(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 36: Chapter 28: Kim Dokja, King in a Kingless World (1)

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A/N: A mostly dialogue centered chapter. Regardless, it's here if you're curious about what the characters have to say

"You know, that scary boss of theirs? You should see him now. He's got a few screws loose. Pathetic, and he calls himself an adult." Mrs. Wang mentioned this to me when I calmed down.

"Jung Youngho?"

"Oh, is that what his name is?"

Screws loose? I mean, sure, but in what way? I had a feeling it was something other than what I was thinking of.

Although I was curious about Jung Youngho's state that Mrs. Wang mentioned, that was something that could come later.

"Seeing as this is a good chance, it's time to follow through with that promise. So, I've always been curious, why did you have a prejudice against me when we met?"

"Mm, that is something I shouldn't have done." Mrs. Wang sighed, regretful.

Mrs. Wang then bowed to me in apology.

"I'm sorry."

For the prideful Mrs. Wang to bow her head was something I hadn't expected. However, I accepted it anyway.

This is the second time since something apologized to me this way, huh?

"Anyways," Keeping her bow short, Mrs. Wang straightened up and began her tale, "Before this, I was a secretary for a young master who was learning to run their parent's company. He was only in high school at the time.

"Although, I would consider myself more as a nanny or servant than a secretary from the way he ran things. It wasn't just him, but also his brat friends that ordered everyone as they pleased, and made messes for me to clean up.

"They were a rich third generation, and gave no crap to anything being fed with a silver spoon in life.

"What really infuriated me was the way they treated all lives below them. They beat up or picked fault with the people who they found a sore sight to the eyes, and ruined their families as well. Made me wonder how kids could be so cruel, and why I got that job."

"But not all kids are like that-" I started, indignant at the injustice that I was treated that way rudely.

"Oh, but you should listen to the end." Mrs. Wang laughed, "When the scenarios started, I felt pity for that young master who was suddenly thrown off his pedestal. Of course, if it were up to me, I would have left his a*s to rot, but I was indebted to that young master's parents. So I saved him and stuck with that lil' shiz.

"Well, I have to admit, he also saved me a few times, and I thought he could be rehabilitated. Until, that is, I wanted to cut off his balls and stuff it in his booty, because things only got worse.

"When he became the leader of Bonghwasan station, he ordered everyone around again.

"He would hide behind others as a coward, and let them die so he could live. And he threatened them with their family members to die voluntarily for 'a cause' because he didn't want to do it himself."

I found the truth as to why that station had so few members.

"So when I saw you, clearly the leader of others, it made me think about it. You also have that kind of air that you had a smooth sailing in life, like those stupid rich third-generations. Besides, I was pissed at being caught because I didn't know if you would treat us like that lil shiz did to us. Basically, I hated your guts." Mrs. Wang concluded.

The corners of my mouth drew down unhappily as I snapped back chillingly, "I thought you had a good reason why you were like that, but what should I expect? Just someone taking their anger out on someone else because they can't do anything."

Mrs. Wang glanced at me with narrowed eyes, "Now before you get on your high horse, calm down. I admit, you're right."

I was stunned that Mrs. Wang went with what I said in agreement when I expected her to retort back. The anger at being judged as 'like them' and not 'me' stopped for a beat.

"I should have stopped that young master before. If it meant disrespecting Mr. Kim, I should have ended him with my own hands, instead of letting things progress because I was being a little b*tch. Or judging others. But what's done is done." Mrs. Wang sighed.

"So I'll help you. It's the least I can do to show I'm sorry." She ended with this piece.

"Yeah, sure, okay." I wasn't sure why, but I felt uncomfortable and insulted when she spoke those words.

"Well, it was nice to talk to you and learn more about your motivations. I'm going to go talk to the others now." I tried to reign in my anger, because I didn't want to be a hypocrite to my own words. For now, I wanted to remove myself from the situation.

"Are you angry?" Mrs. Wang smirked and teased.

"Yes, I am. So excuse me while I calm down."

Mrs. Wang gave a gesture that said, "Go ahead" so I took it.

"Temperamental child..."

I pretended not to hear that as I stalked away from the area and made my way around the makeshift base.

"Hey, where are you going?" The idle Christina noticed me begin wandering and asked.

"I'm planning on talking to people about their story before the scenarios. It's from a promise we made, and I think everyone needs a small break." I explained. Talking to the bubbly Christina took my mind off my irritation, and lifted my spirits already.

"You can say that again. I was so busy because of you and Su Peng that when I have nothing to do I feel so bored." Christina sighed and then asked, "Would you mind if I come with?"

"Sure," I replied, a little surprised at  the unexpected companionship.

As we began to walk at a leisurely pace, Christina started to talk, sharing her story.

"Since you wanted to ask people about their stories before the scenarios, I'll start with mine. You know, I actually immigrated here from the United States. I don't know why my family decided to move here, but I think my mom had something to do with convincing my dad. If you couldn't tell, I'm mixed." Christina pointed at herself.

I had noticed she had blondish hair despite the fact that her features were oriental, which threw me off a little, just how her name was also not a Korean one.

"Your Korean is very fluent though. Do you also know how to speak English?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, we moved here when I was very young, so I think I forgot most of my English. Still, I can hold a conversation since my dad speaks it." Christina crossed her arms proudly.

In this moment of pause, someone else greeted me.

"Spokesperson-ssi, hello,'' One of the members that had come with me during Jung Youngho's ambush waved towards me with their good arm after seeing me approach.

"Hi," I waved back, "How are your injuries?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just don't think I'll be able to move it around for a few days." She smiled.

"It's good to know it's not too bad, at least. No pain?"

"Mm, well if I'm off the painkiller who knows?" She joked a little and then turned to Christina.

"I think I saw you before. What is your name?"

"Hi there, the name's Christina. Nice to meet you too." Christina extended her arm in a handshake, which the other took.

"Hi, my name is Young iljeong." Young Iljeong nodded.

"So what brings you over here?" Letting Christina's hand go, Young Iljeong asked the both of us.

"Well, remember the promise we made before the battle?" I started.

You are reading story (ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World at novel35.com

"Yeah? Oh right. Nice of you to remember." Young Iljeong smiled, and then began her own tale.

"I think my story is quite ordinary. I have an older brother and two parents. Recently, I was about to graduate from university but the end of the world came. And that brought us to now." Young Iljeong kept it short and concise.

"What about you, representative-ssi?"

Both Young Iljeong and Christina looked at me, wondering what my story was.

"Hm, I have an older sister and two parents, although I'm not sure how they're doing. Before the scenarios, I was attending Daepong Girls high school and then, well, things happened." I told them the more important basic information, because my life didn't have any other interesting events of note.

Come to think of it, I was just aimlessly drifting through my days in a similar fashion until the scenarios began.

It was only then that I felt like I had come to life, no matter how ironic that should be.

"Ah wait, that uniform you're always wearing, is that Daepong's uniform?" Young Iljeong pointed out.

I kept forgetting about that.

"Yeah, I need to change out of it soon." I took a one-over of myself, from the bloodstained, ripped and smelly clothes to my disheveled hair I hadn't washed for a while.

But such things were luxuries when it came to fighting for your life and limited resources.

Young Iljeong reminded me how unhygienic I was right now, and it made my body itch with the desire for cleanliness.

"Yeah, I also want to take a shower..." I sighed, voicing my thoughts.

"You and me both, spy." Christina had a wistful look on her face.

"Me three," Young Iljeong contributed.

"Anyways, thanks for sharing your story. I hope you recover," I said, intentions clear. There were still three others to talk to, after all.

"Thanks. You too representative-ssi, I hope you get the shower we all desire." Young Iljeong joked as I departed with Christina in tow.

As we went around talking to the other three and learning that one of them was a construction worker, another one was preparing to take a civil servant exam and the last one just visiting Seoul from another city, I had calmed down enough to face Mrs. Wang.

Christina had been called by Su Peng to resume some other work, but as I offered my assistance, he had refused and told me to get some rest instead, so I didn't pursue it any longer.

Of course, Christina had whined and complained at the 'special treatment' I got, but didn't refuse Su Peng.

So here I was, facing Mrs. Wang because there was one last thing I was curious about.

"Oh, you're back here, eh? I thought you would never talk to me again given your attitude." Mrs. Wang jeered.

It's more like your own attitude. I internally remarked, but didn't reply to that. Instead, I ignored it and asked the question gnawing at my curiosity at the back of my mind,

"You said Jung Youngho had a few screws loose?"

"Well, yeah."

"Since it sounds like you saw it for yourself, mind leading me to him?"

"Sure, just don't get shocked at what you see." Mrs. Wang, having changed out of her office attire into a sweater and jeans I did not know how she got, led the way through the station, up the escalator to the waiting area.

From there we entered a break room for workers of some sort, and found Jung Youngho muttering to himself.

Of the time I hadn't seen him, Jung Youngho suddenly looked emancipated, with dark circles around his eyes and a hunched back.

There was no vigor from when he was a 'king'.

[Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum wants to kill you.]

[Lily Blooming in Aquarius tells 'Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum' to go F*ck Off.]

[Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum is looking at Lily Blooming in Aquarius.]

[Lily Blooming in Aquarius is disgusted and leaves the channel.]

Thanks, Gabiel. Go tell him off. Still, that didn't really help me. Ignoring any further notifications from, I tuned into the words Jung Youngho was erratically pronouncing.

"King...king, I am the king! Yes, I am the king...no, I was the king...no, am I? King...I am..."

I looked at Mrs. Wang, and she tacitly looked back.

She could tell what I was asking, and I could tell what her answer was.

'Is that really Jung Youngho?'

'Yes, that guy.'

What the heck happened to this man?

As if sensing the presence of other people in this room, Jung Youngho raised his head, and some liveliness re-entered his vacant eyes.

"It's you, it's all because of you!" What started off as a whisper quickly went through a crescendo, turning into a roar.

He recognized me, and started to stare at me with hate in his eyes, silently blaming me for everything.

It was true to an extent, but he had ignored everything else that had led him to his downfall.

Jung Youngho rose from his chair, his hands outstretched as he tried to grab me.

[It is detected that incarnation Jung Youngho is showing aggressive actions toward a member of the station.]

Jung Youngho froze, fearing the punishment he had tasted not too long ago.

Trembling, he slowly lowered himself back onto the chair, continuing to stare at me with his gaze of hatred, though he said nothing more.

'He's been like this ever since?' I mouthed, gesturing to Jung Youngho.

'He's been like this ever since.' Mrs. Wang mouthed back.

I took in a cold breath.

This was the Tyrant King, Jung Youngho, feared by all the other kings except Yoo Junghyuk, from [Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World]?

I couldn't believe my eyes.

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