(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 10: Chapter 8: To Listen (2)

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[You have gained the achievement, "The dead one's listener"!]

[Sorrowful Heart of Silver is impressed by your deed.]

As I listened to the strange sounding achievement and the unknown constellation, I soon arrived back where I started, where Na Bori and Lee Jihye had been anxiously pacing the area.

"Where were you?" Lee Jihye flew to me and grabbed my arm in worry.

"It's been over an hour and you still haven't shown up. I was beginning to agree to search for you if you didn't appear soon." Na Bori added.

I felt guilty at making them worry without telling them what I was doing. 

"Sorry, I didn't come back here in time." I paused, wondering if my companions would accept what I was going to say next or think I was a crazy freak. So instead, I took a different approach.

"Hey, Na Bori, Lee Jihye, what do you think of the ghosts?" I tried to fix my expression and tone to that of a casual question, despite feeling unease. 

Na Bori looked taken aback by the question, "Ghosts? Obviously they're the scary people that died and want to kill everyone in the horror movies!"

On the other hand, Lee Jihye raised a brow and replied, "I met one trying to attack me using a chair, but I cut it down so I think they aren't so scary."

I absorbed this information and then proceeded with another question.

"What if the ghost was someone you know? Like, another friend but they passed away and came back as a ghost." I wasn't quite sure how to organize my words.

"Huh? Why are you asking such a thing?" Lee Jihye looked at me weirdly, but then thought seriously about the question, "...Then I guess I would hear them out. I would want to know...why they came to me."

Na Bori fell silent, conflicting emotions across her face, "Like Lee Jihye, I think I would-would hear them out as well. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, what if it's a ghost using the appearance of my friend to try and bait me? But if it really was my friend..."

"Regardless, I just wanted you to think about this the next time another ghost appears. They're...not what you think they are. No who you think they are." I struggled to get out these words as I searched my companion's expressions for any inkling of denial.

Could they trust me? 

Their faces were not of denial. Not yet.

"Why did you ask?" Lee Jihye asked again, the look on her face truthfully one of curiosity.

Na Bori also looked at me with the same pair of curious eyes.

"Because I..." My story was going to be too ridiculous. No one would listen. No one wanted to.

So I stared back, my mouth parted to speak but my vocal cords were silent.

Could I...trust that they trusted me?

[Sorrowful Heart of Silver is encouraging you.] (Do they know something about the situation?)

So I took a coward's way out, omitting parts of the truth.

"Well, you know, it has something to do with why I was gone for so long. I met a ghost, a boy, and he wasn't so bad. So I played with him and his friends and I learned about their story. They were just like us, just that they died with regrets."

However, despite saying this as an answer, the two pairs of eyes continued to pay attention to my next words, like I was going to say more.

Nervously, I cut off the prolonged attention, "Okaayy, that's why I asked you about ghosts. We don't really have time to stand around so let's get going."

Thankfully, Na Bori and Lee Jihye's focus also changed as I wrapped up my words.

"Yeah sure smarty pants, but what's the next course of action? You didn't say anything about what comes after this." Lee Jihye, admiringly, stroked her new sword.

"About that...It's because I really don't have a plan after this." I brought my hand up to my nose, shading part of my mouth in embarrassment. That was a lie, because there were words I didn't speak. I don't want to repeat that tragedy.

"So I guess it's up to Lee Jihye and I now to come up with a plan!" Na Bori took that cheerfully, optimistic once more.

I smiled along with them, feeling like the scenario was not that bad.

 [The time of flood has been shortened. 1 hour is remaining. Please pay heed.]

...I wasn't surprised by this new turn of events as we set foot outside of the Museum, even though I felt like this was even sooner than last time. However, my companions beside me were not as nonchalant.

[The Maritime War God is questioning the probability of the scenario.]

[Lily Blooming in Aquarius has jerked her head in alarm.]

[Some constellations are interested in the turn of events. 100 coins have been sponsored.]

"Lee Jihye, what should we do?" Na Bori said in alarm at the new countdown.

"Um-um, oh right, high ground! We should get to high ground." Lee Jihye, pushed by the situation, came up with the next course of action.

While Na Bori and Lee Jihye were discussing the things to do to survive the scenario, I was also thinking how to solve the scenario in my own way.

I thought for a moment, a series of ideas popping up in my executively. Unfortunately, this set of ideas did not include Lee Jihye and Na Bori in them. I felt it was best if I did these crazy one-way things alone so I could avoid impacting my companions.

Besides, I didn't know if I was going to die with my plan, but this was something I felt I had to do. Because I felt like this was going to be the last chance to do them.

With that, I called out my companion's names to get their attention and said, 

"Sounds like you guys have a plan. Don't forget to bring a tank of gasoline in case things go south. Ghosts are afraid of fire, so it should help for a while. And if things really go South, make sure to equip those magic stat boosting artifacts, as well as invest some coins into magic. Your stigmas should be able to hold out."

Na Bori and Lee Jihye noticed something was wrong with my words.

"The way you're speaking, it sounds like you're not coming with us." Na Bori laughed nervously like what I was saying was a joke. But as she studied my expression and body language, the smile disappeared from her face.

"No, you really?-" 

Na Bori was caught off by Lee Jihye focusing on the wrong thing.

"A whole tank?? You think we can lug that thing up onto the top of a building?" Lee Jihye looked at me incredulously, and I couldn't help but chuckle when I recalled the things that happened last time.

"I trust you can do it. You'll find a way." I laughed. "I've got something to do, so I'll meet up with you later. Why are you looking at me with those eyes? Really, after I'm finished, I'll come back."

"Why can't you come with us now?" Na Bori looked unsettled as she reached her hand out to grab onto my arm.

I dodged out of the way discreetly.

It wasn't like I didn't understand. With only three of us in this whole dungeon, a loss of even one was a great hit to security.

Still, this was not something I would concede on. Not this time.

"You might not even come back! It's safer with all three of us." Na Bori's voice rose with anger from betrayal, or perhaps it was from fear.

 At a loss of what to do or say to convince her, I probably had a pained expression on my face.

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"Bori, just let her go." There was a flicker of something unknown in Lee Jihye's eyes as she spoke these words.

"But-" Na Bori protested.

"Let her go. She has a reason why she can't come with us, is that right?" Lee Jihye cut her off, and for the first time, she looked mature and cool.

"Um, yes. Yes, I'm sorry I can't come with you. But I promise I'll do my best to come back." Taken aback, I spoke these things in a fluster, but laced with sincerity.

"And don't forget to wear those sunglasses to keep in touch. Don't forget." I spoke.

Taking one last look at my companions, I departed, walking briskly to prevent myself from looking back.

I really could take the easy way out and clear the dungeon with the same method of last time. The temptation dangled in front of me.

However, what about after?

Would this be the ending I wanted? No.

With this resolve, I walked around the roads, picking a different building to climb up on.

When I reached the balcony, unimpeded but out of breath from traversing stair-case after staircase, I paused for a moment to take in the wide expanse of Seoul and the sky.

[Sorrowful Heart of Silver is looking on with glittering eyes.]

It looked like a constellation was showing interest in me, not Na Bori or Lee Jihye, to follow me. That was fine. For now.

"Dokkaeibi, I know you're there. I want to sign a temporary star channel contract."

Instantly after my words ended, that accursed Dokkeaibi appeared amidst some sparks in their panic.

[Wha-How- star channel contract?]

They looked really flustered at the term coming out of my mouth which should never have been uttered by an earthling in the beginning of the scenarios. The Dokkaebi was so shocked that even the ever-present disdain in its eyes had disappeared.

[The constellations are complaining about the blocked cam and muted screen!]

[Sorry-sorry constellations! There are some technical difficulties. I'll redirect you now.] Unmuting it temporarily, the Dokkaebi changed the channel screen to stream across Seoul at the other incarnations in its channel.

I was sure the constellations were still complaining, for this dungeon had captured their attention, but through some unknown means, the Dokkaebi was able to settle them down.

[Phew. Ok Earthling, now speak. How do you know about the contract?] All of a sudden, the Dokkaebi had regained its momentum.

I myself was nervous. Was I really here, doing this now? 

Well, since I got on, I couldn't get off now.

"You don't have enough authority to know about that." I purposely spoke big and nonchalantly, "Besides, a temporary star contract will not be a loss to you. Tell me, we three are the ones who brought a lot of traffic to your channel, correct?"

The Dokkaebi looked at me ponderously.

[...What you say is correct. Yes, we can sign a temporary contract.]

Hm? This easy?

I was ready to fail in my worst-case scenario. However, I soon understood why the Dokkaebi agreed so quickly.

Looking through the contract the Dokkaebi brought up, I sneered at it.

[Stream Contract Agreement]

  1. Incarnation (gap) will sign an exclusive contract with Youngkik (Eul) that will last for --(please fill in) 
  2. Incarnation (gap) will only be active in Youngkik's (Eul) channel
  3. Incarnation (gap) has to faithfully follow commands of Youngkik (eul) during scenarios. In return, Youngkik (Eul) will do their best to let incarnation (gap) survive until the end of the contract.
  4. The ratio of revenue from stream contracts in accordance to the contract will be 2 (gap) to 8 (eul)
  5. Incarnation (gap) and Youngkik(Eul) will be subject to destruction in accordance with the laws of Star Stream if they break this contract.


"The pay is 2:8, with you getting 8? And I have to follow your commands? Do I look that easy to cheat?" I was irritated.

[Why, you're just an insignificant earthling. In fact, I'm doing you a favor by letting you sign a contract with me. I'm letting you survive. You're even getting coins, isn't that good? Don't be greedy.] The Dokkaebi showed its tiger tooth in schadenfreude.

This was why I didn't want to sign a contract. At least, not to this Dokkaebi who held disdain for humans. There wasn't many chips I could play with either.

So I scoffed. Well, I was already prepared for the worst-case scenario anyway.

"Well, I guess we're not signing this. Goodbye. As soon as I'm outta here, I'm going to change to a different channel." I shooed with my hand.

[Unintelligent Earthling, why does that matter-]

"Yep, Na Bori and Lee Jihye will surely leave once I suggest it to them too. Oh, and then I guess the constellations would want to jump channels." I smirked, "But that doesn't matter to you, oh great smart Dokkaebi?"

I enjoyed venting my anger by acting sarcastic.

The Dokkaebi knew the sponsors of those two, who were well-known constellations, with one even being an archangel. If all those constellations from its channel jumped the boat, well...it would lose its hot streak and find it hard to climb the streams.

There was a crack on the expression of the Dokkaebi which signaled me getting the upper hand.

[Y-you! Are you threatening me?]

"What do you mean, threaten? How could I, such an insignificant earthling, do something like that? No, I was only suggesting." I put my hands on my chest and batted my eyes like some weak, pure, damsel in distress.

[Ok, stop talking like that, it's disgusting. Besides, will you even survive without my help?] This seemed to be the last stand the Dokkaebi had. [If you die, who would know?] Its mouth split into a creepy grin.

"Wow, you are a smart Dokkaebi, but you don't get it?" I pulled out a pair of sunglasses from my bag. 

It was the pair from the last time that could communicate with the others. Hopefully, Lee Jihye and Na Bori were holding onto them at the moment.

"How about I send a message now? That the Dokkaebi Youngkik-"

The moment understanding appeared on that darn Dokkaebi's face, panic erupted in its eyes as it tried to lunge over to snatch the glasses from my hand.

But how could a storyteller interfere with the story as a character?

[Damn earthling, what do you want?] It fumed, held back by an invisible force.

So naturally, it could do nothing but watch.

Taking a few beats to soak in the question, my heart settled down. I didn't think I would succeed with this crazy plan. Honestly, I thought I was going to fail. But-

It was now my win. 

"So, how about we try again?"

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