Otome Game Mob Villain

Chapter 19: chapter 18

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hris was exhausted from the events of the audience chamber and sat down on the sofa, nodding and turning white.

Emma looked at her with concern, "Are you all right? .

What happened in the audience chamber was a series of shocks.

In the center of the room, surrounded by nobles, the country's leading figures, they greeted the emperor and his wife.

Then, product presentations and business talks.

But in the end, they were told that it was a farce of a race.

Chris was the only one among the actors in the farce who had not been told about it.

"If you want to deceive your enemy, start with your friend.:

Chris gave a bitter look to . Rainer who said, "Chris did a very good job."

"Hm, I told you . The castle is a dangerous place, so don't let your guard down."

(You were enjoying yourself doing nothing, but being on your guard is not a complete trick ......)

Chris was spitting venom in her mind when she heard Reiner's words.

'Hah~...... this is the most exhausting day of my life.'

She sighed loudly and said the words she felt from the bottom of her heart.

Then there was a knock on the door and she heard the maid's voice, "The Emperor and Empress are here," and she instantly rose from the couch with a "gulp" and bowed against the door.

(What's the matter? I thought we were done talking? I tensed, wondering what was yet to come.)

The door is opened and the Emperor's and Empress' gentle voices was heard saying, ", I am sorry for suddenly coming to you a while you are resting."

It was totally different from the voice in the audience chamber.

"You must leave for a moment."

The Emperor dismissed everyone except Chris and the Count Rainer from the room, leaving alone in the room.

'I am sorry we could not greet you in the audience chamber. Once again, my name is Irwin Magnolia. Pleased to meet you."

"I am his wife, Matilda Magnolia."

Both of them lost their expressions as they greeted Chris with beautiful gestures.

Chris was flabbergasted and flustered, not expecting to be greeted by the emperor and empress, no matter how much he had exorcised them.

'Well, let's sit down and talk first."

The Emperor's intimidation suddenly faded and the strict atmosphere brightened.

As was told, they sat down on the sofa.

Emma is standing back by the wall behind the sofa where they sat.

The emperor and empress sit across the table from each other and begin to weave their words.

"I am sorry to have caused you to become involved in our activities."

"Your Highness. I am sure you don't need to worry about it. And please call me "Chris" if you like. Besides, it worked out so well for us, I think we should be thanking you."

"...... hoh?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes a little at such words .

In fact, the talk in the audience chamber was probably arranged for trading company benefit and that of Bardia fa,illy .

The emperor and empress approved and protected production rights for the two products on that occasion.

This should make it impossible for the nobles to touch it unnecessarily in the future.

Perhaps Count Roland and some of the nobles were greedy for their rights, and if it were not for that talk , it would give Chris a headache just to imagine what kind of tricks they would try to pull in the future.

"As was said, he knew what the farce was all about. And Chris was very helpful in answering my questions. I would love to have her as my lady-in-waiting, with her firm attitude and boldness. What do you think? Would you consider it?:

"I am grateful for your kind words, but I am greatly indebted to the Count of Rainer. I am also the head of the trading company, so I am afraid I must decline the position of lady-in-waiting.'

It was gorgeous and luxurious, but Chris sincerely thought that being a merchant was better than living in such a dirty place.

So, She firmly declined the offer in a soft and gentle manner.

I think you have learned in the audience chamber that I am not a modest empress to give up after such words.

..."... play along."

The Empress seemed to be enjoying our exchange very much.

Chris feel getting worn out.

After that, the two of them explained to her what had happened.

when the prototypes of the lotion and rinse were made at the Christie Trading Company, the prototypes were secretly presented to the two of them by the Count of the Liner Frontier.

Emperor Irwin was skeptical, but as soon as Empress Matilda tried the products, she realized the great value it boasted.

Matilda hushed up the product to all who knew about it, including her attendants.

Nevertheless, some nobles got wind of it, and rumors began to circulate that the item Bardia was about to offer was of great value.

Some nobles are very sensitive about their interests.

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They know that if they can bite into a concession, even a little, they can get money without having to do anything.

However, the more people who take a bite out of the concession, the higher the price of the product will be, and if they are not careful, the distribution of the product will be affected.

Matilda thought about what to do. Just make sure to recognize the production rights and concessions of the Christie Trading Company and the Bardia territory in a forum where all the nobles can meet together.

Then, a contact point could be created between the empress (royalty) and the Christie Trading Company, and a new commercial channel could be established.

Since the noble family has been conspicuous in its intervention in the area of concessions for some time, it would be a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by making it stricter.

Therefore, the Empress thought of this drama with the involvement of the Emperor and Rainer, Count of the Frontier.

At first, the emperor and Rainer were puzzled as to why the empress would be so aggressive.

However, when they thought about it, they decided that since the item was enough to make the empress and her attendant so enthusiastic, its potential value must be immeasurable.

Incidentally, the reason the empress and her attendants went to such lengths was, of course, to ensure that they would have lotion and conditioner for their own use.

It was obvious that the moment the excellence of these products was discovered, there would be a battle among the ladies of the royal family, dukes, counts, and other noble families.

The position of Empress is a very difficult one to maneuver.

If the rinse and lotion were to be sold on the market as usual, the dukes and counts, who are in a position close to the commercial channels, would aggressively buy up the products.

Therefore, in order for Empress Matilda to secure the quantity of rinse and lotion in the future, she had to finalize the business negotiations on the same day that Chris was coming to present the products.

However, if Empress Mathilda told them to give top priority to the delivery of her own products, it would be an arrogant act, and it would be unacceptable to the aristocrats.

Therefore, they pushed her to say that she would give top priority to the delivery of the Empress' goods.

In fact, it was Matilda, the empress, who wanted to make the presentation more successful than anyone else.

"No one but the empress's personal attendant knew this."

Chris listened to the explanation of the emperor and empress, and was relieved to find that she had been right.

Seeing the look of satisfaction on Chris's face, Matilda smiled a cute smile that was hard to believe that she was the empress and put her at ease.

Chris suddenly remembered something that had been bothering her and asked Matilda a question.

"I understood from what you just told me, but what would you do if I shook my head and said that I would sell the production method and the rights t you ?"

"Of course, I would have bought them for a reasonable price. Of course, if you change your mind, I will buy it from you right now."

Chris felt that the empress, who was smiling brightly with her hands clasped in front of her face, was a dangerous person.

"Well, I'm going to talk with Rainer in the other room now. Matilda still wants to talk to Chris, right?"

"Yes, we would like to discuss the "right of first delivery" that we talked about in the audience chamber."

Chris was sipping his tea and coughed in response to the empress's words.

The emperor and the Reiner laughed at Chris's coughing and left the guest room.

Chris, Emma, Matilda, and the maid of honor were left alone in the parlor.

"Oh, my God, Chris. Don't tell me you have forgotten the words "right of first priority for delivery" that we talked about in the audience hall? Or were you just going to keep your word?"

'No, I have no such intention. I just didn't think that we would be able to finalize the details by the end of the day."

"I'm sorry, but in my position as Empress, I don't have much time to talk with you. Melia, please prepare paper and ink."

The maid named Melia put the paper and ink on the desk at the same time as the empress instructed her to do so.

(How long had she been preparing them?)

By the way, the pretext that the empress said "I don't have time to talk " is half true and half a lie to make a contract with Chris on this occasion.

Chris knows this, but she is still overwhelmed by the Empress' power .

(The first thing that comes to mind is that the Empress is a person you would never want to be business partners with) Chris thought from the bottom of

her heart.

"I almost forgot something important. Chris, when you are alone with me, call me Matilda."

The Empress's words made Chris break out in a cold sweat, and she tried her best to reject it

"I have my own attendants , so I can't call you that way ".

'Oh, don't worry about Melia, she'll be fine. I would like to be friends with youy , so you can call me Mathilda . ...... okay?"

I'll be your friend . ...... Miss Matilda."

Suddenly, Emma, who had been contradicted, was nervous just to be spoken to by the empress, but when she was told to casually call her "Matilda," she turned pale.

And with a sharp look behind her smile, Emma, who had become a snake staring at a frog, was soon swallowed by the serpent.

'Hah ...... I understand. Matilda . It's really the only place we'll be."

'Yes, thank you.'

Matilda turns her bright, carefree, cute smile to Chris and Emma, but to the two of them, she looks like a ridiculous giant snake.

As for the contract that followed, "products will be preferentially prepared," Matilda played with them from beginning to end, and by the time the business meeting was over, Chris had gone completely white and her soul was on the verge of leaving her body .


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