Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

Chapter 63: 61. Negotiations

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Tomoka had continued fighting off the incoming root members through the usage of her insane speed and chakra reserves alongside the many insidious traps she had prepared. Some ninja’s had been reduced to chemically burned corpses after being trapped in clouds of corrosive chemicals infused with genjutsu. 


Tomoka had already taken the lives of ten Ninja’s by the time her clones informed her of the approach of a dangerous target. Looking towards the coordinates she had been given she saw Itachi Uchiha looking from afar. The bright blood red eyes peering back at her shone with murderous intent. 


In a moment she felt her chakra shake as one of her phantom minds jolted her out of Itachi’s genjutsu. Tomoka couldn’t help but smile as plan P-1 was a success.


~flashback no jutsu~


‘I need to find a way to counter Itachi’s genjutsu. Afterall, fighting while concentrating on not making eye contact is a pain’ 


[I could always shake your chakra to break it] Kurama didn’t see much problem with that


‘The thing is Kurama, Itachi has a mangekyou sharingan. He could also put you under one just like Obito did back then’ 


[How about your clones then, they could do it] 


‘Yes, but that would mean I would need to keep a clone with me at all times and protect it from being destroyed’ Tomoka passed back and forth while she thought of a solution.


[Well, it’s a shame you can’t make them in here otherwise that would fix the problem]  


At that comment it was like a light bulb lit up in ontop of Tomoka’s head. She had a conjecture she wanted to test instantly. Waving hand signs she quickly made a phantom clone and ordered it to possess her. This was a skill she discovered her phantoms had. 


Since the phantoms are made out of mostly pure Yin chakra they could enter someone else and possess them. Of course this had many restrictions. The stronger the target the harder it was to possess and the less time they could be possessed for. The chakra in their bodys acts as a natural barrier blocking the phantoms and making things difficult. 


You are reading story Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic] at novel35.com

However, what if a phantom tried to possess Tomoka? Since their chakra was one and the same there would be no rejection. Like that, Tomoka ordered the new phantom to possess her. As it did she felt a new mind within her mindscape. The weird thing was that it was still her mind, rather an emotionless copy of it. With this she could now think of two different things at the same time. 


~flashback end~


Plan P-1 or phantom possession had been a success as one of her phantoms managed to jolt her and the other phantoms out of the genjutsu. After all, there was a limit to how many minds Itachi could put under his genjutsu in a single second.


Without losing any more time Tomoka concentrated on stealing as much chakra from Itachi as she could while ordering her many hidden clones to do the same. She would now employ plan C-1 to try and buy time.


“Itachi Uchiha, the girl living under this roof, is under my protection. Leave or I will be forced to use underhanded methods to secure her safety.” Tomoka began sweating a little as she saw Itachi ready for combat. 


Before Tomoka could say anything else Itachi had sent over twenty shuriken and kunai at her in extremely complex angles thanks to his technique. Concentrating, Tomoka took out a pair of Kunai and began deflecting the lethal ones while the non-lethal ones stuck to her arms and legs. 


“Fine! If you continue I won’t havy any qualms about murdering Sasuke as revenge” As she shouted that Itachi’s tanto stopped a few centimeres away from her neck. His emotionless expression had changed into a frown.  


Without moving Tomoka began talking once again. “I know you made a deal with that bastard Danzo. You would kill your clan’s men and take all the blame in exchange for your brother’s safety. I don’t give a rat’s ass about that. The girl living here is what matters to me and I propose a similar deal to you. Leave and I won’t do anything to Sasuke”   


“Why should I not kill you then. If you die you won’t be able to kill him” Itachi was tempted to do so. However, even if the possibility was low. He wouldn’t put his brother in harm's way. 


“Yes you could kill me but then the little gift I left with him would kill him” Tomoka wasn’t bluffing. She had left a bombs in Sasuke’s room with a phantom. As soon as she gave the order, all the phantom had to do was push the button then boom. 


“Fine, but I am not responsible for what the others might do” With that Itachi left as his body decomposed into a murder of crows.

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