your fingers are pretty loud for you to say that though…”

Kirasaka was answered by Shizuku’s own sharp words.

She is also fidgeting, tapping her fingers on the desk, as if she too is restless inside.

Why is everyone else so restless except for me…?

I let out a sigh and then leaned back on my chair and thought.

I received word that I would be getting a majority of the faculty votes this morning, thanks to the president.

The club advisors were a major factor in this, as were the other faculty members, whom the president personally visited and tried to persuade.

Now it remains to be seen how many more first-year students will vote for me than for Yuuto, and how many club students will support me…

Well, I can’t help but think about it now.

I must calm down and review the speech.

As I started to do so, the classroom door opened and my homeroom teacher walked in.

“We’re moving!”

With just a short phrase, the classmates all got up from their seats and began to prepare to move.

The speech will be given during the first period of the day.

The voting will take place during the lunch break and the results will be announced after school.

Shizuku and Kirasaka also got up from their seats, and finally I stood up and walked toward the gymnasium where the event was to take place.

“How are you feeling?”

As I entered the gymnasium and headed toward the row for student council members, President was the first one to open her mouth when they saw me.

Next to her were Koizumi, Miura, and Hino-kun.

Shiraishi is not yet a member of the student council, so she is joining the line of first-year students.

Koizumi’s expression was even more tense than mine, and I could feel the tension on his face.

“…Normal, I guess?”

“I’ve done everything I can to get the word out to the teachers, but now it’s all up to you.”

“Thank you…”

I am really reassured that this person is willing to help me.

I feel sorry that I seem to be taking advantage of this person, Akane Hiiragi. I hope to be able to return the favor in some way.

I checked my posture in the large mirror installed on the wall of the gymnasium to make sure I look presentable.

The first speaker to speak in support of Yuuto will take the podium, followed by Hino-kun, then Yuuto, and finally me.

This order has been standardized for a long time, and it is customary for students who are not in the student council to take the podium first.

I called out to Hino-kun, who was looking at the manuscript with a blue expression on his face, as if he were about to collapse at any moment.

“…It’s okay as long as you take it easy. Although, Kirasaka made the original manuscript but just say whatever you want to say.”

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“B-but, depending on what I’ll say, Senpai’s impression might…”

“I chose you, Hino-kun because I knew you’d do just fine.”

I patted him lightly on the shoulder and sent him off with a push on his back.

On the opposite side of the stage from us, Yuuto sent a girl out in a similar manner.

She wasn’t the girl who had been giving me a hard time the other day, but she was definitely the one who had been standing behind him.

However, now is not the time to worry about others.

As I was about to move to the back of the stage after checking the figure again, I heard footsteps rushing up behind me.

When I turned around, Shizuku and Kirasaka halted in front of me, looking worried.

“Your tie might be a little loose, and also your collar, make sure you have your posture right…”


Shizuku looked bewildered and straightened my uniform, which she should have checked herself earlier.

As I smiled at the sight of her, Kirasaka next to me also turned serious and said.

“Your eyes look dead.”

“Sorry to be born like this…”

…There’s nothing I can do about that.

I can’t go to an ophthalmologist now, but if you want, I can put on some glasses to give myself an intellectual atmosphere.

“Do your best!”

“Don’t show embarrassing appearance.”

Shizuku clenched her fists and Kirasaka folded her arms, making a gesture of brushing her hair with one hand and told me as usual.

Though I told President I was feeling normal, I was feeling a little light-headed.

I raised my hand back to them and walked up the stairs leading to the back of the stage.

[I am convinced that, Ogiwara-kun, is a wonderful student who can take the initiative to reform the school for the benefit of the students!]

Just as I was climbing behind the stage to check on Hino-kun, those words were uttered to conclude Yuuto’s speech of support.

The words were bland in themselves, they probably decided that the image of Ogiwara Yuuto was so well-established in the school that there was no need for a crude attempt at uniqueness.

It is true that being aggressive in a safe manner can be good at times.

On the contrary, in my case, I really can’t go through with being safe.

That is why I chose a person who is easily noticed. Naturally, I have a feeling that Hino-kun will be fine in terms of personality.

I have only one honest word to say to Hino-kun, who steps out of the stage to replace the girl who are moving from the stage.

“Hino-kun, …you don’t have to lie or put up a bad front, so just go ahead and speak honestly.”


The expression on his face was still stiff, but it changed to a look of slight determination, and Hino-kun walked out onto the stage where the lights were shining.

Applause rains down on him, and all eyes are on him.

Next, they turned to murmurs because of his strong appearance and red hair.

[I’m Daiki Hino, a student council officer in charge of general affairs and a freshman…]

Why does he always end with “-ssu”?

I was about to ask myself that question, but I had to endure it, being here behind the stage.

[Myself and Shinra-senpai, who are the members of the student’s council, are not students who joined after formally campaigning, but we were made to join after being approached by Hiiragi Akane-senpai.]

In terms of Kirasaka’s original draft, these words were slightly altered in his own way and were conveyed to the students.

The students were slightly surprised to learn how we had joined, which must’ve been a mystery to them.

“Shinra-senpai is not as talented as Ogiwara-senpai in being able to do everything, but he is still a great person in my opinion.”

His grip on the paper he was holding got stronger.

He looked up and down with a self-inflicted smile on his face.

[At first I thought I and him were kindred spirits, who didn’t have any friends. …There certainly aren’t many, but great people gather around Shinra-senpai.]

I want friends, that’s what Hino-kun wanted to say, and that is how he felt.

How do the students feel about their junior, who they are hearing about for the first time?

[He’s not a senior who can stand above others, but he’s the kind of person who will stand next to you. …So, I can say with confidence that he will be the senior who will support everyone in the next Student Council under President Koizumi.]

…Good guy.

I used to think he was a bit of a dangerous junior who worshipped Kaede, but it seems that I may have to change my perception.

As I observed the growth of my junior emotionally as a senior, Hino-kun took a big breath in to say one last thing.

As I watched to make sure I heard him, I heard someone running up the stairs from behind me.

“Shinra-kun, President said to stop him, she will make an announcement about it later, so go stop him!”


I didn’t understand what he meant, but I sensed from Koizumi’s impatience that the situation was urgent, so I discreetly went up on stage and approached Hino-kun.

“And! Shinra Kaede-san, Shinra-senpai’s younger sister, the one who was born into this world…”


…This is his recovery thing.

I never expected this kind of thing.

Hino-kun, who had no tolerance for public speaking on the stage, soared up and entered his recovery mode before he started talking passionately about Kaede.

I grabbed his right hand and Koizumi grabbed his left hand and dragged him backstage.

[This concludes Hino Daiki’s supportive speech.]

President’s voice echoed through the gymnasium.

The students did not seem to understand why this unexpected scene occurred, they must have misunderstood it as an element of comedy, since laughter echoed through the gymnasium.

After being taken backstage, Hino-kun finally regained his composure and his expression darkened as he realized what he had done.

“I-I-I-I’m sorry! I got a little excited, I’ll go and do it again!”

“No, no, …your turn is already over. It turns out, the content wasn’t too bad, and it seems like they think this is part of your speech so far, so it’s okay.”

After following up with Hino-kun like that, I now begin my own preparations.

Yuuto had already completed his preparations and was waiting to be called.

“Minato, I’ll go first then.”


With his usual smile on his face, there was not the slightest hint of anxiety or any other negative emotion on his back as he made his way to the podium.

For him, it’s just as the level of talking in front of everyone as usual.

I would like him to share that confidence with me.

“Yuuto… don’t let me see you acting weird.”


The only ones on stage up ahead will just be just me and him, with no one else on it.

There won’t be any unnecessary help or interference.

…Hino-kun is an exception, though.

However, it is precisely because he is on such a stage that I sincerely hope he will be able to show his original form.

The real election between me and Yuuto begins now.

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