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Review: 8.9/10 from 9 ratings

Seventeen year old Morgan Shaw finds his life suddenly turned upside down when he is transported to another world alongside many of his schoolmates, as well as various other people from Earth. Kidnapped by mysterious gods, and forced into a never ending war against the Demon Lords, the young man from Earth must carve out his own place among the Otherworlders, wielders of the mighty power of the System. Follow Morgan’s journey as he fights desperately to survive and find a way home, from one chaotic battlefield to another.

This is my first attempt at writing a novel and I'm mainly looking to improve my writing, so criticism and constructive feedback are welcome. Insult it as much as you want, as long as there is a solid criticism in there somewhere, it's still appreciated.

Also, I will be posting this novel on Royal Road as well at the same time as I post the chapters here. If you're interested, my username is the exact same over there, with the same profile pic and all.


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