(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 20: Chapter 15: King of Wanderers (5)

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"Hey, do you know how Leader Lee was able to get so much information? It feels like she was there at what-cha-ma-call-it station." One of the members of the mission, Chen Ilyong, started a conversation just as everyone set foot a little ways out of the safe zone.

Well, it was not a 'safe zone' anymore due to the poisonous smog dissipating after the second main scenario was over, but at least it was protected well enough from the monsters running around in the once human-run Seoul.

"Everyone, focus! We need to follow through with the mission." Perhaps it was the first time Han Ryuyang was put in charge of this kind of operation, as the leader no less, but her face was grim. The air around her was tense, and despite her best effort not to show it, she was nervous.

"But aren't you also curious?" This time, it wasn't Chen Ilyong who replied, but a rather stout man named Kim Ulguam.

Han Ryuyang remained silent, her brows furrowed.

"You know, I think Leader Lee may have successfully planted a spy over there or something. Man, Leader Lee is amazing in that case." Another one piped in to contribute.

"Then who would the spy be? Don't go around spreading your theories without anything to back it up." A rather pretty woman replied with derision in her eyes.

"Hey!-" The one who came up with the theory bristled, intent to wage a verbal war, before Han Ryuyang gestured to be silent.

"Shhh." Her finger over her lips, the group effectively quieted down, quickly getting alert in the meantime.

"My ability has detected living beings. Disperse and hide." Just as Han Ryuyang left these words, she quietly entered a nearby store and crouched down behind the panel.

The rest of the entourage of a dozen or so did the same, and surprisingly, a group of people appeared around the corner.

They got here quickly. I thought to myself, recognizing a few among the ranks as the people from Indeogwon station.

"Vice-representative-nim, the area is clear!" One of the scouters with the group reported to the man in the lead who was smoking in an attempt to look cool.

Unfortunately, he did not.

So the head is still at the station? I mused, checking each face over but not finding their boss.

However, with such an impressive march through the city, it certainly did not resemble an ambush, but more like a gang ready to rumble.

"Good. Once we get that b*tch, our job will be done. How hard can it be?" The vice-representative I saw in conversation with their boss just a few hours before curled his lip, shifting the cigarette.

A surge of anger made me want to stab the vice-representative.

"Why is the boss so afraid of a measly group like that, anyway?" He continued to mutter, but I was close enough to catch it.

Someone else reacted to the vice-representative's demeaning comments.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw an angry face rise from behind a dumpster.

Jie Kushin?! I felt my heart literally stop when I saw who popped up.

  Before I could panic at the near-reveal, a hand came up beside the man who stood up and pulled him back down.

I almost had a heart attack at the fact that our cover was almost blown.

So much so that only after the ambushing group was far from sight did I sigh with relief. It was already nerve-racking enough watching, and more so when I couldn't do anything but watch.

"Lee Hwasan, why did you stop me?!" The enraged roar came from the man from behind the dumpster, and the same one who had suggested the theory of a spy.

"You would have gotten everyone exposed, dumb*ss!" Came the reply of the woman who had shot down the spy theory from before, and the two were gripping each other's collars.

Han Ryuyang quickly got up to resolve the situation as the leader.

"Settle down! Lee Hwasan is right, your actions put the whole group at risk." Han Ryuyang sternly said.

"But-!" He wanted to retaliate.

"But what? If you attacked that man, then what? You think your reckless anger would result in being able to defeat them all? Wake up, stick to the plan." Han Ryuyang beat the other man down with her words, and I was impressed.

If it were me, I would never have been able to do that.

The spy theory man looked elsewhere, feeling a twinge of guiltiness as the words doused his anger.

"But you heard what that bastard said. How could he say that word about leader Lee?" He muttered, the last bit of his unresigned rage.

The other members of the squad came out from their hiding spots, also trying to hide their scowl. They had all heard the disrespect of that vice-representative toward their leader.

Han Ryuyang breathed in deeply, her hands clenching in equal anger.

"We'll be the ones who have the last laugh, so use that anger to complete the plan." Turning around like Han Ryuyang could care less about anyone keeping up, she walked away quickly.

Containing their anger, the other members followed along, and for the rest of the time until they arrived at the station, dodging patrols and monsters, they were silent.

Han Ryuyang turned back around to face them, and everyone stopped along with her.

"Everyone, be clear of the goal. We will now begin the operation to take over Indegwon Station, but remember not to rush. A few of you will be specialized to target Indegwon Station's representative, but all of you should keep a lookout." Han Ryuyang reiterated the plan, but no one refused to listen to it again, nodding to show their determination.

"Alright, let's go. Diversion team, you're up."

With Han Ryuyang's words, two from the squad approached the main entrance, pulling out home-made explosives and a match stick. There was a shutter door that blocked their way, but not for long.

Lighting up the bombs, they quickly let it roll downwards toward the shutter.

Helplessly, the bottles used to contain the chemicals inside bumped against the door, and suddenly a loud cracking sound was heard.

The people in the station were startled.

"What was that?!"

"We're under attack!"

Being pulled to the edge after the scenarios, many of the people in the station flew into a panic, and the chaos of screaming and running could be heard.

It was unavoidable, because most of the forces were lying in wait of the ambush or outside in patrols.

There were only a few inside that were desperately trying to control the station, and the rest were the weak who were struggling to survive off of the more powerful, or on their own.

Like me.

The rest of the squad slipped in through the chaos as the diversion team began setting off firecrackers that closely resembled bullets being fired.

Organized, the team split up like an ordered school of fish, and some began subduing the ones trying to calm down the situation.

That only caused more confusion and chaos.

I looked at these humans along with Youngkik, and I wondered if that was what I looked like when I was in a panic.

That was not what I should be focusing on, however.

My eyes locked onto Han Ryuyang's figure, who was leading the last of the three squad members to find and subdue the representative for this station.

Away from the screams and flurries of footfalls, Han Ryuyang's team paved their way deeper into the station, and it was darker than before.

They all quieted their breathing to avoid detection, their shoes wrapped in plastic bags soundlessly leaving traceless footprints.

Ahead of them, a pedestal appeared, with a distinct hole in the middle for placing something in it.

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There was no one around, giving the team goosebumps as a terrible premonition crawled over them.

And they were right.

I watched on with wide eyes as Han Ryuyang who was bringing up the rear silently disposed of them all.

"Han-!" One managed to get a cry out, but they were not fast enough to escape. The body toppled to the floor like a ragdoll.

Necks twisted at angles that shouldn't have worked lay on the ground, eyes popped out in shock.

There were three corpses on the ground now, and Han Ryuyang looked unruffled by it all.

Han Ryuyang, who had a lively disposition as she enthusiastically helped the group, reported to Leader Lee with respect.

Han Ryuyang, who stood over the bloodless corpses with nary a smile on her face nor in her eyes.

I wanted to retch at the sight, just as I wanted shock to drown out the complicated feelings in my heart.

[Oho? What an exciting plot twist.] Beside me, Youngkik licked their lips, feeling nothing at the scene. [Pity I don't have the broadcasting rights over here.]

I felt chilled, suddenly recalling the existence that Youngkik was.

A sudden clapping occurred in the darkness, and the boss stepped into the scene.

"Marvelous! I knew I should have trusted you. As expected of the one sent by the first apostle." He looked happy as he looked over the dead bodies.

Han Ryuyang just looked at him with indifferent eyes.

"Now you can return to the station, and I'll give you the position of the vice-" Grinning, the boss continued, but then suddenly looked at the knife pointing at his neck in shock.

"Cut the crap. Hand over your flag." Han Ryuyang spoke.

The flag? A flash of information went across my mind. Han Ryuyang betrayed Lee Sookyung, apparently in some coalition with Indegwon Station, but having the ambition to take it over.

My fingers twitched. Something in my mind told me that Han Ryuyang shouldn't get that flag. She could be damned for all I care.

"You-you-" The boss was in a mix of fear and shock at being threatened at knife-point, but it was soon consumed by anger.

"YOU TRAITOR!" Boss roared, knocking the dagger askew as his hand reached out a claw toward Han Ryuyang's neck.

Tilting to her neck coolly, the elongated nails of Indegwon's representative scraped the edge of her cheek, and the dagger in her hand turned and stabbed the exposed back of the man, skewering his heart.

I looked at Han Ryuyang's cheek, away from the blood and gore, still feeling like the blood had drained away from my face.

No blood? I thought incredulously.

Reaching into the man's pocket, Han Ryuyang slowly pulled out a white flag, a smirk blooming on her face as she spoke to the man on his last breaths.

"Why did you think you lasted so far, and could manage to become a representative? I'll tell you. It's because I let you."

Han Ryuyang sadistically toyed with her opponent.

Viciously, the man spoke in intermittent breaths, "You...won't get away...with...this. That person, behind, you..."

Han Ryuyang, finding the situation very funny, burst into laughter at the man's astonishment.

Her smile was wry, like she was granting amnesty to the dying man.

"I am that person." Amused, Han Ryuyang pulled the dagger out roughly, and a spray of blood gushed out along with it.

Full of pain and astonishment, the light of life in the man's eyes dulled away, and the blood pooled beneath him.

Triumphant, Han Ryuyang turned her attention to the flag in her hand, anticipating the notification that would come along with it.

Unfortunately for her, the flag was no longer in that hand.

[The scenario has noticed your presence]

I had tugged it out of her hand the moment she had pulled the dagger out of the man's body.

Han Ryuyang looked stunned.

She patted her body like she could find it somewhere on herself, and then looked at the floor around her. When she still couldn't find that white cloth stuck on a pole, she turned her attention to her surroundings, and her stare came head on with me.

Or more like, the flag I was holding.

Oh crud, I forgot the flag isn't invisible like I am.

"Who are you?" Han Ryuyang narrowed her eyes.

The Dokkaebi streaming the area appeared in a fluster.

Before Han Ryuyang could get her answer, a sub scenario appeared before both our eyes.

[Sub Scenario - Snatch the Flag]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: C

Clear Conditions: Hold onto the flag for five continuous minutes

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 1 000 coins, Indegwon's representative

Failure: --

*The flag bearer's position will be marked at all times. The limit of area for this scenario is Indegwon Station.


Along with the sub scenario, I felt like the wall between me and the scenario collapsed a bit. The ground beneath my feet suddenly appeared sturdier.

Beneath my bare feet, I could feel the smooth floor of the subway.

[Transformation into a 'Star Stream Messenger' has paused.]

[Completion: 70%]

Han Ryuyang grinned as the spell of my invisibility disappeared.

"I can see you."

And with that, I turned tail and ran.

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