(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 24: Chapter 18: Decision (1)

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It's time to know what was going on in Lee Sookyung's mind to put Han Ryuyang in that group, I thought to myself grudgingly.

I mean, just why?

And that was the sentiment I had when I entered the office I drifted into countless times before, confronting Lee Sookyung for the first time where we could both see the other.

Lee Sookyung sat behind the desk with the mask laid unceremoniously to the side and bandages wrapped around her arms, legs and neck.

It appeared her battle was not an easy one.

"It's good to see you finally." Lee Sookyung smiled with her gentle face, which I didn't know why was laid bare to me instead of her subordinates.

"Good to see you too, Leader Lee." I nodded my head and replied in the same manner, not really keen to continue with the pleasantries.

Lee Sookyung seemed to sense that too for she asked,

"Well, what is it you wish to speak to me about?"

I took a moment to organize my thoughts, so I began without trying to betray my inner dismay,

"Did you know Han Ryuyang was the mole?"

"Yes." Lee Sookyung leaned her chin onto her interlocked hands and smiled brightly.

I sucked in a deep breath to prevent myself from exploding by asking why she was smiling when she was almost screwed over.

"So...was there a reason Leader Lee put Han Ryuyang in the squad to infiltrate Indegwon station?" I probed. Maybe she had a good reason that I didn't know about.

Lee Sookyung's smile only grew bigger.

"Well, I wonder? Ohoho," She chuckled.

Before I could think about what I was doing, I was running my hand through my hair in exasperation, my expression in a frown.

"Yeah, and you almost died doing that. Good job." I snapped sarcastically.

Lee Sookyung gave a short hearty laugh and shook her head, "I was joking, child."

And when she calmed down, there was a wistful smile on her lips instead.

"I trust my companions. And, I trust you, too."

There was something about those words that brought a sting to my eyes and caused my nose to sour. When I recovered from the feeling, I felt like something fishy was going on.

"Hold on a sec. Did you put Han Ryuyang in that group on purpose?"

Lee Sookyung nodded, still smiling.

"And you trusted me?"

"Yes, and I still do."

There was a moment where we stared at each other in silence.

"...perchance, did you expect me to follow Han Ryuyang and then stop her???"

"Mm, I wouldn't go that far. Still, I trusted that you wouldn't stay still when Han Ryuyang was exposed as the mole. If not," Lee Sookyung blinked, "I wonder what would have happened to me indeed?"

"You tested me? With your life on the line? And the lives of your companions?" My jaw dropped at this sly fox. If Lee Sookyung knew, she could have confronted Han Ryuyang before I did, and none of this would have happened!

When I thought about the narrow scrapes I had-

"Yes, and I have ascertained you are a trustworthy ally." Lee Sookyung continued, "You're probably wondering why I did such a thing, if I could have easily exposed the avatar. Well, I have a feeling they are an insidious and scheming fellow. Just as I suspected them, they had already suspected I knew, so I had to lower their guard.

This time was a very good chance. In fact, thanks to you, we were the ones with the advantage."

I didn't ask anymore about this person who was playing some 3-D chess on a higher dimension that I couldn't understand about.

Still, I was angry.

"And so you let people die? I thought your motto was to make sure 'no one is left behind'?" Anger seeped into my voice.

"I can't save everyone. In fact, I had also trusted Han Ryuyang to not kill our people. That was an oversight of mine." Lee Sookyung looked sad.

Honestly, I couldn't bear to pour out my anger at Lee Sookyung when she made such a sorrowful and regretful expression, when she was not all to blame. Everyone in that squad set out with the knowledge that they could potentially die, and the murderer was no longer among our ranks.

And, I was to blame too, for not being able to prevent it.

Another tally of lives fell onto my sins.

At that, I sighed and gave up in exasperation.

"So what is Leader Lee planning to do next?" I coolly said.

"How about you think it over?"

"Huh?" What was Lee Sookyung talking about? Were we still on the same page?

"Do you want to join our group? Your knowledge will be a great asset."

I hesitated.

Of course I felt a sense of belonging in this place, from my pre-scenario life long gone, and the security of all made me want to agree to officially join.

But, what about my own family, Na Bori and Lee Jihye? Especially, since I still needed to do something and could not stay rooted in this base.

"Take your time." Lee Sookyung took a step back in her offer.

"...Okay. I'll think about it." I replied, excusing myself.

[Sorrowful Heart of Silver is telling you to cheer up.]

Perhaps my expression as I closed the office door behind me was too solemn and dreary that the constellation noticed.

I smiled upwards where I assumed where the camera was.

Still, I had no idea who this constellation was, but then again, not every constellation was covered in [Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World].

And, they were the only constellation who followed me.

[All's well, huh?] Youngkik appeared to check up on me.

"Well, yes-not really." I replied, fixing my words in between.

[Pick one and don't be contradictory.]

"I just need some time to think." I sighed, feeling stressed about my future plans.

I thought about it. According to the original plan, I would collect as many coins and items as possible using my limited knowledge of the story for the future event. However, this would still be potentially dangerous.

If I join the group, maybe I don't need to worry about anything. No, stop taking the easy way out.

I shook my head from side to side until I was dizzy.

My plan required high mobility.

But I also need to complete the king's scenario and gain twenty flags. A trustworthy group would help in that.

Could I really do that?

My confidence in that was not very high. And that was causing the pool of dread in my stomach to grow.

You are reading story (ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World at novel35.com

If only I was like one of those main characters who were calm, smart, confident and omniscient.

I sighed.

"Hey! Spy friend! Want to go on a raid?" A voice calling me jolted me out of my thoughts.

"H-hm?" I muttered, taking the young man's features into my view, "Jie Kushin, right? What do you mean by raid?"

"According to Leader Lee's intel and Kim Ulguam's observations, a new hidden dungeon has popped up. Since you seem to have the most information about it after Leader Lee, we kind of want you to join." Jie Kushin nodded.

He had a sort of cheerful and sunny aura which was rare in post-scenarios, and it infected me too. Such was a human that seemed to glow when everyone else moped about.

A flash of the people in Indegwon station crossed my mind, the people who were living but not really, a twinkle of mad hope locked in their eyes even if they tried not to let it surface.

I looked at Jie Kushin. Was this a front he put up to cope?

The memory of Han Ryuyang's betrayal was crisp, a fresh wound to many in Lee Sookyung's community.

"Sure, what kinds of things should I expect?" I asked. It seemed he wasn't affected by the fact we were enemies the day before.

Jie Kushin beamed.

"We're leaving now."

"What?" I was stunned. "Did you guys already prepare everything? Well, ok, I guess you did- wait, do I need to prepare?"

"Nope, we got everything covered. I-um, was actually expecting you to reject us." Jie Kushin sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Reject? No, no, why would I?" I reflexively replied, appalled.

"Erm, about the previous incident. I'm sorry." Jie Kushin looked downcast, the same sad expression as when he asked Han Ryuyang a single word, 'why'.

"...If you feel guilty, then I won't say anything except make sure the same mistake won't happen twice. Still, I want to hit you just once."

Jie Kushin looked surprised as he pointed at himself.

"You don't agree?" My voice took on a more defensive tune.

Jie Kushin shook his hands in-front of himself quickly.

"No, no! Go ahead, I'll receive it gladly."

So I clenched my fist and then sent out a blow using my leg. They say the leg has three times the strength as your arm, after all.

And that's how we appeared in-front of the group ready to head out, with Jie Kushin's face still contorted in pain as he cradled his stomach.

"Yo-sunbae, why do you look so constipated?"

"N-nothing, I'm just getting retribution." Jie Kushin tried making out a smile that looked awful.

My fault, but not sorry. Probably.

"Oh, hello Spy-nim. I'm Kim Ulgaum, and this time I'm leading the party. How do you do?" Kim Ulguam shook my hand, polite in his introduction.

"I'm doing well, thanks. How are you? And you can drop the 'nim', just call me...um, just call me what you prefer." I answered his politeness.

"Alright then, may I call you Spy-ssi instead, then?"

"Go ahead." I nodded. Although honestly, it was weird hearing this term, especially since I was clearly younger.

Kim Ulguam began to introduce the others in the party to me.

"This is Christina," He gestured to the youngest in the group who waved at me, her features resembling the westerners,

"...This is Su Peng, which you have met before but have not been formally introduced,"

Su Peng also gave a smile at being mentioned, shifting the loaded backpack into a more comfortable position.

"And this is Jie Kushin."

"Yes, he told me his name earlier." I nodded.

"Everyone, this is Spy-ssi, who I have informed you about earlier. Spy-ssi, I would like to extend my apologies to our aggression towards you in the previous incident." Kim Ulguam bowed deeply toward me, catching me off guard.

After I got over my initial surprise, I accepted the bow. Even if I felt like I didn't deserve it.

Kim Ulguam stayed that way for a long time, but with the sun coming up high, we still needed to set off.

Quenching our thirst sufficiently with the water we brought as we walked along the way, we arrived outside a M*ndarin buffet.

"Everyone, we have reached our destination."

I was also surprised.

Isn't this one of the places where the reward is a lot of cash?

In fact, it was one of the known locations in my memory of the novel. If Na Bori and Lee Jihye had been with me, I may have attempted this place. It was easier if it was taken as a team than if it was by solo.

As Kim Ulguam took the lead and pushed open the door, we were soon greeted to the sight of the small scenic fish pond which should have had koi fish swimming in it.

Instead, the coins people used to wish in it had submerged the water beneath it, instead.

Wishes had a lot of power, and this was the result, even if it was a fish pond in a M*ndarin buffet.

"One last check with everyone. This is a hidden dungeon Leader Lee informed us about, and we may potentially lose our lives in it. Does anyone have any last concerns?"

We all remained silent, shaking our heads.

"Then, let us enter the dungeon."

This time, Christina entered first, disappearing swiftly under the pile of coins, followed by Kim Ulguam, me, and Jie Kushin bringing up the rear.

Honestly, it was good that the fish pond was big enough for everyone to enter.

[You have encountered a hidden dungeon!]

[As it has been discovered before, you do not get the first achievement reward.]

I grew alert. Who had discovered this place? I could not recall the specific time of this dungeon being discovered, but it wasn't discovered this early.

[Hidden Scenario: Wishing Fountain Challenge]

Category: Hidden

Difficulty: E

Clear Conditions: Win two of three rounds of challenges

Time Limit: none

Compensation: 5 000 coins, ???

Failure: ---


Was the other people who read the novel responsible for this fact?

I couldn't confirm that fact, so instead I placed my attention on the current hidden scenario with the party.

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