Our Sweet Days

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

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Naturally, Sun Fang’s five bowls, four plates, one vase and two (attempts at) coffee cups were above average in beauty and functionally. Really, he thought he had outdone himself this time. The seven hours he spent perfecting them was clearly worth it. 

Lining them up on the kitchen counter, Sun Fang restlessly poked at them until they were stood in a nearly symmetrical line. He smiled at the picture they made, happy to note that he could see clear improvement compared to his earlier works. He was getting better—and while that wasn’t what pottery was about to him (it wasn’t like he was going to sell them or anything) it still made him feel a little glow-y inside, to see concrete proof of his improvement.

He sighed then. Pushing up his sunglasses on the top of his head, he drew his finger along the counter. Ivy was standing opposite him, in the middle of cooking dinner for them. And Sun Fang had no idea what he was supposed to do with himself.

He had no idea what to do, period.

On the one hand, he wanted to go out and do something fun; maybe see a movie or get message. On the other hand, he wanted to crawl beneath the covers of his bed and not emerge for thirty years. Both options were equally appealing and so he had a hard time making up his mind.

Groaning loudly, Sun Fang stepped off the stool. He pulled his sunglasses off his head and placed them on the kitchen counter, delicately making sure they sat comfortably. Then he sighed and asked Ivy, ”Let me know when the food’s done?” waiting to get a nod before he left the large kitchen. He moved slowly through the hallway toward the living room.

There, he stopped. He flopped down on the couch face-first and groaned into the pillow. After a bit of time, he spun around and turned on the TV, uncaring what channel it landed on. He stared listlessly at the screen, watching the pretty actors in some ancient earth-style drama. 

Pressing his hand over his eyes, he patted down his pockets until he caught hold of his phone. He dragged it up to his face and squinted at it. ”Call Mianmian,” he told it, muttering more than anything. It wasn’t a video call that his phone initiated; he didn’t feel like seeing how happy Mianmian was right now. But he wanted to speak to him, wanted some help to figure what do from now on.

Shit, he’d actually broken up with Mo Cheng. Up until the words were coming out of his mouth, he’d never truly expected that he would go through with it. It’d just been a stray thought.

”A’Fang?” Mianmian’s voice came from the other side of the call. Sun Fang instantly sat up, brushing his hair out of his face and trying to smile. It didn’t go that well.

”Hi, Mianmian,” Sun Fang said. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the couch’s backrest. 

There was a beat, then, ”Are you alright? You haven’t texted in a while, or posted anything on Stargaze,” Mianmian said. His voice was low, that way it got when he was concerned and trying not to show it. 

Sun Fang gulped. He took a deep breath and said, ”We broke up. I broke up with Mo Cheng.”

”Ah…” Mianmian smacked his lips. ”I’m sorry, A’Fang. I know you liked him.”

Sun Fang mumbled, ”Yeah, I did.”

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Silence. Sun Fang opened his eyes and stared at the TV still on. It was some kind of criminal drama, probably. The actors were in a car chase right now, and it was likely pretty well directed. It didn’t make him dizzy trying to keep track of where everyone was. But maybe that was just because he wasn’t paying attention.

”Do you need me to come visit?” Mianmian asked after awhile. His voice was at his normal volume now, and it didn’t really sound like a question. 

Sun Fang snorted, ”You’ve just had a baby.”

”It’s been almost two weeks,” Mianmian said. Sun Fang rolled his eyes, but Mianmian kept talking, ”I’ll talk to Deng Xi, see if I can’t come over in a week or two. I’m healing really well, you know. And Casey is a darling, Xiao Xi can easily look after her without me.”

Sun Fang couldn’t think of anything to say to that. He didn’t have a baby; he knew nothing about what it was like. And Mianmian had always been very in tune with his body, Sun Fang wasn’t going to argue about his health with him. But… ”Is it really okay? To be away from Casey? With the travel time, it’ll be at least like two weeks.”

”It’s fine,” Mianmian said, his voice sharp. ”You’re sad; I’m not going to leave you alone.”

”Ivy is here with me.”

”I have full confidence in Ivy’s ability to cheer you up,” Mianmian took a breath and continued, ”That doesn’t mean I won’t come. You can never be too cheered up, and you deserve to be happy. You should be happy. So I’ll visit and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Sun Fang blinked, ignoring the irritation in the corner of his eyes. ”How do you know you make me happy?”

”I know you, Sun Fang. I’ve known you since we were eighteen years old. And I think I’ve gotten to know you again, now. You’re sad, aren’t you?” 

”Yeah, probably.”

”Then I’ll come see you,” Mianmian said. Easily. No hesitation in his voice, just steadfast conviction. Sun Fang dragged in a rough breath, staring at the TV screen without seeing it. He rubbed a hand over his eyes and nodded, then remembered that Mianmian couldn’t see him.

”Thank you,” he said. He forced down another breath and smiled, the rest of the conversation easy. When Ivy called him to dinner, Sun Fang’s listlessness was a thing of the past, and he grinned at his amazing butler over an equally amazing dinner.

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