(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 13: Chapter 10: Lee Jihye’s Master (1)

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A/N There's gonna be some moving troubles, so the updates will slow down, sadly.

It had been a few days since Lee Jihye and Na Bori had exited the hidden dungeon and were teleported into Chungmuro station.

They weren't sure why they were here because they felt like the target station was called something different, but one thing was certain.

To live, they had to fight monsters.

In their hindsight, Lee Jihye and Na Bori hadn't brought any food from the hidden dungeon, so they were stuck finding a food source on their own.

Luckily, they were well equipped and experienced enough in fights to obtain ground rat meat. Although when they cooked it, it tasted stringy and just awful.

"Bori, didn't that what-cha-ma-call-it person say there was a stove specialized to cook this meat?" Lee Jihye swallowed the meat down trying not to retch it back up.

"A person? I also feel like there was a person, but I'm pretty sure it was just us two in that dungeon." Na Bori scrunched her face up in disgust at the meat she was delicately eating, wanting to quit right then and there.

Lee Jihye also got the same feeling. It was all very surreal and strange.

"Bori, are we...are we forgetting something?" Lee Jihye looked downwards, speaking the thing gnawing at both of their thoughts.


They remained silent. Trying to shift through their memories, they tried their hardest to recall an indistinct existence.

They began to notice this change a few days ago.

At first, they ignored it because that existence was still clear, but as time ticked by, memories changed. It wasn't a simple 'forgot' but more of a 'erasure' in existence, because the memories were still crystal clear, except for that fading presence.

One day, they might even not realize that another person existed in their memories.

But try as they might, they couldn't stop the process.

"Let's forget about that for now crybaby. What do you think will happen after this scenario?" Na Bori tried to change the atmosphere by diverting the topic by reading the current scenario.


[Sub Scenario - Food Acquisition]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: E

Clear Conditions: Directly hunt the monsters that can be used as food and cook them.

Time limit: None

Compensation: 500 coins

Failure: ???

"...Well, if anything, those darn Dokkaebis will not give us anything easy for their 'enjoyment'." Lee Jihye gnashed her teeth in anger that she used to wolf down the last morsel and chugging water to wash down the taste.

Na Bori nodded vehemently but added, "Guessing on the current trend of things, it's going to another twisted survival game, where some people get eliminated while others don't."

"Say, when do you think all the scenarios will come to an end?" In a moment of weakness, Na Bori sighed, tired of always having to struggle to the end of the scenarios.

Lee Jihye opened her mouth and closed it in several cycles, but this time did not answer.

She didn't want to give themselves a hollow hope.

As time stretched on and Na bori and Lee Jihye sat by the fire to feel its warmth, drowsiness began to take a hold on them.

If not for the fact that someone began screaming at that exact moment, it would have been fatal for Na Bori and Lee Jihye to fall asleep for real.

"AHHHHH! Some-some one help! HELP!"

The screams resembled a dying pig, a testimony to the dire situation the owner of the voice was in.

Lee Jihye and Na Bori instantly erupted to their feet, alert with one having a sword drawn, and another holding something that resembled an incense stick.

The thump of footsteps down the subway rail was clear and loud as it ricocheted off the walls, followed by the thuds of several 4-legged creatures.

Entering into view was a boy with disheveled hair and having suffered from several cuts. When he saw the two girls in-front, his eyes lit up in hope.

"HEYYY! There's a dozen ground rats behind me! Please save me!" 

Lee Jihye let out a small curse and turned around with Na Bori.

"Bori!" Lee Jihye called.

"I know!" Na Bori replied, knowing what her friend wanted to say with the call of her name.

A dozen ground rats was still too much for them to deal with even for them. Although heartless of them to run, they wanted to secure their own life. And besides, to have made it this far, that boy may not be innocent either.

"HEY! STOP! PLEASE, DON'T RUN!" The boy behind them pleaded, but Na Bori and Lee Jihye didn't stop. In fact, they ran even harder as the sounds of the rats got closer.

Unfortunately, it seemed luck was not on their side that day.

Leaping to the side at different sides, the ground cracked below their previous position, and a giant rat-like creature burst through.

"Chiik!" It screeched, and more were summoned through.

Na Bori and Lee Jihye quickly regrouped, but they were swiftly blocked.

"What great timing. There's rats behind us, and more in front." Lee Jihye sarcastically bemoaned.

"Looks like we get to choose which direction to die in~. Behind us or in front, crybaby?" Na Bori managed a joke through her teeth.

"Neither. Hey you there! Group up!" 

And so, Na Bori and Lee Jihye retreated to the boy's side.  They moved to the wall of the subway so that they had one less side to be alert to. They thought, at least, with more people, they would have a higher chance of survival.

But they should have also understood the meaning of 'pig teammate'.

"Hic, I-I can't do it!" Looking around at the pairs of leering beady eyes, the boy fell on his bottom, knees shaking.

He seemed to have half-given up and instead spent time being paralyzed.

Lee Jihye was angry about the person who chose to die instead of fight, but there was nothing she could do at the moment while she fended off the claws of the ground rats closing in on them.

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"If only there was water-" Lee Jihye roared.

[stigma, "Inspire lv. 1" is activated!]

In the meantime, Na Bori began chanting, and their vision opened up, letting them parry the claws more easily and even counterattack.

Sadly, this was a losing battle for Na Bori and Lee Jihye who only lost more stamina as time passed.

Missing a strike, Lee Jihye's sword sank into the ground and she fell to one knee.

"Jihye!" Na Bori exclaimed, wanting to block the strike coming for her best friend.

But before she could, the rat was suddenly dissected in mid-air, and its two halves fell to the side.

Having been baptized with gore, Na Bori did not hurl, but her face still turned pale.

Without being able to see what happened next, the residue wind buffeted her face, and then the corpses of the several dozen ground rats piled onto the floor, dirtying the ground with odorous blood.

Each cut on the rats were clean and even strangely aesthetically beautiful to the point that Na Bori was able to admire them instead of the blood, gore and corpses.

Fluttering in the wind in a beautiful arc, the black coat settled on the man Na Bori only noticed was there when the action was over.

Who's that? He looks like a male lead from a novel...Na Bori couldn't help but think.

She was not wrong, for his entrance, presence and gorgeously sculpted face all commanded an unignorable existence.

 Na Bori stood there dazed until her neck felt a cold object.

It was the man's sword, and his eyes narrowed dangerously in oppression.

"Who are you?" The man spat out. Na Bori would have admired the timbre of that succulent voice, if not for the fear dousing her body.

Just as Na Bori was about to answer, she felt a tug and was pulled behind her friend's back, away from the blade.

"None of your d*mn business." Lee Jihye snarled, and Na Bori admired how far her friend had come in terms of boldness.

"Thanks for saving us, but what do you want, pointing a sword at my friend like that?" Lee Jihye aggressively continued.

The man looked slightly stunned, if Na Bori could guess what that pause in expression was, before he retracted his sword.

"...not the same..." Na Bori only caught a fragment of the man's murmur.

What does that mean? Na Bori wondered.

"Well, thank you for saving our lives sir. My name is Na Bori, what can I refer to you as?" Timidly speaking up, Na Bori inadvertently resorted to polite speech she used when she was caught by one of the on-duty teachers for skipping classes.

The man lightly glanced over Lee Jihye to Na Bori thoughtfully.

"Yu Jeonghyuk." Those were the only words he said.

"Yu Jeonghyuk-oppa, thank you for saving my life!" The boy who was only a spectator seconds before suddenly came forward and fell to his knees in worship. His two eyes sparkled with stars at his savior.

 Lee Jihye looked at the boy. Oh yeah, he was still here. She thought expressionlessly, ridiculing the boy being converted into a fanatic.

She would never know she was a fanatic of Yu Jeonghyuk once upon a time in countless regressions too.

Ignoring the boy, Yu Jeonghyuk turned on his interrogation mode.

"How did you come so far in the scenario?"

It wasn't explicit, but Na Bori had the feeling this question was pointed at her.

"Why do you want to know?" Lee Jihye grew defensive again.

The man looked at her expressionlessly, feeling the sword at his side like he wanted to draw it again.

"I am the one who asks questions, and you answer."

"Yes Yu Jeonghyuk oppa! I survived by defeating my bully-" No one was interested in the boy's story.

"...There were flies." Lee Jihye mumbled, deciding sword-drawn confrontation was not worth it.

"Mm?" Yu Jeonghyuk grunted in encouragement to continue explaining.

"There were two flies in our classroom that we killed in the first scenario." Na Bori butted in to contribute.

The two girls tacitly did not mention the hidden dungeon scenario that they cleared after. There was no need to expose everything.

The man before them fell into thought, closing his eyes momentarily before opening them, a flickering light coming to a decision they didn't understand glowing within.

"Do you want to survive the scenarios?"

This unexpected question surprised the two.

They looked at each other and then looked back at the man. How much could they trust this stranger?

The two decided to take a chance. For a person of this much power and demeanor, it was unlikely he was out to get them with some scheme.


"Of course."

They answered, and then Yu Jeonghyuk followed up.

"Then follow me. I will reach the end of the scenarios, and I need your abilities."

The conviction mixed with feelings they could not understand in the words caused the two to want to follow this man, who seemed to have an answer to this hell they were stuck in.

His back when he turned looked so broad, like the back of a man who chose to shoulder countless responsibilities.

Without knowing what overcame them, the three took one step, and then two, to try and follow that back.

"So cool..." The Yu Jeonghyuk fanatic whispered.

And no one of the two girls brought up the fact that there was someone else that they should have walked beside, instead of behind.

It had only been the two of them, from the start of the scenarios to the present, after all.

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