Ordinary I and Extraordinary Them

Chapter 37: CH 36

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It was the middle of May, Sunday.

The vast sky spread outside the window, and not a single cloud could be seen.

Because of the extremely fine weather, the upside down Teru teru bozu that had been hanging at the window since last night seemed ridiculous right now.

I got up from the bed, with eyes like that of a dead fish. I looked up at the sky that was so clear, that it would make anyone feel good.

“……you aren’t doing your job, huh”

Posed a question to which returned no answer.

The smiling expression I had drawn on it, half-playful, now seemed hateful.

Yesterday morning, the weather lady did say that today we would have clear weather. I still put a thread of hope in the efficacy of the good luck charm as I retired for the night but looks like there had been no effect whatsoever.

After all, the effects of rumours and charms shouldn’t be trusted.

Today’s plan is to meet up at the café in front of the station at 9.

I thought of waking up a bit early today. But probably because of going to bed early last night, I was able to wake up a little before the alarm rang.

The sound of the T.V. and busy footsteps could already be heard from the living room. It would appear Kaede had also woken up and was busy preparing.

I got out of the futon and took the smartphone lying near the bedside. I opened the door and exited my room into the corridor.

“Obbentou! Obbentou!”

[TN – “Obbentou” above is ‘bento’]

From the living room, Kaede’s rhythmic voice could be heard and a nice odour came wafting through.

Was she making a bento for lunch? it sounded like she was having a lot of fun.

“Good morning……”

While scratching my bed head, I called out to Kaede who was in the living room.

Kaede who had finished changing clothes before I had woken up was already wearing the black jacket she bought yesterday.

She was wearing denim jeans that seemed comfortable. She was looking good today.

“Good Morning! I’ll prepare breakfast right away!”

There were two bento boxes, several times larger than usual. Kaede wrapped the boxes with a cloth and put them inside of the bag we were going to be carrying today. Then, she promptly started to make preparations for breakfast.

When I thought if her movements had suddenly stopped, she darkened her expression, it was a bit apologetic.

“I’m sorry Nii-san……breakfast is leftovers from the bento……”

“Don’t worry……sorry to make you even prepare bentos”

“It’s not troublesome at all! It’s something I wanted to”

The food at the amusement park is okay too, but that sort of place tends to be expensive, regardless of the amount or taste.

At times like that, the food you’re used to will always taste more delicious.

Kaede placed the leftover side dishes on the plates and then laid them in front of our seats.

Meanwhile, I went to get the newspaper from the entrance. While doing that, I decided to get out of my sleepwear.

I changed into a white shirt and dark colour jeans. It was a very casual choice of wear. Since I was done changing, I returned to the living room.

“I made a promise with Shizuku-san, that today we would go to the station together”

I took a seat as Kaede informed me so.

Come to think of it, I have a feeling that they had been talking about such a thing yesterday.

Sleepiness had been assaulting me, so I didn’t properly hear their conversation, but since she lived across the street, I guess it’s only natural.


I turned my gaze towards the news on the T.V. and while sipping the coffee, I nodded slightly to show my consent.

“She’s supposed to come in about an hour. Please finish your preparations by then, Nii-san”


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One more hour is it……

I directed my gaze towards the top left part of the T.V., where the time was being displayed. It was 7.15 A.M.

Since it takes about 30 minutes to walk to the station, there should be no problem.

My line of sight then returned to the breakfast table in front of me. I slowly extended my chopsticks towards the food.

After finishing my breakfast later than Kaede today, I washed my face in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that, I sat on the bench in the garden and was passing time.

Meanwhile, Kaede was doing a final check on the luggage before Shizuku came over. She then called out to me from the living room.

“Nii-san, are you really done with your preparations?”

“……I’m done, probably?”


Surely, right now, Kaede must be puffing out her cheeks and looking at my direction with an adorable expression.

As I am basking in the sunlight whilst having these thoughts, I hear firm footsteps treading the lawn of the garden. The sound seems to be coming from the direction of the entrance.

“Minato-kun, you shouldn’t trouble Kaede-chan”

“……aren’t you early?”

The sounds of the footsteps that stopped next to me belonged to Shizuku. She came much earlier than what I had heard from Kaede.

A pure white one-piece and a small shoulder bag.

It suits her elegant and wholesome image very well.

Un……not dressing up gaudily like the high school girls these days or putting on so much makeup that the person transforms into somebody else altogether, very good.

She sat beside me and then suddenly asked me a question.

“Are you carrying your handkerchief?”

“……it’s in the room”

“Your wallet?”

“On top of the table……”

“Keys and tissues?”

“……Kaede has them”

“Kaede-chan! He’s not done by a long shot!”,

She called out to Kaede who was in the living room.

She then suddenly stood up and entered the house from the front door.

Shizuku then went to the living room and greeted Kaede. After that, she pulled me back inside the house.

“Hey! Go get your bag! Your hair is sticking out!”

“Are you my mom……?”

I muttered these words to Shizuku, who was straightening my dishevelled hair. Kaede’s voice could then be heard from behind me.

“Shizuku-san, I’m sorry, but can I leave Nii-san to you?”

“Yes, no problem”, Shizuku answered.

She then separated herself from my side and went around the house. She retrieved the bare minimum of everyday essentials and arranged them on top of the table.

“Since Minato-kun has always been slow preparing for events like excursions or field trips”

“Honestly! it’s because he doesn’t want to go. He would always do nothing and be in a daze until the very last moment”

……it can’t be helped, can it? I just don’t want to go.

Right now, it felt like I had two moms. Looking at the two moving around busily in front of me, I realized that the day at the amusement park had finally arrived.

Am I actually going?……Oh man, I really don’t want to. Can’t the park close temporarily because of some sudden issues, I wonder?

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