Otome Game Mob Villain

Chapter 121: Chapter 121

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"Do you want me to train Capella to be a butler?"

'Yes,. Can you do that for me?"

I left Mother's room and went straight to Garn.

Father, Deanna and Capella were with me.

When we arrived at Garn's place, he was giving us instructions on how to clean up our belongings.

As far as I could see, most of the things had been cleaned up, so I called out to him and introduce Capella to him.

So I ask him to train her to be a butler.

Garn looked at Capella and immediately smiled.

"I understand,. It is a great pleasure for me to be entrusted with the training of the person who will become Master Rid's butler.'

When Garun finished, he bowed to us.

I was relieved to see that and smiled at Capella.

"Capella, you are going to be my butler. I know it will be tough, but I want you to study hard at Garn's place."

"I understand. I will do my best to be Master Rid's butler."

He bowed to me with an expressionless face.

Garn, who was watching the situation, immediately became curious about something and spoke softly to Capella.

"Capella, I don't want to be rude, but a butler shouldn't have such a blank look on his face. In such a situation, he should reply with a smile, you know?"

"I am sorry ....... I'm a little bad at smiling. ...... I'm practicing right now."

Garn heard Capella's words, gave a small nod, and said, "Then may I show you now?"

Capella looked a little troubled, but when I told him with a smile that it was okay, he gave him an awkward smile.

Garn did not change his expression at all when he saw his smile.

Then he said softly to Capella.

'Wonderful. It is a smile with so much potential. However, if I may say so, you lack 'heart. I will tell you about it from now on."

"......⁉ Please do so "

I think Capella's expression brightened a little, perhaps because he was happy to be told that smile held potential.

At that moment, a woman who had been watching Capella's smile from afar spoke up.

'Bo, I, too, think Capella has a wonderful smile. ...... ".

'Sis, let's not go into it right now.'

I turned around to where I heard the voice and there they were, Ellen and Alex.

Yes, there they were.

I hadn't forgotten about them.

Ellen is blushing a little and looking at Capella with blazing eyes.

Alex looks appalled at her.

"Father, since this is where we are, why don't we discuss this in the Office in light of what Ellen and Alex you will be doing?"

'Well, ...... I'm planning to go to the Imperial Capital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It would be better to discuss it right away."

Father said and headed for his office.

I instructed Capella to follow Garn for the time being, and I called out to Ellen and the Alex come with me.

They followed me, saying, "Okay, we'll go to the ministry.

Ellen and Alex hers had never been in a big house before, and their eyes lit up when they saw how the house was built.

Father was just opening the door in front of the office.

"All of you, go straight into your rooms. "

"I'm sorry to interrupt you "

"Sorry to disturb you, ......."

I entered the room as usual, but Ellen and Alex entered the Office with nervous looks on their faces.

The two seemed to be impressed with the construction of the office and mumbled, "Wow,.......

"The interior of the mansion is unusual?"

"Oh⁉ Oh, I'm sorry, we don't often enter such magnificent imperial residences, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to learn how they are made. ......"

Ellen replied to me, and Alex nodded in agreement.

Seeing the two of them, Father grinned.

"I'm sure the two of you will be asking a lot of from now on. If you have any questions about the house, you are welcome to look around as much as you like. I will let the people in the house know that."

"I'm glad to know that master . Rainer is indeed master . Rid's father, who understands us ".

"Hey, sis, that's a rude thing to say".

Ellen is very rustic and has a craftsman's spirit.

I think it's a very good thing .

And Alex, who seems to follow up on that.

I think it's a very good balance.

I don't feel strangely uncomfortable when I talk to them.

I am sure that is one of Ellen's good points.

Father doesn't seem to mind Ellen's language either.

"Hmmm, I don't mind. I'd like to introduce myself once again. I'm Count Rainer Bardia, the lord of Bardia. Please treat me well from now on."

After saying his name to both of them, my father glanced at me.

I guess he wanted me to say my name too.

"I would like to introduce myself once again. I am Rid Bardia, son of the Bardia lord, Count Rainer Bardia. I look forward to working with you from now on.'

The two of them suddenly straightened their posture and spoke in a more polite manner than usual.

'I am Ellen Walter. I am very honored to be able to serve you, Rid Bardia-sama. I look forward to working with you."

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'I am Alex Walter. I am Ellen Walter's twin brother. Like my sister, I am honored to serve Master Rid Bardia".

Both of them bowed when they finished.

After they had raised their heads, Father asked them to sit on the sofa, and they sat down nervously.

As they sat down on the sofa with me and my father around the desk, I asked them a few questions that I had about their introductions.

'Quick question, were Ellen and Alex aristocrats? I didn't know they had last names."

'I ...... no we are not nobles. In Dwarf, each family has its own skills that are passed down from one family to another. We have surnames to identify them. Me and Alex have the surname 'Valter' because our father is from 'Valter'."

I had no idea there was such a rule in the Dwarf families.

I suddenly looked at my father, and he too seemed a little surprised.

I wondered if he didn't know that either. 

When I was thinking that, Ellen smiled a little.

"Hmm, I don't think it is well known that dwarves have surnames. We generally do not tell our surnames to people outside the country. Especially if you are out of the country. Not me ......, because neither I nor Alex have ever given out our last names since we left the country."

'I see. Oh, you can break down the language for me. Do you care about Ellen and Alex's language?"

"I don't mind if you break it up too., but just make sure you use it in public and in your Nobles are often fried, you know. ......"

Father nodded at my words and spoke a little tediously only about the descent of nobility.

Me and Ellen laughed at that, and Ellen said, "Well, I'll take your word for it."

At that moment, Alex looked at Ellen.

'Sis, as long as we're going to be in the care of the Bardia family, I think we should also tell them why we left the country. ......"

'...... I agree.'

Ellen's mood changed a little as she nodded at Alex's words.

Father and I looked at each other, and Father looked at Ellen.

'All right, Let's keep what happens here to ourselves."

Ellen nodded and said, "Yes, may I ask Deanna to leave for a moment as well?"

"Yes, ."

Deanna bowed after hearing my words and left the office.

Ellen and Alex looked a little surprised, but after she left the room, she began to talk.

The Dwarven nation of Gardoland is an industrial nation that is commissioned by foreign countries to manufacture armaments using its superior technology.

Ellen and alex were also making their own weapons while doing the commissioned work.

At that time, the government proposed that they gather together the technology passed down in each family for the purpose of technological improvement.

If they did not comply, they would be dealt with accordingly.

Various opinions were expressed by the dwarven clans in the country.

Of course, there were those who were against it, but when they saw that the government severely suppressed those who were against it, Eren and his family decided to leave the country.

They were lucky that they had no family in the country, so they were able to travel .

Father, who had been listening with great interest, opened his mouth suddenly.

"I have heard that Gardoland is afraid of technology leakage, but I didn't realize that they were even making such a move. I will look into this matter. But rest assured. You are now in the service of the Bardia family. I can assure you of your safety."

"Thank you f."

Ellen and Alex seemed thrilled by their father's words.

However, to summarize Ellen's story, she left her home country, became a wanderer without stability, and ended up in debt after being set up in Renalute, where she drifted ashore.

She was almost sold into slavery.

When I think about it, it must have been a very difficult time for her.

While I was thinking about this, I realized something.

"I was wondering what I should do about Ellen and alex workshop. I will try to find a vacant workshop in town. Then, when the time is right, I would like to make a workshop exclusively for them and ask them to do some things for me.'

"Hm, you two can do as you please since you have found them. But if you haven't found a place to stay, why don't you use the guest room in the mansion for now?"

Ellen and Alex, who heard the casual conversation between my father and me, looked and sounded astonished.

'What⁉ You are going to build a workshop for us?"

'Yes, that was my plan, but I hope you don't mind. If you have any complaints, please let me know.'

They shook their heads in a breathy movement in response to my words, and then Alex looked at me and said,

'It's not that I didn't like it or have any complaints. I'm just thrilled , because it's a dream for a dwarf to have his own workshop. ......"

'Really? But wasn't it a retail store and workshop at Renalute?"

Alex said, and I asked the question, citing the dealership they had.

Ellen then answered the question ruefully.

... That store was a vacant property, so it didn't reach the level of workshop we were looking for. Still, I was talking with Alex about using our skills to make the store prosper and make it a good workshop, but you know how that turned out. ......"

;I see. Then I'll make sure the workshop will meet your needs as much as possible. I'm sure you can tell me what you want when I design it.'

'Thank you, Master Rid "

They were very pleased with my words.

I have a lot of things I want to ask them to do from now on.

So, I would like to fulfill their requests as much as possible.

I would also like to ask them to listen to my requests as well.

I smiled at the thought.

My father, who was watching me, quietly whispered to me, "

"...... are you thinking about your 'budget' properly, ...... Rid? '

"What⁉ No, of course not. I'm thinking about the budget too ......?"

Father seemed a little taken aback by my attitude.

In this way, Ellen and Alex became servants of the Bardia family once again.

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