(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 18: Chapter 13: King of Wanderers (3)

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I continued to observe this little safe zone like one of those constellations while trying to test ways to influence my surroundings. Turns out, as long as it was a certain distance from Lee Sookyung, and the things in her office aside from the door, I was able to interact with them.

Although, I didn't understand how it was possible, nor why it was connected to Lee Sookyung of all people.

As the world moved forward as I observed, I became more distant from it, showed in the increasing transformation as the days went by.

[35% complete.]

My eyes twinkled as I watched the group advance through the scenario, helping those who they could help, but not hesitating to take measures against the hostile ones.

[40% complete.]

One time, there was an uprising between the survivors saved by the group who wanted to steal items and resources. Luckily, Lee Sookyung had been around at the time, and I had been able to warn her ahead of time.

[45% complete.]

As I began an interaction with Lee Sookyung from then on, my link to the scenario began to be reconnected, slowing down my transformation somewhat.

It was a strange feeling, because it felt like a part of the same source was combating itself.

[50% complete.]

And Youngkik, mysteriously, stuck with me through the whole process.

[Hey short Earthling, it's already the 3rd main scenario, and you still haven't found a way back into the scenarios. Are you giving up or just dimwitted?]

And as usual, Youngkik took relish in hitting me when I was down.

"You've been parroting the same thing for the past few days. I haven't dropped dead yet, so you wouldn't lose faith yet. Key word is yet." I quipped back, fed up with all the abuse.

[Mhm, and that's why you're here now. Tell me, do you even have a plan?] Youngkik shook their head exasperatedly.


I remained silent this time as I looked at my child-like hands, confused.

What was I doing here? Where was I going?

Well yes, that was to help Lee Sookyung, and through her, I would find my way back into the scenario. That was the plan. I felt like I had a plan, but when I thought more closely, there was none.

"Youngkik, tell me, what am I doing?"

[As a Dokkaebi, how am I to know what Earthlings think about?] Youngkik awkwardly looked away at the wall. [Still, the story you've been showing me so far is not interesting. I'm a Dokkaebi, and I live for the stories, so if you're going to continue on like this, I'm going to abandon the contract.]

"If you do then -" I whipped my head back up in some form of anger, but Youngkik cut me off.

Shaking their head and sighing, Youngkik looked me in the eye and said, [And I'll die, correct? Well, and what state are you in? As soon as you die, the contract is annulled. All I need to do is wait.]

Like they noticed something, Youngkik dramatically gasped and mocked, [Have you gotten attached to me? Oh no, that's ridiculous. How would a Dokkaebi lower themselves to accept an Earthling's affections?]

I rolled my eyes, Youngkik's words preventing me from being able to feel blue.

"Well, we'll wait and see. Perhaps a chance will present itself." I even sounded younger than before, my voice crack making these words sound like a pitiful complaint.

[It's more likely you'll wait for this chance forever.]

I opened my mouth to retaliate, but was interrupted.

"Leader Lee! Leader Lee! Please, it's an emergency!" The urgent shouting broke the conversation between Youngkik and I.

What happened? I frowned, looking at one of the survivors who had stayed behind to help Lee Sookyung's group with hunting for food.

He was limping and holding a bleeding arm that drenched through his green jacket, freshly dripping blood onto the wooden floor.

"This way, we need to treat your wounds." Even as another person came closer after seeing the frightening injuries, the man shook his head in pain and limped away, still calling out,

"Leader Lee! Leader Lee! Someone call her!"

Helpless, but slowly realizing that the man was anxious enough about something other than their wounds, the people crowded around to see what the commotion whispered among themselves.

Some within the crowd took action, some of them going out to find Leader Lee, while others tried to calm down the anxious man.

"Some people went to find Leader Lee. Don't move, let's bandage your wounds first. Drink some water, Leader Lee will get here soon." The woman with the child when I first came forcefully stopped the man and sternly told him to stop shouting. Opening the first aid kit, she took off the jacket and began to clean the wound.

A series of hurried footfalls answered the woman, who didn't even get the chance to actually bandage the arm before the young man shot forward, tripping.

Along with Lee Sookyung was another person who was holding a list of names. It seemed they were in the middle of consultation before being interrupted.

"L-leader Lee, it's an emergency!" The young man incoherently tried to speak, but failed several times.

Stopping the young man, Lee Sookyung's calm and soothing voice descended upon the area, suppressing the confusion,

"Ja Eung."

"Yes Leader Lee?" The young man instantly replied.

Lee Sookyung inclined her head at getting the name right,

"Organize your words before you say them. I won't listen until you have all you want to say sorted out beforehand."

"Uh, y-yes." Still stuttering, the young man, Ja Eung, took in a few deep breaths before beginning his report again,

"I went out with 5 others to secure food, and it was going well. But then, these Bastards came out of nowhere," Ja Eung's jaw clenched in anger, "They ambushed us and probably took the food. They were clearly strong enough to hunt themselves, but they came to toy with us."

Breathing deeply to try and calm himself down, Ja Eung's eyes shone with fury and fear,

"I was only able to get here because they let me go. I don't know what happened to the others. One of them told me to deliver a message from their station representative to Leader Lee."

The crowd had quieted down to closely listen to Ja Eung's eyes, all anticipating the next words that they could sense were important.

"She said, 'Surrender and we'll bring you to the next scenario. If not, we will eradicate you and your group.'"

The crowd gasped and let out exclamations of shock, but Ja Eung was not done speaking.

"She - one of the ones who attacked us said, I think, 'Join us, fellow reader of []'. I'm not sure what she said, do you, leader?" Ja Eung himself was confused when he said these words.

He was about to speak again, but was cut off by the crowd.


"Who do they think they are?!"

"Revenge, we need to hit back!"

A portion of the crowd was outraged, but another portion was horrified.

"Will we be safe in the future?"

"Dear lord, bless me with the way forward."

"I-I don't want to die..."

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"QUIET." Thunderous, Lee Sookyung's voice rose above all the others, and they all quieted down, dozens of pairs of eyes pin-pointed on their leader, the one to lead them forward.

"Ja Eung, which station were they from? Did they say?" Lee Sookyung's voice, stern and unfaltering as ever, was able to effectively quell the crowd.

"I-indeogwon Station." Ja Eung stumbled over his words at being prompted, but was still able to get out the answer.

Lee Sookyung nodded.

"Good job for bringing back this information. Remember this moment." Lee Sookyung's voice softened as she patted the lad on the shoulder.

Ja Eung's eyes turned red. Instead of being reprimanded, he was acknowledged.

"Yes, remember your companions, carve this moment in your heart, and tell yourself this will never happen again." Lee Sookyung finished with, her fist beside her gripping so hard I could imagine the knuckles wrapped inside had turned white.

"...yes." Ja Eung's voice came out cracked as he struggled not to cry, guilt and shame swarming his mind.

Turning away, Lee Sookyung called out several other names for a meeting about the current situation.

"I want to join in the discussion, maybe I can be of use!" Ja Eung piped up.

Lee Sookyung turned back to study him for a few split seconds.

"Good, as you should. We have a saying, which is to not abandon anyone. I won't say anymore, because I know you know what to do."

Emotionally, Ja Eung said, "Yes, I'll make sure no one will be left behind in the future."

Indeogwon Station, huh? I thought to myself as I watched the proceedings. I tried to mentally draw upon the map of Seoul, but it was still blank.

It seemed I needed to locate the location of Indeogwon Station to effectively spy on them, and then relay the information back to Lee Sookyung.

Noticing that the group was departing through the crowd parting ways voluntarily, I followed them to hear their plans. It was better to know what the group was planning in reaction to Indeogwon Station's threat before I could act accordingly.

But for what reason does Indeogwon Station have to take over this group? It's not even a station that can be captured for the King's Scenario. I pondered.

The king's scenario, a hidden scenario that was alongside the 4th main scenario. With a game akin to capture the flag, except that there were numerous flags that represented different stations, to become a 'king', you must gather 10 flags.

Problem was, we had no flag.

That guy, Ja Eung, mentioned 'fellow reader'. At the thought, my heart made a leap in my chest. The premonition I had when I first realized Lee Sookyung was a reader of that novel seemed to be turning out to be true.

It was highly likely that the Indeogwon Station's representative was another reader of [Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World], and had noticed the existence of Lee Sookyung before she could notice theirs.

Thus, with a possible motive to have monopoly over information, that representative struck first.

But then, why not have ambushed this place from the beginning, instead of their initiative being taken away like this?

Could it be that they wanted another source of information to add to their own source?

No...I still don't get it. Shaking my head as if that could disperse the running inferences, I decided not to focus on the possible motives with so few pieces of information.

For now, the clear part of it all was that:

  1. The representative is aware that Lee Sookyung also has information of twsa
  2. Clearly, the intentions of the other side who sent the message was not friendly. They either wanted subordination, or to remove the variable.
  3. Judging by how they already have a representative, it seems they are one of the first groups to pass the 3rd main scenario.

"...Early in the morning tomorrow, I need an entourage that can go with me to meet with their people so that we can get more information. Ja Eung will go with me, since he knows their faces."

My attention roused to Lee Sookyung's voice.

"Leader Lee, then who will run the base?" A voice popped up, and I recognized it to be Han Ryuyang.

All pairs of eyes turned to Lee Sookyung.

"I trust everyone currently in the room. You have all done splendidly to run the base even, and will do so even if I am not here." Lee Sookyung said without hesitation.

"But leader Lee, that was only after we ran it through you!" Han Ryuyang cried out.

"And I only approved it. I'm not as clear as all of you on your tasks, so I would make more mistakes than you when making decisions on it. As I said however, I trust the competence of the people in my base."

Lee Sookyung's conviction in the words caused everyone to feel a sense of pride, me included. It showed that Lee Sookyung had a lot of charisma.

"Now then, a show of hands of who will want to come with me and why I should pick you. Let me remind you, we will be going undercover to gather information, and therefore, this will be a mission of confidentiality..." Lee Sookyung continued.

As the meeting progressed, Lee Sookyung picked two from the group, and forced them all to swear a contract to not let a peep of the plan leak from the room...aside from me.

But as Lee Sookyung returned to the desk after they all had left, her eyes under her mask was still grave.

Lee Sookyung took out an item, I winced in recognition of what it was.

It was an item that requested the Dokkaebi to pause broadcasting the area, namely the office, for a period of time, and I had no clue as to what cost Lee Sookyung had to go through to get her hands on it.

After all, it was early in the scenarios, and the Dokkaebis would not commonly allow it.

Leaning over the table to see what she was writing, for I knew she wanted to communicate with me, there was a sentence on there that surprised me.

There is a mole in the people I called today. The two that I picked are the ones most likely a mole.

My eyebrows shot up as I realized what Lee Sookyung was doing. Her plan was risky, with no guarantee on anything.

She was using herself as bait to lure out a possible ambush, or to distinguish who the mole was. However, what if the representative did not show up to the ambush for one, and what if Lee Sookyung had picked the wrong mole?

Heck, how did she even analyze that there was a mole, and who the potential mole could be?

I need you to find out information on the Indeogwon's Station's side. Tomorrow, later than when I depart, another group will strike the station with your information. There isn't much time, since we can't give the other side any time for preparation.

With me going out, they are likely to divert their forces at the chance.

Lee Sookyung set down the pen, allowing me to answer.

How come you trust me? What if I am the mole?

I put down the pen, and Lee Sookyung picked it up again.

Then, my group would have perished long ago. I wish to trust you, if you are what you say you are.

I felt touched.

Okay, I will go after this discussion. I just don't know where Indeogwon Station is, nor do I know who the people I will be going with or when.

Lee Sookyung proceeded to write down the next pieces of information, pulling out a recovered map and tapping on it to show the location.

I remember, and I will be back some time at midnight. I wrote.

I glanced at the clock that still had enough life left in it to move. It was currently around 8pm, so I was afraid I didn't have enough time to discover much. However, I couldn't be too late, because Lee Sookyung also needed time to sort out information and relay the best course of action to a selected group of hers.

Lee Sookyung took the paper and disposed of it neatly by making it disappear magically by some unknown means.

Soon, she was sitting at the table like usual, and I was long gone from the office.

It was as if we never had that conversation at all, except for the only two involved.

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