OREGAIRU My Youth Romantic Comedy may NOT be as Wrong as I Expected

Chapter 1: My Youth Romantic Comedy may NOT be as Wrong as I Expected

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AN: Before we start: (feel free to skip this).


1. Once you break or feel like you are going to break because of it, take a rest from the anime or drop it entirely.

2. Rant about your sunken ship to friend that won't get mad at 12 AM, about why it is unfair that two characters didn't end up together. (If your friend laughs at you even better that way your sour mood is improved).

3. Look for fanfiction about your ship becoming cannon.

4. Look for another anime to watch, distract yourself to stop thinking about your broken otaku heart.

5. If the pain is still there, imagine your own scenarios where your ship sails, and if you feel like you can write about it go for it.

While watching OreGairu I became a Yuigahama x Hikigaya shipper, I knew she was not gonna end with him, but I couldn't stop myself from rooting for her. She was so nice to Hikki, to Yukinoshita, and her feelings felt so pure to me that I just had to support her, even knowing the end result. When the bomb dropped on season 3 episode 4, and I saw Yuigahama cry, I broke once more. So now, I decided to do a little one shot on what could have happened if Hikigaya had decided to stay with Yuigahama when he saw her cry in season 3 episode 4 instead of running back to the school. If you don't like this ship, and you think it might affect your OreGairu experience, feel free to leave this fanfic.

Clarifying, OreGairu and all related characters and elements are created by Wataru Watari. All rights and images (screenshots taken from HIDIVE) belong to studio Brain's Base, licensed by AUS Madman Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks, Medialink, and Animatsu Entertainment. I own nothing but the small plot alterations I make for the sake of this fic, and the time I spent writing it.


- "Because I promised her, I would save her someday."

Yuigahama listens as Hikki speaks on the phone after a pause during their walk. His words are almost a whisper, but she can hear the faint sounds of his voice, and somewhere in her heart, she knows who he is talking about, and what this means for her.

- "Sorry you had to wait. I'm going to see Hiratsuka-sensei for a bit."

The more he talked, the more she knew, the more her heart broke. This was the end of this part of her life. She had been stupid. She had dared to think of the future. She had dared to hope of a future in which Hikki was by her side.

- "Oh, okay. What are you going there for?"

She knew in her heart. She knew this had to do with Yukinon, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. And even if she could... Should she? No matter how much Hikki denied it, he was a helpful person, and Yuigahama knew that on more than one occasion he had made himself the enemy and the person to blame for the sake of helping others, for the sake of doing what he thought was right; even if he alienated those around him and ended hurting himself. Should she be the one to stop this, even if she knew this time he would help in the right way? No. She couldn't, that would be changing one of the best sides of him, it would be changing one of the things that made Hikki, Hikki, and she would not take part in it. It was her turn to take the fall.

- "To get a better grasp of the situation, for starters."

- "I see... But with you there, then I know things will work out in the end."

She stood there, smiling at him, enjoying the final moments of her one-on-one time with him. But then... His expression turned from his default dead-eyed seriousness to one of worry, concern, and shock. It took her a bit for her to realize what had happened. Why had his expression changed?

She had broke...

Tears were falling from her eyes. She could no longer hold them back. She could no longer contain what she felt inside. She had been trying hard, preparing herself for this possibility, yet it had been in vain. The tears were falling, and Hikki remained in shock without uttering a word.

- "..."

It was always there. Under her nose. Hikigaya and Yukinoshita held a strange relationship. Both were fairly independent, preferred to do things on their own, and were of harsh nature. Even if they wouldn't admit it, even if they rejected their closeness, both shared a bond of mutual respect. Their way of acting made them very similar, and this was slowly, but surely, drawing them to each other.

Regardless of this Yuigahama had dared to hope.

Yuigahama had grown fond of Hikigaya. She didn't know if this began the day he saved her dog, the day he showed her that the effort placed into something can be worth as much or even more than the result, or if this feeling began to grow over the multiple interactions, they had with each other (both good and bad).

With time, her fondness for him became love. She had fallen in love with Hikki, a boy she would consider one of her closest friends. Even as she saw how Yukinon and Hikki had begun to, slowly and naturally, draw closer. She believed that if she could only let her feelings known to him, that maybe...

But that was until she found the picture Yukinon held. She had not meant to find it, but the moment she saw it she knew... Yukinon had grown fond of Hikki as well.

She had decided to resign herself to her fate, to step aside, and open a path for the unavoidable outcome. But still. A tiny piece of her had willed itself to tempt fate... And this is what it got her. A broken heart, the inability to hold in the pain, and the responsibility of causing Hikki to worry and delay his mission. No. She could not keep doing this to them. Placing her selfish wants above the needs of them. She had to regain control.

- "Huh?... Oh... I felt so relieved it made me cry. I'm surprised..."

She had stopped the tears. She still held a small, almost unnoticeable tremble in her voice, but she could not afford to break down again. It would not be fair.


It took a bit, but Hikigaya was finally able to regain his default expression. What had just happened? A moment ago, he and Yuigahama had just been walking, he got a call from school, and when she asked him about it, he answered with the truth. Then what could have prompted her to tear up? Had he done something to upset her? ... Again? She seemed fine before he got the call. He was genuinely concerned. Even if his face didn't show it. What was that about?

- "No, I'm the one that's surprised here. Are you ok? Should I walk you home first?"

Could she perhaps not be feeling well? If that was the case, then he would surely help.

- "Huh? No, I'm totally fine! This type of thing tends to happen to girls."

Hikigaya wasn't sure. She had not seen a girl randomly cry without a reason unless they were pregnant, and he knew Yuigahama wasn't pregnant.

As he stared at her, it seemed to him she was pretending. Like she was holding something back. But he didn't want to pry. What if she then got upset, and all because of him?

- "Don't worry about it. Go on and get moving, Hikki."

The way she said his nickname... It felt unsettling. Was he overthinking?

- "R-right... See you tomorrow. Get home safe."

Hikigaya was worried and there was no denying it.

- "It's ok, I'm practically home already".

Hikigaya stared at her for a bit more, his default expression on, no one could tell he was worried about what could be worrying Yuigahama. But why was he so worried? If she didn't want to say, then it was none of his business. Time to move and do what he agreed to do.

He looked at her once more. There was something strange about her expression. About her smile. He couldn't read what was going on inside her, but her smiles were a beacon of joy, a deep reflection of the joy she carried inside. This was not that.

Hikigaya could not stay, he walked past her, and she stayed in place when suddenly he heard her steps moving away. But as he walked, he realized why he had been giving this so much thought and he stopped.

The last time he had seen something like that happen he had done nothing. The day of the school trip, when he "confessed" to Ebina, in order to spare Tobe the rejection, and that way preserve Hayama's friend group intact. He placed himself on the spot, lying about his feelings, throwing away his dignity, and angering both Yukinoshita-san and Yuigahama.

She cried that day.

She had begun to walk with him, then when he saw her, she was crying, and told him he had not considered how others might have felt about it. She left, and he had done nothing to stop her, or to try to fix it. He had not even apologized for hurting her with his actions.

But even after that, she did not give up on him. She insisted that he visited the club, even if Yukinoshita was still mad at him. She single-handedly attempted to hold the club together, and it was not even her fault. She was even willing to put herself on the spot and run for class president so that he didn't have to self-sacrifice again, and so Yukinoshita didn't need to charge herself with that responsibility on top of all the others she held.

He had done nothing.

Not this time. This time he was going to be there for her, not as payback for her kindness, but because he wanted to.

He turned around, but unfortunately; she was no longer there. Perhaps she truly was fine. Perhaps it was truly a girl thing. Its not like he would know, Komachi didn't speak about that stuff. He turned to leave again when he finally clicked at something else...

Her smile... It was hollow. Like the one Yukinoshita-san wore by default when she was overwhelmed. That is why he felt it was unsettling, he would never believe Yuigahama capable of doing that... And she shouldn't have to. Something was definitely wrong, maybe not a physical matter but an emotional one.

This settled it. Both school and Yukinoshita-san would have to wait a bit longer. He had to find Yuigahama, and even if she had already reached home, he would ask for her, and once again ask what was truly the problem.

You are reading story OREGAIRU My Youth Romantic Comedy may NOT be as Wrong as I Expected at novel35.com

And so, Hikigaya rushed to the opposite side of where he was originally going. As he ran, he turned to the corner. He didn't need to run so far, because when he turned, what he saw was the most heart-wrenching scene he had ever laid eyes on.

Yuigahama was crouching in a corner... Crying... All on her own.

- "Hikki?... (Sniff)".

- "Yuigahama..."

He speaks almost in a whisper. He cannot believe what could have caused Yuigahama to feel that way? Was it all the stress caused by those who stood against the idea of having a prom? Was it the thought of Yukinoshita-san overwhelmed with the student council problems on top of her sister's taunts and her mother's dominance? Was it something at home? Or was it something he did?

He could not bear the thought of being the cause of her pain again. But she had refused to tell him what was wrong and dismissed it. He was in no position to insist upon it, the most he could do was to wait for her to calm down and try to convince her to allow him to escort her home.

- "(Sniff)... Don't you have somewhere to be?"

- "No. I'm not going anywhere."

He did his best to keep his default dead expression and deader voice, he couldn't break down and show his full worry here, that wouldn't help Yuigahama at all. His words caused Yuigahama to turn to him in a snap. Now that he saw her face, her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were red, and her expression was one of shock. Like seeing something you would never expect to see. Something you gave up on believing would happen. She wipes her face.

- "But... Yukinon..."

He guessed it had to do with her. But he wasn't going to leave. Not this time. He took a knee and then sat beside her.

- "You need me more right now."


Yuigahama could not believe what was happening before her eyes. Hikki had made the decision to help Yukinon and go back to school, but he had ditched the idea because of her. He had no way of knowing how far ahead she was, yet he still turned back in a hopeful attempt to find her, even if there was no definite proof that she would be there. Should this be something she should be ashamed of? Her actions had kept Hikigaya and Yukinon apart once more. Or was this a sign that not all is lost? That there is still a slim chance? Certainly not. She would not fall for the trap of hoping for something she knows she cannot have. But his words... How could she not...

- "The last time I saw you tear up I did nothing about it. And even after that... You didn't push me away or distance yourself from me. Even if I was the one that brought you and Yukinoshita-san pain. You always asked me to come join you at the club... And stopped me from isolating myself more."

So that was it. It was not a matter of Hikki choosing to be with her at that moment. It was just Hikki being helpful... It was just a way to pay her back. The same thing he had thought she had done for him in the past after he saved her dog. But all those times she had not done it out of pity or responsibility... She had done it because she wanted to spend time with him. She feels like she could cry again. She turns her gaze to the floor.

- "Like you once told me. (Sniff). You don't have to do anything to repay me. I just did what I thought I had to... What I wanted to...


The last part sounded vague and almost voiceless. Hikigaya could barely hear it. But that wasn't going to turn him away. Hikigaya knew what that felt like. Nice people are hard to understand. They are nice to everyone because they feel like they have to. Or because they are trying to achieve something from it. That is why he had tried to turn Yuigahama away, with similar words. He had thought Yuigahama was just another nice girl, this time with the objective of repaying a debt of gratitude. He was not going to let himself hope for something to come out of that relationship, so he cut it off.

But thanks to Yukinoshita-san's words, a new start began between the two. And through that he was able to learn that Yuigahama was not just nice l, she was kind. Her concern and care came from truthfulness. Not because she felt she had to. But because she wanted to show care and concern for those, she was close to. And even if he tried to deny it. The truth was, he was one of those.

- "That is not the reason I am here. I am here because I want to."

If she was ever going to let him help. She first needed to know that this was not a matter of feeling responsible or guilty. This was not as payback, or like helping one of the random people that burst into the service club asking for help. She needs to know that he is here because he wants to because he truly cares. And although in no way does he consider himself to be kind, he will not let that keep him apart from her.

- "You have been willing to help me and Yukinoshita-san on many occasions when we were down, but you barely ever show if you are sad, angry, or else... Because you are always smiling, regardless of how you are feeling, only on small occasions you show your inner feelings."

Hikigaya makes a pause and looks at her. Yuigahama is still looking downwards, still not facing him. But he knew she was listening to him.

- "You don't have to put on a happy face for the sake of us. No one should be expected to be happy and smiling all the time. You have the right to feel the way you do. And if we are to be genuine friends to you, we will accept it and stick by your side even still. So, I am not going anywhere, because I know you need someone right now. And I want to be that someone."

Yuigahama's head spun in his direction in a snap of shock, and it was at that moment that he registered the last words he expressed unconsciously. When he realized it, he began to blush a little and worry that it might upset her even more. But what happened next surprised him.

She took his shirt and gipped it hard burying her head in it as she cried. Hikigaya was surprised. He had thought Yuigahama would reject his assistance again after what could be considered a creepy line... But no... She had accepted his assistance at last. Even if it went against his nature. Even if he had little to no experience in consoling others, Hikigaya placed his arm around her and hugged her from the side. Not too tight and giving her enough space to get away at any moment, should it be uncomfortable for her. He looked away with a blush, and although Yuigahama was surprised with the action, she accepted Hikki's awkward display of affection and concern, and just buried her head on his chest to stifle her crying and calm down. Hikigaya just kept his eyes elsewhere, distracting his thoughts by focusing on the reason he was doing this, which was because he cared, he chose to, and would not back away no matter what it might look like to others or how awkward it was. He was going to stay by Yuigahama's side like this until she let go or calmed down.


They stayed like that for a bit, until Yuigahama was calm enough. She let go, and Hikigaya released as well. Yuigahama wiped her remaining tears away and looked at Hikki, who was staring at her with his default dead expression, but she knew he was relieved, she could notice still.

Yuigahama flashed him the sincerest smile she could muster. Hikki was surprised, with a small blush of embarrassment from his previous actions, so he did that thing where he spins his eyes looking for somewhere to advert his gaze, before ultimately deciding to just look away. But even still Yuigahama noticed the small smile on Hikki's face.

Hikki finally stood up and gave her a hand, and she could not feel happier. She knew Hikki didn't know the reason for her breakdown, but he was still happy to have been there for her.

- "So, what about Yukinon and the council?"

She was still a bit worried about that, but not for the same reasons as before.

- "I'll figure something out later. First... W-would you like me to accompany you home?"

Yuigahama, thought for a bit, before nodding excitedly. As they walked towards her home, Yuigahama saw Hikki was still adverting his gaze from looking at her, while having a small, almost unnoticeable blush from the previous events. Yuigahama couldn't help but smile. She hesitated a bit but grabbed Hikki's arm and hugged it.

- "Thank you."

It's safe to say Hikki looked startled by her action, but he did not force her away or attempted to remove his arm from her embrace.

- "Hey! Don't think now you can just do stuff like that all the time just because of today. I still prefer my alone time".

Hikigaya looked away but kept walking, and Yuigahama just giggled and hugged tighter. And Hikki didn't struggle against it. Perhaps Hikki was right, she shouldn't have to hide her true feelings for the sake of others. If they were true friends... Regardless of the outcome... They would still be friends.


Hikigaya didn't know the reason why all this happened, but looking at Yuigahama now... He knew that after today's events, something was going to change. And that change would not necessarily be something bad.

- "Hik-ki!"

Yuigahama spoke in a playful tone, dividing his nickname into two syllables on purpose to draw his attention. He looked her way, wary of what she might say.

- "So when are you going to come up with a funny nickname for me huh?"

- "I regret coming already".

He presented an annoyed face, and Yuigahama made a playful pout before her happy smile gave it away.


As they reached her home and said their goodbyes. Yuigahama stormed to her room and buried herself in her pillow, recounting the events in her head.

It was time to act. She would let her feelings be known; she was going to follow her heart. She closed her eyes, the spark of hope burning ever brighter in her heart.

And let it be known that this spark of hope... Did not disappoint.

Written by: Eli Samuel Orfila Rosario

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