Otome Game Mob Villain

Chapter 65: Chapter 65

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     " I hope you have an answer for me. Rid?"

We were to have a second match, and I came to explain the situation to my father while Asuna was getting ready to begin the second match.

But father's face was very grim, his brow wrinkled, his temples jiggled, and his mouth was tightened.

In other words, he was incredibly angry.

I pretended not to notice his anger and explained.

By the way, I did not mention the fact that Lacis had spoken badly about my mother and Bardia.familly

Father's anger seemed to have turned to disgust, and he sighed and said to me,

'Hah ...... that's why I always tell you to hide your fingernails, you fool ......."

"I don't think I have nails to hide ......."

At these words, Deanna and Rubens, who had been waiting, erupted and laughed, their shoulders rising and lowering.

How rude, you guys.

Then Father looked at me and said in a slightly angry voice.

'It's just a match, let's see what you can do."

"Yes, Father. "

As I expected, my father seemed to be very angry at me for giving him a bad report .

The two guys in the back also seemed to be angry about that and told me to show my true potential.

While I was chatting with my father for a while, I was called from behind.

"Master Rid, may I come in?"

I turned around and saw Fara standing there.

Asuna did not seem to have returned yet, and it was unusual for her to be alone.

I replied softly.

".What's wrong?"

I looked at her, .......


Fara was acting a little suspicious, but I wondered what was going on. 

Then she said to me with a determined look on her face

"I'm sure it won't be a problem if it's you, Master Rid, but can you promise to forgive me for everything Asuna says and does during the match ......!?"


Why is she suddenly saying this?

What she says or does during the game? 

I'm not going to worry about that.

But I can feel the desperate look on Fara's face.

She is looking me up and down with a look of franticness on her face.

And her ears were slightly down.

Well, you're cute. ...... not, I said, nodding to Farah.

'I understand. I don't care at all about what Ms Asuna- says or does. So please tell her to treat me the way she treats you."

Hearing my words, Farah's face went from desperate to a full-blown smile and her ears went up and down.


But I think she is the only dark elf whose ears move.

I asked her a question.

"Princess Fara if you don't mind .…"

"Master Rid, it is bad manners to ask a dark elf woman about the movement of her ears. Please refrain from doing so."

Deanna seemed to have guessed what I was about to ask and interrupted me with a covered cough.

Under normal circumstances, this would be rude, but if she prevented me from breaking my manners in advance, it was a different story.

Besides, upon hearing Deanna's words, Fara was blushing and holding both her ears with her hands and wagging her head.

I felt like I had done something really bad.

I apologized as quickly as I could.

"I'm very sorry, Princess Fara. I apologize for my lack of knowledge."

I bowed my head after saying this to Farah.

Then she said in a flustered voice,

"No, , . It's all right... But more importantly, please raise your head."

At her words, I raised my head.

Fara was still a little timid, but she cleared her throat lightly, smiled, and said,

"I am very happy to hear that. I am very happy to hear that. Asuna has a tendency to get a little rough when she is in a match, or rather when she is holding a sword, so she is easily misunderstood. That is why I wanted to ask for your permission in advance."

"I see. But when I train, my tone is a little rough, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing my words, Farah's smile suddenly became bright.

And her ears were moving up and down.

What should I do? I had a strong desire to touch them.

Then she said to me with a smile.

"Thank you for allowing me to do this, Master Rid. I think Asuna will be pleased. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Fara bowed to me and returned to her seat on the spectator's podium.

I was really curious, so I asked Deanna a question.

"...... Deanna, what is the reason for the dark elf's ears to move?"

'...... You must not try to reveal a woman's secret for any reason whatsoever, ....... Isn't that right? Master Rainer? Rubens?""

I don't know if they knew or not that Deanna had shaken them, but Rubens just shook his head as Deanna's "oh-oh" aura caught him off guard.

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Great, my father was also taken in by Deanna.

And I let out a sigh of resignation and muttered.

'Huh. ...... I get it. I'm not going to ask any more questions about this. Is that okay?"

". Yes, it's wonderful, Master Rid."

Deanna had a big smile on her face at my words.

After all, what was the significance of Fara's ear movement? 

Well, I would know if I had the chance.

And I tried not to think too much about it.

After that, I moved to the middle of the venue and then waited for Asuna to come while doing some preparation exercises.

Soon after, she emerged from the Palace and walked straight to me.

Her steps seemed light.

She stopped as she came in front of me, bowed to me, and smiled happily.

"I am the personal bodyguard of Princess Farah. My name is Asuna Lanmark. Please make your acquaintance from now on."

"I am a son of the Frontier Count Reiner . Rid Bardia, t It is my pleasure to meet you."

I bowed lightly as I greeted her.

As far as I could see, she was the only dark elf wearing a black military uniform like those seen in the early Meiji period.

On top, she wears a black frock coat and a tie around her neck.

Below, she is wearing black trousers and shorts. 

On her head she wears a distinctive square military cap.

Her long pink hair, with a hint of red, was braided back to almost her waist.

She looked at me with her sharp green eyes and then muttered suspiciously.

Hmm?What is it ?"

She looked at me with a sharp green eye and muttered with a dubious look on her face,

"No, I didn't see anyone else dressed like that among the women except for you , so I was just gawking a bit."

She said as if checking her own attire.

She then turned her attention to me and continued.

"I heard from the princess that yoi doesn't mind anything I say or do during the match . Thank you for your understanding ."

"No, you don't need to worry so much. Even I sometimes speak out of turn during training and matches ."

She heard my words and giggled a little,

But you have great talent, maser . Rid. Your match with Prince Lacis was brilliant. To be able to use 'physical enhancement' so well at your age is amazing."

"Oh, ......, did you figured out ?"

Isn't it a foul to have overwhelmed Prince Lacis with physical enhancements? 

I realized that after declaring defeat, I wondered if it was okay. 

I looked a little worried.

Seeing this, she laughed a little and said, "

  "Don't be so worried, only a few people noticed it. Besides, it is not against the rules. It is just that Prince Lacis is still inexperienced and did not notice your physical enhancement. You don't need to worry about it."

"Is that so? I'm glad that's the case."

Her words brought me relief.

I'm tired now of thinking that I'm going to be called foul or fried again.

Then Asuna, who had been smiling earlier, turned serious and said to me.

'...... Your ability. I want you to show me all you got ,...... , including physical enhancement."

I felt that her atmosphere changed completely as she said this.

I was so excited that I could not wait to see what she had in store for me.

I understood that this was a killing spirit.

Compared to my father, it was nothing.

But even so, I did not think she would be willing to kill the son of a frontier count from another country.

Could this be what Fara had meant when she said that she would become "feisty" when he held a sword? 

She seems to have a more "bold" personality than I could have imagined from her appearance earlier.

With a slightly grim look on my face, I held the wooden sword in both hands and held it straight up to her with my eyes fixed squarely on her.

Then she smiled happily.

"It's ...... wonderful. Master Rid has a wonderful stance l ...... ."

For some reason, she was impressed by the way I held up the wooden sword.

The first is a pair of wooden swords at her waist, which she holds in each hand and quietly pulls out.

She holds a Wakizashi wooden sword in her left hand and an ordinary wooden sword in her right hand, and stands quietly without unnecessary effort.

I didn't break my stance and said in dismay.

'..... Isn't two swords too much?

"I am sorry, but I am sorry. The princess has also asked me to take you seriously. ......

Even I could tell that Fara would never say such a thing to her.

At that time, Elias, seeing our condition, said in a high voice

I'm sure you're ready for this. We will now begin the second match .

Asuna was holding two wooden swords and smiling fearlessly, while Rid had a stern expression on his face as he confronted her with a single wooden sword.

The audience gasped at the atmosphere between the two, which did not seem like a preliminary match at all.

Thus began the second match .

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