Our Sweet Days

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

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Sun Fang went to the pottery class with his hair braided and clasped together at the nape of his neck, his sunglasses studded with rubies and a large, white beach hat sitting squarely on his head. He was wearing a gorgeous pantsuit with loose, breathy fabric that didn’t suffocate him, a dark blue color with a gold belt over his waist. Did the rubies on the sunglasses clash horribly with the pantsuit? Yes. Did he care? No.

Half of the usual people were attending the class this time. Tomorrow was a glorious day, after all, and some people had a habit to stay home the day before to prepare. Sun Fang wasn’t one of those people.

”Settle down, settle down,” the pottery class teacher said when he entered the classroom. They had gotten a new teacher again; apparently, the last one had been embezzling money from the pottery organization holding the class. Sun Fang genuinely hadn’t seen that coming.

He sat down next to an older woman, who’s hair was entirely grey and who had far more wrinkles than he was used to seeing. Even on old people. She smiled at him, ”You missed two weeks’ classes?” she said, smiling kindly.

”I was dealing with a broken heart,” Sun Fang answered. He grinned at her, beaming wide. His heart almost tripped in his chest, every time he acknowledged that that was what it actually was. He didn’t understand; they’d broken up so long ago. They’d spent decades apart. Sun Fang had been a mess when the breakup first occurred, moping for weeks, but he’d eventually gotten better. He’d thought that that meant he’d moved on somewhat. 

But. Well, maybe he’d fallen in love again. Maybe that was the issue. Maybe he had moved on, maybe he had managed to bury that old love, maybe he’d genuinely been happy. And maybe then he’d met Mianmian again and… 

Hah, it was really a bad joke.

The old woman patted him softly on the shoulder, her eyes brimming with kindness and her smile gentle. ”I’m sure a wonderful boy like you will find love again?”

”You think so?” Sun Fang pitifully pouted, allowing his innate cuteness to emerge. He usually kept it in check so as to not overwhelm people, but this old woman looked like she’d seen most things; she could probably handle it. But just for safety, he didn’t get too close to her. He didn’t want to accidentally do more damage than intended.

”I’m sure,” she nodded, smiling brightly at him. Her eyes twinkling, she added, ”Do you know I have an absolutely precious great-grandson? He’s right around your age!”

Sun Fang giggled, coughing into his hand. ”Thank you, love, but I’m afraid my heart needs more time to heal.”

”A shame,” she sighed, throwing her head back and pouting. ”I was really hoping for that young boy to settle down already. It’s custom for an alpha to marry in their twenties, isn’t it? He should have found somebody to court already!”

”Ahhh…” Sun Fang barely managed to bite back his smile. ”I’m almost fifty.”

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Her eyes widened, her theatrical drama giving way to real surprise. ”Really?” she asked, frowning at him, ”You don’t look a day over thirty. Thirty-five at most.”

”Now you’re just being kind,” Sun Fang murmured, holding a hand to his cheek and blushing slightly. His face twisted without his permission, betrayed his delight at being complimented. He turned away the tiniest bit, trying not to let his delight cross the point of rudeness. One was supposed to be humble, after all, when given compliments.

The old woman—he really should as for her name—laughed, a loud, barking sound that made their new teacher frown heavily at them. The man (like most people, Sun Fang included) had that ageless look that meant he was between thirty and eighty, an extended period where one hardly visibly aged at all. Sun Fang looked particularly nice for it, still appearing to be in his early thirties, as the old lady had noticed. This man did as well, but it was no indication of his age.

”If we are quite ready…” the teacher frowned at the class at all. The others caught chit-chatting straightened up, and the proper class began.

Sun Fang made two vases this class, one taller than the other. He painted them carefully; one white and one black. Then he painted flowers in the opposite colors on them, smiling as made sure they matched well.

The old lady praised him, and Sun Fang glowed. 

When class ended, Sun Fang pranced out with his head held high and his hands occupied with holding two vases. Luckily, the building used automatic doors (front-door only, unfortunately, but that was the only door that mattered) and so he didn’t have to do a complicated dance in order to open it. Sun Fang instead walked out with his head held even higher, a proud look on his face as he met up with Ivy.

Ivy’s eyes glanced over the vases. ”They are beautiful as always, Fang’er.”

Sun Fang narrowed his eyes. ”I know,” he said, glancing at them. He couldn’t stop looking at them. He really did regret missing those two weeks now; he could have had so many more gorgeous vases. There could have been so much beauty on his tables. Ahh, hindsight really was twenty-twenty.

”The roses look fantastic,” Ivy continued to praise him.

Sun Fang pursed his lips, but didn’t break Ivy’s bubble. He wasn’t going to be that mean and well, they could be roses. And gentians weren’t that great, anyway.

”Lead the way,” he smiled at Ivy, changing his grip on the vase about to slip out of his hands, and they began to walk the long distance to the car. A new carpark had recently been built around hair, a total of fourteen floors just for cars to park. Sometimes, Sun Fang even wondered if he should move to a place where things like busses were more popular. This really could be a little ridiculous. 

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