(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 31: Chapter 24: Spokesperson (4)

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"Spy friend!" Jie Kushin was fiercely whispering to me as we dragged along the two bound members as we started on our way back to the station.


"Why are you letting these people into the station? They clearly will try to sabotage us!" Jie Kushin's eyes were full of distrust toward Tai Jeong and his companion.

"Don't worry, they aren't very strong. Plus, they have information we don't have." I whispered back to explain to Jie Kushin my decision.

Jie Kushin groaned and brushed his hair back.

"Spy friend, you seem kind of different from before."

"Of course! You should see when I start saying weird stuff when I'm tired." I joked.

"No, it's not that." For once, Jie Kushin was the one who was brushing off the joke. "How do I explain it? Just...I don't know. You're just different, spy friend."

"Different? Well, how can you tell I'm not 'me'?" I replied, puzzled.

Upset, Jie Kushin rubbed the back of his neck.

I tried to grasp what Jie Kushin was telling me, slipping into a state of understanding, but not quite understanding.

Besides, Jie Kushin did not know me very well, nor did I know him very well. Only time would tell, so it was with no suspense that he thought of me as "different".

"That reminds me, I didn't catch your name." I called the man who was the 1 167th to get off.

"...It's Him Geom." Him Geom answered grudgingly.

I pretended that Him Geom and Tai Jeong weren't secretly giving each other death glares now that all pretenses were shed, especially after Him Geom realized Tai Jeong had told me Him Geom's dirt.

He had put two and two together and knew that I didn't come about to know about the antidote naturally.

"Well, Him Geom and Tai Jeong, welcome to the station. We-" I began to gesture to the inside of the station, only to find the tall Mrs. Wang blocking the entry, staring me down.

"What are you up to now?" Her husky voice reverberated with questioning.

"Something I'll explain in a moment, Mrs. Wang." I replied, stepping past her.

Briskly walking up to the people I wanted to gather for a discussion, I called them over to a more private area.

"I'll just get to the point." I began. "If we want to have a chance of getting to the target station, we only have one day to do so. Any more than that, and I can't guarantee that we will be the ones who will be swallowed up instead." 

Christina's eyes widened, and the others in the small, dingy, unflattering room of a closet showed various reactions.

For one, Mrs. Wang was surprised at first as well, but then the corners of her lips went down even more than her neutral expression.

Jie Kushin looked at me like he wanted to say something, but refrained.

As for Su Peng, he was earnestly waiting for more information to come in, keeping to himself in the corner of the closet.

"Little one, what do you mean?" Cho Youngran prompted.

"Those two that Jie Kushin captured came from running away from the representative of the station we needed to capture. They brought news that he already conquered six stations." I said solemnly.

Mrs. Wang, who was out of the loop, didn't catch on as quickly, but the others who had read up information courtesy of being with Lee Sookyung and me knew what that meant.

"And what does that matter?" Mrs. Wang looked around the room and her brow furrowed in the solidification of a frown.

"It means - we've got a strong enemy. A very strong one." Christina answered this time, albeit with sarcasm.

"Yes, and with more stations, the more buffs the person will get. Since our target has gathered six stations in two days, you can imagine what will happen if he reaches us." I contributed.

The group looked downcast at the information sinking into them.

"So, I thought about three paths we can go down. Still, let me know if you think of anything else, or a better plan."

I made eye-contact with the others to make sure they were welcome to speak as I began to tell them the three paths.

"The first is what I mentioned before. We need to reach and capture our target station before their representative gathers 10 stations and becomes a 'King', because if that happens, they are practically unstoppable."

No one was interrupting me so far, so I continued.

"The second is to leave the other station alone. After all, we still have fifteen days to complete the scenario. In the meantime, we will try and take over more stations to become a 'king' ourselves, and wait until later in the scenario to snatch the flag. More about that later.

And lastly, we can try doing both at the same time. Still, the third way is not guaranteed to work out, because even more unforeseeable situations will happen. What do you guys think?"

Mrs. Wang looked like she had some things to ask about.

"What is a 'King' that you are talking about?" Mrs. Wang put up her hand to bring attention to her question.

"A 'King' is a person who receives a hidden scenario after taking over another station. They have to continue taking over one station every day until they become a king, or everyone in the station will die. But at the end, they get privileges, rewards for completing the scenario. And these rewards put them far ahead of anyone else."

I didn't add the fact that only a king could have a chance to get to the final part of the fourth main scenario, but Mrs. Wang didn't need to know that.

If she knew, she would most likely try to take my flag more than ever in the future.

"Anyone else have questions before we continue?" I asked. 

As I slowly swiveled my head around, and everyone had kept their silence, I introduced them to the next part of the discussion.

Opening the door, I called out to the people waiting idly at the door, now untied, and trying to pretend the other didn't exist.

"Tai Jeong, Him Geom, come in now."

At the entry of the two people, the closet became even more cramped than it already was, and they became the scrutiny of everyone in the room.

Slightly tense for the numerous pair of eyeballs, Tai Jeong and Him Geom began telling all they knew about Jung Youngho, the Tyrant king.

"So the Tyrant- I mean, Jung Youngho, has a sponsor by the name of [Great King HeonCheon HongDo GyungMun], and has the ability of..."

Listening along, the expressions of the people in the room only grew more solemn.

By the information brought by the two, everyone became aware of how dangerous the person they were facing was.

"...And how were you able to get such detailed information? It's as if...you know the future." Mrs. Wang frowned, finding the situation bizarre as she pinched her nose bridge.

Him Geom discreetly looked at me, to which I raised my brow and chin at him.

"...Well, this is all written in our Divine Revelation." Him Geom answered.

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"Divine Revelation?" Christina tilted her head.

Him Geom coughed into his palm.

"Uhm, yes. It is a sacred text that was bestowed upon a few select individuals about the future events that would take place. In short, all that happens in the future is recorded on it."

"!" Mrs. Wang was shocked by what his words meant, and it wasn't just her that was surprised.

Everyone in the room, aside from Tai Jeong and me, were surprised.

Of course, I also acted surprised by widening my eyes, but as there wasn't a mirror in here, I wasn't sure how convincing my acting was.

And why was I acting like this? 

Simply put, I was too weak. If people knew I had information about the future, what would happen?

If I revealed my knowledge, perhaps these allies I had would not feel any different, but if the news made it out, I could only imagine what would happen.

As proven by the Tyrant King and the two people in-front of me, there were people out there that would either try to monopolize or eliminate others with the same information.

It was also the reason I refused to go to 'Prophet's Night'. Aside from the fact that I had a suspicion it was the gathering of idiots, especially since no one of note who read far in the novel was attending.

Call me cowardly, but I wouldn't take that risk.

"What should we call you, then?" Mrs. Wang narrowed her eyes after getting over her initial shock, not trusting what was being told in-front of her eyes. At least, not completely.

After all, in-front of the representative, lying was a hard feat to pull off.

"Prophets." Tai Jeong answered, his voice still hoarse.

"And where can we get your 'Divine Revelation'?" Mrs. Wang continued, strong.

Him Geom shook his head.

"Regretfully, after the scenarios descended, the sacred text also disappeared. No one is able to access it anymore."

Everyone, except for one person. Hm? Where does this sure-thought come from?

Christina tsked.

"Alright, enough of this. We need to decide on what to do now." Christina was tapping her foot on the ground, agitation seeping into her bones.

She would not forget so soon the crisis that was currently before them.

"And for that, I hope you two can step outside~" Smiling brightly, Jie Kushin understood what Christina was going to talk about, and half-shoved, half-guided Tai Jeong and Him Geom to the door, closing the door shut again as soon as their heel left the room.

"I say that we pick the second option. We are better off not provoking the guy until we gain enough strength." Christina bit on her fingernail as she offered her piece.

"No." The sudden, conviction filled voice caught us off guard, as the person who was silent all this time finally took the stage.

"We take the third route."

It was Su Peng, who had been snuggled against the wall, who now detached himself and stood up straight and strong.

His sudden change in momentum caught everyone off guard, allowing him free reign over the discussion.

"It may seem risky, but it is the one with the most opportunities. We need to finish this all in one day, or we'll lose all our advantages."

"Another brat telling us what to do?" Mrs. Wang was displeased, staring at Su Peng's baby face.

"For your information, Mrs. Wang, I am at legal adult age despite looking this way." Su Peng offered back calmly, and then ignored her.

"You've got to tone it down lady, remember, you're cooperating with us now." Jie Kushin spoke, fed up with the way Mrs. Wang was speaking, especially toward a member of his community.

"Jie Kushin, it's ok." Su Peng smiled gently.

Su Peng strolled up, face-to-face with Mrs. Wang.

"If you keep this up, you will be the one who causes all of us to fail. Can you take responsibility for that?" Su Peng spoke calmly, but there was a fierce fire burning in those pupils of his.

I had seen this before, during that dungeon raid. In the last challenge, he had led everyone like this.

"And how does that-" Mrs. Wang began curling up her lip in derision, but was swiftly cut off by Su Peng.

"Before you begin, answer a simple question of mine. What have you contributed to this discussion?"

Even Mrs. Wang didn't know how to respond to that for a moment.

"W-well, I don't see how anyone else contributed to this discussion at all. We have made no progress." 

She stuttered.

"In the first place, you didn't even need to be here. We could have talked this over ourselves. Unlike you, we knew what the information those two brought us entailed. Continuing on, the only one who was asking questions due to this lack was you, Mrs. Wang. In fact, you brought down the efficiency of this conversation." Su Peng fired off, not giving Mrs. Wang a chance to counterattack.

Christina blushed in the corner, as she had also been curious as to what 'Divine Revelation' was.

"Leader only brought you along because of her sympathy, and for the future movements to be smoother. You have no right to feel superior. So from now on, Mrs. Wang, watch what you say." Delivering a savage combo, Su Peng took a step back.

"However, I understand that a person in your situation may act in this way. It is both disorienting and humiliating to be forced to bend down as a person with power. Still, I hope you can cooperate with us."

And with that, Su Peng took a deep breath and didn't speak again.

A silence descended upon us, and the sounds of the buzzing light over our head was the only saving grace.

It was the first time I had witnessed Su Peng speak so much, and judging by the reaction of the others, Su Peng's long speech did not happen often either.

To escape from the awkwardness, Mrs. Wang focused back onto the focal point of the discussion.

"Okay, but does anyone have a plan in here?" Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the pairs of eyes turned to me. It gave me a bad feeling.

"Does our leader have anything to say?" Su Peng looked at me.

I opened my mouth and then closed it, thinking of what to say, caught off guard.

Fudge, I only had a general path, not a well-thought out omniscient plan! I took up this discussion because I thought you guys could help with the brain-burning...

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